The Presidency Annual Report 2008/2009

The Presidency Annual Report 2008/2009

THE PRESIDENCY ANNUAL REPORT 2008 - 2009 Acknowledgements All photographs provided by Government Communication and Information System - Elmond Jiyane and Department of International Relations and Co-operation - Jacoline Prinsloo ,M[QOVIVL4IaW]\Ja8ZWÅ\+ZMI\Q^M ISBN: 978-0-9584786-5-6 RP: 175/2009 Hope and Resilience <PMQUIOMWN \PMXZW\MIQ[][ML\WQTT][\ZI\M\PQ[aMIZ¼[IVV]ITZMXWZ\<PMXZW\MIQ[I[]Z^Q^WZÆW_MZWVM\PI\PI[\PZQ^MLNWZ [WUMUQTTQWVaMIZ[QVWN\MVPIZ[PKWVLQ\QWV[<PMOQIV\WZSQVOXZW\MIQ[;W]\P)NZQKI¼[VI\QWVITÆW_MZ <PMXZW\MILMZQ^M[Q\[JMI]\aIVLOZIKMNZWUQ\[[\MILa[\ITSIVL[\ZWVOZILQIV\ÆW_MZ8ZW\MI[IZM[WKQITXTIV\[OZW_QVOQV KTW[MXZW`QUQ\a\WWVMIVW\PMZIVLNWZUQVOKWUU]VQ\QM["QVLQ^QL]ITXTIV\[XZW\MK\WVMIVW\PMZNZWUXZM^IQTQVO_QVL[KZMI\QVO a dense cover that keeps the soil cool and reduces the rate of evaporation. <PQ[]VQY]MIVL[\ZQSQVOTaJMI]\QN]TÆW_MZQ[IVQUXWZ\IV\[aUJWTWN W]ZVI\QWVITPMZQ\IOM1\Q[IT[W[aVWVaUW][_Q\P\PM theme of this annual report: hope and resilience. <PMXZW\MIQ[PIZLaIVLILIX\IJTM1\M^WSM[I[MV[MWN XZQLMIVLMVL]ZIVKMQVLQNÅK]T\\QUM[4QSM\PMXZW\MI;W]\P)NZQKI¼[ LMUWKZIKaIVLQ\[XMWXTM[\ZQ^MILIX\IVL[]Z^Q^M ,]ZQVO !;W]\P)NZQKINIKMLI[\MZV\M[\I[\PMOTWJITÅVIVKQIT[a[\MUKWV^]T[MLIVLU]KPWN \PM_WZTL_MV\QV\W ZMKM[[QWV1\Q[\PMZMNWZMIXXZWXZQI\M\PI\_M][MIVI\QWVIT[aUJWT_Q\PY]ITQ\QM[\PI\ZMÆMK\\PMVI\QWV¼[KW]ZIOMIVL\MVIKQ\a 1VILLQ\QWVL]ZQVO\PMZMXWZ\QVOXMZQWLOW^MZVUMV\[]KKM[[N]TTaKIZZQML\PMQVQ\QI\Q^M\W]VQNaITTWN W]ZVI\QWVIT[XWZ\QVO teams under the emblem of the protea. Submission of the Annual Report to the Executive Authority To the President of the Republic of South Africa, Mr. Jacob Zuma, I have the honour to submit to you, in terms of the Public Finance Management Act (1999) the annual report of The Presidency for the period 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009. Trevor Fowler +PQMN7XMZI\QWV[7NÅKMZIVL)KKW]V\QVO7NÅKMZ PREAMBLE to the CONSTITUTION ?M\PMXMWXTMWN ;W]\P)NZQKI Recognise the injustices of our past; 0WVW]Z\PW[M_PW[]NNMZMLNWZR][\QKMIVLNZMMLWUQVW]ZTIVL# :M[XMK\\PW[M_PWPI^M_WZSML\WJ]QTLIVLLM^MTWXW]ZKW]V\Za#IVL *MTQM^M\PI\;W]\P)NZQKIJMTWVO[\WITT_PWTQ^MQVQ\]VQ\MLQVW]ZLQ^MZ[Q\a ?M\PMZMNWZM\PZW]OPW]ZNZMMTaMTMK\MLZMXZM[MV\I\Q^M[ILWX\\PQ[+WV[\Q\]\QWVI[ \PM[]XZMUMTI_WN \PM:MX]JTQK[WI[\W Heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic ^IT]M[[WKQITR][\QKMIVLN]VLIUMV\ITP]UIVZQOP\[# 4Ia\PMNW]VLI\QWV[NWZILMUWKZI\QKIVLWXMV[WKQM\aQV_PQKPOW^MZVUMV\Q[ JI[MLWV\PM_QTTWN \PMXMWXTMIVLM^MZaKQ\QbMVQ[MY]ITTaXZW\MK\MLJaTI_# 1UXZW^M\PMY]ITQ\aWN TQNMWN ITTKQ\QbMV[IVLNZMM\PMXW\MV\QITWN MIKPXMZ[WV# and Build a united and democratic South Africa able to take its rightful place as a sovereign state in the family of nations. May God protect our people. Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika. Morena boloka setjhaba sa heso. God seën Suid-Afrika. God bless South Africa. 5]LbQU]NPI\]\[PMLbI)N]ZQSI0W[QSI\MSQ[I)NZQSI Kgalema Motlanthe President of the Republic of South Africa VISION and MISSION VALUES and PRINCIPLES OUR VISION Excellence in governance for a better life for all OUR MISSION 4MILMZ[PQXUIVIOMUMV\IVLLM^MTWXUMV\WN \PM[\ZI\MOQKIOMVLIWN OW^MZVUMV\ OUR VALUES The Presidency’s values are based on the Constitution and aligned to the principles of Batho Pele (People First). The Constitution sets out the need for South Africa’s public administration to be governed by: A high standard of professional ethics -NÅKQMV\MKWVWUQKIVLMNNMK\Q^M][MWN ZM[W]ZKM[ Development-orientated public administration 1UXIZ\QITNIQZIVLMY]Q\IJTMXZW^Q[QWVWN [MZ^QKM[ Responsiveness to people’s needs and public participation in policy-making Accountability <ZIV[XIZMVKaIVLXZW^Q[QWVWN \QUMTaIKKM[[QJTMIVLIKK]ZI\MQVNWZUI\QWV Human-resource management that maximises human potential :MXZM[MV\I\Q^MVM[[JI[MLWVIJQTQ\aWJRMK\Q^Q\aNIQZVM[[IVL\PMVMML\WZMLZM[[ the imbalances of the past. Batho Pele is founded on the principles of: Consultation Setting service standards Increasing access Ensuring courtesy Providing information Openness and transparency Redress Value for money. Baleka Mbete Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa Organogram GENERAL MANAGER PRIVATE OFFICE: PRIVATE OFFICE: PRESIDENT STRATEGY & OPERATIONS DEPUTY PRESIDENT Vacant Mr Ken Terry Vacant LEGAL & EXECUTIVE SERVICES MINISTERIAL SERVICES PERSONAL SUPPORT Adv Sibongile Sigodi 5Z5QSM4W]_ Ms Doreen Kosi CORPORATE SERVICES PERSONAL SUPPORT SPECIAL PROJECTS 5[6IVKa;P_ITI Ms Mandisa Mabaso 5Z*][IVQ6OKI_MVQ PROTOCOL SPOUSAL SUPPORT 5[5XPW6OWbQ Ms Ntsiki Sisulu-Singapi NEPAD SECRETARIAT GOVERNANCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SECRETARIAT ,Z-L_IZL5ITWSI LEGEND NEPAD SECRETARIAT PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT BRANCHES AND ADMINISTRATION MR G Mgidlana OFFICE MANAGER: CHIEF DIRECTORATES OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL & CO-ORDINATOR STRATEGY 5[@WTQ[_I2WbIVI DIRECTORATES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Ms Bahumi Matebesi INTERNAL AUDIT ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTING LINE Ms Elna Erasmus INTERNAL SECURITY Mr Elias Mahlangu FUNCTIONAL REPORTING LINE OFFICE COORDINATOR OPERATIONS 5[3PIVaI=UTI_ DIRECTOR GENERAL IN THE PRESIDENCY AND SECRETARY TO CABINET Rev. Frank Chikane CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER OF THE HEAD: POLICY COORDINATION & PRESIDENCY ADVISORY SERVICES 5Z<ZM^WZ.W_TMZ 5Z2WMT6M\[PQ\MVbPM DEPUTY HEAD: POLICY COMMUNICATION & CABINET OFFICE COORDINATION & ADVISORY INFORMATION ANALYSIS Dr Anne Letsebe SERVICES Mr Thabo Masebe Dr Alan Hirsch JUSTICE CRIME PREVENTION CABINET SECRETARIAT SPOKESPERSON TO THE PRESIDENT & SECURITY Mr William Smith Vacant Vacant SPOKESPERSON TO SOCIAL SECTOR CABINET OPERATIONS THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT Dr Vusi Gumede 5Z;Qb_M;QLTWaQ 5Z,MVbMT<IaTWZ COMMUNICATION RESEARCH ECONOMIC SECTOR SERVICES Ms Josephilda Nhlapo-Hlope Vacant INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS & TRADE Mr Daniel Rathebe GOVERNANCE & ADMINISTRATION Vacant PLANNING Mr Hassen Mohamed GOVERNMENT WIDE MONITORING & EVALUATION Ms Ronette Engela FOSAD SECRETARIAT Mr Michael Cindi PROGRAMMES 5[5JIVOQ[MVQ,bQ^PIVQ OFFICE ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD Vacant OFFICE ON THE STATUS OF DISABLED PERSONS Mr Benny Palime OFFICE ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN Ms Ranji Reddy CONTENTSstrategy Annual Report 2008 | 2009 SECTION page SUBMISSION OF THE ANNUAL REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY PREAMBLE TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA (1996) VISION AND MISSION ORGANOGRAM FOREWORD: DIRECTOR GENERAL 2 PREFACE: CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER 4 SECTION A: THE STRATEGIC AGENDA OF GOVERNMENT 6 1. PROMOTING ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 8 Macroeconomic issues 9 Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative 11 Infrastructure programme 11 Sector investment strategies 12 Second economy interventions 13 Sustainable development 13 2. IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE 14 Eradicating poverty 14 Providing universal access to basic services 14 Improving social security 15 Enhancing the quality of education 16 Growing the skills base 16 Providing housing and human settlemen 17 Fast-tracking land reform and restitution 18 1UXZW^QVO\PMPMIT\PXZWÅTMWN \PMVI\QWV 18 Reducing vulnerability 19 3. IMPROVING GOVERNANCE AND CAPACITY 20 Monitoring and evaluation 22 Fighting corruption 22 Elections 23 Building safer communities 23 Promoting social cohesion, national identity and common values 23 Manto Tshabalala Msimang Minister in The Presidency SECTION page 4. A BETTER AFRICA AND A BETTER WORLD 26 CONCLUSION 28 SECTION B: THE WORK OF THE PRESIDENCY 30 1. STRATEGIC ACHIEVEMENTS 32 The Presidency’s strategic objectives 32 Strengthening strategic management and leadership capability 33 Improving management access and sharing of information 35 Coordination, monitoring and evaluation for accelerated service delivery 35 Fostering nation-building and social cohesion 36 Promoting integrated governance for accelerated service delivery 38 Initiatives for building a better Africa and a better world 39 Promoting accelerated and shared economic growth 41 2. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF PRESIDENCY BRANCHES 44 Strategy and Operations 44 8ZQ^I\M7NÅKMWN \PM8ZM[QLMV\ 45 8ZQ^I\M7NÅKMWN \PM,MX]\a8ZM[QLMV\ 46 Communications 46 +IJQVM\7NÅKM 46 Policy Coordination and Advisory Services 47 3. TABLES 48 SECTION C: PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 64 31 MARCH 2009 SECTION D: HUMAN RESOURCES OVERSIGHT 92 SECTION E: ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 114 1 foreword director general: NOV 1996 - OCT 2008 secretary to cabinet: APR 1999 -APRIL 2009 The period covered by this annual report marked the end of the 2004-2009 electoral mandate. During the State of the Nation Address in January 2008, then-President Thabo Mbeki outlined a series of initiatives to step up the pace of delivery and demonstrate a greater sense of urgency to achieve government’s goals, including the “apex” priorities further to boost growth and eradicate poverty. These initiatives formed a major part of government’s work during 2008/09. <PMXI[\Å^MaMIZ[_MZMKPIZIK\MZQ[MLUIQVTaJa[][\IQVMLMKWVWUQKM`XIV[QWVIVL more rapid job creation. Better revenue collection further strengthened government’s IJQTQ\a\WQVKZMI[M[WKQIT[XMVLQVO_Q\P\PMZM[]T\\PI\UWZM\PIVUQTTQWV;W]\P )NZQKIV[VW_ZMKMQ^M[]XXWZ\QV\PMNWZUWN [WKQITOZIV\[ Government’s public sector investment programme resulted in the construction of UWZMPW][QVO]VQ\[QUXZW^ML\ZIV[XWZ\[a[\MU[IVLM`XIVLMLIKKM[[\WMTMK\ZQKQ\a _I\MZIVL[IVQ\I\QWV)TTWN \PQ[PI[KWV\ZQJ]\ML\WQUXZW^MLTQ^QVOKWVLQ\QWV[NWZ millions of our compatriots. ,M[XQ\M\PM[MIKPQM^MUMV\[PW_M^MZOW^MZVUMV\ZMUIQV[LMMXTaKWVKMZVML_Q\P\PM [\]JJWZVXMZ[Q[\MVKMWN XW^MZ\aIVLZQ[QVOQVMY]ITQ\a<PMLMUIVLNWZMNÅKQMV\[MZ^QKM[ KWV\QV]M[\WQVKZMI[MIVLQUXZW^MUMV\[QV\PMY]ITQ\aWN ML]KI\QWVIVLPMIT\PKIZMIZM urgently required. The poor are most affected by the rising food and fuel prices. 5WZMW^MZOW^MZVUMV\KIVVWTWVOMZKW]V\WVTIZOMTaNI^W]ZIJTMOTWJITMKWVWUQK

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