ISSN 0351-1189 PRIMERJALNA KNJIŽEVNOST ISSN 0351-1189 RAZPRAVE Comparative literature, Ljubljana PKn (Ljubljana) 36.3 (2013) PKn (Ljubljana) PKn (Ljubljana) 36.3 (2013) 36.3 (2013) PKn (Ljubljana) Andrei Terian: Comparative Literature in Contemporary Romania: Between National Self-Legitimation and International Recognition Izdaja Slovensko društvo za primerjalno književnost Published by the Slovene Comparative Literature Association www.zrc-sazu.si/sdpk/revija.htm Milosav Gudović: Martin Heidegger in bistvo tragedije Glavna in odgovorna urednica Editor: Darja Pavlič Alenka Koron: Vidiki naratologije drame Uredniški odbor Editorial Board: Darko Dolinar, Marijan Dović, Marko Juvan, Vanesa Matajc, Lado Kralj, Vid Snoj, Jola Škulj Alojzija Zupan Sosič: Zgodba, pripoved in pripovedovanje v dvoravninski in troravninski koncepciji pripovedi Uredniški svet Advisory Board: Vladimir Biti (Dunaj/Wien), Janko Kos, Aleksander Skaza, Neva Šlibar, Galin Tihanov Tanja Dominko: Posthumanizem in posthumano: poskus definicije (London), Ivan Verč (Trst/Trieste), Tomo Virk, Peter V. Zima (Celovec/Klagenfurt) © avtorji © Authors Jennifer Terni: A Virtual Problem of Nineteenth-Century Culture: PKn izhaja trikrat na leto PKn is published three times a year. Methodological Considerations for Rethinking Realism Prispevke in naročila pošiljajte na naslov Send manuscripts and orders to: Revija Primerjalna književnost, FF, Aškerčeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Nebojša Vukčević: William Butler Yeats: Cathleen Ni Houlihan as the Letna naročnina: 17,50 €, za študente in dijake 8,80 €. Point of Sacrifice TR 02010-0016827526, z oznako »za revijo«. Cena posamezne številke: 6,30 €. Andrej Božič: »/…/ in der Dünung / wandernder Worte.« Annual subscription/single issues (outside Slovenia): € 35/€ 12.60. Naklada Copies: 400. Literarnozgodovinski kontekst pesništva Paula Celana PKn je vključena v PKn is indexed/ abstracted in: David Šporer: Rhetoric of Space and Poetics of Culture Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Current Contents/ A&H, Bibliographie d’histoire littéraire française, ERIH, IBZ and IBR, MLA Directory of Periodicals, MLA International Bibliography, Scopus. Vanesa Matajc: Retorika prostora: nacionalna prestolnica Ljubljana Oblikovanje Design: Narvika Bovcon Stavek in prelom Typesetting: Alenka Maček Marcello Potocco: Prostor kot konstitutivni element kanadske Tisk Printed by: VB&S d. o. o., Flandrova 19, Ljubljana imaginacije in njenih retoričnih ubeseditev Izid številke je podprla This issue is supported by Agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS KRITIKE Oddano v tisk 9. decembra 2013 Sent to print 9 December 2013. POROČILA RAZPRAVE 1 Andrei Terian:Comparative Literature in Contemporary Romania: Between National Self-Legitimation and International Recognition 19 Milosav Gudović:Martin Heidegger in bistvo tragedije PAPERS 41 Alenka Koron:Vidiki naratologije drame 1 Andrei Terian:Comparative Literature in Contemporary Romania: 61 Alojzija ZupanSosič:Zgodba, pripoved in pripovedovanje v dvoravninski Between National Self-Legitimation and International Recognition in troravninski koncepciji pripovedi 19 Milosav Gudović:Martin Heidegger and the Essence of Tragedy 85 TanjaDominko:Posthumanizem in posthumano: poskus definicije 41 Alenka Koron:Aspects of a Narratology of Drama 99 Jennifer Terni:A Virtual Problem of Nineteenth-Century Culture: Methodological Considerations for Rethinking Realism 61 Alojzija ZupanSosič:Story, Narrative, and Narration in the Two- and Three-Level Concept of the Narrative 115 Nebojša Vukčević:William Butler Yeats: Cathleen Ni Houlihan as the Point of Sacrifice 85 Tanja Dominko:Posthumanism and the Posthuman: Towards a Definition 133 Andrej Božič:»/…/ in der Dünung / wandernder Worte.« Literarnozgodovinski kontekst pesništva Paula Celana 99 Jennifer Terni:A Virtual Problem of Nineteenth-Century Culture: Methodological Considerations for Rethinking Realism 159 DavidŠporer:Rhetoric of Space and Poetics of Culture 115 Nebojša Vukčević:William Butler Yeats: Cathleen Ni Houlihan as the 173 Vanesa Matajc:Retorika prostora: nacionalna prestolnica Ljubljana Point of Sacrifice 195 Marcello Potocco:Prostor kot element kanadske imaginacije in njenih 133 Andrej Božič:“… in der Dünung / wandernder Worte.” Paul Celan’s retoričnih ubeseditev Poetry in the Context of Literary History 159 David Šporer:Rhetoric of Space and Poetics of Culture KRITIKA 195 Vanesa Matajc:The Rhetoric of Space: Ljubljana as a National Capital 215 BlažZabel:Svetovna književnost kot nova primerjalna književnost 173 Marcello Potocco:Space as a constitutive element of Canadian imagination and its rhetorical articulations POROČILO BOOK REVIEW 225 Blaž Zabel:XX. kongres Mednarodne zveze za primerjalno književnost (AILC/ICLA) REPORT Primerjalna književnost, letnik 30, št. 1, Ljubljana, junij 2007, UDK 82.091(05) Primerjalna književnost, letnik 36, št.3, Ljubljana, december 2013, UDK 82091(05) RazpraveRazprave Comparative Literature in Contemporary Romania: Between National Self-Legitimation and International Recognition Andrei Terian Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Letters and Arts, Romania [email protected] This paper examines the current state and prospects of comparative literature in Romania. Romanian literary studies in the 20th century was characterized by the subordination of comparative perspectives to the national literary historiography, the absence of a strong local methodological tradition, and the dominance of an essayistic and impressionistic brand of criticism. The study focuses on forms of institutionalization of comparative studies in postcommunist Romania (associations, research centers, journals, etc.) and the emergence of several comparative “schools” (particularly those in Timişoara, Cluj and Braşov). Keywords: comparative literature / Romania / Romanian literary criticism / post-communism / institutionalization / internationalization This study proposes a critical account of the current situation of comparative literature in Romania.1 Such an endeavor is justified on at least two levels. On the one hand, a systematic survey of the current situation of Romanian comparatism is absent from international bib- liography. Admittedly, at present, there are several very useful studies of the history of Romanian comparative literature. However, of these, many were published during the communist period (see, e.g., Dima and Papadima) and are no longer relevant nowadays because of their anach- ronism and the tendentious ideologization of their object. Furthermore, studies published over the past two decades are characterized by vari- ous deficiencies, such as the discontinuance of the investigation in the year 1990 (see, for instance, Cornea’s ‘La littérature’, which, otherwise, remains the most pertinent outline of a history of Romanian comparat- ism), the lack of a rigorous delineation of the study object (as is the case of surveys which also cover the work of Romanian-born comparatists 1 Primerjalna književnost (Ljubljana) 36.3 (2013) PKn, letnik 36, št. 3, Ljubljana, december 2013 who emigrated to the West) or a rather depthless approach to this topic (Ursa, ‘Comparative’). On the other hand, my survey is not merely informative; rather, it approaches Romanian comparative studies as a paradigmatic case from at least three points of view: firstly, as an instance of the tension between the national and the transnational, typical of the so-called (semi)peripheral liter- ary systems; secondly, as an expression of the methodological and informa- tional lag still besetting some East-Central European cultures which have not yet completely emerged out of post-communism; finally, as a test of the difficult adjustment that marks literary cultures whose critical tradition still remains largely attached to essayism rather than to academic research. The Institutional and Ideological Background of Romanian Comparative Studies In order to understand the current state of Romanian comparatism, it is useful to start with a historical outline of its institutional and ideological backgrounds. Thus, in terms of its professionalization, the pre-institutional- ized period must be distinguished from its disciplinization. The pre-institu- tionalized period, covering the span of one century (1846–1948), concerns the interval during which comparative literature was practiced in Romania without being established academically as a distinct discipline. The roots of this phenomenon can be traced back (approximately) to 1846, when the polymath Ion Heliade-Rădulescu launched the idea of an ambitious but utopian “Universal Library” which should make the grand oeuvres of clas- sical and modern literatures accessible to Romanian readers. Although the rate of translations into Romanian was fairly high throughout the 19th cen- tury, exegesis was slow to follow suit. In this respect, an important moment is marked by the 1882 study dedicated by Titu Maiorescu, the most impor- tant critic of the era, to the reception of the first translations of Romanian literary works into an international language (German). Maiorescu’s study attempts to integrate such works in the allegedly European fad of the “popular novel” (‘�����������iteratura������’). �nother significantsignifi cant moment is marked durdur-- ing the last decades of the 19th century by the activity of the Marxist critic C� Dobrogeanu-Gherea, who, influenced by Taine and Brandes, published many studies on translation policy and the succession of literary move- ments, and popularized in Romania a series of emerging literatures,
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