MONNINGSIDE COLLEC4' DECEMBER 8, 1958 THIRTY-FIVE CENTS B R r,,A., ASTI N G co, THE BU''T SION AND RADIO ti.:0 9 A; ASCAP radio negotiations sputter; courts may be answer Page 31 Reynolds' splurge spurs Alcoa to double its air budget Page 32 Winston spends good like a tv network buyer should Page 35 Aim of both parties: same city for '60 national conventions Page 67 ist ,mazing but true, more than one out .f every three radios in use is tuned o WFIL. atest Trendex: 18,600 coincidental PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA ails week of November 10 prove WFIL las 120% MORE audience than num- OHN BLAIR & COMPANY >er 2 station and MORE than the otal combined audience of the third, ourth, fifth and sixth stations. Lowest :ost per 1000 in Philadelphia area. 3lair has the entire story. =irst buy WFIL-because WFIL is 1st. Operated by: Radio and Television Div. / Triangle Publications, Inc. / 46th & Market Sts., Philadelphia 39, Pa. WFIL-AM FM TV, Philadelphia, Po. 7 WNBF-AM FM TV, Binghamton, N.Y. / WLBR-TV, Lebonon-Loncaster, Pa, WFBO -AM TV, Altoono-Johnstown, Pa. WNHC-AM FM TV, Hartford-New Haven, Conn. Triangle National Sales Office, 485 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, New York SqLf. 1vS48 up 0f0 ati TorL£D p 00 p 45 2'20:000 P co P S¡-,ARLS ó 4~ tiF 0p S6t 4 k S1 1 N,t^. 8-.-.1ä;; et .,g4 w G,``4tio a 4 oMM1SN 4L$y5 rySvQ, S-GO et 5 a ti yf ,oi 4., p a y Sp SKE t e s` .at a s F S.° S tiÓ " uci5 G ( CO e c Jt P yy1j ,G S i ceicvat 5P ,PR` ` Cos) i' 'N. co íJ VGav Se 16.O 4CO',; JQeJ e rea b ' ~ p4 ° 4Oeaá eta rsaCOia JeSreoea,, 4pyP4P 44 p0 GápesoJkádéOQatZ. ae', ò t t` Vey/ PV .: `` o . t, ,t,e . at a`i p .o `or -° y .v s re4 ,t 1r e sQ Y,e écaSQ T ., " áoi ' . Lt,aro aioe4f£AIVpErs" 'O tl^ acse r ti0 ea C ' RE$O,F`E^,. sday eò OF som eo"trde`,reprae a tv RCTS h .42.1. EVEN H e A Pn A.YE AS. P r /¡; iC,` ck A ERpOhNLY 14V/0N s 4S it") jr pOSS7,,tLEE xq, FOR SURFRISR r T.YpFIrIE LIrEU A NA S T'wl Y ON pRET7pkS._.T. sip rcn ` `AL gSE g£rñl FISN` 0bv":" ' .`. ECOP tos Angeles' most powerful television station. STRANGE AD. NOTHING TO SELL. Some television newscasters read the news. Baxter Ward hunts it. Writes it. Reports it. In his own terse, clipped style -- sparked at times with his dry, subtle humor. But primarily, it's straight news, comprehensive, factual. Reported by a man whose background includes: Field Supervisor, Armed Forces Radio, Europe; London reporter, BBC; White House correspondent. He puts ten to fourteen hours of prepar- ation into his two nightly newscasts. Both are sold out. Both have sponsors waiting. So why this ad? Well, we just thought it high time to pat the back of a very capable, intelligent, hardworking guy. IRY L KL Wns V. ChRYLE7 TN Laas'_.IL?. ... KCOP y 1000 CAHUENGA, HOLLYWOOD 38 + REPRESENTED NATIONALLY BY EDWARD PETRY & CO., INC.* Reprint of news article above from Hollywood Reporter, Nov.19, 1958 wd IM Strategically located to exclusively serve LANSING.... FLINT....JACKSON Basic NBC... ...ABC Represented by the P.G.W. Celetnel Published every Monday, 53rd issue (Yearbook Number) published in September by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS INC.. 1735 DeSales St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Second -class postage paid at Washington, D. C. multi -city buying is in fashion, too Norfolk jackets are the last word in menswear fashion, but buying WGAL -TV's low -cost multi -city coverage is an established custom. This pioneer station is first with viewers in Lancaster, Harrisburg, York, and numerous other cities including: Reading, Gettysburg, Hanover, Lebanon, Chambersburg, Lewistown, Carlisle, Shamokin, Waynesboro. STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. CHANNEL 8 Lancaster, Pa. NBC and CBS Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco America's 10th TV Market 942,661 TV households $3% billion annual retail sales $6%3 billion annual income Lancaster Harrisburg York Reading Gettysburg Hanover Lebanon Chambersburg Waynesboro Lewistown Sunbury Carlisle Pottsville Shamokin Lewisburg Hazleton Mt. Carmel Bloomsburg Hagerstown Frederick Westminster Page 4 December 8, 1958 BROADCASTING closed circuit® ODIOUS COMPARISON If radio sta- speech Friday he spelled out various al- because it constitutes censorship. It's likely tions go to court for "reasonable" fees for ternatives and cited obstacles to each - that request will be made for postpone- ASCAP music licenses (see page 31), it but seemingly found fewest roadblocks to ment of reply date for 60 days from Jan. seems certain that ASCAP will try to use of 174 -474 me band for continuous 19- probably through NAB. stack up its repertory and rates against 50- channel tv service (see page 64). Comr. those of competitor BMI. ASCAP au- Ford is official FCC liaison with Office Sigma Delta Chi, national professional thorities contend that while BMI rates are of Civilian & Defense Mobilization, cen- journalistic fraternity now in its 50th year, about 40% of ASCAP's, they should be tral agency representing President on al- is in process of changing its ritual in keep- closer to 10% -point BMI can be ex- locations. Since Ford plan is extension of ing with electronic journalism era. In im- pected to contest strongly, since record Craven plan, it's noteworthy that Corns. pressive initiation ceremony, symbolic shows BMI with over 30% of all per- Craven was Ford's predecessor as FCC paraphernalia has featured copy of news- formances, and some experts estimate liaison with OCDM. Craven plan suggests paper. Change, to be submitted to mem- ASCAP's advantage may be less than two continuous 25- channel tv service begin- bership for referendum, would add table to one. ASCAP authorities say they'd ning at 174 me (present ch. 7). microphone. rather go to court than be accused of "doing something unreasonable," that FCC commissioners had second meeting SWEENEY SUPPORT That Western they think there's good chance court with special tv allocations staff last Thurs- States Adv. Agency Assn. charge that would raise rates, but that as matter of day, made little progress according to in- RAB was "biting the hand that feeds "customer relations" they'd like to ne- formed sources. Staff has been studying radio" [TRADE ASSNS., Nov. 24] got short gotiate and accordingly their "door is various alternatives (deintermixture, re- shrift at RAB board meeting last week, always open." But neither side seemed vised standards in vhf bands to permit according to insiders. Executive committee inclined to make first move after local - additional channels in major markets, mov- endorsed RAB President Kevin Sweeney's license talks were broken off last week. ing tv to uhf in major geographical areas). response denying accusation that bureau's Last week's meeting mainly exploratory on "$64,000 Challenge" test plan would by- Transfer of James G. Riddell, ABC ex- byways of allocations schemes; no nearer pass agencies [TRADE ASSNS., Dec. 1] and ecutive vice president (and director of AB- crossroads leading to main highway yet. board approved unanimously. Several PT), to Los Angeles effective Feb. 1 (story board members individually had already 70) recognizes growing importance of page NO BOONDOGLE Speed of Judge told WSAAA it hadn't read details first. west coast operations in network affairs. Stern's Miami ch. IO initial decision His will be practically autono- - authority exactly 14 days after final argument, and Subject of laugh tracks on comedy tv was at his own suggestion mous and it six weeks after record was closed in re- filmed shows is no laughing matter at one that move is being made. hearing case-has caused considerable studio. Series to be aired next year was comment in and out of FCC. One jest begun and six episodes were in can without BIG DEALER William Zeckendorf Sr. going rounds last week: "Guess he hasn't laugh tracks when show was sold to spon- will be seen more frequently as guiding in- been an FCC hearing examiner long sor who felt laughs were needed. Last week, fluence in broadcasting investments. His enough yet to know union rules!" Reg- with completion of 39th episode, the spon- participation with Broadway producer ular hearing examiners usually get their sor changed his mind, asked that canned Roger L. Stevens in syndicate purchase of decisions out anywhere from four months laughter be eliminated. Question is whether control of Outlet Co. and its WJAR -AM- to six months after hearing -but, in par- he can be persuaded to change third time TV Providence (story page 89) is only tial extenuation, it mustn't be forgotten and if not whether it might not be simpler second step in that direction. Mr. Zeck- they usually have two, three cases going to find another sponsor than to try to endorf's Webb & Knapp Inc., one of at same time. Judge Stern had only Miami undub recorded chuckles and guffaws. world's largest real estate empires, already case under his care; he was assigned Bos- owns 50% of KBTV (TV) Denver. Zeck- ton ch. 5 case after issuing ch. 10 decision. SAME GAME It's musical chairs for tv endorf diversification into broadcasting, he programs again this season. A. C. Nielsen says, will be expressly Webb & Knapp Cowles interests, not at all crushed at Co. analysis to be released shortly will re- will activity, not personal, and be handled cancellation of $6 million cash agreement port that of this fall's 102 evening tv net- by John C.
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