CW-83-2{ !8E CORPOR,ATION OF lgB TqVNSEIP OF GEORGINA IN TBE REGJONAL}IT'NICIPALI$ OF TORtr i COIII{I TEE OF TBE WEOLE }IINUTES 1983 12 15 9s33a.m. I. IIOUENT OP }TBDITATION: A monent of meditation was observed by the lltenbers of the Conmittee of the l{hole. 2 . ROLL C.AI,L: The Clerk rePorted that a1l Menbers of the Comnittee of the Whole vtere Present with the exception of Gouncillors lfheeler' OrGradY. Councillor l{heeler arrived at 9:50 a.n.. 3. OONFLICT DISCLOSURES: a) Uayor *on"t" declared a possible conflict of interest on Item 6(a) - PubLic Meeting regarding an .application to arnend By-Lavt No. 911 - Village Green Developments . Inc. b) l{ayor Rogers declared a possible conflict of interest on Iten 9(a)(f) - Report No. P-83-74 - Report of the Director of Planning regarding Application to anend By-Law No. 911 regarding village Green. Developrnents Inc. c) llayor Rogers declared a possible. conflict of interest on Item9(a)(3) - Report No. P-83-72 of Cornrnitteeof the Whole lleeting of 1983 t2 0I1 regarding a By-Law to amend By*Law No. 911 to approve the appJ.ication subrnitted by Pranaa & Magdalena Krilivicius. t aa Connittee of the Whole Itinutes cv{-83-24 -2 t. IIINUTES OF TBE PREVIOT'SITEETINGS: a) Minutes of the Connittee of the whole Meeting held on December lst' 1983. Hoved by Councillor Snockun Seconded by Councillor LYons. TEAT the ltinutes of the Committee of the Whole Ueeting held on Decernberlst, 19831 be adopted aa presented. Carried 5. BUSITTESS ARISING FROI{ IIINUTES: 6. DEPUTATIONS: Uayor Rogers declared a possible conflict of interest reqardinq tbe Publ.ic Meeting on an amendment to By-Lalt uo] gff I village Green Developrnentsrnc., and did not take part in any discussion and did not vote because the law firn he is affiliated with has acted for the applicant and he vacated his chair and leftthe Council Chambers. Councillor Edna Shepherd, Acting Chairperson took the chair at this tine . a) lloved by Regional Councillor llcLean Seconded by Councillor Shepherd. THAT the-Comrnittee of the Whole'Meeting convene into a Public Meeting regarding an application to arnend By-Lar No. 91lr' submitted by Village creen Developnents Inc. (9:35 a.n.) Carried Moved by Regional Councillor Mclean Seconded by Councillor Smockurn. THAT the Public Meeting reconvene back lnto the Connittee of the Whole Meeting. (10:65 a.n.) Carried Conrnittee of the whole 3 l{inutes g{-83-24 - 3 With the Agreenent of the llernbers of the Comnittee of the Wholer Item9(a)(1) - Report No. P-83-74 - Application to arnendBy-Law No. 9ll - Village Green Developments Inc.' Part of Lot l9r Conc. 2 (N.G.) be noved forward and deaLt with at this time. 9. CONII{ITTEEAND OTBER REPORTS: a) REPORTSOF THE DIRECTOROF PLANNING: Application to anend By-Law No. 911' village Green Developnent Inc. - Lot L9' Conc. 2 (N.G.). - Report No. P-83-74. lloved by Councillor Smockum Seconded by Councillor Boothby. THATthe application for'rezoning subnitted by village Green Developments Inc.r John Pearen in Trust and Barry Chapman' in Trust, being an application to rezone land described as Part of Lot 19r Concession 2 (N.G.) fron Rural (RU) to Urban Residential, First Density (Rl) BE APPROVEDsubject to payment of outstanding taxes. Carried The order of the Agenda was resumed at this time. tlayor Rogers resumed the chair at this time. 7. COlll,ttNrCATrONS: (a) Liquor Board of Ontario advising that the Pefferlaw Trailer Liquor Store is being closed during the winter nonths because of the slow business. This was ieceived for information. (b) The llinistry of the Environment advising that additional funding in the amount of $31r92A.00 has been approved for the trunk watermain at Black River Road. This was received for inforrnation. Conmittee of the l{hole !linutes cw-83-24 -{ 7. COUTfi'NICATIONS: c) South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority and Community Relations Advisory Board Minutes of the Meeting held on Decenber lst, 1983. This was received for information. d) Mr. Peter Gardiner of warwickshire, England requesting information regarding the history of the Village of Sutton for publication in a book he is writing. This was received for information and referred to Lhe Clerk for resPonse. 8 . PETITIONS : 9. COHTITTEE AND OTBER REPORTS: a) REPORTS OP TSE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING: 2'l Minor Variance and Consent Application Fees. Report No. P-83-75. lloved by Councillor Wheeler Seconded by Councillor Shepherd. t. THAT Council pass a By-Law adopting the following fee schedule for Minor Variance and Consent Applications: Minor variances S2ZS.gg .- Consents $309.99. 2. THAT each Connittee of Adjustment Menber receive $6g.Ag per Hearing attended as of 1984 gt 0r . Carried 3) A By-Law to amend By-Lavr No. 911 to approve the 'Kriliviciuaapplication submitted by Pranas and Magdalena - f'our Unit Dvrelling, Lots I and 2r : Plan 1.03 (N.c.) Report No. P-83-72 - Comnittee of the Whole of o Decenber J.st, 1983. Conmittee of the WhoLe l{inutes 5 ctr-83-24 -5 9. COUI{ITTEE NTD CTTEBRREFORTS: (3) Mayor Rogers declared a possible Conflict of Interest on Iten 9(a)(3) - Report No. P-83-72 re: amendmentto By-Law 911 application subnitted by Pranas and Magdalena Krilivicius - Lots 1 and 2, Plan 103 (N.c.) r because the the Law firm he is affiliated with has previously acted for !1r. Krilivicius' and he did not take part in any discussion and did not vote and he vacated the Chair. Councillor Edna Shepherd, Acting-Mayor took the Chair. l{oved by Council}or Boothby Seconded by Regional Councillor llctean. rHAT the necessary By-Laws be passed to amend By-Law Number 9I1, and to adopt an amendrnentto the Georgina Official Plan that would permit a four-unit owelling to be located on Lots I and 2, Plan 103 (N.G.) owned by Pranas ano llagdalena Krilivicius. Carried Uayor Rogers resumed the Chair at this time. b) REPORTSOF TEE CETEF AD}TINISTRATIVE OPFICER: 1) Bicentennial Co-Ordinating Committee. Report No. CAO-83-24. Movecl by Councillor Shepherd - Seconded by CounciJ.lor Boothby. , THAT,a Bicentennial Co-Ordlnating Committee be established to make all necessary arrangements , for Bicentennial Celebrations in 1984. I Carried ) I o Connittee of the Whole Minutes 6 cw-83-24 -, ra 9 . COlll,lITTEE AND OTEER REPTORTS: (b) 2'l 1984 Non-Union Salaries. Report No. CAO-83-23. Uoved by Regional Councillor llclean Seconded by Councillor Boothby. l. THAT all non-union staff be provided a 5t increase effective January 1, 1984. 2. THAT the Chief Adninistrative officer be provided a 3t increase effective January 1, 1984. Carried (c} ANIUAL CONTROLREPORT: Aninal Control Report for the montb of November, 1983. This was received for information. LS. T'NFINISEED BUSINESS: 11. HOTTONS ORIGINATING BY WAY OF PREVIOUS NOTICES OF IIOTION: l2. CIEER }iOTIONS: Moved by Councillor Lyons Seconded by Councillor Boothby. THAT an appropriate nurnber of BicentenniaLFlags be purchased to be flown on all Township Flag poles during the BicentenniaLyear. Carried o Committee of the Whole 7 l{inutes cw-83-24 -t- 14. OTEERBUSIIfESS: {. Moved by Councillor LYons Seconded bY Councillor Smockun THAT a Speciat Council Meeting be held imnediately following the Conrnittee of the Whole Meeting to deal with the iterns on the Committee of the Whole Agenda of 1983 12 15 Carried On Motion neeting Adjourned at lr07 p.n. t -.,{r r$ . t .. { ^ c1{-83-23 TEE coRpoRATroNoF TBE TonNsnrp oF csoiciNe IN fBB REGIONAL UUNICIPALITY OF YORK I r COUI{ITTEE O9 THE WEOLE }IINUTES 1983 12 gt 9:32a.n. I. HOI.TENTOP HEDTTATION: A noment of neditation was observed by the members of the Conmittee of the Whole. 2 . ROLL CALL : The Clerk reported that all Members of the Comnittee of the Whole were present with the exception of Councillors Boothby, Wheeler and Winch. Councillor Winch arrived at 9:38 a.n.. ' Councilfor Wheeler arrived at 9:42 a.n.. 3. CONFLICT DISCLOSURES: . a) Mayor Rogers declared a possible confLict of interest on Iten 9 (a) (1) - Raines Street - RoaclDedication because the law firm be is associated with has acted for one of the adjoining owners. b) Mayor Rogers declared a possible conflict of interest on Iten 9 (b)(2) - Report No. EA-83-18 - Dedication of certain land as being a public Highway, because the Law firn he is associated with has acted ior the applicant. Conmlttee of the Whole MinuteE car-83-23 -2 2 I. I{INOTES OP TgB PREVTOI'S IIEETINGS: a) Uinutes of the Committee of the Whote Meeting held on Novenber l7th, 1983. lloved by Regional Councillor Mclean Seconded by Counclllor Shepherd. t THAT the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting held on November L7rd, 1983, be adopted wlth the following arnendments: - Page 13 - Caucus Matter. The llinutes shouLd indicate Councillor Winch left the Council Chambers during these discussions. - Page 15 - Item 12(21 . The word 'encourage" in the second line should read tincorporale". Carried i\ 5. BUSINESS ARISING FROH MTNUTES: 6. DEPUTATTONS: a) Mrs. Jean Snith regarding the Chief Adrninistrative - Officerrs Report No. 83-22. Urs. Srnith who was in attendance at the Meeting indicated she had no cotnnents to make at this time when the Mayor advised her that the Consultants Report would not address the issues of the Landfill ' : Site. 7. COI{I{UNICATTONSs a) Letter from Mrs. C. phillips requesting financial assistance for her Christian Ctothing Exchange conmunity_program located at 2I ttetro Road S6uth, Keswick, Ontario. Conmittee of the Whole Hinutes 3 c1{-83-23 3- 7.
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