ARCHIVES SERIAL • Short Loans COlieClIOI'I NOT FOR LOAN The University of Newcastle FACULTY OF ARTS HANDBOOK~ y)<'." ( ,,' ," 'i .',. I,' ~'" ' 1.. ••. '- ..... " .' THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCAS1LE New South Wales The University of Newcastle Calendar consists of the foUowing volumes: Volume 1 Legislation Location Address: Rankin Drive, Shortland Volume 2 University Bodies and Staff Volume 3 Faculty of Architecture Handbook Postal Address: The University of Newcastle NSW 2308 Volume 4 Faculty of Arts Handbook VolumeS Faculty of Economics and Commerce Handbook Telephone: (049) 215000 Volume 6 Faculty of Education Handbook Volume 7 Faculty of Engineering Handbook Telex: AA28194 - Library Volume 8 Faculty of Medicine Handbook AA28618 - Bursar Volume 9 Faculty of Science and Mathematics Handbook AA28784 - lUNRA (The University of Newcastle Research Associates Limited) Volume lO Adminislration & Technology, Education, Health and Visual & Performing Arts Handbook Volume 11 Faculty and Conservatorium of Music Handbook Facsimile: (049) 601661 Also available are the Undergraduate Guides Hours of Business: Mondays to Fridays excepting public holidays 9 am to 5 pm This Volume is intended as a reference handbook for students enroUing in courses conducted by the Faculty of Arts. The colour band, Pearl BCC lSI, on the coveris the lining colour of the hood of Bachelors of Arts of this University. The information in this Handbook is correct as at 29 October 1990. ISBN 0159 - 3420 Recommended Price: Five doUars plus postage. Designed by: Marie-T Wisniowski Typeset by: The Secretariat Division, The University of Newcastle Printed by: Newcastle Camera Print, 17 Amott Slreet, Newcastle West CONTENTS CONTENTS FACULTY OF ARTS SECfIONSIX GENERAL INFORMATION located in centre section PRINCIPAL DATES 1991 (including Medicine) Advice and Information ii SECfIONONE FACULTY STAFF 1 Faculty/School Secretaries ii Accommodation Officer ii SECfION TWO FACULTY INFORMATION 8 Careers and Student Employment Officer ii Prerequisites for Diploma in Education Units 8 Counselling Service ii Standing in tbe Course Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts 8 Health Service ii Review of Academic Progress 9 Student Loans II Students with Special Needs iii SECfIONTHREE BACHELOR DEGREE REGULATIONS 10 Enrolment and Re-enrolment iii Student Conduct and Responsibilities iv Bachelor of Arts - Regulations 10 EXAMINATIONS v Combined Degree Courses 11 Examination Periods v Bachelor of Arts (psychology) - Regulations 12 Bachelor of Social Work - Regulations 13 Sitting for Examinations v Schedule of Subjects 15 Rules for Formal Examinations v Examination Results v Special Consideration v SECTION FOUR SUBJECT DESCRIPTIONS 35 TRANSCRIPTS OF ACADEMIC RECORD vi Guide to SUbject Entries 35 UNSATISFACTORY PROGRESS - REGULATIONS VI Classics 35 CHARGES vii Classical Civilisation 35 Method of Payment vii Classical Literature in Translation 41 Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) vii Classics Special Studies 43 Scholarship Holders and Sponsored Students viii Greek 45 Loans viii Latin 47 Refund of Cbarges viii Sanskrit 48 CAMPUS TRAFFIC AND PARKING viii Drama 52 STUDENT SERVICES viii Economics 60 Banking viii Education 77 Cashier ix English 80 Chaplaincy Service ix Geography 89 Community Programmes ix History 94 Convocation ix Linguistics 103 Co-Op Bookshop ix Mathematics 106 Lost Property ix Modern Languages 118 Noticeboards ix French 118 Post Office ix German 123 Public Transport ix Japanese 131 Student Insurance Cover ix Philosophy 133 University Computing Services x Psychology 137 University Libraries xi Sociology 142 Bachelor of Social Work Course Program 148 Interdisciplinary Subjects 152 SECTION FIVE POSTGRADUATE DEGREE REGULATIONS 153 Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts 153 Master Degrees 154 Master of Arts 155 Master of Letters 156 Master of Environmental Studies 156 Master of Applied Ethics 156 Master of Theatre Arts 157 Diploma in Arts 145 SECTION ONE FACULTY OF ARTS STAFF PRINCIPAL OFFICERS Vice-Chancellor and Principal Professor K.J. Morgan, BSc, MA, DPhil(Oxf) Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor M.P. Carter, BA(Nott), PhD(Edin) Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration) L.F. Hennessy, BA(Syd) Deputy Vice-Chancellor (planning) D.R. Huxley, BA, LittB(NE), MA, PhD Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Students Professor K.R. Dutton, MA(Syd), DU(Paris), Officier des Palmes academiques, FACE Pro Vice-Chancellor (Development) L.R. Eastcott, MEd(Syd), PhD(AJberta), BA, DipEd Deputy President of Academic Senate Professor R.J. MacDonald, BSc, PhD(NSW), FAIP Dean for Research Professor G.M. Kellerman, AO, MB, BS, MSc(Syd), FAACB, FRACP, FRCPA FACULTY OF ARTS STAFF The Faculty of Arts comprises the Departments of Classics, Drama, English, Geography, Hisrory, Linguistics, Modem Languages (French, Gennan, Japanese), Philosophy, Social Work and Sociology. Major sequences and Honours subjects are also offered in the Faculty by the Departments of Economics, Education, Mathematics and Psychology. Dean V.E. Emeljanow, BA, MA(NZ), PhD(Stan) Sub-Dean O.N. McIntyre, BA(Tas), MA(ANU), PhD Faculty Secretary DJ. Donnelly, BCom DEPARTMENT OF CLASSICS Professor R.O. Tanner, MA(Melb & Camb) (Latin) (Head of Department) SenIor Lecturers R. Beare, MA(Camb), PhD(Exe) I;' . B.F. Curran, BA, PhD i .. ~ D.W. Palmer, MA(Melb), BD(Drew), TbM(Harv) " Lecturer T J. Ryan, MA, DipEd Tutor EJ. Baynham, BA, PhD(Victoria), DipEd Departmental Omce StaffD.F. Statham SECTION ONE FACULTY OF ARTS STAFF FACULTY OF ARTS STAFF SECTIONONE Departmental Office StatT D.E. Kite (Departmental Secretary) DEPARTMENT OF DRAMA I. Hargrave professor V.E. Emeljanow, BA, MA(NZ), PhD(Stan) (Head of Department) L.King R. Talbot Lecturers E.G. Williams M. Gauntlet!, BA(WA), PhD(LaTrobe) J. R. Goodall, BA(Lond), CertEd(Oxf), PhD(Macq) BJ. o'Connor, BA(Syd), LittB(NE), MA(Tor), DipEd(Syd), MACE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION D.M. Watt, BA(Monash), PhD(NSW) professor R.S. Laura, BA(Lewis & Clark), MDiv(Harv), MA(Camb), DPhil(Oxt) Tutors Associate Professors K. Newey, BA(Syd) M.N. Maddock, BSc(Tas), BEd(Q'ld), MS, PhD(F1or), DipEd(Tas), FACE J. O'Sullivan, BA(Syd), BA(Hons), DipEd J.A. Ramsland, BA(NE), MEd(Syd), MA, PhD, MACE, FColiP (DIrector, School of Humanities) Senior Lecturers Theatre Manager J. Jablonski S.F. Bourke, BSc(NSW), BA, MLilt(NE), MEd(Monash), PhD(LaT), MACE LK.S. Chan, BEd, PhD(WAust) Departmental Office StaffD. Freeman P.N. Chopra, BSe(Benares), BA, DipEd(Adel), MAPsS, MACE PJ. Moore, BA, BEdStud, MEd, PhD, MAPsA (Head of Department) W.G. Warren, MA, MPsych(Clin), PhD, MAPsS, AASA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS Lecturers Professors WK. Au, MA (Massey), MACE B.L.J. Gordon, MEc(Syd), PhD, DSC(Syd) (personal Chair) T.E. Cook, BA(Macq), MEd(NE), PhD(Macq), MACE, MAPsS, MACEA D.B. Hughes, BSc.Eeon.{Lond), AM, PhD (Prin) (Head of Department) D.T. Gamage, BA(Vidyo), MA(Sri Lanka), MEdAdmin(NE), DipIntAffairs(BCIS), PhD(LaT), AFAIM MACEA, FICAS A.P. Holbrook, BEc, DipEd, PhD (LaT) Associate Professors R.W. Howard, MA(Auck), PhD(Q'ld) R.W. McShane, BA(NE), MA(Alta) R. Mackie, MA, DipEd(Syd) A.C. Oakley, BEc(PhDXAdelaide) J.W. McQuaiter, BSe(Syd), BA, DipEd(NE) C.W. Stahl, BA(CaIif State College), PhD(CaIit) Honorary Professor L.N. Short, MSc(Syd), DPhiJ(Oxt), DipEd(Syd), FACE, FRSA Senior Lecturers Honorary Associate A.R. Barean, MA, MEd(Syd), PhD(ANU), DipEd(Syd), FACE c.J. Aislabie, MEc(Syd), PhD(Lond) Supervisor Curriculum Resources and Research Centre P. Mahony, BA(Macq), DipEd, ALAA H.W. Dick, BEc(Monash), MEc, PhD(ANU) J A. Doeleman, DrsEcon(Nederlandse Econornisehe Hogeschool, Rotterdam) Senior Technical Officer B. Jordan, BA, ASTC W.C. Dunlop, BA(Auck), MCom, PhD Technical Officer K.J. Scotl J.R. Fisher, BA, PhD(Hull) Laboratory Assistant B.W. Mills, HNC(Elec), CertEd(Leeds) M.T. Gordon, BA(Syd), MCom, PhD R.H. Green, BA, LLB(Adelaide), PhD(Cantab) Departmental Office Staff S.N. Jacobi, AB(Prin), MA(South Carolina) G. Gardner G.R. Keating, MEc(NE) S.Kahagalle D.K. Macdonald, BA, MCom, PhD(NSW) M.F.Stroud W.F. Mitchell, BCom(Deakin), MEc(Monash) P J.C. Stanton, MA(Syd), PhD, DipEd(Syd) DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH Lecturers Professor D.L. Frost, MA PhD(Camb) P.R. Anderson, BA, MCom, DipEd(NSW) KJ. Burgess, BEc(Syd), MEc(Syd), MA(Exeter), DipTertStud(UNE) Associate Professor N.C. Talbot, BA(Durh), PhD(Leeds) J.C. de CastroLopo, MA(Wis) A. Hossain, BSc(Jahangimagar), MScEcon{Jahangimagar), MAEcon(Melb), PhD(LaT) Senior Lecturers K.M. Renfrew, BCorn, BMath, BA· D.V. Boyd, BA(York, Can), MA, PhD(Buffalo) S.R. Shenoy, BA(Gujar), BScEcon, MA(Lond)* D.H. Craig, BA(Syd), DPhiJ(Oxt) S.S. Waterman, AB{Brown), MA(Hist), MA{EconXCalif) CJ. Hanna, BA, PhD P.L. Kavanagh, MA; DipEd(Syd), PhD Tutors C.W.F. McKenna, BA, PhD(Leeds) (Head of Department) MJ. Alexander, BEc(Adelaide) C.P. PollnilZ, BA(Adel), PhD(Leie) WJ).Bradford,BEc CJ. CooIes, BCom· Lecturers P. Kniest, BEe R.P. Jolly, BA(Syd), DPhiJ(Oxf) A.G. Webber, BEe I.M. Mitchell, BA{Lond), MA,DPhiJ(Sus) D.M. Osland, PhD(Adel), BA, DipEd Honorary Associates I. Salusinszky, BA(Melb), DPhiJ(Oxt) WJ.Sheehan,BEc(Syd),MA B.A. Twohill, BA Departmental Office Staff P.M. Hill • Fractional appoilllme1lu 3 2 FACULTY OF ARTS STAFF SECTION ONE FACULTY OF ARTS STAFF SECTIONONE DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS professor E.A. Colhoun, BA(Belf), MS(Wis), PhD(BeIf), MA(Dub) (Head of Department) professor I. Raeburn, BSc(Edin), PhD(Utah) Associate Professors Associate Professors J.C.R. Carom, MSc(Hull), PhD W. Brisley, BSc(Syd), MSc (NSW), PhD, DipEd(NE) RJ. Loughran, BSc(Dunebn), MSc, PhD(NE) C.A. Croxton, BSc(Leicester), MA, PhD(Camb), FAIP, FInstP(Lond) J.R. Giles, BA(Syd), PhD, DipEd(Syd), ThL Senior Lecturers P.K. Smrz, PromPhys, CSc, RNDr(Charles(Prague» H.A. Bridgman, BA(Beloit), MA(Hawaii), PhD{Wis) W,J.A. Jonas, BA(NSW), MA, PhD(pNG), DipEd(NSW) Senior Lecturers G.N.
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