Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 33, Number 30, July 28, 2006 the title of my August 1982 document Operation Jua´rez. people began reading the leaflet aloud to clusters of people That Operation Jua´rez report reflects the essentials of my around them, for the benefit of the elderly and the illiterate. continuing policy for the Americas today.” The LYM carried a giant banner, measuring some 7 meters by 1.5 meters, which summarized their message. It Jua´rez, 2006 was illustrated by the symbol of Caldero´n’s PAN party, with Addressing the 1.5 million Mexicans who overflowed a big swastika in the middle, and read: “The Dog: Felipe Mexico City’sZo´calo on July 16, Lo´pez Obrador delivered a Caldero´n. Its Owners: The Fascist Bankers. The Solution: speech which escalated the fight for a “vote by vote, polling LaRouche’s New Bretton Woods.” station by polling station” recount of the Presidential elec- tions, even as the Federal Electoral Tribunal is considering the massive documentation of fraud which his campaign has presented. The Alliance Between Lo´pez Obrador outlined the movement’s next three steps: 1. Increase the encampments outside the country’s 300 electoral offices where the ballots are stored, not only to en- Lincoln and Jua´rez sure that the ballots are not further tampered with, but as by David Ramonet and Rube´n Cota Meza centers for organizing the population; 2. Carry out “peaceful civil resistance,” whose details will be decided by a citizens’ committee; and It would appear that there is no option but to continue 3) Return to the Zo´calo on July 30—this time with twice the struggle with what we have, with whatever we can, the number of participants. and as far as we can. Forward then! No one should Lo´pez Obrador concluded his remarks, as he had many lose heart. speeches during the campaign, with a promise which reso- —Benito Jua´rez, April 1865 nated historically, for friend and foe alike: “As President Ju- a´rez used to say, we are going to save Mexico, however possi- When Benito Jua´rez was sworn in as President of Mexico ble, with whatever possible, and as far as possible.” in July 1861, remnants of the disbanded army of the ultramon- Lo´pez Obrador faces a number of serious challenges in tane reaction—which, under the slogan of “religion and privi- order to deliver on that pledge. For example, there are those leges” had launched the war against the Federal Constitution within his own camp who, like some of Jua´rez’s allies, want of 1857—were still active. When the President announced a to throw in the towel and strike a corrupt deal with Caldero´n few months later that his government would suspend payment and his Synarchist masters. Also, in order to fight through to on the foreign debt, primarily to British, French, and Spanish victory, Lo´pez Obrador is going to have to broaden the basis financiers, for the purpose of reorganizing finances and begin- on which he is now mobilizing millions of Mexicans, from the ning the rebuilding of the country following four decades limited issues of democracy and vote fraud, to the underlying of intermittent wars, the representatives of the ultramontane economic policy questions which he himself raised on occa- reaction in Europe offered the Mexican crown to Maximilian sion during the Presidential campaign. For example, on June of Habsburg. 1, he announced that, should he win the July 2 elections, he intended to renegotiate Mexico’s debt as President Ne´stor Foreign Invasion Kirchner did for Argentina. The next year, the navies of France, England, and Spain The LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) in Mexico has arrived in Mexico to try to collect those debts. The French played a decisive role in bringing the underlying issues first navy also came with the specific mission of overthrowing the posed by LaRouche in Operation Jua´rez in 1982, into the constitutional government to pave the way for Maximilian’s battle in Mexico today. For example, at the 1.5-million-person arrival. Napoleon III offered financing to Maximilian for the rally on July 16, a 35-40 person contingent of LaRouche orga- adventure, with the promise of receiving the mines of Sonora nizers distributed 35,000 leaflets with LaRouche’s July 10 and Baja California, among other things, in payment for ser- statement on Mexico (see last week’s EIR), and they briefed vices rendered. people that LaRouche is fighting around the world to defeat On May 5, 1862, the French imperial army, led by General the enemies of Mexico: the same bankers who are also behind Laurencez, and its native ultramontane allies, launched their the attacks in India, and the escalation to war in the Middle first assault on the Jua´rez government, and were defeated East. at Puebla. When one person would take a leaflet, frequently every- The following year, with reinforcements and under a new one around them would demand thier own—“they were like commander, General Forey, the French seized the city of piranhas!” one LYM organizer laughed. In several cases, Puebla after a two-month siege. On May 31, 1863, with the 48 International EIR July 28, 2006 © 2006 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. imperial army knocking at the doors of the capital, President over the previous 40 years, had still kept the peonage sys- Jua´rez led the closing ceremony at the National Congress, tem intact. and then headed to the National Palace, where he watched the From Monterrey, Jua´rez returned to Saltillo in mid-1864, lowering of the Mexican flag over the Zo´calo plaza, which and then went further north, toward Durango, with the impe- was filled with people in anticipation of his farewell as Presi- rial forces always nipping at his heels, and with some of his dent. After accepting the flag and singing the national anthem tired collaborators seeking a truce. In September, he headed along with the crowd, he shouted, “Viva Mexico!” and thus to Chihuahua, arriving in October. began his famous black coach journey across the country, to The imperial army routed the republican armies, forcing safeguard the republic. them to resort to guerrilla warfare, with the famed chinacos On June 7, 1863, the vanguard of the imperialist forces (an irregular peasant army, known for its red bandana “uni- entered the Mexican capital, and on June 10, the army under form”) attacking the imperial army by night and carrying the command of Forey and his ultramontane allies, who had out their regular chores during the day. The imperial forces pulled together their scattered forces, followed. The French could take the cities, but couldn’t keep them, and as soon established a regency to rule the country in the name of the as they left, the chinacos took them back again. In effect, Emperor. It was made up of Generals Juan Almonte and Mari- the imperial army only occupied the soil on which it stood. ano Salas, as well as Archbishop Pelagio Antonio de La- While Jua´rez was setting up in Chihuahua, Maximilian’s bastida y Da´valos. An Assembly of Notables was established, advisors drafted a decree under the assumption that Jua´rez’s encompassing some 215 would-be aristocrats, to proclaim the Presidential term would end on Nov. 20, 1865, and therefore Mexican empire. also end the raison d’eˆtre of resistance. That didn’t trouble Jua´rez installed his government in San Luis Potos´ı, and Jua´rez at all; however, from among his own ranks, Vice despite the circumstances, his political adversaries continued President Gonza´lez Ortega emerged, now with the support to criticize him for administrative minutiae. In the midst of of Jua´rez’s “friends” such as Guillermo Prieto, to insist that this, he was also responsible for reforging the republic armies, the President step down. which had fallen to the technical superiority of the occupying President Jua´rez took stronger measures. He issued two forces. After one year, he abandoned the city and moved to decrees. One was to extend the Presidential term until it Saltillo, Coahuila, where he arrived on Jan. 9, 1864. were possible to hold elections, and the other to order the arrest of Gonza´lez Ortega should he return from the United Jua´rez Fights Back States, where he had gone for medical reasons. The military reverses suffered were devastating, and some liberals, such as his former minister Manuel Doblado Victory for Lincoln—and Jua´rez and Gen. Gonza´lez Ortega, governor of Zacatecas, pressured By April 1865, however, the victory of Lincoln’s forces him to abandon the Presidency and to cede it to someone over the pro-slavery Confederacy, upon which the Mexican more “reasonable,” who could reach an understanding with ultramontane forces and Emperor Napoleon III had based the occupation army. Jua´rez responded resolutely that he their hopes, was secure. From the beginning of Lincoln’s had not the slightest intention of abandoning the fight, much Presidency, Mat´ıas Romero had remained in Washington as less leaving the leadership to weaklings who believed that the representative of Jua´rez’s government. From there, he had one could negotiate with globalization, and somehow come acted as a permanent intermediary between Lincoln and out ahead. Jua´rez. From Saltillo, Jua´rez moved to Monterrey, Nuevo Leo´n, At this point, Jua´rez wrote the following to his family, but soon clashed with Gov. Santiago Vidaurri, against whom which was transcribed by Ralph Roeder in his two-volume he had to use force; ultimately, Vidaurri went over to the biography, Jua´rez and His Mexico: imperial side and ended up in front of a firing squad.
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