June 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5207 encourage all dairy farmers in New quiring safe and sanitary conditions for Sec. 112. Coordination of voting system security York’s 19th Congressional District to migrant children. Yet right now, chil- activities with use of requirements begin making coverage decisions. dren are imprisoned in appalling and payments and election adminis- The Dairy Margin Coverage program unconscionable conditions. tration requirements under Help America Vote Act of 2002. is retroactive until the beginning of These children have not been wel- Sec. 113. Incorporation of definitions. the year, with applicable payments fol- comed in the spirit of Matthew. In- Subtitle B—Risk-Limiting Audits lowing soon after enrollment. stead, they are in cages, in prison with- Sec. 121. Risk-limiting audits. As dairy farmers continue to face low out adequate food, clean clothing, Sec. 122. Funding for conducting post-election prices and increased market consolida- clean diapers, toothbrushes, access to risk-limiting audits. tion, I hope this program will provide showers, and a comfortable place to lay Sec. 123. GAO analysis of effects of audits. much-needed support during this chal- their head. TITLE II—PROMOTING CYBERSECURITY lenging farm economy. ‘‘Whatever you did unto the least of THROUGH IMPROVEMENTS IN ELECTION As a member of the Agriculture Com- these, you did unto me.’’ ADMINISTRATION mittee, I am deeply committed to sup- Madam Speaker, we will be judged as Sec. 201. Voting system cybersecurity require- porting our dairy farmers, and I will be a nation, as a government, and a people ments. closely following implementation of for our failure to look out for the least Sec. 202. Testing of existing voting systems to the Dairy Margin Coverage program. I of these. May this imprisonment end. ensure compliance with election cybersecurity guidelines and other will continue fighting to give our farm- f guidelines. ers the support and the certainty they Sec. 203. Requiring use of software and hard- need. SECURING AMERICA’S FEDERAL ware for which information is dis- ELECTIONS ACT f closed by manufacturer. Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, pur- Sec. 204. Treatment of electronic poll books as b 0915 suant to House Resolution 460, I call up part of voting systems. the bill (H.R. 2722) to protect elections Sec. 205. Pre-election reports on voting system RECOGNIZING JUDY GENSHAFT usage. (Mr. BILIRAKIS asked and was given for public office by providing financial Sec. 206. Streamlining collection of election in- permission to address the House for 1 support and enhanced security for the formation. minute and to revise and extend his re- infrastructure used to carry out such TITLE III—USE OF VOTING MACHINES marks.) elections, and for other purposes, and MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES Mr. BILIRAKIS. Madam Speaker, ask for its immediate consideration in Sec. 301. Use of voting machines manufactured today I rise to recognize Dr. Judy the House. in the United States. Genshaft, a truly outstanding leader The Clerk read the title of the bill. TITLE IV—SEVERABILITY whose contributions to the Tampa Bay The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Sec. 401. Severability. area as the sixth president of the Uni- ant to House Resolution 460, in lieu of TITLE I—FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR versity of South Florida have been un- the amendment in the nature of a sub- ELECTION INFRASTRUCTURE matched, in my opinion. stitute recommended by the Com- Subtitle A—Voting System Security President Genshaft has completely mittee on House Administration print- Improvement Grants transformed USF by helping it achieve ed in the bill, an amendment in the na- PART 1—PROMOTING ACCURACY, INTEG- elite status as a preeminent research ture of a substitute consisting of the RITY, AND SECURITY THROUGH VOTER- university. The National Science Foun- text of Rules Committee Print 116–20, VERIFIED PERMANENT PAPER BALLOT dation has ranked USF as one of the modified by the amendment printed in SEC. 101. SHORT TITLE. Nation’s top 25 research universities. part A of House Report 116–126, is This subtitle may be cited as the ‘‘Voter Con- Under Judy’s leadership, USF has adopted, and the bill, as amended, is fidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2019’’. considered read. SEC. 102. PAPER BALLOT AND MANUAL COUNT- nearly quadrupled its research port- ING REQUIREMENTS. folio to expand lifesaving research and The text of the bill, as amended, is as follows: (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 301(a)(2) of the Help develop cutting-edge technologies. The America Vote Act of 2002 (52 U.S.C. 21081(a)(2)) school’s success has attracted some of H.R. 2722 is amended to read as follows: the brightest young minds to the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ‘‘(2) PAPER BALLOT REQUIREMENT.— Tampa Bay area of Florida, growing resentatives of the United States of America in ‘‘(A) VOTER-VERIFIED PAPER BALLOTS.— enrollment by 40 percent, and USF’s Congress assembled. ‘‘(i) PAPER BALLOT REQUIREMENT.—(I) The graduation rate has tripled with Dr. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. voting system shall require the use of an indi- vidual, durable, voter-verified paper ballot of Genshaft at the helm. (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Securing America’s Federal Elections Act’’ the voter’s vote that shall be marked and made Summarizing the many accomplish- or the ‘‘SAFE Act’’. available for inspection and verification by the ments of President Genshaft in just 1 (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- voter before the voter’s vote is cast and counted, minute is impossible. She is a remark- tents of this Act is as follows: and which shall be counted by hand or read by an optical character recognition device or other able woman who has made the Tampa Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. Bay region a better place. As she pre- counting device. For purposes of this subclause, TITLE I—FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR the term ‘individual, durable, voter-verified pares to retire, it is my honor to say ELECTION INFRASTRUCTURE congratulations to her. paper ballot’ means a paper ballot marked by Subtitle A—Voting System Security the voter by hand or a paper ballot marked Go Bulls. Improvement Grants through the use of a nontabulating ballot mark- f PART 1—PROMOTING ACCURACY, INTEGRITY, AND ing device or system, so long as the voter shall have the option to mark his or her ballot by CARING FOR THE CHILDREN SECURITY THROUGH VOTER-VERIFIED PERMA- NENT PAPER BALLOT hand. The paper ballot shall be printed or marked in such a way that vote selections, in- (Ms. DEAN asked and was given per- Sec. 101. Short title. cluding all vote selections scanned by voting mission to address the House for 1 Sec. 102. Paper ballot and manual counting re- systems to tabulate votes, can be inspected and minute.) quirements. verified by the voter without training or instruc- Sec. 103. Accessibility and ballot verification for Ms. DEAN. Madam Speaker, there is tion or audited by election officials without the individuals with disabilities. a Gospel reading I like: Matthew 25: aid of any machine or other equipment. Sec. 104. Durability and readability require- ‘‘For I was hungry and You gave me ‘‘(II) The voting system shall provide the voter ments for ballots. food, I was thirsty and You gave me with an opportunity to correct any error on the Sec. 105. Paper ballot printing requirements. paper ballot before the permanent voter-verified drink, a stranger and You welcomed Sec. 106. Study and report on optimal ballot de- paper ballot is preserved in accordance with me, naked and You clothed me, ill and sign. clause (ii). You cared for me, in prison and You Sec. 107. Effective date for new requirements. visited me.’’ ‘‘(III) The voting system shall not preserve the PART 2—GRANTS TO CARRY OUT IMPROVEMENTS voter-verified paper ballots in any manner that That spirit of welcoming and compas- Sec. 111. Grants for obtaining compliant paper makes it possible, at any time after the ballot sion is a part of what defines us as ballot voting systems and carrying has been cast, to associate a voter with the Americans. In fact, we have enshrined out voting system security im- record of the voter’s vote without the voter’s it in our legal code, including laws re- provements. consent. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:12 Jun 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\K27JN7.005 H27JNPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H5208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 27, 2019 ‘‘(ii) PRESERVATION AS OFFICIAL RECORD.—The ‘‘(B)(i) ensure that individuals with disabil- out subsection (a) $5,000,000, to remain available individual, durable, voter-verified paper ballot ities and others are given an equivalent oppor- until expended.’’. used in accordance with clause (i) shall con- tunity to vote, including with privacy and inde- (2) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of con- stitute the official ballot and shall be preserved pendence, in a manner that produces a voter- tents of such Act is amended— and used as the official ballot for purposes of verified paper ballot as for other voters; (A) by redesignating the item relating to sec- any recount or audit conducted with respect to ‘‘(ii) satisfy the requirement of subparagraph tion 247 as relating to section 248; and any election for Federal office in which the vot- (A) through the use of at least one voting system (B) by inserting after the item relating to sec- ing system is used. equipped for individuals with disabilities, in- tion 246 the following new item: ‘‘(iii) MANUAL COUNTING REQUIREMENTS FOR cluding nonvisual and enhanced visual accessi- ‘‘Sec.
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