APPENDIX 1. Species of amphibians and reptiles found in the seven studied sites plus Estanífera (Rio Tinto basecamp, where only ocasional collections were made) in northern Pará, Brasil, with data on reproduction, diet and habitat based on personal observations and literature. Species indicated with an asterisk are new for the herpetofauna of Brazil, those indicated with a ‘+’ are new for the State of Pará. (Continued) Grão-Pará (Estanífera) Grão-Pará FLOTA Trombetas FLOTA Grão-Pará Centre Grão-Pará Grão-Pará North Grão-Pará Grão-Pará South Grão-Pará REBIO Maicuru Guiana Shield Reproductive Reproductive Microhabitat FLOTA Faro FLOTA Endemic of Species Habitat FLOTA FLOTA CITES mode name Paru Diet Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi. Cienc. Nat., Belém, v. 5, n. 1, p. 13-112, jan.- abr. 2010 5,n.1,p.13-112,jan.-abr. EmílioGoeldi.Cienc.Nat.,Belém,v. Bol. Mus.Para. Amphibia Anura Allophrynidae Allophryne ruthveni x x eggs on leaves rain forest arboreal insects Gaige, 1926 Bufonidae 81 Guiana south to Atelopus hoogmoedi rain forest x Tucuruí, eggs in creeks terrestrial insects Lescure, 1974 near creeks Carajás, Santarém Bufo guttatus x x x x x x eggs in pools rain forest terrestrial insects Schneider, 1799 * Bufo sp. n. x x x eggs in pools rain forest terrestrial insects Bufo margaritifer x x x O x x eggs in pools rain forest terrestrial insects Laurenti, 1768 insects, Bufo marinus x x x x x x eggs in pools generalist terrestrial small Linnaeus, 1758 vertebrates Dendrophryniscus terrestrial bokermanni x eggs, edge of rain forest terrestrial insects Izecksohn, 1994 pools (Continued) Grão-Pará (Estanífera) Grão-Pará FLOTA Trombetas FLOTA Grão-Pará Centre Grão-Pará Grão-Pará North Grão-Pará Grão-Pará South Grão-Pará REBIO Maicuru Guiana Shield Reproductive Reproductive Microhabitat FLOTA Faro FLOTA Endemic of Species Habitat FLOTA FLOTA CITES mode name Paru Diet terrestrial Dendrophryniscus x x x eggs, edge of rain forest terrestrial insects minutus (Melin, 1941) pools Centrolenidae Brazil:... ofnorthernPará, Notes ontheVertebrates rain forest near creeks eggs on leaves +Cochranella sp. x x with running arboreal insects above creeks water and rapids 82 rain forest +Hyalinobatrachium near creeks eggs on leaves iaspidiense x with running arboreal insects above creeks Ayarzaguena, 1992 water and rapids rain forest near Unidentified creeks with x x x tadpoles running water and rapids Dendrobatidae terrestrial eggs, tadpoles rain forest Allobates femoralis x x x x A x on back adult edge of terrestrial insects (Boulenger, 1884) transported to openings pools *Allobates eggs in spumaponens Kok & x x x x x x leptodactylid rain forest terrestrial insects Ernst, 2007 foamnests (Continued) Grão-Pará (Estanífera) Grão-Pará FLOTA Trombetas FLOTA Grão-Pará Centre Grão-Pará Grão-Pará North Grão-Pará Grão-Pará South Grão-Pará REBIO Maicuru Guiana Shield Reproductive Reproductive Microhabitat FLOTA Faro FLOTA Endemic of Species Habitat FLOTA FLOTA CITES mode name Paru Diet Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi. Cienc. Nat., Belém, v. 5, n. 1, p. 13-112, jan.- abr. 2010 5,n.1,p.13-112,jan.-abr. EmílioGoeldi.Cienc.Nat.,Belém,v. Bol. Mus.Para. terrestrial Anomaloglossus eggs, tadpoles baeobatrachus x x x x x on back adult rain forest terrestrial insects (Boistel & transported to Massary, 1999) pools terrestrial eggs, Anomaloglossus rain forest tadpoles in nest stepheni x x edge of terrestrial insects leaves until (Martins, 1989) openings metamorphosis 83 terrestrial eggs, one or Dendrobates two tadpoles tinctorius (Cuvier, x x x rain forest terrestrial insects on back adult 1797) transported to pools terrestrial * Epipedobates eggs, tadpoles cf. guayanensis x x x on back adult rain forest terrestrial insects Heatwole, Solano & transported to Heatwole, 1965 pools terrestrial eggs, tadpoles Epipedobates hahneli x x x on back adult rain forest terrestrial insects (Boulenger, 1884) transported to pools terrestrial Epipedobates eggs, tadpoles trivittatus x x x A x on back adult rain forest terrestrial insects (Spix, 1824) transported to pools (Continued) Grão-Pará (Estanífera) Grão-Pará FLOTA Trombetas FLOTA Grão-Pará Centre Grão-Pará Grão-Pará North Grão-Pará Grão-Pará South Grão-Pará REBIO Maicuru Guiana Shield Reproductive Reproductive Microhabitat FLOTA Faro FLOTA Endemic of Species Habitat FLOTA FLOTA CITES mode name Paru Diet Hylidae nests at edge Hyla boans of rivers, rain forest, A x x A x x arboreal insects (Linnaeus, 1758) creeks and galery forest pools Brazil:... ofnorthernPará, Notes ontheVertebrates creeks, Hyla calcarata flooded areas, x x eggs in water arboreal insects Troschel, 1848 forest and edge rain forest, 84 savanna Hyla cinerascens eggs in lentic x forest, close arboreal insects Spix, 1824 water to creeks, flooded areas +Hyla dentei x x ? rain forest arboreal insects Bokermann, 1967 Hyla fasciata rain forest and x x x eggs in water arboreal insects (Günther, 1858) edge *Hyla gaucheri pools in rain Lescure & Marty, x x ? forest and arboreal insects 2000 open areas savanna, open Hyla geographica eggs in lentic x x x areas, rain arboreal insects Spix, 1824 or lotic water forest open areas, Hyla leucophyllata eggs on leaves savanna, rain x x arboreal insects (Beireis, 1783) above pool forest and edge (Continued) Grão-Pará (Estanífera) Grão-Pará FLOTA Trombetas FLOTA Grão-Pará Centre Grão-Pará Grão-Pará North Grão-Pará Grão-Pará South Grão-Pará REBIO Maicuru Guiana Shield Reproductive Reproductive Microhabitat FLOTA Faro FLOTA Endemic of Species Habitat FLOTA FLOTA CITES mode name Paru Diet Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi. Cienc. Nat., Belém, v. 5, n. 1, p. 13-112, jan.- abr. 2010 5,n.1,p.13-112,jan.-abr. EmílioGoeldi.Cienc.Nat.,Belém,v. Bol. Mus.Para. rain forest, Hyla minuscula x eggs in water savanna, open arboreal insects Rivero, 1971 areas Hyla minuta eggs on leaves generalist x x arboreal insects Peters, 1872 above pool (open areas) Hyla multifasciata eggs above or generalist A x x x arboreal insects Gunther, 1859 in pools (?) (open areas) 85 eggs on savanna, open Hyla cf. nana x leaves above areas, rain arboreal insects Boulenger, 1889 lentic water forest open areas Hyla punctata / antropic, x eggs in water arboreal insects (Schneider, 1799) savanna, swamps flooded Hyla wavrini eggs in nest at x riverine forest arboreal insects Parker, 1936 edge of water (várzea) Osteocephalus savanna, leprieuri (Duméril & x x x x eggs in water swamps, rain arboreal insects Bribron, 1841) forest eggs in Osteocephalus Bromeliaceae oophagus Jungfer & x x x rain forest arboreal insects with parental Schiesari, 1995 care (Continued) Grão-Pará (Estanífera) Grão-Pará FLOTA Trombetas FLOTA Grão-Pará Centre Grão-Pará Grão-Pará North Grão-Pará Grão-Pará South Grão-Pará REBIO Maicuru Guiana Shield Reproductive Reproductive Microhabitat FLOTA Faro FLOTA Endemic of Species Habitat FLOTA FLOTA CITES mode name Paru Diet Osteocephalus eggs in taurinus x x x x x A temporary rain forest arboreal insects Steindachner, 1862 pools Notes on the Vertebrates of northern Pará, Brazil:... ofnorthernPará, Notes ontheVertebrates nest between Phyllomedusa bicolor savanna, rain x leaves above arboreal insects (Boddaert, 1772) forest, várzea water Phyllomedusa nest between generalist hypochondrialis A x x leaves above arboreal insects (open areas) 86 (Daudin, 1803) water Phyllomedusa nest between tomopterna A x A leaves above rain forest arboreal insects (Cope, 1868) water nest between Phyllomedusa vaillanti x leaves above rain forest arboreal insects Boulenger, 1882 water *Phrynohyas eggs in cavities in trees, hadroceps (Duellman A x above the rain forest arboreal insects & Hoogmoed, 1992) ground Phrynohyas sp. A arboreal savanna, open Scinax boesemani eggs in lentic areas, rain x x x arboreal insects Goin, 1966 water forest in open areas, várzea +Scinax garbei eggs in lentic (Miranda-Ribeiro, x rain forest arboreal insects water 1926) (Continued) Grão-Pará (Estanífera) Grão-Pará FLOTA Trombetas FLOTA Grão-Pará Centre Grão-Pará Grão-Pará North Grão-Pará Grão-Pará South Grão-Pará REBIO Maicuru Guiana Shield Reproductive Reproductive Microhabitat FLOTA Faro FLOTA Endemic of Species Habitat FLOTA FLOTA CITES mode name Paru Diet Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi. Cienc. Nat., Belém, v. 5, n. 1, p. 13-112, jan.- abr. 2010 5,n.1,p.13-112,jan.-abr. EmílioGoeldi.Cienc.Nat.,Belém,v. Bol. Mus.Para. Scinax nebulosus eggs in lentic open areas, x arboreal insects (Spix, 1824) water savanna +Scinax proboscideus eggs in x x rain forest arboreal insects (Brongersma, 1933) lentic water Scinax ruber eggs in periantropic, x arboreal insects (Laurenti, 1768) lentic water savanna eggs in *Scinax sp. nov. x rain forest arboreal insects lentic water 87 Scinax gr. ruber eggs in x rain forest arboreal insects (Laurenti, 1768) lentic water Leptodactylidae Adenomera andreae nest in x x x x x x x rain forest terrestrial insects (Müller, 1923) ground * Adenomera heyeri nest in Boistel, Massary & x x rain forest terrestrial insects ground Angulo, 2006 Adenomera nest in hylaedactyla (Cope, x savanna terrestrial insects ground 1868) Ceratophrys cornuta eggs in insects, small x rain forest semifossorial (Linnaeus, 1758) lentic water vertebrates +Eleutherodactylus terrestrial chiastonotus Lynch & x x x eggs, direct rain forest arboreal insects Hoogmoed, 1977 development (Continued) Grão-Pará (Estanífera) Grão-Pará FLOTA Trombetas FLOTA Grão-Pará Centre Grão-Pará Grão-Pará North Grão-Pará Grão-Pará South Grão-Pará REBIO Maicuru Guiana Shield Reproductive Reproductive Microhabitat FLOTA Faro FLOTA Endemic of Species Habitat
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