· . February, 1946 Old Way ••• CURING RICKETS in the CLEFT of an ASH TREE OR many centuries,-and apparently down to the F presenc time, even in this country- ricketic chil­ dren have been passed through a cleft ash cccc to cure them of their rickets, and thenceforth a sympathetic reladonship was supposed to exist between them and the tree. Frazer· States mat the ordinary mode of effecting the cure is [0 split a young ash sapling longi­ tudinally for a few feet and pass the child, naked, either three times or three times three through the fis sure at sunrise. In the West of England, jt is said ;:fii~~ ;,~ the passage must be "against the sun." As soon as !? the ceremony is performed, the tree is bound tightly up and the fi ssure plastered over with mud or clay. I \I~~~~~ The belief is that just as the dcft in the ttee will be t healed, so the child's body will be healed, but that if the rift in the tree remains open, the deformity in I the child will remain, too, and if the tree were to die, -:,::;:;-;;~~... & the death of the child would surely follow. It ;$ iro nia,ltbatthe praClice o f auempI;nl ~. J . G .: 'no. Gelden Reach, -'. I. NewY ...~ , .......IlI ... O"'._ 10 cure ricke1$ b)' holdin$: Ihe ch ild in Ihl clefl oC ao a$b tree wu usociued Wifh fhl ri.sinlt ofthe .sun, 1he Jil(hl of which we no. New Way ••• know 15 in iuel( one o f Nalure's speci6c1 Preventing and Curing Rickets with MEAD'S OLEUM PERCOMORPHUM OWADAYS, the physician has at his command, Mead's Oleum Perco N morphum, a Council-Accepted vitamin D product which actually prevenl and cures rickets, when given in proper dosage. Like other specifics for other diseases, larger dosage may be required (0 extreme cases. It is safe to say that when used in the indicated dosage, Mead' Oleum Percomorphum is a specific in almost all cases of rickets, regardless 0 degree and duration. Mead's Oleum Percomo rphum because of its high vitamins A and D content i also useful in deficiency conditions such as tetany, osteomalacia and xerophtha lmi ~ COUNCIL-ACCEPTED: Oleum Percomo rphum With Other Fish-Lhoer O ils and Vios­ terol. Conlains 6 0 .00 0 vitamin A unitS and 8,500 vitamin D units per J;:ram and is supplied in to c:. c:. and 50 c:. c. bottles; and in bottles contai ning 50 and 2<;0 capsules. II'EAD JOHNSON & COMPANY, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, U.S.A In• male climacteric Specific and dramatic response i:l male involution, a syndrome directly caused by declining testicular function, is secured with Perandren therapy. This este r of the mole sex hormone produces a rapid and prolonged clinical remission of the vogue and often apparently unrelated symptoms en· countered. The recently prepared brochure, "The Male Period of Involution," describes the use of androgenic therapy in the male climacteric. Ad· dress Professional Service Division for your copy. PeraDdreD ( brand of testosterone propionate) Trade M9rk lU~. U. S. Pat. Off. This form of the male sex hormone is the most economical for parenteral use. Availabl e as ompuls, 1 cc., in concen­ trations of 5, 10, and 25 mg. Boxes of 3, 6, and 50. srfRoro HORMONES AND FINE PHARMACEUTICALS CIBA PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS, INC. SUMMIT • NEW JERSlY Page 4 T he Bulle'ill , ~IIIUIClml"IUHDlllllllllmDnllllllllll[JmIlIllIlIlOllllllltllllnllllllllltiIDIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIII IIIIIUlIlIlIlIlIlIUlllllltlUlIDlllllllltIlIWlIlIIlIlIlIUlillIllllll1t g = ;;= ~ B"y Botlds Then Flowers From ~ ~ = ;= "Q "§ g Fine Flowers § a = Tulsa's Newesr Downrown Flower Shop = I We Send ~ ~ § ~ FLOWERS BY WIRE • FLOWERS BY AIR c= = ~ 21 East Fourth Phone 4-4355 ~ (.lIllIllIllIllUlllllltlIIllUIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIII[llllllllllllltllIlIllIllIllUIIIIIIIIIIIIOllllllllllllum IIII11I11DIIUIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIII[]lIlIlItlllllnIlIlUIUIIIDIIIIII~ OIl11l11ClUlUIIJltDMlIIllIIlIICmmllllllltlllltllllllllDlllllltilltltlllllllllllll UlIlIlIlIlIlIUlIlI1IIIlIlItlllllllllllllUUlllllllllltlllllllllllllrlllllllllllllUJIIIJIIlllllty ~ . § i =- ,: I AMERICAN DOCTORS have deve loped the most ef- ! ~ fective, and the most widely distributed medical care ; ~===_= in the world - under the unhampered American ~ system. ~ =~ Your Druggist too has a responsibility in doing his i, = ~ ~ part to see that his work is well done at a time when ! = called upon by the Doctor. , "-§ ~, i s tair : r~~~~d~1 ~r!~~~e~~~Pbi~;tc;;~~Jh1si~a~~~;= i = upon call. I = : i O. L. PRATHER, Manager I = i i MEDICAL ARTS PRESCRIPTION SHOP ! -= ! i TULSA In T;~:::i~:~~~S Building OKLAHOMA 1 f)llllllllllltltJlllIUlllllltJIIII I III I I II ElI I I IIIIIIII IUI IIU I III I ll t11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 [11 1 111 111 11 1I t1 11 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 [11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIIIE1 1 1 11 1I111 1 1IE11 1 1 1 1111 111 ltllllll lll li l iClIIII/IIIIIIIDI IIII ~ Feb,IIMY, 1946 Page 5 CONTENTS Scientific Programs Announced ___ _____ 7 GETMAN'S Members in Service _~ _____ .___________ ... __ 8 Presl ' d em. 5 Page ________ ._, __ ,.. ___ _____ .. __ < 10 R. ROY GETMAN, Founder Commim:e Activity High II Clinic Repon _0 ____ • ____ ._ •••• _____________ • 12 Prescription The Medical Library ... ~ ~~ .. ~~. ~~. 13 Specialists Medical Calendar ~~~ ~~~~ ....... ~~ 14 Returning [he Challenge ~~~~ ~~~~~~... ~~~~ 16 Dia13·51?1 Du es Announcement .. _________________ .... ___ . 16 New Members Admicred ...~~~~~~ ~ .. ~~.~~. 20 Prompt Free Delivery ADVERTISERS Arlington Chemical Co" ........~~ ..._ ........ 22 Audiphone Company ~ .~~ ... _ ........._._ 17 41 Years of Service Babyl and _ .. ~ ..... _~ ...... ~~ _____ ~_ .... 17 To The Ball Drug Company ~ .......... __ ............. ~ 19 Medical and Dental Professions Carron Pharmacy ... __ . _______ .... _... ______ _____ 17 Would Mean Nothing Were Ciba Pharmaceutical Products.... ........ _... 3 Coca·Cola .. _ .. _...... _~~ .. ~ .......... _~ __ ... ~ .. ~ .. 6 We Not Able TODAY to Commercial Printing Company ......_ ... __ 24 "Deliver The Goods." Couper. I nco ......... ~ .......................... __ ._2 4 Courtright Optical CO" ....... _ .............. 21 Coyne Campbell Sa nitarium __ .~ ............ 21 Be Assured of Our Curtain's Prescription Laboratory ______ ___ . 6 Sincere Desire to Serve You Flowerland ..... ~ ........ _.... _.... ~~ ... _ ...... _...... 4 In a Manner That Shall Merit George A. Breon Company_ ................ 15 Your Continued Confidence. Geeman Drug Company .._. ____. _ 5 Harvard Drug Company __ ~~~ ___ ....... _.... _~ 21 Hillcrest Hospital ._.. __ .. _.. _ ... _ .... ~ .....21 Mayo Hotel ...._ .......... ___._ .... _ 23 WeGiveS&H Mead Johnson & Company _.____ 2 Green Stamps Meadow Gold Dairy ....._ ...____ . _ 23 Medical Ans Prescription Shop ~ __ ._... 4 Main at 6th - Tulsa Merkel X·Ray ....................__ .. _ .......2 4 St. John's Hospital _ ................ _~~ .... 18 Tulsa Convalescent Home ______ .... __ .. _... 18 Tulsa ', O:deal Rx Drug Store T. Roy Barnes Drugry _..... ~ ..... ~~ .. ~ ....... 15 Winterringer Funeral Home _._ .. _____24 GOOD WILL is the one and only asset that competition cannot undersell or destroy . ... CURTAINS PRESCRIPTION LABORATORY SIXTH AND BOULDER PHONE 4-7 11 6 A Strict Ethical Pharmacy hI, Policy and Appearance THE BULLETIN ~~~~~~~~~~OFTHE~~~~~~~~~~'" TULSA COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY John C. Perry. M.D., Preside11t E. O. Johnson, M.D., Preside'lt·Elect Ian MacKenzie, M.D., Vice-President John E. McDonald, M.D., Sec·ret(lry·Treamrer Jack Spears, Exewti·ve Secretary Vol. IZ T ULSA, OKLAHOMA, FEBRUARY, 1946 No.2 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMS ANNOUNCED Nine Leading P hysic ia ns and Surgeons to Com­ prise List of G uest Speakers of the Tulsa County Medical Society in 1946. Programs Feature Lectut'l!rs in A ll M edical Specialties. Details of an outstanding program of Jr is believed char the creation of a twelve scientific med ical lectures for the Tulsa months program in advance will serve ro County Med ica l Society featuring nine publi cize the meetings to greater extent nationally known physicians and surgeons and th ereby improve arcend ance. were announced lasr mondl by Dr. John The program opened January 28, 1946, C. Perry, president. Anncuncemem of ar rhe Mayo Harel when Colonel Howard the program evoked widesprEad CO:11· E. Snyd ~ r , form er consul ring surgeon co menr among rhe medical profession of rhe fifth Army, delivered a paper en. Eastern Oklahoma and premised [Q draw rirkd "War Wounds of rhe Abdomen." an atrendance from doctOrs of re n coun- The Winfield, Kansas, surgeon's lecrure ne5. was well received, as was a supplemen- The 1946 schedule marks the first year rary paper, "Anesrhesia in Abdominal since 1941 thar the Society has been en- War Wounds," presented by Dr. William abled ro bring our-of-rown speakers ro R. Turnbow, Tulsa physician recemly dis· Tulsa in any considerable number. T he charged from rhe services. difficuhies of transporrmion plus a cc~ l- Orher speakers schedu led ro appear in crard wanirr:e pracrice mde it virruall y 1946 nrc: imposs ibie co SEcu re speakers from points Evarts A. Graham, M .D., Professor beyond 250 miles during the war years. of Surgoy, Washington Universiry Sc hool All major fields of medicine are repre- of Medicine, Sr. Louis, Mo. Dr. Graham senred if! rhe program alr hough it is be- will speak on "Whar The General Pracri­ lie\'ed r1wt rhe ~ ll bject mareer chosen by tioner Should Know Abour Bronchiogenic individu:d sFeci ali srs will be of interest Carcinoma" ar rhe meeting of Monday, to all physicians. Seh:ction of the speakers February 25, 1946, 8:00 p.m., Mayo was made through a poll of members in Hotel. the principal specialries. Duties of the J oseph T . Osterloh , D. D . S., San usual program committee are being Francisco, California. Subject co be handled by an Executive Committee com· announced. Dr. Osterloh wi ll be the posed of Society off icers. Each of the principal speaker at a joint meeting of nine speakers will be entertained at a the Tulsa County Medical Society and small dinner preceeding the meering as rhe Tulsa Counry Dental Society on Tues.
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