E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1995 No. 87 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. bers of the prohibition of clause 3 of Here are a few examples of what I am f rule XXXII against former Members talking about: The International Insti- obtaining floor privileges during the tute for the Unification of Private PRAYER pendency of a matter in which they Law, the International Office of Vine The Chaplain, Rev. James David have a personal or pecuniary interest, and Wine, the Permanent International Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- emphasizing that the test for whether Association of Road Congresses, the er: the rule is being violated is the former Colombo Plan Council for Technical We pray, gracious God, that we will Member's status as one with a personal Cooperation, and the International not be content simply to follow old or pecuniary interest rather than their Natural Rubber Study Organization. paths and repeat meaningless patterns, intent to lobby. On that occasion All of these programs have two but that our hearts and minds would be Speaker Foley also admonished former things in common: They are funded by open to new adventures and new oppor- Members from importuning the door- the American taxpayer and they need tunities of service. May Your good keepers to waive the restrictions of the desperately to be unfunded by the Spirit breathe into our souls a rule, since the Chair may not even rec- American taxpayer. Mr. Speaker, we realize that the Fed- freshness that cleanses our ideas, our ognize a unanimous-consent request to eral Government cannot continue hopes, and our dreams and may we do so. spending money as if there were no to- truly look to Your guidance for the The Chair is taking this opportunity morrow, and we can no longer afford days ahead. Teach us to grow in Your to reiterate the guidelines first an- overseas extravagance. It is time to grace and trust in Your goodness, this nounced by Speaker O'Neill under streamline bureaucracy and eliminate day and every day. Amen. clause 3 of rule XXXII on January 6, 1977, and again on June 7, 1978, and by the proliferation of silly named pro- f Speaker Foley last year in order to dis- grams that have no real purpose and no THE JOURNAL courage former Members from at- real need to exist. The American Over- tempting to exercise their limited floor seas Interests Act will reduce our mon- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- privileges when they find themselves etary aid commitments overseas to one ined the Journal of the last day's pro- under this restriction and to remind percent of the Federal budget, much ceedings and announces to the House former Members that the prohibition more in line with what the American his approval thereof. extends beyond the floor to rooms lead- people want us to do in this Congress. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- ing thereto, such as the Speaker's f nal stands approved. lobby and the respective Cloakrooms. HOUSE REPUBLICANS FAVOR TAX f f CUTS FOR WEALTHY PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER (Mr. GEPHARDT asked and was The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman RELATIVE TO 1-MINUTES given permission to address the House from North Carolina [Mr. JONES] come The SPEAKER. The Chair will take for 1 minute and to revise and extend forward and lead the House in the 20 1-minutes on each side. his remarks.) Pledge of Allegiance. f Mr. GEPHARDT. Mr. Speaker, now Mr. JONES led the Pledge of Alle- that the Republicans have forced their giance as follows: VINE AND WINE budget resolution through this House, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the (Mrs. SEASTRAND asked and was it is easy to get lost in a sea of num- United States of America, and to the Repub- given permission to address the House bers and statisticsÐto forget about the lic for which it stands, one Nation under for 1 minute and to revise and extend impact this trickle-down travesty will God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for her remarks.) have on the hard-working people of all. Mrs. SEASTRAND. Mr. Speaker, over America. f the last 30 years, the Federal Govern- But I cannot forgetÐbecause every ment has become far too generous with time I walk the streets of my district ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER the taxpayer's money. Washington bu- in St. Louis, I meet the people who RELATIVE TO FLOOR PRIVI- reaucrats not satisfied with wasting stand to lose health care benefits, pen- LEGES OF FORMER MEMBERS money on domestic programs find new sion benefits, and student loansÐall to The SPEAKER. On June 9, 1994, and inventive ways to waste it in other pay for a tax cut for the wealthy that Speaker Foley reminded former Mem- countries. is so unfair, so unnecessary, so b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 5485 H 5486 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 24, 1995 unaffordable that even a Republican Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, perhaps REPUBLICANS TO STUDENTS: Senate rejected it. my colleague from Arizona had best di- NEED HELP? FORGET IT This is a picture of Shawn D'Abreu, a rect his remarks to his Republican col- (Mr. GONZALEZ asked and was given student at Webster University in St. leagues in the U.S. Senate. You see, permission to address the House for 1 Louis. He depends on student loans, as yesterday they did a little heart sur- minute and to revise and extend his re- well as college grants and a part-time gery over in the U.S. Senate. Yes, my marks.) job, to pay his way through college. To colleague from Texas, PHIL GRAMM, Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, Amer- lose any part of his financial aid pack- said the heart, the very heart of this ica is the place that invented mass edu- age could put Shawn's college career in budget resolution was a tax cut for the cation, and that is one thing that made jeopardy, forcing him to delay his de- privileged. this the great country that it is. gree, or find some source of outside in- PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY For the past 50 years, great programs come to make up the difference. Mr. LINDER. Mr. Speaker, I have a like the GI bill and the Student Loan Under the new Republican budget parliamentary inquiry. Program have opened the doors of op- plan, Shawn would have his student The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. portunity to generations of kids from loan cut by about $5,000. That is a cut BONILLA). The gentleman will state it. poor, struggling families. The strong- he simply cannot afford to sustain. Mr. LINDER. Mr. Speaker, is it ap- est, richest, most progressive regions If you ask me, a budget that sac- propriate under the rules to address in America are those regions where a rifices Shawn's college education to specific actions taken in the other fine education is within the reach of line the pockets of the wealthy is a body? every worthy student, no matter how dangerous reversal of priorities. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. The poor that student might be. Republicans want to let billionaires re- Chair advises Members that they One would think that with millions nounce their citizenship and pay no should avoid references to Members of of success stories, and one would think taxes. But Shawn, who is the very fu- the other body. that with all the lessons of history, the ture of this country, gets stuck with Mr. DOGGETT. Yesterday the U.S. Republicans would conclude that edu- the bill. Senate chose to perform heart surgery. cation ought to get a very high prior- That is what the Republicans voted Sixty-nine Members, including 23 Re- ity. forÐtax cuts for the wealthy, and stu- publicans in that body, decided to re- Nope. The Republicans want to stran- dent loan cuts for struggling young move from the budget resolution any gle very form of student aid. They people like Shawn. If you ask me, the tax cut for the privileged. That is good want to add thousands of dollars to the Senate had it right: That kind of reck- news for Americans. We are still not cost of student loans, and make deep less redistribution of income is just there. We still do not have a reasonable cuts in every other kind of student aid. plain wrong, and has no place in the budget resolution, but the fact that Hundreds of thousands of deserving United States of America. that heart surgery occurred over there kids will find it impossible to afford a f in the Senate with joint bipartisan par- good college education. ticipation to add some reason to the In my district alone there are almost 33,000 HOUSE REPUBLICANS FAVOR budget resolution speaks volumes for students who need student loans to make it FISCAL SANITY Medicare recipients, speaks volumes through school. Losing the interest rate benefit (Mr. HAYWORTH asked and was for young people in this country, cer- will cost them millions of dollars. Since my dis- given permission to address the House tainly speaks to the needs of Tina Hen- trict is among the Nation's poorest, many of for 1 minute and to revise and extend derson and her daughter Erica in my those kids will lose their best chance for a de- his remarks.) district who stand to lose substantially cent life.
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