Accelerated Rural Electrification Project (RRP MYA 53223) Initial Environmental Examination (Draft) – Appendixes 1-3 Document Stage: Draft: 1 September 2020 Republic of the Union of Myanmar: Accelerated Rural Electrification Project Prepared by the Ministry of Electricity and Energy, Government of The Republic of the Union of Myanmar for the Asian Development Bank. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Accelerated Rural Electrification Project (RRP MYA 53223) Initial Environmental Examination (Draft) – Appendix 1 Document Stage: Draft: 1 September 2020 Republic of the Union of Myanmar: Accelerated Rural Electrification Project Prepared by the Ministry of Electricity and Energy, Government of The Republic of the Union of Myanmar for the Asian Development Bank. Electricity Supply Enterprise Proposed Project Lists for ADB New Loan-2020 (USD 140 Millions) Numbers calculated by Damian 1395 MMK/USD Extension 66kV S/S Lines (Miles) 33kV S/S Estimated Cost Eöectrification Project bays s S No. State/Region 66/33kV 66/11kV 66kV 33kV 33/11kV 66kV 33kV MillionsMillions Towns Villages Household Doubl Doubl No. No. MVA No. MVA Single Single No. MVA No. No. MMK USD No. No. No. e e 1 Ayeyarwady 18 0 0.0 15 195.0 19.5 103.5 2.5 20.0 3 25.0 6 1 48682.4 ← 34.9 4 1962 224395 2 Magway 12 1 10.0 11 55.0 0.8 185.5 0.0 10.0 1 5.0 10 1 40597.3 ← 29.1 2 599 97688 3 Kayin 6 1 10.0 5 45.0 3.0 119.5 0.0 25.0 1 5.0 3 1 25350.1 ← 18.2 4 259 25239 4 BagoEast 11 0 0.0 5 45.0 123.7 9.0 3.0 0.0 3 15.0 10 0 59549.5 ← 42.7 1 135 20505 Total 47 2 20.0 36 340.0 147.0 417.5 5.5 55.0 8 50.0 29 3 174179.3 124.9 11 2955 367827 No. Name of project DROP Overhead line Substation Switch bays in new S/S Transformer Extension switch bay in exsisting S/S 1 Name Type Line length Voltage Circuits 66kV 33kV Tower type Name Location Land area 66/33 66/11 33/11 Type incomming outgoing Transformer 66/33 66/11 33/11 Name of S/S 66 33 tee-off/line miles kV 1 ckt 2 ckt 1 ckt 2 ckt Village/Town District Township acres ha kV kV kV 66kV 33kV 66kV 33kV 66kV 33kV MVA MVA MVA kV kV 1 Ingapu 66kV tee-off from 66kV line Myanaung - Hinthada tee-off 10.00 66 2 10.0 Concrete poles 66/11kV 10MVA Kwin Kauk (Ingapu) Kwin Kauk Hinthada Ingapu 2.00 0.81 1 Air 1 1 1 0 10 2 Kyaunggon 66kV tee-off from 66kV line Athoke - Pathein (old line) tee-off 0.15 66 2 0.2 Concrete poles 66/11kV 10MVA Hle Seik (Kyaunggon) Hle Seik Pathein Kyaunggon 2.00 0.81 1 Hybrid 1 1 1 0 10 3 Danubyu 33kV tee-off from Ahpyauk tee-off 8.00 33 1 8.0 Concrete poles 33/11kV 10MVA Za Kar Gyi (Danubyu) Za Kar Gyi Maubin Danubyu 0.70 0.28 1 Air 1 0 1 10 4 KyaikLat 66kV line Kyaiklat Primary - Kyaiklat (Kyaiklat) line 0.50 66 1 0.5 Concrete poles 66/11kV 20MVA Kyaiklat (Kyaiklat) Kyaiklat Pyapon Kyaiklat 1.50 0.61 1 Hybrid 1 1 0 20 66kV S/S Kyaiklat Primary 1 5 Einme 66kV line Kyaunggon - Tha Yet Kone (Einme) line 30.00 66 1 30.0 Concrete poles 66/11kV 10MVA Tha Yet Kone (Einme) Tha Yet Kone Myaungmya Einme 2.20 0.89 1 Air 1 1 0 10 66kV S/S Kyaunggon 1 6 Hinthada 66kV tee-off from 66kV line Ahthoke - Hinthada tee-off 0.25 66 2 0.3 Concrete poles 66/11kV 10MVA Shan Su (Hinthada) Shan Su Hinthada Hinthada 2.17 0.88 1 Air 1 1 1 0 10 7 Myaungmya 66kV tee-off from 66kV line Myaungmya - Labutta tee-off 1.00 66 2 1.0 Concrete poles 66/11kV 5MVA Thein Lar Gat Su (Myaungmya) Thein Lar Gat Su Myaungmya Myaungmya 2.00 0.81 1 Air 1 1 1 0 5 9 Kyangin 66kV tee-off from 66kV line Oke Shit Pin - Myanaung tee-off 1.50 66 2 1.5 Concrete poles 66/11kV 20MVA Bat Ye / Ka Loet Kwin (Kyangin) Bat Ye / Ka Loet Kwin Hinthada Kyangin 3.00 1.21 1 Hybrid 1 1 1 0 20 14 Einme 33kV line Einme - Ywar Thit / Ma Nyaung Chaung (Einme) line 12.00 33 1 12.0 Concrete poles 33/11kV 10MVA Ywar Thit / Ma Nyaung Chaung (Einme)Ywar Thit / Ma Nyaung ChaungMyaungmya Einme 2.40 0.97 1 Air 1 0 1 10 33kV S/S Einme 1 15 Ngathaing Chaung 66kV tee-off from 66kV line Yae Kyi - Gwa tee-off 1.40 66 2 1.4 Concrete poles 66/11kV 20MVA Tha Pyay Kwin, Kone Pyin (Yegyi) Tha Pyay Kwin, Kone Pyin Pathein Yegyi 2.50 1.01 1 Air 1 1 1 0 20 16 Pathein 66kV tee-off from 66kV line Pathein - Nga Yoke Kaung Taung tee-off 0.20 66 2 0.2 Concrete poles 66/11kV 10MVA Tha Lat Khwar (Pathein) Tha Lat Khwar Pathein Pathein 2.00 0.81 1 Air 1 2 1 0 10 17 Mawlamyainggyun 66kV line Bogale - Kyaung Htauk (Mawlamyainggyun) line 17.00 66 1 17.0 Concrete poles 66/11kV 10MVA Kyaung Htauk (Mawlamyainggyun) Kyaung Htauk Labutta Mawlamyainggyun 2.00 0.81 1 Hybrid 1 1 0 10 0 18 Kangyidaut 66kV line Kan Kone Primary - Kyaik Lat (Kangyidaunt) line 8.00 66 1 8.0 Concrete poles 66/11kV 20MVA Kyaik Lat (Kangyidaunt) Kyaik Lat Pathein Kangyidaunt 2.00 0.81 1 Air 1 1 1 0 20 66kV S/S Kan Kone Primary 1 19 Myaungmya 66kV line Kyaiklat Primary - Kyon War (Myaungmya) line 20.00 66 1 20.0 Concrete poles 66/11kV 10MVA Kyon War (Myaungmya) Kyon War Myaungmya Myaungmya 2.00 0.81 1 Air 1 1 0 10 66kV S/S Kyaiklat Primary 1 20 Pathein 66kV line 66kV line Tha Lup Khwar - Shawpya - Shaw Pyar (Patheline 12.00 66 1 12.0 Concrete poles 66/11kV 10MVA Shaw Pyar (Pathein) Shaw Pyar Pathein Pathein 3.70 1.50 1 Air 1 1 0 10 66kV S/S 66kV line Tha Lup K 1 21 Labutta 66kV tee-off from 66kV line Myaungmya - Labutta tee-off 5.00 66 2 5.0 Concrete poles 66/11kV 20MVA Le Pyauk (Labutta) Le Pyauk Labutta Labutta 2.00 0.81 1 Air 1 1 1 0 20 22 Myaungmya 66kV line Myaungmya - Pyin / Da Yei Pauk (Myaungmya) line 16.00 66 1 16.0 Concrete poles 66/11kV 10MVA Pyin / Da Yei Pauk (Myaungmya) Pyin / Da Yei Pauk Myaungmya Myaungmya 2.00 0.81 1 Air 1 1 0 10 66kV S/S Myaungmya 1 23 Nyaungdon 33kV tee-off from 33kV line Hlaingtharya - Nyaungdon tee-off 2.50 33 2 2.5 Concrete poles 33/11kV 5MVA Ka Nyin Kauk Gyi (Nyaungdon) Ka Nyin Kauk Gyi Maubin Nyaungdon 0.92 0.37 1 Air 1 1 0 1 5 No. Name of project Description DROP Overhead line Substation Switch bays in new S/S Transformer Extension switch bay in exsisting S/S 2 Name Type Tap-off Location Connecting to Line length Voltage Circuits 66kV 33kV Tower type Name Location Land area 66/33 66/11 33/11 Type incomming outgoing Transformer 66/33 66/11 33/11 Name of S/S 66 33 tee-off/line Village/Town (Township)existing line or substation miles kV 1 ckt 2 ckt 1 ckt 2 ckt Village/Town District Township acres ha kV kV kV 66kV 33kV 66kV 33kV 66kV 33kV MVA MVA MVA kV kV New Construction of 66 kV Line 12 miles from Saw Township , Saw Substation to Long She Village, 66/33kV, 10 MVA at 1 Saw 66kV line Saw - Laung Shay (Saw) line Saw Saw 12.00 66 1 12.0 Concrete poles 66/33kV 10MVA Laung Shay (Saw) Laung Shay Gangaw Saw 2.00 0.81 1 1 Air 1 2 0 10 5 66kV S/S Saw 1 Long She Village with 66/11kV, 5MVA and 66kV Switching Bay 1 Set at Saw Substation New Construction of 66kV Line 15 miles from 66kV 2 Aunglan Kyaukpadaung Substation to Shwe Pan Taw Village and 66kV line Kyaunkpadaung - Shwe Pan Taw Gyi (Aunglan) line Aunglan Kyaunkpadaung 15.00 66 1 15.0 Concrete poles 66/11kV 5MVA Shwe Pan Taw Gyi (Aunglan) Shwe Pan Taw Gyi Thayet Aunglan 2.00 0.81 1 Air 1 1 0 5 66kV S/S Kyaunkpadaung 2 66/11kV 5MVA Substation at Shwe Pan Taw Village New Construction of 66kV Line 37 miles from 132kV Ta Nyaug Substation to Nyaung Ni Chaung and 66kV Switch Bay 3 Seikphyu 66kV line Ta Nyaung Primary - Nyaung Ni Chaung (Seikphyu) line Ta Nyaung (Seikphyu) Ta Nyaung Primary 37.00 66 1 37.0 Concrete poles 66/11kV 5MVA Nyaung Ni Chaung (Seikphyu) Nyaung Ni Chaung Pakokku Seikphyu 2.00 0.81 1 Air 1 1 0 5 66kV S/S Ta Nyaung Primary 1 1set at Ta Nyaug Substation and 66/11kV, 5MVA Substation at Nyaung Ni Chaung New Construction of 66kV Line 18 miles from Natmauk City, 66kV Kan Gyi Substation to near Tha Mone Kone Gyi Village , 4 Natmauk 66kV line Kann Gyi (Natmauk) - Tha Mone Kone Gyi (Natmauk)line Natmauk Kann Gyi (Natmauk) 18.00 66 1 18.0 Concrete poles 66/11kV 5MVA Tha Mone Kone Gyi (Natmauk)Tha Mone Kone Gyi Magway Natmauk 2.00 0.81 1 Air 1 1 0 5 66kV S/S Kann Gyi (Natmauk) 1 66kV Switch Bay 1 Set at Kan Gyi Substation and 66/11kV, 5MVA Substation at near Tha Mone Kone Gyi Village New Construction of 66kV Lines 22 miles from 66V Koe Bin Substation to Da None Myaung Village , 66kV Switch Bay 1 6 Sinbaungwe 66kV line Koe Bin - Da None Myaung (Sinbaungwe) line Sinbaungwe Koe Bin 22.00 66 1 22.0 Concrete poles 66/11kV 5MVA Da None Myaung (Sinbaungwe)Da None Myaung Thayet Sinbaungwe 2.00 0.81 1 Air 1 1 1 0 5 66kV S/S Koe Bin 1 Set at Koe Bin Substation and 66kV Outgoing Switch Bay 1 Set, 66/11kV 5MVA Substation at Da None Myaung Village New Construction of 66kV Line 15 miles from 66kV Sinbaungwe Substation to Sinbaungwe City , 66kV Switch 9 Sinbaungwe 66kV line Singbaungwe - Sinbaungwe (Sinbaungwe) line Koe Pin (Sinbaungwe) Singbaungwe 15.00 66 1 15.0 Concrete poles 66/11kV 5MVA Sinbaungwe (Sinbaungwe) Sinbaungwe Thayet Sinbaungwe 2.00 0.81 1 Hybrid 1 1 0 5 66kV S/S Singbaungwe 1 Bay 1 Set at Koe Pin Village Substation and 66/11kV, 5MVA Substation at Sinbaungwe Township New Construction of 66kV line 13.5 miles from Thayet Substation to Yae Bwet Village, 66kV switch bay 1 set at 10 Thayet 66kV line Thayet - Yae Bwet (Thayet)
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