Date Event Source 1883 Germany surveys the Spratlys. Yorac, Haydee, The Philippine Claim to the There was an alleged attempt by the German Spratly Islands Group, p. government to survey the Spratly group which were 49. allegedly stopped when the Chinese government protested. The source was a supposed disclosure made by the Chinese Provincial Government of Kuantung in 1933. 11 May Annam and Tonkin put under French control. 1884 Li-Fournier Convention is concluded, ending the Sino- French War. Annam and Tonkin was placed under French control. October French Indochina was formed. Ooi Keat Gin, "Southeast 1887 Asia: A Historical French Indochina was formed, constituting the French Encyclopedia From Angkor colony of Cochinchina and the protectorates of Wat to East Timor", Annam, Tonkin and Cambodia. (California: ABC-CLIO, Inc, 2004), link January Japan claims Senkaku Islands. Council on Foreign 1895 Relations, “China’s Maritime Japan claims to have annexed the “uninhabited land” Disputes” Timeline of Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands in January 1895 http://www.cfr.org/asia-and- pacific/chinas-maritime- disputes/p31345#! 17 April Sino-Japanese War ends. Council on Foreign 1895 Relations, “China’s Maritime The Sino-Japanese war, fought primarily over control Disputes” Timeline of Korea, ends with the signing of the Treaty of http://www.cfr.org/asia-and- Shimonoseki, in which China cedes territories pacific/chinas-maritime- including Formosa (Taiwan) to Japan. The treaty does disputes/p31345#!/ not mention the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands (PDF), which were not discussed during negotiations. Beijing maintains that this transfer included the islands, while Japan claims that it had owned them since January 1895, when it officially annexed the uninhabited land. This distinction comes into play after the Second World War, when China says the islands must be returned to Chinese rule as a result of the Cairo and Potsdam declarations, which oblige Japan to renounce claims to all territories seized through war. 26 June Treaty of Delimitation signed by China and Tonkin. Yorac, Haydee, The 1887 Philippine Claim to the The Treaty of Delimitation between China and Tonkin Spratly Islands Group, p. provided that with respect to islands in the ocean, the 49. longitude 105° E was the dividing line. In this case, north the Paracels and Spratlys group fall on the side http://www.chinaforeignrelat of China1. ions.net/node/167 1912 TO BE VERIFIED: Chinese governments of 1912 and Yorac, Haydee, The 1934 gave Chinese names to the Spratlys group of Philippine Claim to the islands. Spratly Islands Group, p. 49. 1917 “Japanese subjects had been conducting “solemn occupation” of the islands since 1917 with the support of the Imperial Government.” 1927 France sends ship to survey to Spratlys. Yorac, Haydee, The Philippine Claim to the The French government sent the ship De Lanessan to Spratly Islands Group, p. the Spratly islands on an expedition for a scientific 50. survey.2 This became the first basis of the Vietnamese claim. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/~ nguye22h/classweb/Untitled -4.html 1930 French flag planted in one of the islets in the Spratlys. Yorac, Haydee, The Philippine Claim to the French expedition on the Spratlys was made by the Spratly Islands Group, p. warship Le Malicieuse, on the occasion of which a 49. French flag was planted on one of the islets. The French took possession and laid claim to all other Hayton, Bill, The South features within a large rectangular area of the South China Sea: The Struggle for China Sea. China and France exchanged diplomatic Power in Asia, (Yale: Yale notes and legal arguments for the following years. At University Press, 2014), p. the front of their minds was the apparent danger 94. posed to their colonies by the expansion of the Japanese empire into the region. The expedition is one of the basis of Vietnam’s claim on the islands. 1 The treaty of delimitation between China and Tonkin of 1887 is binding between the parties but cannot override superior valid claims of other states which might establish title. 2 The question raised in relation to the 1927 and the 1930 French expeditions was whether or not these would redound to benefit Vietnam. There seems no evidence at this point that France intended to integrate the islands with Vietnam. 29 China protests French occupation of the Paracels. Carpio, Antonio, Historical Septembe Facts, Historical Lies, and r 1932 In a Note Verbale to the French government, the Historical Rights in the West Republic of China protested the French occupation of Philippine Sea, p. 26-27. the Paracels, saying that Hainan Island “form the southernmost part of Chinese territory” in their bid to claim the Paracels. This contradicts the People’s Republic of China claim on the 9-dash line that puts the James Shoal as its southernmost part, 800 NM further from Paracels. 24 League of Nations voted for Japan to withdraw troops Brown, Stewart, “Japan February from Manchuria. In reaction, Japan leaves the League. Stuns the Word, Withdraws 1933 from League,” United Press, Japan suddenly leaves the League of Nations, after February 24, 1933. the League’s recommendation that Japan should withdraw her troops from Manchuria and restore the country to Chinese sovereignty. The League voted 42 to 1, Japan voting against it. Paul Hymans, presiding, announced it was unanimous, since the vote of interested parties does not count. Japanese delegation walks out of the assembly. Unknown Another wave of survey ships sent by France to the Yorac, Haydee, The date, 1933 Spratlys. Philippine Claim to the Spratly Islands Group, p. 50 Three more French ships have gone on an expedition and 58. to the Spratlys Islands. After the last trip a decree was issued on by the French government incorporating six groups of islets in a Vietnamese province. This is considered Vietnam’s strongest evidence in support of its claim.3 4 25 July France announces sovereignty over some islands in Yorac, Haydee, The 1933 the South China Sea. Philippine Claim to the Spratly Islands Group, p. 50 France announced that it had occupied and placed and 58. under its sovereign control a number of islands in the 3 The expedition of 1933 is considered the only basis of Vietnam’s claim to ownership. The claim of the Vietnamese representative to the San Francisco Conference in 1951 was “that we affirm our right to the Spratly and Paracels Islands, which have always belonged to Vietnam” appears at best overstated, at least with respect to the Spratly Islands. 4 This is considered the strongest evidence that Vietnam can cite in support of its claim which was a clear effort to establish sovereignty over the islands. The French expedition satisfied the requirement of effective occupation required by international law for such territory. South China Sea (including some in the Spratly archipelago).5 Unknown Japan protested French claim on the islands near Yorac, Haydee, The date, 1933 Vietnam. Philippine Claim to the Spratly Islands Group, p. The first expression of Japanese claim to title was 51. made when the French government enacted a decree attaching the islands to the Barja province of Vietnam. The Japanese government issued a formal protest declaring that Japanese subjects had been conducting “solemn occupation” of the islands since 1917 with the support of the Imperial Government. Unknown China mapped out every part of Chinese territory to Carpio, Antonio, Historical date, 1933 stake claim on South China Sea. Facts, Historical Lies, and Historical Rights in the West The Republic of China, in reaction to the predation of Philippine Sea, p. 26-27. Western powers and Imperial Japan, created the “Inspection Committee for Land and Water Maps” to formally list and describe and map every part of Chinese territory. They did not have means to survey South China Sea and thus copied the old existing British map. Some of the features in the map were found in later years not to actually exist. Unknown Philippine Senator proposed to include 9 features in Francois-Xavier Bonnet, date, 1933 the Spratlys. “The Spratlys: A Past Revisited,” World Bulletin Senator Isabelo de los Reyes proposed the inclusion Vol. 23 (July-December of nine features of the KIG (at that time known as “Las 2004): 18. Bonnet made Corales”) that lay near Palawan into Philippine reference to a Letter from Territory. He is possibly the first to protest the French Senator Isabelo De los annexation.6. Reyes, to Governor General Frank Murphy, Bureau of Insular Affairs (August 12, 1933). 1937 French minelayer arrives to assert French sovereignty, Hans van de Ven, Diana 5 Cordner, Lee, “The Spratly Islands Dispute and the Law of the Sea”, Ocean Development and International Law 25: 1, p. 64, link. 6 World Bulletin: Bulletin of the International Studies of the Philippines (ISIP), Volume 23, accessed on April 22, 2015, link. 8 August rejected by Japanese government on August 22 with a Lary, Stephen MacKinnon warning for the French to evacuate their radio station. (eds.), “Negotiating China’s Destiny after World War II”: 26. Stanford University Press 3 Japan occupied Pratas Islands. Council on Foreign Septembe Relations, “China’s Maritime r 1937 Disputes” Timeline http://www.cfr.org/asia-and- pacific/chinas-maritime- disputes/p31345#!/ Unknown Interior Secretary Quirino filed claim on the Spratlys Bonnet, “The Spratlys,” 19. date, 1937 with the U.S. State Department. This official filing of claim was reported in a US Interior Secretary Elpidio Quirino filed a claim on the review, Pacific Affairs (XIV), Philippines’ behalf with the U.S. State Department, in 1941. citing national defense and geographic proximity as grounds. As a Commonwealth, foreign affairs was still administered by the United States, but the grounds for Philippine foreign policy were being laid down by Filipino officials.
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