1 Index Note: References are to pages within chapters, thus 51.10 is page 10 of Chapter 51. Tables and/or Figures removed from the main text are in italic. Main entries are in bold. Alphabetical order is word-by-word, in which hyphens are given the fi ling role of a space. A acantholytic dermatoses see Grover’s acetylacetone test 26.50, 26.99 in psoriasis 20.37, 74.35 1A4 antibodies (alpha-smooth muscle disease (transient and persistent acetylated lanolin alcohol 27.13 in psoriatic nail involvement 65.26 actin antibodies) 10.22 acantholytic dermatoses) acetylcholine (ACh) 38.1, 44.3, 63.3, 80.7 in squamous cell carcinoma 52.28 AA see alopecia areata (AA) acantholytic dyskeratotic epidermal naevi in atopic dermatitis 24.18 teratogenicity 72.28 Aagenaes syndrome 48.10 19.83 peripheral nerves 4.10 Ackerman syndrome 15.29 abacavir 75.67 acanthoma pruritus and 21.3, 21.4 acne hypersensitivity 35.7, 35.21, 72.30 clear cell 52.41 sweat gland control 3.12 adolescent see acne vulgaris abatacept 74.9 Degos’ 52.41 acetylcholinesterase 3.12 childhood 42.75–6 ABC method (avidin–biotin–peroxidase pilar sheath 53.3 N-acetylcysteine 26.46, 47.11 cosmetic 42.73 complex method) 10.17 spectacle-frame (acanthoma fi ssuratum) in microscopic polyangiitis 50.36 drug-induced 9.5, 42.31, 42.71–3, 75.34 ABCA12 gene 11.13 28.29–30, 68.9 ACh see acetylcholine (ACh) ear 68.14 ABCB1 (MDR-1) gene 72.29 acanthoma fi ssuratum 28.29–30, 68.9 Achenbach’s syndrome 28.27, 45.4, 45.5, endocrine 42.73 ABCD dermatoscopy score 5.20 acanthome a ‘cellules claires’ 52.41 49.16 external chemical origin (halogen acne) ABCD mnenomic, melanoma 54.37 acanthosis 10.37 Achillea 25.21 27.12–15 abciximab 49.11, 49.13 in eczema 23.4 achondroplasia–hypochondroplasia, externally induced 42.73–4 abdominal aortic aneurysm 47.2 epidermal, Spitz naevus 54.22 prenatal diagnosis 16.3 following spinal cord injury 63.17 abdominal pain, in carcinoid syndrome in viral warts 33.41, 33.42 achrocordon see skin tags granulomatous/lymphoedematous 43.18 acanthosis nigricans 19.119–21 achromic naevus (naevus depigmentosus) 42.74, 42.75 abdominal wall, localized atrophy acquired, pigmentation changes 58.25 58.42, 58.44–5 immobility 42.76 45.12–13 in animals 2.17 achromotrichia 66.94 infantile and juvenile 42.75–6 ablepharon–macrostomia syndrome 70.3 congenital generalized lipodystrophy aciclovir irritant 25.2 abnormal sensitivity to cold 28.65–71 46.37 action 74.49 light-exacerbated 29.22 abortion, spontaneous, in dermatomyositis and 58.27 adverse effects 26.46, 75.66 ‘Mallorca’ 42.79 pseudoxanthoma elasticum female genital region 71.80 in eczema herpeticum 33.36 mechanical 42.76–7 45.23 genitocrural dermatology 71.7 in erythema multiforme 76.7 naevi 18.11–13, 42.78 abrasions hirsutism and 66.82 in herpes B virus infection 33.34, 33.35 Norwegian 42.79 accidental tattoo due to 58.57 HIV infection 35.12 in herpes simplex 33.20, 33.21 occupational 27.12–15, 42.77 child abuse 28.34 insulin resistance and 59.78, 66.82 ocular involvement 67.26 oil and tar 27.6, 42.77 friction 28.9, 28.31 acne and 42.73 resistance 33.21 penile 71.27 infection following 4.5 male genital region 71.36 in herpes zoster 33.27, 35.29, 63.6–7, pitch 27.14 Abrikossoff’s tumour see granular cell oral involvement 69.34 67.26 pomade 9.5, 42.31, 42.73–4 tumour paraneoplastic 62.31, 69.34 corticosteroids with 33.28 post-acne osteoma cutis 59.70 abscess(es) 10.41 race and 9.15 prophylactic 33.27 tropical/hydration 27.14, 42.79 in animals 2.12 seborrhoeic keratosis association 52.38 in herpetic keratitis 67.16, 67.26 vasculitic/pyoderma gangrenosum aseptic neutrophilic 50.82 subtypes 69.34 mechanism of action 33.20 42.85 of Bartholin’s gland 71.68 umbilical dermatology 71.101 in pityriasis rosea 33.81 virally induced 42.79 breast see breast, abscess acanthosis palmaris (tripe palms) 19.120, topical 73.15 see also acne vulgaris dental 69.109 62.31–2 herpetic keratitis 33.21 acne aestivalis 42.79, 42.80 in HIV infection 35.24 Acari 38.33–54 varicella prophylaxis 33.27 acne agminata 5.14, 31.25, 43.12–13 inguinal, chancroid 34.34 acariasis varicella treatment 33.27, 35.29 clinical features 43.13 intraoral 69.109 canine sarcoptic 2.10 acid beta-glucosidase defi ciency 59.39 differential diagnosis 42.37, 61.10 α metastatic tuberculous 31.10, 31.19–20 otodectic 2.10 1-acid glycoprotein 13.19 perioral dermatitis vs 43.11 oral cavity 69.109 Acaridae 38.46–7 acid mucopolysaccharides, in acne conglobata 42.32, 42.33, 42.71, perianal/perineal 71.92 acarodermatitis urticarioides 38.48 scleroedema 51.119 42.82–3 periurethral 34.26 Acarus siro 38.47 acid orcein–Giemsa stain 10.8 associated disorders 42.82–3 pilonidal sinuses 28.50 accessory auricle 68.4 acid phosphatase 3.52, 12.49, 38.14 isotretinoin treatment 42.62, 42.83 subareolar 70.13 accessory cells 4.8 acids treatment 42.83 sweat glands 17.43 accessory digit 18.92 burns 25.11, 27.12 choice 42.40 tubo-ovarian 34.26 accessory nerve 77.5 as irritants 25.20 acne de jeune fi lles see acne excoriée absence of skin see aplasia cutis congenita accessory tragus (auricle) 18.84–5, 68.4 Acinetobacter 30.46 Acne Disability Index 72.20 Absidia 36.91 ACE see angiotensin-converting enzyme axilla 30.4 acne excoriée 42.35, 42.70, 64.29 vessel-invasive infection 49.35 (ACE) in cellulitis 30.18 treatment 42.70 absorption, percutaneous 4.4–5 ACE inhibitors, adverse effects 75.92–4 differential diagnosis 36.31 acne fulminans 42.83–4 in neonates 17.2 angio-oedema 22.20, 22.21 in normal skin fl ora 30.2, 68.2 bone and joint involvement 62.101 absorption spectrum 29.3 fl ushing 43.15–16 perineum and groin 30.4 erythema nodosum and 50.83 ABT-874, psoriasis 74.10 pemphigus 75.38 toe clefts 30.4 infl ammatory bowel disease and 62.52 Acacia melanoxylon 26.80 urticaria 22.10, 75.26 acini, sebaceous gland 42.1 treatment 42.84 Acanthamoeba 37.27 acebutolol 75.91 acipimox 75.156 isotretinoin 42.62 acantholysis 10.36–7 acetaldehyde, alcohol metabolism 43.16 acitretin 74.35 acne mechanica 28.30, 28.31, 42.76–7 in complement-defi cient mice 40.6 acetaminophen 75.72–3 adverse effects 75.109 acne necrotica miliaris 30.26 defi ned 40.3 acetazolamide 75.97 hair loss 66.29 acne necrotica varioliformis 30.26–7 in Hailey–Hailey disease 39.33 acetic acid 25.20 ocular 67.31 acne vulgaris vs 42.37 mechanism 40.6 acetone 25.20, 65.56 in chloracne 27.14 acne nuchae keloidalis (acne keloid) 9.9, in neonatal mouse model 40.5 N-acetyl-4-S-cysteaminylphenol 73.27 clinical indications 74.35 30.26 plasminogen activator 40.14 alpha-N-acetyl-galactosaminidase in hidradenitis suppurativa 30.81 Acne Quality of Life Scale (Acne-QOL; urokinase block 40.14 defi ciency 59.34–5 in pemphigus 40.12 AQOL) 42.35, 72.20 2 Index acne rosacea see rosacea children under 12 years of age 42.60– topical treatment 42.39–46 genetics 15.10 acne venenata 27.12–15 1, 42.76 adapalene 42.39–40, 42.41, 73.36 neonatal 17.4 acne vermiculata (atrophoderma clinical benefi ts 42.58–61 adverse effects 42.49–50 reversible 49.34 vermiculata) 45.8, 66.51 cost-effectiveness 42.65 antibiotics 42.39, 42.41–3, 73.9, 73.10 acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans acne vulgaris 42.17–70, 42.73–4 dose schedules 42.61, 42.62 azelaic acid 42.39, 42.43, 73.28 30.65, 45.9–11, 45.18 adolescence 8.6 drug interactions 42.64, 42.65 benzoyl peroxide 42.39, 42.40, 42.41, acrodermatitis continua (of Hallopeau) aetiology/pathogenesis 42.17, 42.20–30 duration of use 42.58, 42.62 42.48, 42.67 20.46, 65.25, 65.26, 79.4 cell-mediated immunity and scarring European Directive 42.59, 42.60 childhood acne 42.76 calcipotriol treatment 73.45 42.26–7 initiation of therapy 42.59–60 complementary therapy 42.43 acrodermatitis enteropathica 59.59, 59.72 comedogenesis 42.22–4 long-term treatment 42.58–9 dapsone 42.43 in animals 2.17 growth hormone and IGFs role 42.11 mechanism of action 42.57–8 nicotinamide 42.43, 73.51 Crohn’s disease and 62.49 hyperinsulinaemia 42.20–1, 42.34 poor response 42.60 retinoic acid 73.34, 73.35 genitocrural 71.5 infl ammation role 42.25–6 resistance 42.62–3 retinoids 42.39–41, 42.48, 42.54 hair loss in 66.28–9 innate immune reaction 42.25, 42.26 side effects 42.63–5 salicylic acid 42.43 oral involvement 69.31 P. acnes role 42.24–6 in signifi cant systemic disease 42.61 selection 42.43–4 perianal/perineal 71.91 seborrhoea 42.20–2 slow response, reasons 42.62–3 tazarotene 73.37 in pregnancy 8.12 topical drug effects on 42.40 treatment recommendations 42.60 treatment 42.15–16, 42.38–70 acrodynia 69.83–4, 75.101–2 Apert’s syndrome and 42.61, 42.70–1 US programme (iPLEDGE) 42.60 adverse effects 42.49–52 acroerythrokeratoderma (Mal de Meleda) associated conditions 42.70–82 itching 42.32 antibiotics see acne vulgaris, oral 19.3, 19.94, 19.100–1 associated features 42.33 keratins 42.23 antibiotic treatment acrogeria 45.58, 45.59–60, 51.79, 51.106 atopic dermatitis incidence and 42.18 late-onset 42.18.
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