香港統計月刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics 二零一零年九月 September 2010 有關本刊物的查詢,請聯絡: 政府統計處 綜合統計組(一)乙 地址:中國香港灣仔港灣道十二號灣仔政府大樓十九樓 電話: (852) 2582 4738 圖文傳真: (852) 2827 1708 電郵: [email protected] Enquiries about this publication can be directed to : General Statistics Section (1) B Census and Statistics Department Address : 19/F Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, China. Tel. : (852) 2582 4738 Fax : (852) 2827 1708 E-mail : [email protected] 政府統計處網站 Website of the Census and Statistics Department www.censtatd.gov.hk 二零一零年九月出版 Published in September 2010 本刊物備有印刷版和下載版可供選擇。有關獲取本刊物的方法,請參閱第 A10 頁。 This publication is available in both print version and download version. Please refer to page A10 for the means of obtaining this publication. 目錄 Contents 頁數 Page 緒言 Introduction iv 主要統計項目的最新數字 Key Statistics Update vii 統計表一覽 List of Statistical Tables xi 統計圖一覽 List of Charts xvi 統計表及統計圖 Statistical Tables and Charts 1. 人口及生命事件 1. Population and Vital Events 1 2. 勞工 2. Labour 7 勞動人口、就業及空缺 Labour Force, Employment and Vacancies 薪金及工資 Payroll and Wage 職業傷亡及停工 Occupational Injuries and Work Stoppage 3. 對外貿易 3. External Trade 49 商品貿易 Merchandise Trade 服務貿易 Trade in Services 4. 工業生產 4. Industrial Production 71 5. 土地、房屋、樓宇、建造 5. Land, Housing, Building and Construction 77 6. 運輸、通訊、旅遊 6. Transport, Communications and Tourism 111 7. 政府收支、貨幣、金融 7. Public Accounts, Money and Finance 139 8. 物價 8. Prices 175 9. 商業 9. Commerce 187 10. 社會狀況 10. Social Conditions 201 11. 能源 11. Energy 221 12. 國民收入及國際收支平衡 12. National Income and Balance of Payments 225 13. 雜項統計 13. Miscellaneous Statistics 255 專題文章 Feature Articles 二零零九年就業綜合估計數字 Composite Employment Estimates 2009 FA1 二零零九年到中國內地作私人旅行的本港居民的 Socio-economic Characteristics of Hong Kong Residents FB1 社會經濟特徵 Making Personal Travel to the Mainland of China, 2009 一九九九年至二零零九年綜合社會保障援助計劃 Statistics on Comprehensive Social Security Assistance FC1 的統計數字 Scheme, 1999 to 2009 香港的資產管理業 The Asset Management Industry in Hong Kong FD1 二零一零年一月至九月刊載的專題文章目錄 List of Feature Articles Published during January to FL1 (二零零九年間刊載的專題文章題目列於書背。) September 2010 (A list of the titles of feature articles published in 2009 is on the back cover page.) 附錄 Annexes 二零一零年十月至二零一一年一月政府統計處定 Schedule for Issuing Regular Releases of Statistical Data A1 期性統計數據發布日期一覽表 by the Census and Statistics Department, October 2010 to January 2011 政府統計處刊物一覽 (截至二零一零年九月一 List of Publications of the Census and Statistics A4 日) Department (as at 1.9.2010) 政府統計處唯讀光碟產品一覽 (截至二零一零年 List of CD-ROM Products of the Census and Statistics A8 九月一日) Department (as at 1.9.2010) 獲取政府統計處刊物及其他統計產品的方法 Means of Obtaining Publications and Other Statistical A10 Products of the Census and Statistics Department 郵購表格(政府統計處刊物) Mail Order Form (Publications of the Census and A11 Statistics Department) 訂閱表格(香港統計月刊) Subscription Form (Hong Kong Monthly Digest of A13 Statistics) 香港統計月刊 二零一零年九月 iii Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics September 2010 緒言 Introduction 《香港統計月刊》是政府統計處編製的綜合性 The Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics is one of 統計刊物之一,其他綜合性統計刊物包括《香 the general statistical digests compiled by the Census and Statistics Department. Other digests include Hong 港經濟趨勢》(半月刊)、《香港統計年刊》 Kong Economic Trends (half-monthly), Hong Kong 和《香港社會及經濟趨勢》(雙年刊)。這些 Annual Digest of Statistics and Hong Kong Social and 綜合性統計刊物輯錄香港社會及經濟各方面的 Economic Trends (biennial). Each digest brings 統計資料,提供範圍十分廣泛的數據,涉及社 together statistical data covering various social and economic aspects of Hong Kong. Statistical data 會、經濟和工商業各項主題。它們各具特色, contained cover a very wide range of topics relating to 出版頻次、所載數列的統計期、詳細程度及形 society, the economy and businesses. The digests are 式各有不同,相輔相成,組成一個全面的參考 each featured in its own way. They are published at different frequencies with statistical data series 系列。 presented in various length, depth and formats. Complementing each other, together they form a comprehensive series for reference. 《香港統計月刊》分為13節,載有140個統計 The Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics is a 表,匯集各種官方統計數字。月刊收錄本港各 compact volume of official statistics containing 140 tables in 13 sections. It collects up-to-date statistical 項最新社會及經濟統計數列,並盡可能將資料 series on various aspects of the social and economic 齊備的最近十五個月份的按月或按季統計數 situation of Hong Kong. Statistics are presented 字,連最近三個完整年份的按年統計數字一同 wherever possible in the form of monthly or quarterly 刊載。此外,本月刊亦載有超過20個統計圖, figures for the latest 15 months for which data are available, together with annual figures for the latest 展示選定主要統計項目在過去十年的按年趨勢 three complete years. For selected key statistical 及最近兩年的按月或按季趨勢。 items, over 20 charts depicting the annual trend in the past decade and quarterly or monthly trend in the recent two years are also available. 由於月刊輯錄需時,政府統計處每半月出版 Since collation of data for this Monthly Digest takes 《香港經濟趨勢》,載列主要經濟指標最新按 time, the Census and Statistics Department compiles the Hong Kong Economic Trends on a half-monthly 月、按季資料,讓讀者在其他詳盡數據尚未齊 basis. This publication presents up-to-date monthly 備前,盡快掌握香港的經濟脈搏。 and quarterly data of major economic indicators which help readers grasp the pulse of Hong Kong’s economy before more detailed statistics become available. 若需要較詳細的社會及經濟統計資料或較遠年 In case users require more detailed social and 份的按年數據,則可參考《香港統計年刊》。 economic data or more back-dated annual data, they should refer to the Hong Kong Annual Digest of 至於《香港社會及經濟趨勢》,則旨在選錄與 Statistics. As regards the Hong Kong Social and 社會及經濟各方面有關的主要按年統計數列並 Economic Trends, this publication aims to present 加以分析。除載有統計圖表外,兼有短評闡 selected major annual data series relating to various 釋,讓讀者綜觀香港過去十年的社會及經濟趨 social and economic aspects of Hong Kong for analysis. With the use of tables and charts, plus 勢。這本刊物為雙年刊,於單數年份出版。 commentaries, this publication is meant to give readers an overall view of Hong Kong’s social and economic trends in the past decade. It is published biennially in odd-numbered years. 香港統計月刊 二零一零年九月 iv Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics September 2010 本月刊內統計資料範圍和性質的說明,以及各 Description of the scope and nature of the statistical 用語的定義,均載於每節的「概念及方法」部 data and definitions of the terms used in this Monthly Digest are provided in “Concepts and Methods” part in 分內。而每節亦列出與所述課題有關的主題性 each section. Further references to thematic reports 報告供讀者作進一步參考。 relating to the topics covered in each section are also listed. 除載列最新的統計數字外,本月刊每期也刊登 Apart from providing up-to-date statistics, this Monthly 數篇專題文章,主要作用是 (i) 進行更深入的 Digest also contains several feature articles in each issue. These articles mainly serve to (i) supplement 分析,以補充定期出版的統計報告,(ii) 摘錄 routine statistical reports by providing more in-depth 特別出版的專題統計報告主要結果,(iii) 提供 analysis, (ii) provide a synopsis of ad hoc statistical 一個詳盡闡釋相關統計方法的機會,或發布一 reports, (iii) provide a forum for elaboration of relevant 些未能以其他方式公布的統計數字,以及(iv) methodological details or for release of statistics which may not be published elsewhere, and (iv) present topics 用統計角度陳述大眾關注的課題。 of current interest in a statistical perspective. 本月刊所載統計數據是由政府統計處及其他政 Statistical data contained in this Monthly Digest are compiled by the Census and Statistics Department and 府部門和機構編製。政府統計處承蒙有關部門 by other government departments and organisations. 和機構提供資料,深表謝意。資料來源刊載在 The Census and Statistics Department gratefully 統計表下。 acknowledges such contributions. Data sources are given under each table. 除非另有註明外,每節的「其他有關刊物」所 Unless otherwise specified, the publications in “Further 述的刊物是由政府統計處編製。本刊末載有政 References” of each section are produced by the Census and Statistics Department. Lists of 府統計處刊物及唯讀光碟產品一覽表和郵購表 publications and CD-ROM products of the Census and 格。 Statistics Department and a mail order form are available at the end of this publication. 特別註釋 Special Note 「香港標準行業分類」的修訂版(即「香港標 A revised version of HSIC, i.e. HSIC Version 2.0, was 準行業分類2.0版」)已於二零零八年十月公 released in October 2008 to replace HSIC Version 1.1. It is being used progressively in different surveys by 布,以取代「香港標準行業分類1.1版」。政 the Census and Statistics Department as from 2009. 府統計處已由二零零九年開始逐步在不同的統 Please refer to “Concepts and Methods” on page 9 for 計調查採用「香港標準行業分類2.0版」。有 details on the revision of HSIC. 關修訂「香港標準行業分類」的詳情,請參閱 第九頁的「概念及方法」。 除特別註明外,所有本月刊載列按經濟活動劃 Unless otherwise specified, all statistics by economic 分的統計數字由二零零九年的統計期起,均按 activities presented in this Digest are compiled based 「香港標準行業分類2.0版」編製。而有關統 on HSIC Version 2.0 starting from the reference period of 2009. Backcasted series of those statistics 計數字按「香港標準行業分類 版」編製的 2.0 under HSIC Version 2.0 will also be provided as 後向估計數列(如適用)亦會同時刊載於本月 appropriate. 刊。 香港統計月刊 二零一零年九月 v Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics September 2010 代號 Symbols 月刊內各代號的含意如下: The following symbols are used throughout the Digest : Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 第一、第二、第三、第四季 Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 First, second, third, fourth quarter # 臨時數字 # Provisional figures @ 數字將於日後修訂 @ Figures are subject to revision later on * 經修訂的數字 * Revised figures - 不適用 - Not applicable N.A. 暫時沒有數字 N.A. Not yet available § 數字少於單位的一半 § Magnitude less than half of the unit employed *** 為使個別機構單位所提供的資料得以保 *** Data are not released in order to safeguard 密,數據不予公布 confidentiality of information provided by individual establishments 計量單位 Units of Measurement 1 兆焦耳 = 2.778 x 105 千瓦小時 5 1 terajoule (TJ) = 2.778 x 10 kilowatt hours = 9.478 x 103 撒姆 = 9.478 x 103 therms 1 公噸 = 2 204.623 磅 1 tonne (t) = 2 204.623 pounds = 0.984 噸 = 0.984 ton 1 公斤 = 2.205 磅 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.205 pounds = 1.653 斤 = 1.653 catties 1 平方米 = 10.764 平方呎 1 square metre (sq.m.) = 0 010.764 square feet 1 立方米 = 219.969 英加侖 1 cubic metre (cu.m.) = 0 219.969 imperial gallons 1 百帕斯卡 = 211.00 毫巴 1 hectopascal = 0 001.000.00 millibar 每小時 1 公里 = 0 00.540 海里 1 km/h = 0 000.540 knot 貨幣數字 Monetary Figures 月刊內所有引述的貨幣數字,除特別聲明以 All monetary figures quoted are in Hong Kong dollars 外,均為港元。港元是香港特別行政區的法定 unless otherwise specified. Hong Kong dollar is the legal tender in the Hong Kong Special Administrative 貨幣。 Region. 匯率 Exchange Rate 自一九八三年十月十七日起,政府透過一項有 As from 17 October 1983 the Hong Kong dollar has 關發行紙幣的措施,將港元與美元聯繫,由發 been linked to the US dollar through an arrangement in the note issuing mechanism permitting note issuing 鈔銀行以 7.8港元兌 1美元的固定匯率發行紙 banks to issue Hong Kong dollar notes at a fixed rate 幣。自此,港元兌美元的匯率在外匯市場僅有 of HK$7.80=US$1.00.
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