11-cis retinal 5.4.2 achondroplasia 19.1.21 active transport, salt 3.4.19 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate 11.2.2 acid-base balance 18.3.34 activity cycle, flies 2.2.2 2,4-D herbicide 3.3.22, d1.4.23 acid coagulation cheese 15.4.36 activity rhythms, locomotor 7.4.2 2,6-D herbicide, mode of action acid growth hypothesis, plant cells actogram 7.4.2 3.2.22 3.3.22 acute mountain sickness 8.4.19 2-3 diphosphoglycerate, 2-3-DPG, acid hydrolases 15.2.36 acute neuritis 13.5.32 in RBCs 3.2.25 acid in gut 5.1.2 acute pancreatitis 9.3.24 2C fragments, selective weedkillers acid rain 13.2.10, 10.3.25, 4.2.27 acyltransferases 11.5.39 d1.4.23 1.1.15 Adams, Mikhail 12.3.39 3' end 4.3.23 acid rain and NO 14.4.18 adaptation 19.2.26, 7.2.31 3D formula of glucose d16.2.15 acid rain, effects on plants 1.1.15 adaptation, chemosensory, 3-D imaging 4.5.20 acid rain, mobilization of soil in bacteria 1.1.27 3-D models, molecular 5.3.7 aluminium 3.4.27 adaptation, frog reproduction 3-D reconstruction of cells 18.1.16 acid rain: formation 13.2.10 17.2.17 3-D shape of molecules 7.2.19 acid 1.4.16 adaptations: cereals 3.3.30 3-D shapes of proteins 6.1.31 acid-alcohol-fast bacteria 14.1.30 adaptations: sperm 10.5.2 3-phosphoglycerate 5.4.30 acidification of freshwater 1.1.15 adaptive immune response 5' end 4.3.23 acidification 3.4.27 19.4.14, 18.1.2 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) 12.1.28, acidification, Al and fish deaths adaptive immunity 19.4.34, 5.1.35 3.4.27 d16.3.31, 5.5.15 6-aminopenicillanic acid 12.1.36 acidification, Al and loss of adaptive radiation 8.5.7 7-spot ladybird larva p9.2.7 invertebrates 3.4.27 adaptive thermogenesis 9.2.33 A blood group in Britain d2.4.25 acidification, Al and snowmelt 3.4.27 ADAS 4.1.28, 2.2.19 ABA, abscisic acid 5.1.27 acidity of soil, mineral availability adenine in ATP 6.1.12 abaca fibre 6.3.30 1.1.24 adenine Abbe, Ernst 2.1.21 acidosis 18.3.34, 7.5.22 12.5.22, 12.1.26, 10.4.15, 10.1.36 abiotic 12.1.6 acinar cells 9.3.24 adeno-associated virus (AAV) abiotic/biotic factors 17.1.38, 10.5.6 acinar cells: pancreas 13.5.2 12.4.11 abnormal behaviour in zoos 4.2.7 Acinonyx jubatus p 14.2.7, p 14.1.19 adenohypophysis 5.3.25 ABO blood group system 9.5.10, acinus, human d 9.3.24 adenoma 11.1.38 7.5.38, 2.4.25, 3.2.25 acne 9.1.29, 3.2.2 adenomatous polyposis coli gene abortion 12.4.36, 7.2.10 acoelomate d 4.3.2 4.1.22 Abruzzi National Park 13.5.24 aconitic acid 1.2.6 adenosine 3'5'-cyclic abscissic acid 2.3.23 acorns 6.2.11 monophosphate 2.2.20 abscission 7.3.13 acoustic tag, grey seals 1.4.30 adenosine deaminase (ADA) absorption in gut 5.1.2 Acquired Immune Deficiency 10.4.2 absorption spectra, cones 17.4.24 Syndrome - see AIDS adenosine diphosphate - see ADP absorption 12.5.9 acquired resistance 12.2.28 adenosine triphosphate – see ATP abundance scales 10.5.6 acrosome 17.1.2, 15.4.10 adenosine 7.5.19 abundance, measuring 6.3.19 acrosome reaction 2.1.2 adenovirus 15.2.30, 12.4.11, 7.4.6 abzymes 5.4.40 Acrostichum aureum 12.3.8 adenylate cyclase 2.2.20 Acacia scrub 2.3.11 acrylamide 5.5.34 ADH – see antidiuretic hormone accelerating voltage 13.2.32 actin filaments 8.4.6, 8.3.2, 2.5.18 adhesins 7.3.2 acceptor 15.4.28 actin 19.4.25, 13.1.32, d 11.2.36, adhesive peptides 5.4.7 accessory proteins 10.4.32 3.1.12, 2.4.2 Adiantum capillus veneris 12.2.13 acclimatisation in micropropagation actin, in amoebae 2.2.6 adipocytes 17.3.2, 3.1.36 5.3.31 actin-myosin ratchet 19.4.25 adipose tissue 15.3.30, 1.4.11 accommodation, eye d17.2.9, 1.5.7 Actinia equina & A. fragacea 6.2.7 adipose 10.1.17 accumulation of insecticides in actinomycete bacteria adjuvants 15.1.39, 4.3.32 food chains d2.1.35 15.3.33, 5.4.27 Admission Service, Universities accumulation of pollutants 2.1.10 Actinosphaerium p19.3.34 p2.2.6 and Colleges (UCAS) 14.1.34 ACE, angiotensin converting action potential 18.3.2,16.2.33, adolescence 19.3.2 enzyme d5.3.7 13.3.10, 7.3.38, 4.3.26, 1.3.2 ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase acetic acid 11.3.10 action potentials in plants 4.3.26 12.1.2 aceto-acetic acid 3.5.37 activated sludge 13.4.25, p 1.4.35 ADP 2.4.12, 6.1.12, acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl coA) activation analysis 6.2.14 5.2.25, 3.3.40, 1.2.6 15.3.37, 9.1.7, 6.2.2, 9.1.7, 1.2.6, activation energy barrier 15.1.2 adrenaline 19.2.11, 13.1.22, 1.1.30 activation energy 19.1.2, 5.4.40 12.4.29, 8.3.21, 5.2.27, 4.1.19 acetylcholine (Ach) 14.4.34, 5.3.28, activation of synaptic receptor 5.1.35 adrenocorticotrophic hormone 11.4.30, 18.3.21 activator protein 6.5.2 (ACTH) 12.5.2 acetylcholine at synapse 16.2.33 activators 12.5.22 adsorption chromatography 3.4.12 acetylcholine receptor 8.2.7 active immunity 6.2.20 adult stem cells 16.2.21 acetylcholinesterase 10.2.23 active site, enzymes Advisory Committee for Release into acetylcholinesterase, 19.1.2, 15.1.2, 13.5.10, 1.5.16 the Environment (ACRE) 12.3.2 effect of pesticides 2.1.35 active sodium pumping 4.3.26 Advisory Committee on Novel Foods acetylsalicylic acid, see aspirin active stroke, cilium d 6.3.2 and Processes (ACNFP) 12.3.2 ACG and T 4.2.25 active transport 7.1.28, 5.2.2, 3.3.40 AEA, advanced extension award Achilles tendon 3.4.23, 7.1.10 active transport across membranes 15.3.8 Achnanthes, diatom p 2.5.35 6.4.16 Aeolids 14.3.20 2 aerenchyma 13.3.30 agriculture; GM crops 17.2.24 algal crust 14.2.2 aerobic ATP production 1.3.30 Agrobacterium tumefaciens algal spore p2.5.35 aerobic biological sewage treatment 12.1.18, 11.2.19, 6.5.16 algicides 15.3.33 13.4.25 Agrobacterium alginate 4.3.29 aerobic carbohydrate metabolism 12.3.2 alien invaders 6.1.25, 5.5.8 6.4.11 agro-biotech 16.1.21 aliphatic compounds 11.3.22 aerobic dives 6.1.6 agrochemical industry, careers in Alistair Fitter p18.2.42 aerobic fat metabolism 6.4.11 5.2.36 alkali in gut 5.1.2 aerobic metabolism 13.1.11, 6.2.2 agronomic improvements 7.4.34 alkalinophiles 9.2.2 aerobic respiration 19.2.14 Agrostis stolonifera p 13.5.29 alkaloids 11.5.11 aerobic respiration in symbioses AIDGAP key 3.1.25 alkaptonuria genetics 18.4.34 7.4.8 AIDS - viral infection 12.2.2 alkylating agents 6.5.14 Aeromonas hydrophila 1.3.17 AIDs causes 3.4.15 all trans retinal 5.4.2 aerosol sprays 3.3.2 AIDs diagnosis 1.2.19 Allan, Norman a 10.4.40 A-esterases, detoxifying action AIDs treatment 3.4.15 allele 19.4.10, 19.3.38, 17.1.6, 2.1.35 AIDS 14.1.37, 14.1.22, 13.3.14, 15.2.9, 14.2.26, 5.4.35, 3.3.33, aestivation, snails 3.2.30 12.2.2, 10.3.33, 9.2.33, 8.2.2, 2.5.2, 2.2.2 afferent signals 12.5.2 7.5.28, 7.4.30, 1.3.38, 1.2.19, allergens 5.3.38 affinity chromatography 3.4.12 1.1.12, 5.4.10 allergic reaction p14.3.2 affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen AIDS, opportunistic infections in allergy 19.2.11 3.2.25 14.4.21 allergy testing p19.2.2 aflatoxin 13.3.26, 9.5.7 AIDS: symptoms 10.3.33 allergy to dust mites 5.3.38 afp genes 14.3.6 Ailuropoda melanoleuca p 17.1.6 alligator farming 7.1.7 Africa, deforestation 2.3.11 air pollution d9.4.32, 1.1.15 alligator, egg incubation 7.1.7 African gaboon viper p8.2.7 air pollution, human health 2.5.24 alligators 1.2.2 African sleeping sickness 19.3.42 air sacs, bird d3.5.29 alliinase 17.3.7 Agalychnis, leaf frogs p17.2.17 air-dried 13.3.6 Allium ursinum p9.4.21 agar 4.3.29 air-lift fermenter 8.5.35, d2.2.12 allogenic vaccines 15.1.39 agar plate, Staphylococcus air-lift system for growing plant cells allograft 12.1.14 p 19.4.30 d2.2.36 Allolobophora p8.3.14 Agaricus bisporus, life cycle d 5.4.27 airways, pollution effect on d9.4.32 allometric growth 13.4.29 agarose gel electrophoresis 11.4.10 alarm, in stress 5.2.27 allometry 6.1.2 age classes 3.1.25 Alaska 12.3.39 allomone 9.3.29 age mutations 10.3.18 Alaska, Glacier Bay pd14.2.2 allopatric speciation AGE, advanced glycosylation Alaskan tundra p9.5.18 16.2.24, 8.5.7, 4.5.8 end products 6.4.26 albatross and sail plane p5.1.30 all-or-nothing rule of action potential age, determining,hedgehog 4.2.31 albatrosses p10.3.18 4.3.26 ageing and brain 5.3.28 albinism 19.4.10,12.4.29 allosteric inhibitor (NADH) in bacteria ageing 14.3.33, d14.1.2, 10.3.18, albino gene in mice p5.5.39 1.2.6 6.4.26 albino 5.4.35 allosteric regulation 12.1.2 ageing, of lens 1.5.7 albumin 12.5.9, 12.2.22, allosterism 1.5.16 ageing: reductionist approach 7.1.35, 6.2.40 Alnus, alder p 1.4.2 10.3.18 Alcaligenes eutrophus p4.2.35, alopecia 10.3.37 agglutination d9.5.10 3.5.34 alpaca 1.4.9 agglutinin 3.2.25 Alcedo atthis 12.4.31 alpha and beta cells, islet of agglutinogen 3.2.25 alcohol 14.2.14 Langerhans 15.2.30 aggregated platelets p2.4.12 alcohol abuse/alcoholism 7.4.16 alpha and beta globins 6.1.16 aggregation of aphids 3.3.35 alcohol and heart disease 18.1.21 alpha and beta receptors aggregation of slime mould cells alcohol dehydrogenase 18.3.21, 4.1.19 17.3.21 7.4.16, 5.2.18, 2.4.21 alpha granules 13.1.32 aggregation 13.1.32 alcohol metabolism 7.4.16, 5.2.18 alpha helix 19.3.28, 7.5.28, 1.5.16 aggression in sea anemones 6.2.7 alcohol tolerant yeasts 2.2.30 alpha hormone, yeast 2.2.30 aggression 12.1.28 alcohol toxicity 7.4.16 alpha-1-antitrypsin 15.2.39, 7.1.35 agonists 15.3.30, 13.3.10, 7.5.14, alcohol 9.1.22, 5.3.10, 2.2.30 alpha-lactalbumin 2.3.15 1.5.2 alcoholic beverage 1.4.25 alpha 1-4 linkage d19.1 12 agouti colour 5.4.35 alder,Alnus p 14.2.2, p 1.4.2 alpha 1-6 linkage d19.1 12 AGPase 12.1.2 alderfly larva p 2.4.40 alpine penny cress p19.4.2 Agricultural Development and alderfly, Sialis, adult p 3.1.25 Alsophis antiguae p18.1.7 Advisory Service 2.2.19 ALDH2 and ALDH1 7.4.16 altering balance of growth and agricultural: microorganisms 11.5.2 aldoses 5.4.16 differentiation 2.4.9 agriculture 19.2.21 aldosterone 12.5.9, 1.3.7 altitude: body's response 8.4.19
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