
- z NON-WOOD FORESTFOREST PRODUCTSPRODUCTS ~-> 2 Gum naval stores:stores: turpentine and rosinrosin from pinepine resinresin Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unaed Nations N\O\ON- -WOODWOOD FOREST FOREST PRODUCTSPRODUCTS 22 Gum navalnaval stores:stores: turpentine• and rosinrosin from pinepine resinresin J.J.W.J.J.W. Coppen andand G.A.G.A. HoneHone Mi(Mf' NANATURALTURAL RESRESOURCESOURCES INSTITUTEIN STITUTE FFOODOOD ANDAN D AGRICULTUREAGRIC ULTURE ORGANIZATIONORGANIZATION OFOF THETH E UNITEDUNITED NATIONSNATIONS Rome,Rome, 19951995 The designationsdesignations employedemployed andand thethe presentationpresentation of of materialmaterial inin thisthis publication do not imply the expression of any opinionopinion whatsoever onon thethe partpart ofof thethe FoodFood andand AgricultureAgriculture OrganizationOrganization ofof thethe UnitedUnited Nations concernconcerninging thethe legal status of any countrycountry,, territory, city or areaareaorofits or of its auauthorities,thorities, orconcerningor concerning the delimitationdelirnitation of itsits frontiers or boundaries.boundaries. M-37M-37 IISBNSBN 92-5-103684-5 AAllll rights reserved.reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrretrievalieval systemsystem,, oror transmitted inin any form or byby anyany means,means, electronic,electronic, mechanimechanicai,cal, photocphotocopyingopying oror otherwise, withoutwithout thethe prior permission ofof the copyright owner. AppApplicationslications forfor such permission,permission, with a statementstatement ofof thethe purpose and extent of thethe reproduction,reproduction, should bebe addressedaddressed toto thethe Director,Director, PublicationPublicationss Division.Division, Food and Agriculture OrganizaOrganizationtion of the United Nations,Nations, Viale delle Terme di CaracaCaracalia,lla. 00100100 00 Rome, Italy. ©0 FAO FAD 19951995 PREFACE This global study was undertaken byby the NaturalNatural ResourcesResources InstituteInstitute (NRI)*,(NRl)*, thethe scientificscientific armarrn of the UnitedUnited Kingdom'sKingdom's OverseasOverseas DevelopmentDevelopment AdministrationAdministration (ODA).(ODA). FundingFunding forfor the studystudy andand forfor thethe publicationpublication of thethe reportreport waswas metmet byby ODA'sODA's ForestryForestry ResearchResearch Programme. The information andand analyses presentedpresented in in this this reportreport areare based on thethe authors'authors' research andand first-hand knowledgeknowledae of of gumgum naval storesstores production inin a numbernumber ofof prodproducingucing countries.countries. A complementary studystudy carriedcarried outout by NRI, whichwhich provided some inputsinputs forfor thethe present one andand whichwhich waswas financedfinanced byby thethe ODAODA ForestryForestry ResearchResearch ProgrammeProgramme withwith support from FAO,FAO, hashas involvedinvolved an assessmentassessment of the prospectsprospects forfor developmentdevelopment ofof newnew gumaum naval stores industriesindustries inin CentralCentral andand SouthernSouthern Africa.Africa. Single copies of thethe AfricaAfrica report areare availableavailable from thethe FAOFAO RegionalRegional OfficeOffice for AfricaAfrica (PO(PO BoxBox 1628,1628, Accra,Accra, Ghana). * Natural ResourcesResources Institute,Institute, CentralCentral Avenue,Avenue, ChatharnChatham Maritime,Maritime, KentKent MEA ME4 4TB, UnitedUnited Kingdom.Kingdom. III CONTENTS Page PREFACE III ABBREVIATIONS viiiVlll SUMMARY ix INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 1.1. PRODUCTION,PRODUCTION, TRADE TRADE AND AND MARKETSMARKETS 3 DESCRIPTION, USES AND PRINCIPAL SOURCES 3 Resin 3 Rosin 4 Turpentine 4 WORLD PRODUCTION, TRADETRADE ANDAND OUTLOOKOUTLOOK 5 Production and trade 5 Prices 7 MajorMaj or marketsm arkets 8 Trading structures and procedures 8 Trade in crude resin 9 People's Republic of China 10 Indonesia and other countries of Southeast Asia 11 Portugal and elsewhere in Europe 11 Russia 1212 North America 1212 Central and South America and the Caribbean 13 Africa 14 Indian sub-continent 14 ESTIMATES OF WORLD PRODUCTION AND EXPORTS 15 CHAPTER 2. RAWRAW MATERIALS MATERIALS AND AND INPUTSINPUTS 17 RAW MATERIALMA TERrAL REQUIREMENTS 17 RESIN TAPPING OPERATIONOPERATION 18 System of tapping using a wide face 20 System of tapping using a narrow face 21 LABOUR AND ORGANIZATION 22 v CHAPTER 3. PROCESSINGPROCESSING AND AND PLANTPLANT DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTION 24 INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION 24 OLUSTEE PROCESSPROCESS FORFOR THETHE PRODUCTIONPRODUCTION OFOF TURPENTINETURPENTINE AND ROSIN 24 PRODUCTION OFOF TURPENTINE ANDAND ROSIN IN PORTUGAL 27 SCALE OFOF OPERATIONSOPERATIONS ANDAND LABOURLABOUR REQUIREMENTSREQUIREMENTS 29 CHAPTER 4. FINANCIALFINANCIAL AND AND ECONOMICECONOMIC ASPECTSASPECTS OF RESIN TAPPINGTAPPING ANDAND PROCESSING 31 RESIN TAPPING OPERATIONSOPERATIONS 31 RESIN PROCESSING OPERATIONSOPERATIONS 33 COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGESADVANTAGES ANDAND DISADVANTAGESDISADVANTAGES OF DOMESTIC, REGIONALREGIONAL ANDAND EXPORTEXPORT MARKETSMARKETS FORFOR AA NEWNEW PRODUCER~OOOC~ 35 CHAPTER 5.5. CONCLUSIONSCONCLUSIONS AND AND ADVICEADVICE TOTO AA NEW PRODUCER 37 TABLES Table 11 Commercially tappedtapped sources of pine resin: speciesspecies andand countrycountry of production 3 Table 2 GumCrum ros rosin:in: landedlanded prices,prices, 1991-95 7 Table 3 Estimated world production andand exportsexports ofof crudecrude resin,resin, gurngum rosinrosin and gum turpentine 16 Table 4 Resin tapping operations: estimated pre-production, fixed investmeninvestment,t, working capital and annual production costs for an African country 32 Table 5 Resin processing operations: estimated pre-production, fixed investment, working capitalcapital and annual production costs for an African country 34 TabTablele 6 Some trade specifications for gum rosin 44 Table 7 Physical property requirements of the InternatiInternationalonal Organization for Standardization specification for gum spirit of turpentine 45 vi Table 8 Resin quality and yield characteristics of some Pinus speciesspecies 46 Table 99 Rosin: exports from the People's Republic of China, 1987-92 53 Table 1010 Rosin: exports from Portugal, 1987-921987-92 53 Table 1111 Rosin:Rosin: exports from Indonesia,Indonesia, 1987-921987-92 5454 Table 12 Rosin: exports from Brazil, 1987-93 55 Table 13 Rosin: exports from the UnitedUnited States,States, 1989-931989-93 56 Table 1414 Rosin: imports into the European Community,Comm)lJlity, 1987-92 57 Table 1515 Rosin: imports into Japan, 1987-93 58 Table 16 RRosin:osin: imports into the UnitedUnited States,States, 1989-931989-93 58 Table 17 Turpentine: exportsexports fromfrom thethe People'sPeople's RepublicRepublic of of China, China, 1987-92 1987-92 5959 Table 1818 Turpentine: exports from Portugal, 1987-92 59 Table 19 Turpentine: exports from Indonesia,Indonesia, 1987-921987-92 60 Table 20 Turpentine: imports into the EuropeanEuropean Community,Community, 1987-921987-92 61 Table 2121 Turpentine: imports into Japan, 1987-931987-93 62 FIGURES Figure 11 Systems of resin tapping using a wide and narrow face 19 Figure 2 Scheme of resin processing in thethe United StatesStates ofof America 25 Figure 3 Scheme of resin processing in Portugal 28 APPENDICES Appendix 11 References and further reading 41 Appendix 2 Quality criteria, specifications and test methods 43 AppendixAppendix 3 Genetic factors influencing resin composition andand yieldsyields 46 Appendix 4 Packaging of turpentine andand rosin 48 Appendix 5 List of importers and traders of naval storesstores 50 Appendix 6 Statistical tables 53 vii ABBREVIATIONS ASTM American Society for Testing andand MaterialsMaterials c&fc & f costcost and freight EC European Community IMDG InternationalInternational Maritime Dangerous Goods ISO InternationalInternational Organization for Standardization US$ United States dollar In tables: na indicates not available ns indicates not specified -indicates nil viii SUMMARY InfonnationInformation isis provided on the technicaltechnical and economiceconomic aspects of crudecrude resinresin productionproduction from pine trees and on the subsequent production of gum turpentine and gum rosin (known cocommerciallymmercially asas gum naval stores). Recent trends in world production and markets are also reviewed. TheThe publication publication isis aimedaimed atat prospectiveprospective newnew producersproducers ofof gumgum navalnaval stores,stores, and organizationsorganizations andand individualsindividuals appraisingappraising projectsprojects involvinginvolving theirtheir production.production. It isis particularly intended for those in developing countries. Total worldworld productionproduction ofof rosin rosin is is approximately- approximately 1.21.2 millionmillion tonnestonnes annually,annually, ofof which almost 720720 000 tonnes, 60% of the total, is estimated to be gumgum rosinrosin derived from tapping living pinepine trees.trees. WorldWorld productionproduction ofof turpentineturpentine isis aboutabout 330330 000000 tonnestonnes fromfrom allaU sourcessources,, of which 100 000000 tonnestonnes isis estimatedestimated to bebe gumgum turpentine.turpentine. The numbernumber of countries producing gum naval storesstores isis largelarge butbut thethe People'sPeople's RepublicRepublic of ChinaChina dominatesdominates production ·,andand worldworld trade;trade; ofof thethe otherother producers, Indonesia, Portugal and Brazil are the mostmost importantimportant in tennsterms ofof world trade.trade. PresentPresent (early(early 1995)1995) pricesprices for gum rosin are atat
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