
Angelinos-n.m. Angels anfitrión-n.m. host; home team anotación-n.f. run scored A anotador oficial-n.m. official scorer anotar-v. to score; to touch home abanicar-v. to swing and miss; to fan (from antesala-n.f. third base the batter’s perspective); to strike out antesalista-n.m. third baseman abonos de temporada-n.m. season tickets año-n.m. year abridor-n.m. starting pitcher áo-n.m. out abrir-v. to open; to lead off an inning ao vestido de pelotero-phr. refers to a very acercarse-v. to move closer; acercarse al weak hitter that is put out easily plato-to move up on the plate apagafuego-n.m. relief pitcher acribillar-v. to beat by a wide margin; to aparición-n.f. appearance; outing blow out; to romp over; to trounce apariencia-n.f. appearance; outing actuación-n.f. performance apertura-n.f. appearance; outing adelante-adv. ahead; dos partidos aplicar la grúa-v. to apply the hook; to pull adelante-two games ahead; out a pitcher; to relieve a pitcher poner adelante-to put ahead apoyar-v. to support; apoyar su adentro-adv. inside; esquina de adentro- equipo-v. to root for your team n.f. inside corner aplaudir-v. to applaude; to cheer adquirir-v. to acquire (via trade) arbitraje-n.m. arbitration aficionado-n.m. fan arbitraje-n.m. umpiring afuera-adv. outside; out of play árbitro-n.m. umpire agarre-n.m. grip árbitro principal-n.m. crew chief; head agente libre-n.m. free agent umpire aguantar-v. to tag; to hold the runner on arepa-n.f. scoreless inning the base argolla-n.m. scoreless inning; goose egg alcance-n.m. range argollada-adj. blanked; shut out; white- alineación-n.f. line-up washed almohada-n.f. base; bag arrancamargaritas-n.m. hard hit ground almohadilla-n.f. base; bag ball; tracer alrededor del cuadro interior-phr. around arrastrada-n.m. ground ball the horn arrastrarse-v. to slide alto-adj. high; tall arreo para receptor-n.m. catcher’s gear altura-adj. top; la altura de la sexta arriba-adv. above; ahead; irse arriba- entrada- n.f. the top-half of the sixth to go ahead inning artillería-n.f artillery; offense altura-n.f. height asegurar-v. to clinch; to wrap up the race alzar el brazo-v. to wind up ases-n.m. aces; superstars (the best players) amagar de toque-v. to fake a bunt asiento-n.m seat amague de toque-n.m. a faked bunt asistencia-n.f. attendance; assist amateur-n.m. amateur Asociación de Escritores de Béisbol de ambidextro-adj. ambidextrous; switch- América-n.f. Baseball Writers hitting Association of America (BBWAA) ambidiestro-adj. switch-hitting astillas-n.f. bone chips ambos-adj. both atleta-n.f. athlete 1 Atléticos-n.m A’s; Athletics base por bolas-n.f. base on balls atolladero-n.m. jam base robada-n.f. stolen base atrapado-v. caught bases congestionadas-adj. bases loaded atrapado robando-v. caught stealing bases desocupadas-adj. bases empty atrapar-v. to catch bases limpias-adj. bases empty atrás-prep. behind bases llenas-adj. bases loaded áut-n.m. out batazo-n.m. batted ball; hit autógrafo-n.m. autograph batazo de aire-n.m. fly ball automático-adj. automatic; n.m. called batazo de dos esquinas-n.m. double; two- strike base hit avanzar-v. to advance (to the next base) batazo de extra base-n.m. extra-base average de carreras limpias permitidas- hit n.m. earned run average (ERA) batazo halado-a ball that´s pulled Azulejos-n.m. Blue Jays batazo por el suelo-n.m. ground ball; grounder batazos para doble jugada-n.m. grounded into double plays (GDP) bate-n.m. bat; bates vivos-n.m. live bats; B con bate libre-phr. swinging away; bajar-v. to demote; to send down; bajar a corazón del bate-n.m. fat part of the las menores-v. to send down to the bat; estar caliente con el minors bate-v. to be hot with the bat; parte bajo-prep. beneath; under; adj. low; short; gruesa del bate-n.f. barrel of the bat bajo y afuera-phr. low and outside bate de corcho-n.m. corked bat bajo brazo-adj. side-arm bate roto-n.m. broken bat balero-n.m power pitcher (one who throws batea-n.f. hitting bullets) bateable-adj. hittable balk-n.m. balk bateador-n.m. batter; hitter; al favor del bambinazo-n.m. home run bateador-phr. in the batter´s favor; bambino-n.m. distance hitter; home run ahead in the count; primer bateador hitter; power hitter; slugger -n.m. leadoff hitter banco-n.m. bench bateador ambidiestro-n.m. switch hitter banderin-n.m. pennant bateador clean-up-n.m. clean-up hitter banquillo-n.m. bench bateador de contacto-n.m. contact hitter barbero-n.m. bench jockey; jokester; bateador de fuerza-n.m. power hitter prankster bateador de las dos manos-n.m. barda-n.f. wall switch hitter barrer-v. to clear the bases; to empty the bateador de líneas-n.m. line-drive hitter bases bateador de poder-n.m. power hitter barrerse-v. to dive into a base bateador derecho-n.m. right-handed barrida-n.f. circus catch; diving catch; slide batter base-n.f. base; dejar en las bases-v. to bateador designado-n.m. designated leave on base; hombre de base-n.m. hitter baseman bateador emergente-n.m. pinch-hitter base intencional-n.f. intentional walk bateador golpeado-n.m. hit-batter base ocupada-n.f. occupied base bateador oportuno-n.m. clutch hitter bateador peligroso-n.m. dangerous hitter; bolón-n.m. wild pitcher hitting threat bombardear-v. to bombard bateador zurdo-n.m. left-handed hitter bombero-n.m. fireman; relief pitcher; batear-v. to bat; batear (para)-v. to pinch- reliever hit (for) bombo-n.m. fly ball; pop-up; popout batear a las dos manos-v. to switch bonificado-n.m. bonus baby hit; to bat from both sides bono-n.m bonus bateo-n.m. batting; estilo de bateo-n.m. bosque-n.m. outfield batting stance; instructor de bateo- bosque central-n.m. center field n.m. batting coach bosque derecho-n.m. right field bateo y corrido-n.m. hit and run bosque izquierdo-n.m. left field batera-n.f. bat rack Bravos-n.m. Braves batería-n.f. battery; pitcher and catcher; brazo-n.m. arm; calentar el brazo-v. to compañero de batería-n.m. battery warm up one´s arm mate brazo corvo-n.m. left-handed pitcher; béisbol-n.m. baseball (sport) southpaw béisbol invernal-n.m. winter ball brazo de goma-n.m. rubber arm; workhorse beisbolero-n.m. baseball player pitcher biangular-n.m. double; two-base hit brazo equivocado-n.m. left-handed pitcher; blanco-adj. blank; irse en blanco-v. to go southpaw hitless brazo siniestro-n.m. left-hander; southpaw blanco-n.m. target brazo zurdo-n.m. left-hander; southpaw blanqueada-adj. n.f. shutout brea de pino-n.f. pine-tar blanquear-v. to shutout; to white-wash brincar-v. to jump blichers-n.m. bleachers; stands brisa-n.f. breeze bloquear-v. to block bulpen-n.m. bull pen bo bo-n.m. manager’s favorite player buscador del talento-n.m. scout boc-n.m. balk buscar talento-v. to scout bola-n.f. ball bola bateada-n.f. batted ball bola brillosa-n.f. shine ball bola de guano-n.f. floater; hanging pitch; soft pitch C bola de nudillos-n.f. knuckleball cabeza-n.f. head; de cabeza-adj. head-first bola elevada-n.f. pop-fly caballo-n.m. gamer bola ensalivada-n.f. spitball caballo de hierro-n.m. Iron Horse; durable bola fául-n.f. foul ball player bola fer-n.f. fair ball cachar-v. to catch (as a catcher) bola muerta-n.f. dead ball cachear-v. to catch (as a catcher) bola rápida-n.f. fastball cácher-n.m. catcher bola viva-n.f. live ball Cachorros-n.m. Cubs boleto-n.m. ticket; base on balls caddie-n.m. defensive replacement boleto gratis-n.m. free pass; base on balls; cadena-n.f. streak walk caer-v. to fall; dejar caer la pelota-v. to boleto intencional-n.m. intentional let the ball fall; to drop the ball walk caérsele la casa encima-v. to have the roof campo del juego-n.m. playing field cave in; to be put in a difficult campocorto-n.m. shortstop situation or be caught in a jam (as a cantado-adj. called; strike cantado-n.m. pitcher) called strike caja-n.f. batter’s box; salir de la caja-v. cantar-v. to call a pitch or a game step out of the batter’s box cañón-n.m. cannon; strong arm caja de bateo/del bateador-n.f. batter´s capítulo-n.m. inning box capturar-v. to catch caja registradora-n.f. home plate cara-n.f. face cajón-n.m. batter’s box Cardenales-n.m. Cardinals calabaza-n.f. floater; hanging pitch; careta-n.f. catcher’s mask meatball caribeño-adj.n.m. Caribbean calendario-n.m. schedule carne en pote-n.f. meatball; hanging pitch; calentadero-n.m. bullpen floater calentar-v. to warm up; calentar el carrera-n.f. run scored; career; 4 brazo-v. to warm up one´s arm carreras por 3-phr. a 4 to 3 score; caliente-adj.
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