Supplementary Material (ESM) Traits and Centralities in a Marine Food Web

Supplementary Material (ESM) Traits and Centralities in a Marine Food Web

Electronic supplementary material (ESM) Traits and centralities in a marine food web Body size and mobility explain species centralities in the Gulf of California food web Rubén Olmo Gilabert1, Andrés Felipe Navia2, Gustavo De La Cruz-Agüero1, Juan Carlos Molinero3, Ulrich Sommer3, Marco Scotti3,* 1CICIMAR Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas del Instituto Politécnico Nacional Apartado Postal 592, CP 23094, La Paz, Baja California Sur, México 2Fundación colombiana para la investigación y conservación de tiburones y rayas, SQUALUS. Calle 10° # 72-35, Apto. 301E, Cali, Valle, Colombia 3GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel, Germany 1 Electronic supplementary material (ESM) Traits and centralities in a marine food web List of references consulted to retrieve node properties: diet, traits and attributes node name diet traits and attributes Seagrasses SEAG Other seagrasses 336 RUPPI Ruppia maritima 337-338 AVICE Avicennia germinans 337-338, 342 MANGL Rhizophora mangle 337-338, 342 PHYLL Phyllospadix torreyi 338-339, 341 SALIC Salicornia sp. 338 ZOSTE Zostera sp. 337-341 Macroalgae ALGAE Other macroalgae 344 CALCA Calcareous algae 343 CHLOR Chlorophyta 343 CLAPH Cladophora sp. 343, 354 ENTER Enteromorpha sp. 343, 354 MACPI Sargassum sinicola 343 PHAEO Phaeophyceae 343 RHODO Rhodophyta 343 SARGA Sargassum sp. ULVAL Ulvales 343 Phytoplankton PHYTO Other phytoplankton 345 CIANO Cyanobacteria 346-347 DIAT1 Bidulphia sp. 345, 347-348 DIAT2 Chaetoceros sp. 345, 347 DIAT3 Cocinodiscus sp. 345, 347 DIAT4 Ditylum sp. 345, 347 DIAT5 Melosira sp. 345, 347, 349 DIAT6 Navicula sp. 345, 347, 349-350 2 Electronic supplementary material (ESM) Traits and centralities in a marine food web DIAT7 Rhizosolenia sp. 345, 347 DIAT8 Skeletonema sp. 345, 347 DIATO Other diatoms 347, 351 DINO1 Ceratium sp. 346-347, 350, 352 DINO2 Triposolenia sp. 342, 347, 353 DINO3 Peridinium sp. 347, 355 DINOF Other dinoflagellates 346-347, 350, 356 Zooplankton ZOOPL Other zooplankton 1-6 374 ACAN1 Acanthochiasma sp. 5, 7-8 375 ACAN2 Acantholithium sp. 5, 7-8 375 ACAN3 Acanthometra sp. 5, 7-8 375 ACAN4 Astrolithium sp. 5, 7-8 375 ACAN5 Gigartacon sp. 5, 7-8 375 ACAN6 Phylostaurus sp. 5, 7-8 375 AMPHI Amphipoda 9-12 377-378 CLADO Cladocera 13 379 COPEP Copepoda 7, 13-15 377, 380 CTENO Ctenophora 16-17 377 EUPHA Euphausiacea 18-19 374, 381 FORAM Foraminifera 5 382 HYDRO Hydrozoa 16 377, 383 ISOPO Isopoda 20 378 OSTRA Ostracoda 21 384-385 PROTO Protozoa 5, 7-8 386 RADI1 Sphaerozoum sp. 4, 22-24 353 RADI2 Tetraplagia 4, 22-24 386-389 RADI3 Thalassoxantium sp. 4, 22-24 386-389 RADI4 Triplagiacantha sp. 4, 22-24 386-389 RADIO Radiolaria 4, 22-24 386-389 ROTIF Rotifera 2, 7 367 SCYPH Scyphozoa 16, 25 354, 367 Macroinvertebrates ASCI Tunicates and ascidians 4, 13, 26 390 3 Electronic supplementary material (ESM) Traits and centralities in a marine food web BIVAL Bivalvia 27-29 367, 391-392 BRYOZ Bryozoa 30 393-394 CHAET Chaetognatha 31-32 367, 395-396 CHITO Chitons 33-34 367, 392 CIRRI Barnacles 35-37 367, 392 CORAL Corals 3, 20, 279 400, 406 GASTR Gastropoda 5, 38-40 392, 396-397 MEIO Meiobenthos 28, 41 398 OLIGO Oligochaeta 42 399 POLYC Polychaeta 43-44 367, 400 PORIF Porifera 45 401 PTERO Pteropoda 46-47 375, 402 STOMA Stomatopoda 28, 48-49 403-405 WORM Worms 5 367 Echinoderms OPHI Ophiuroidea 50 354, 359, 403, 406-408 SEACU Holothuroidea 16, 25 SEAST Asteroidea 40, 51-53 359, 397, 403, 407-410 SEAUR Euechinoidea 54-57 354, 357, 403, 408 Shrimps FACAD Farfantepenaeus californiensis 28, 49, 58-59 359, 397, 403, 411-413 LITOA Litopenaeus stylirostris 28, 49, 58, 61 412, 414 PASIP Pasiphaea sp. 62-63 354, 359, 403, 415-417 SERGE Sergestes sp. 64-66 354, 359, 403, 415-417 SERPH Sergia phorca 64-66 354, 359, 403, 415-416 SICYO Sicyonia sp. 28, 49, 67 359, 397, 411-412, 418-419 Crabs PLEPL Pleuroncodes planipes 5, 41, 68 359, 417, 420, 423-425 CALAR Callinectes arcuatus 69-70 354, 359, 367, 424 CALBE Callinectes bellicosus 70 424-427 CRABS Benthic crabs 5, 28, 49, 71 359-361, 367 PANIN Panulirus inflatus 72-73 359-361, 367, 397 PORTU Portunus spp. 28, 49, 70, 74-76 359, 361, 428 4 Electronic supplementary material (ESM) Traits and centralities in a marine food web Cephalopods DOGIG Dosidicus gigas 77-79 359-361, 367, 397,429-435 LOLLI Lolliguncula sp. 80 359-361, 436-438 OCTO Octopus 28, 41, 49, 81-82 367, 439 ONBAN Onychoteuthis banksii 83-84 359-361, 397, 440-442 SEPIA Sepia sp. 10, 85 30, 443 STHEO Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis 86 359-361, 367, 397, 434, 435, 441 Reptiles CHEMY Chelonia mydas 3, 87 359-361, 367, 444-445 PEPLA Pelamis platurus 88-89 30, 359-361, 446 Sea birds HYCA Hydroprogne caspia 90-92 359-361, 448-449 LARA Larus atricilla 93-94 359-361, 448-449 LARDE Larus delawarensis 95-96 359-361, 448-449 OCMIC Oceanodroma microsoma 97 359-361, 448, 450 PANHA Pandion haliaetus 98 359-361,448 PELOC Pelecanus occidentalis 99-100 359-36, 448, 450 PHALA Phalacrocorax auritus 101-102 359-361, 448, 450, 452 RYNIG Rynchops niger 103-105 359-361, 448, 450 STERA Sternula antillarum 99, 106-110 359-361, 448 SULEU Sula leucogaster 111-112 359-361, 448, 455-456 Seals ZACAL Zalophus californianus 113-114 30, 357, 359-361, 367, 397 Baleen whales BALED Balaenoptera edeni 115-117 354, 357, 367, 458-460 BAMUS Balaenoptera musculus 115-118 354, 357, 367, 458-460 BAPHY Balaenoptera physalus 115-119 354, 357, 367, 458-460 ESROB Eschrichtius robustus 115 30, 357, 359-361, 397 Other whales and dolphins DELCA Delphinus capensis 116, 120-121 30, 357, 359-361, 367 GLOMA Globicephala macrorhynchus 115 30, 357, 359-361, 367, 397 5 Electronic supplementary material (ESM) Traits and centralities in a marine food web GRAGR Grampus griseus 115 30, 357, 359-361, 367, 397 ORCOR Orcinus orca 115, 123 30, 357, 359-361, 367, 397 PHOSI Phocaena sinus 124-125 30, 357, 359-361, 367, 397 PHYMA Physeter macrocephalus 115, 118, 126-127 30, 357, 359-361, 397, 433, 465 STELO Stenella longirostris 115 30, 357, 359-361, 367, 397 TUTRU Tursiops truncatus 115, 128 30, 357, 359-361, 367, 397 ZICAV Ziphius cavirostris 115 357, 359-361, 367, 397 Rays PSEPR Pseudobatos productus 129-132 30, 358-361, 367, 371-372 AENAR Aetobatis narinari 133 30, 358-361 DASDI Dasyatis dipterura 132, 134-135 30, 358-361 DIPOM Diplobatis ommata 136 30, 357-361 GYMAR Gymnura marmorata 132 30, 357-361, 372 MABIR Manta birostris 137-139 30, 358-361, 372 MYLCA Myliobatis californica 129 30, 358-361, 367 NAREN Narcine entemedor 132, 136, 140 30, 357-361, 372 PLATR Platyrhinoidis triseriata 141-142 30, 357-361, 371-372 PSEGL Pseudobatos glaucostigma 135-136 30, 358-361 PSELE Pseudobatos leucorhynchus 143 30, 358-361 RAJIN Raja inornata 144 354, 358-361, 370-371, 373, 468 RHIST Rhinoptera steindachneri 135, 145 30, 357-361, 372 URAS Urotrygon aspidura 135 30, 357 URHA Urolophus halleri 136, 146 30 URORO Urotrygon rogersi 135-136 30, 358-361 ZAPEX Zapteryx exasperata 147 30, 358-361 Sharks ALOSU Alopias superciliosus 148 30, 357-361 ALOVU Alopias vulpinus 149-150 30, 357-361, 371 CACA Carcharodon carcharias 151-153 30, 357-361, 367, 470-471 CARFA Carcharhinus falciformis 154-155 30, 357-361, 367, 471-472 CARLE Carcharhinus leucas 154 30, 357-361, 367, 471-472 CARLI Carcharhinus limbatus 154 30, 357-361, 367, 471-472 CAROB Carcharhinus obscurus 156-157 30, 357-361, 367, 471-472 GALCU Galeocerdo cuvier 133, 158 30, 357-361 6 Electronic supplementary material (ESM) Traits and centralities in a marine food web GINCI Ginglymostoma cirratum 133 30, 357-361, 367 HEFRA Heterodontus francisci 159-160 30, 357-361, 367 ISURO Isurus oxyrinchus 161-162 30, 357-361, 367, 473 MUCAL Mustelus californicus 129 30, 357-361, 371 MUHEN Mustelus henlei 129 30,357-361, 371 MULUN Mustelus lunulatus 163 30, 357-361, 473 NEBRE Negaprion brevirostris 133, 154 30, 357-361 NOCEP Notorynchus cepedianus 164-166 30, 358-361, 367, 371 PARXA Parmaturus xaniurus 167-168 30, 357-361, 371 PRIG Prionace glauca 169-170 30, 357-361, 367, 371, 473 RHILO Rhizoprionodon longurio 171-172 30, 357-361, 371-372 RHITY Rhincodon typus 173-174 30, 357-361, 367 SPHYL Sphyrna lewini 154, 175-176 30, 357-361, 367 SPHYT Sphyrna tiburo 154 30, 357-361, 367 SPHYZ Sphyrna zygaena 156, 177-178 30, 357-361, 473 SQUCA Squatina californica 179-180 30, 357-361, 473 TRISE Triakis semifasciata 129, 181-182 30, 357-361, 371 Acanthuridae PRIPU Prionurus punctatus 183-185 30, 357-361, 366, 369-370 Apogonidae APORE Apogon retrosella 185-187 30, 357-361, 366, 369-370 Atherinopsidae ATAF Atherinops affinis 188-191 354, 358-361, 370, 372 Balistidae BALPO Balistes polylepis 185, 192 30, 357-361, 366, 369-370 SUVER Sufflamen verres 185 30, 357-361, 369-370 Bathylagidae LEUST Leuroglossus stilbius 193 357-361, 481 Batrachoididae PORAN Porichthys analis 194 30, 354, 358-361, 370, 484-485 7 Electronic supplementary material (ESM) Traits and centralities in a marine food web PORMI Porichthys mimeticus 195 30, 354, 358-361, 370, 485 Belonidae STREX Strongylura exilis 196 358-361, 370 TYCRO Tylosurus crocodilus 186, 197 358-361, 370 Carangidae ALECI Alectis ciliaris 198 30, 357-361 CAROT Carangoides otrynter 198 30, 357-361 CHORQ Chloroscombrus orqueta 198 30, 357-361 ELBI Elagatis bipinnulata 199 354, 358-365 OLIAL Oligoplites altus 200 30, 357-361 OLIRE Oligoplites refulgens 197, 201 30, 357 SEBRE Selene brevoortii 198 30, 357-361 SECRU Selar crumenophthalmus 198, 202 30, 357-361, 366 SEPER Selene peruviana 198, 203-204 30, 357-361 SERLA Seriola lalandi 114, 205 30, 357-361, 367-368 TRASY Trachurus symmetricus 206-207 30, 358-361 Centropomidae CENIG Centropomus nigrescens

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