Name (TO List) Component 1')(6) Odom, Maria CISOMB Veitch, Alexandra OLA Ramanathan, Sue OLA Neffenger, Pete TSA Kerlikowske, Gil CBP Saldana, Sarah ICE Clancy, Joseph usss Rodriguez, Leon USCIS Gowadia, Huban DNDO Deyo, Russ MGMT Brinsfield, Kathy OHA Chavez, Rich OPS Bersin, Alan PLCY/OIA Bradsher, Tanya OPA Bunnell, Stevan E OGC Cantor, Jonathan PRIV Mack, Megan CRCL McNamara, Phil IGA Neuman, Karen PRIV Patrick, Connie FLETC Fugate, Craig FEMA Zukunft, Paul F ADM USCG Brothers, Reginald S&T Taylor, Francis X l&A Spaulding, Suzanne NPPS/OUS Name (CC list) Component Silvers, Robert DSEC Rezmovic, Jeffrey DSEC Singleton, Kathy L OCFO Simpkins, Lauren OCFO Carey, Holly OCFO DHS-001-425-006890 Page 1 of 4 Name Component Email Christian Marrone HQ 1')(6) Paul Rosen HQ Rob Silvers HQ Leonard Joseph ICE Kim O'Connor ESEC Michael Coen FEMA Mary Peterson l&A Alaina Clark IGA Vince Micone MGMT David Hess NPPA Meghan Ludtke OGC Terri Cheshire OHA Rvan Ramsev OLA Timothv Quinn CBP Ste oh en Schorr CBP Tom McDaniels TSA Alan Metzler TSA Marv Krui;,er DNDO Tammv Howard OPA Todd Heinz OPS Hollv Canevari PLCY Jordan Gottfried PRIV Christina Murata S&T CAPT Michael Ryan USCG Juliet Choi USCIS Britton Yee usss David Gersten CVE Gary Merson CISOMB Pamela Jastal FLETC George Kovatch FLETC James Dinneen PSO Sarah Mon1 enthau HSAC-IGA Admiral Joanna Nunan MIL Veronica Venture CRCL DHS-001-425-006891 Page 2 of 4 !Name I component I Email DHS-001-425-006892 Page 3 of 4 !Name I component I Email DHS-001-425-006893 Page 4 of 4 Penland Marineka ~0)(6) F rom,"1,)( ) 6 1 "Guiler Hadlev <1rl ICb>C6> I TOl(b)(6) I ''Tarpley, Kyle </0 "Rezmovic, Jeffrey cc.fbk61 • "Hopkins, Brian </Q p,)(6) I Subject: Boston CVE Panel Date: 2014/04/10 10:48:03 Type: Note.EnterpriseVault.Shortcut Here is a bit more info if you want to pass along: Here is the link to the event S2 will be joining Monaco: https: //forum. iop. ha rvard. ed u/ content/ countering-violent-extremism­ a nd-power-com mun ity Speech title: Countering Violent Extremism and the Power of Community Themes: In response to the Boston marathon attack and other incidents of radicalized violence, we're working to build a comprehensive network of tools to more effectively address the evolving nature of threats to the homeland. Key is the recognition that local communities are best positioned to intervene and prevent violence, well before an individual commits a terrorist act. Marineka Penland Office of the Deputy Secretary Department of Homeland Security Phone: IL"_>C_6J-----~ DHS-001-425-006894 Page 1 of 2 1,)'6) • Penland, Marineka ' Sender ,_,,~, "Guiler Had I=,< ,r1 ~1,)(6) I ~1,)(6) I " Recipient <'"' t1')(6) I "Rezmovic, Jeffrey ,1-,\(~\ "Hookins Brian< ~1,)(6) I Sent Date: 2014/04/10 10:48:03 DHS-001-425-006895 Page 2 of 2 Rezmovic, Jeffrey < (b)(6) F rom·.,.---~-~~-~ 1,)(6) To: "d':' Vallance, Brian (b),6) Subject: brian/jeff catchup mtg Date: 2011/11/0116:04:00 Start Date: 2011/11/02 14:30:00 End Date: 2011/11/02 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Request Location: brian's office Attendees: de Vallance, Brian When: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 2:30 PM-3:00 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: brian's office Note: The GMT offset above does not reflect daylight saving time adjustments. Some issues that I wanted to discuss/make sure I am staying on top of for you: 1) Ross Ashley mtg 2) PSD 10 3) Violence in Northern Mexico article 4) Interpol mtg 5) Canned/Pre-approved Talking Points 6) SCG 7) CQ Subscription 8) WH CVE Update . 1")(6) Senderh~~6zlmov1c, Jefr~~ip~ R . t "de Vallance, Brian ec1p1en :[OJ(6} pi~.-----------~ Sent Date: 2011/11/01 lB:04:42 Delivered Date: 2011/11/0116:04:00 DHS-001-425-006896 Page 1 of 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Homeland Security Advisory Council Countering Violent Extremism Subcommittee Meeting April 14, 2016 Overview: • You will meet with the Homeland Security Advisory Council's (HSAC) Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Subcommittee. • The Subcommittee is chaired by Farah Pandith, Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and Senior Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and Adnan Kifayat, Senior Resident Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States. • During the meeting, the Subcommittee will hear from various subject matter experts and discuss how the Department can best collaborate with technology and social media companies, philanthropic organizations, and education and mental health sectors to help counter violent extremism. • Your participation is as follows: o 11 :30 a.m.: You will arrive during the meeting and greet the Subcommittee members. o 11 :35 a.m.: You will receive a progress report from the co-chairs. o 11 :45 a.m.: You will make remarks and provide feedback to the group. o 12:00 p.m.: You will depart. Discussion Points: • You will have thirty minutes to meet with the CVE Subcommittee, hear about the progress they have made to date, and receive an overview of the final report they will issue in June 2016. • The Subcommittee is focused on six key areas regarding CVE efforts: o Communications and Messaging o Research and Analysis o Engaging with Technology and Social Media Companies o Funding and Resourcing Efforts o Incorporating the Education and Mental Health Sectors o Pop Culture and Millennials • You should provide candid feedback and guidance to the group, specifically on their approach and overall direction of the report. The meeting is not open to the public, allowing you to speak freely and to fully leverage the expertise in the room. Background: • On January 21. 2016, the CVE Subcommittee co-chairs briefed you during the HSAC meeting at the Wilson Center. 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DHS-001-425-006897 Page 1 of 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY • The CVE Subcommittee was stood up in December 2015 to act as an incubator of ideas for the Office for Community Partnerships, and to leverage outside expertise and new thinking to allow the Department to go beyond how it has conventionally framed and envisioned C'VE efforts. • The CVE Subcommittee is comprised of members of the HSAC as well as a number of selected subject matter experts and key thought leaders from private industry, academia, and non-governmental organizations. Participants: Secretary Johnson George Selim, Director, Office for Community Partnerships Sarah Morgcnthau, Executive Director, Homeland Security Advisory Council Homeland Security Advisory Council CVE Subcommittee Members Attachments: A. Meeting Agenda B. CVE Subcommittee Membership List C. Biographies D. CVE Subcommittee Tasking Memo E. CVE Subcommittee Federal Register Notice Staff Responsible for Briefing Memo; Sarah Morgcnthau, Executive Director, Homeland Security Advisory Council, OPELb_JC_6J ______~ OGC Reviewer: Attorney in Component Counsel or HQ, Title, Phone Number. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DHS-001-425-006898 Page 2 of 2 COUNTERING VIOLENT EXTREMISM SUBCOMMITTEE DRAFT AGENDA DHSHQ 3801 Nebraska Ave NW DC Thursday, April 14th, 2016- 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 6 9:00-10:00 a.m. Classified Intelligence Briefing (Building r)( ) I 10:10 a.m. Welcome and Introductions (Building 1, Room 01-044) Sarah E. Morgenthau Executive Director, Homeland Security Advi~oiy Council 10: 15-11 :30 a.m. Focus Arca Progress Reports by Subcommittee Members Ali Soufan (Communicatiorn/Me~saging) Seamus Hughe~ (Funding and Re~ourcing) Joel Meyer (Engaging \Vith Tech and Social Media Companies) Paul Goldenberg (Incorporating the Education and Mental Health Sectors) Laila Alawa (Pop Culture/Millennial~) 11 :30-12:00 p.m. Meeting with Secretary Johnson 12:00-1:00 p.m. \Yorking Lunch (EDF Private Dining Room) Office for Community Partnen,hips and CVE Task Force Overview George Selim, Director, Office for Community Partnerships I :00 -2:00 p.m. Panel on Digital Marketing, Startups and Early Stage Investing [0)(6) 2:00-2:30 p.m. Tentative Call ·with Snapchat Representative TBD 2:30-3:00 p.m. Tentative S&T Briefing on CVE Metrics and Assessments TBD 3 :00-4:00 p.m. Continued Focus Arca Read Outs and Discussion on Next Steps Farah Pandith, Chair, CVE Subcommittee Adnan Kifayat, Chair, CVE Subcommittee 4:00p.m. Meeting Adjourns DHS-001-425-006899 Page 1 of 1 Farah Pandith (Co-Chair) Adjunct Senior Felio"', Council on Foreign Relations Farah Pandith currently leads numerous efforts designed to counter extremism through ne\v organizations, programs, and initiatives. Ms. Pandith was appointed the first-ever Department of State Special Representative to Muslim Communities in June 2009. From 2004 to 2007, she was the Director for Middle East Initiatives at the National Security Council (NSC). Prior to the NSC, Ms. Pandith was Chief of Staff at the Bureau for Asia and the Near East for the U.S. Agency for International Development. Ms. Pandith is currently an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, and a member of the Leadership Council of Women and Girls Lead. She also serves on the Board of Overseers at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and on the Smith College President's Council. DHS-001-425-006900 Page1of15 Adnan Kifayat (Co-Chair) Senior Resident Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States Adnan Kifayat is a senior resident fellow at The Gennan Marshall Fund (GMF), where he advises the organization on its efforts to strengthen leadership development and Next Generation strategies in the transatlantic region and its joint work in programming the OCP Policy Center Atlantic Fellowship in Europe, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa.
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