THE TUFTS DAILY Vol. XXX Number 52 Breakstone will run for Senate president by ANDREA GROSSMAN safety shuttle stops. Dady Editorial Board If Breakstone were to be elected Junior David Breakstone off- as president, he said, he would cially announcedhis candidacy for continue the Senate’s active in- Tufts Community Union [TCU] volvement in campus affairs. In president yesterday afternoon. A years past, he said that he felt the two-year veteran of the Senate, Senate served more as a forum for Breakstone currently serves as its argument rather than a forum‘ for historian and ServicesCommittee accomplishment. Under outgoing chair. TCU President David Brinker, he After sewing as president of admitted that this situation has Wren Hall Dormitory during his greatly improved. “We’ve moved freshman year, Breakstone said on from that [the arguing stage] that he decided that he wished to and now we’re making changes,” become more involved in the com- he said. munity. His campaign for a posi- Breakstone also plans to con- tion on the Senate in his sopho- tinue Brinker’s campaign for stu- more year was successful, and he dent empowerment next year. One was subsequently elected to the position of assistant treasurer. “W,J ,rrr yr”’v‘v This past year, as a junior, Morphine, an alternative rock band, will be playing at the Somerville Theater on Friday night. See Breakstone has made numerous page 2 of the Weekender section for an interview with lead singer Mark Sandman. contributionsto the community as the head of the Dining Services Committee, one of the many stu- TCUpublishes booklet advising dent/faculty committees. Under the direction of Breakstone and Director of Dining Services Patti . students on off-campus housing Lee, the committee managed to by GAYLE BERKOWITZ ered from a similar guide called is the importance of respecting arrange for beer and an exDanded Y Daily Editorial Board Habitat, which was previously Other members Of Medford and menu at Hotung Cafe, the reopen- The Off-Campus Housing produced by a branch of the Office Somervillecommunities.Barbara ing of the late night study facility Guide, prepared under the aus- of ResidentialLife. The Off-Cam- Rubel, director of Community at Cmichael ~i~i~~~~11,an in- pices of the Tufts Community pus Housing Office discontinued Relations, stressesin a letter pref- creasein the number meals Union [TCU] Senate Services the booklet several years ago and acing the guide that “although no from five to 15 for people on the Committee, is now available for the Senate decided this year to longer living in University Hous- 20-meal plan, and the impending students in the Senate office and revive the service. ing*we expect Tuftsstudentstobe expansion of Jumbo scoops and David Breakstone .. the Information Booth at the Cam- The cost of the guide was $700 responsible, respectful members Jumbo Express this summer. pus Center. for 2,000 copies. “We will be dis- ofthecommuNtY...Familieswith One of Breakstone’s largest of his main priorities if elected Information for the guide, tributing some this year and some YoungchildrenandelderlYPeoP1e projects was his campaign to es- would be to strengthen the com- printed by Charles River Publish- next year,” Goldberg said. contribute to neighborhoods tablish a points-off-campus pro- munication between the TCU and ing Co., was compiled by fresh- Co-sponsorship was requested and You when You need gram. He reported yesterday that the Board of Trustees. Currently, man Senator Stacy Goldberg and from five differentoffices, includ- assistance-They’ll also hope *at “the University is stronglyconsid- he feels that studentinput is absent Parliamentarian Jordana Sanft. ing the Dean of Students, Student you will help them from time to ering doing from their decisions. The layout was done by freshman Activities, the Board of Trustees time$ that You respect their As head of the Services Corn- He pointed out that this year, Senator Scott Lezberg. (who declined), and Community need for quiet, and observe local mittee, Breakstone Oversaw the during the Trustees’ February re- “[The guide] talks about hous- Relations. Thus far, the latter is the ordinances.” reinstatement of 22 student park- treat, the Senatemet with the Trust- ing that is available for students, only office which has responded categOricallY~the guide is Or- ing spaces, the Turkey and Spring ees at a Saturday luncheon after dl budgeting, rent, utilities. It gives positively. ganized into discussions Of the Break Shuttle Buses, Tufts Club their decisions had been made. advice about tenant-landlord prob- “Weaskedfor$lOOfromeach. community* Organization Of the Night, the installment of campus “The communication lines have to lems, leases, and numbers to call Basically, the Senate will pay for search for housing,types Of living phones outside ofthe campus ten- be made more effective,”he said. for services like cable and tele- the rest from money that was allo- m~~ementstolookfor~discrimi-ter, the possibility of registering Additionally, Breakstone phone,’’ Goldberg said. cated at the beginning [of the nation* safety, tenant for classes over the phone, and the Much of the information, ac- year],” Goldberg said. upcoming installation of signs at see BREAKSTONE, page 4 cording to Goldberg, was gath- A main focus of the document see HOUSING, page 4 Friends and family- mourn the loss of Brandeis student~ WEST ORANGE, N. J. (AP)- Gaza StriponSunday, theFlatows tight. The Essex County bomb Wednesday FBI agents will help Paul WOE, afamilyfriendwho - Alisa Flatow felt a deep connec- donated Alisa’s organs, a rare act squad scoured the building before investigate the attack, and the accompanied Stephen Flatow to tion to Israel. “Alisa loved the for Orthodox Jews. mourners were allowed to enter. bombers could be prosecuted in Israel, told the assembled mourn- people of Israel. She loved to ride “All= gave back to the people Those who spoke at the funeral the United States under a law that ers he was astounded by the Out- the bus. She loved to go to the ofIsraelsomething shedidn’t have described Ms. Flatow as a caring allows U.S. courts to try people pouring of love Israelis showed markets in Jerusalem,” Stephen to do,” Flatow said. and religious girl. who perpetrate terrorist attacks see FUNERAL, page 6 Flatow told 2,000 people who sat The crowd of mourners over- “Everv WrSOn who ever met against Americans. in grieving silence Wednesday at flowed themain sanctuaryat Con- her und&sLnds this overwhelm- the hneral for his 20-yearsld gregation Ahavas Achim B’nai ing pain that we feel because of daughter. Jacob & David. Hundreds of this tragedy, said the synagogue’s To honor the young woman, people were forced to stand in the rabbi, Alvin Marcus. “She loved who died of her wounds after a back of the hall or to listen to the the Jewish people, the Torah and terrorist bomb ripped through a ceremony in another room over a the land of Israel ... she nurtured bus on which she was riding in the public address system. and she developed a passion to New York Governor George grow and appreciate the values of Pataki sent a representative, and the Jewish people.” 1 Inside President Clinton had earlier Ms. Flatow and seven Israeli Viewpoints....................... D. 3 called the family to send his con- soldiers were killed Sunday in Condoms dydo work, the Reigion dolences. two bombings by Islamic mili- Department isn’t worth restoring, and !kveral grOUPsarrivedbYchar- tants in the Palestinian-run Gaza Michael pontificates. ter bus, including one from Ms. Strip. More than 40 people were Flatow’s college, Brandeis Uni- wounded. Weekender..................... p. I-IV versity in suburban Boston. StU- Ms. Flatow had taken a semes- Read everything you want to know dents from local Jewish schools teroff from her studiesat Brandeis about the Boston Garden, and the new also came to pay their respects. to study at a Jerusalem seminary. craze of women in music. As 10 pallbearers carried the She was headed to a Jewish resort plain pine coffin draped with the settlement in the Gaza Strip for flag of Israel into the sanctuary, the Passover holiday when a sui- Spor................................. P. 7 Tennis takes two steps forward, one many mourners shuddered with cide bomber rammed a vehicle step back; and Tomase interviews a emotion and some broke down loaded with explosives into her Durham of the non-bull kind. crying. bus. Security at the ceremony was StateDepartmcnt officials said c ,age two THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, April 13,1995 THETUFTS DAILY Letters to the Editor Nadya J. Sbaiti Editor-in-Chief Authority figures can’t slavery was legal until 1865. Ms. McHenry . power are not always willing to give it up to Managing Editor: David Meyers advocates people exercising power on an those who are powerless, and individual AssociateEditors:JL McHenry, JessicaRosenthal just be blindly trusted individual level -- what are the chances of actions such as voting or calling Congress Production Managers: Ryan Otto, Marc Sheinkin, Pratiksha Thakkar To the Editor: a slave convincing his master to allow him is often not enough to bring about meaning- In Monday’s “Don’t strike while the to be free? AS with many other examples of ful change. Real social change can be NEWS iron is hot” (Daily, 4/10), JL McHeny social change, it was people united for a achieved through organized movements of Editors: John OKeefe, Andrea Grossman, argues that people should “obey the rules common cause that resultedin the abolition people who empower themselves, recog- Gayle Berkowitz of slavery. nizing that they cannot sit back and trust Assistant Editor: Joshua Robin and listen to the directions of those in .-power” instead of trying to “destroy the Ms. McHenry believes that people those in power to do the right thing.
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