Leopoldina news 3|2018 Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina – German National Academy of Sciences Halle (Saale), 21 June 2018 ‘Brain power’ for sustainability EDITORIAL P 2 SYMPOSIUM P 4 SCIENCE COURSE P 12 The Leopoldina Scientific exchange Welcome at the celebrates its anniversary in Class II Stanford University Dialogue between Feeding the world: risks Robotics attract attention academia and society caused by climate change of German media 03|2018 // LEOPOLDINA NEWS 2 Dialogue between academia and society We must recognise such seminal forms of collaboration between discipli- nes at an early stage in their development if we want to help the public and politici- ans to assess their consequences for the worlds of life and work. That is why there is a need for scientists who are truly late- ral thinkers – who recognise no bounda- ries between the disciplines in which they conduct their outstanding research. The future success of the Leopoldina will be Jörg Hacker, XXVI. President of the Leopoldina. Photo: Karsten Möbius bound up more than ever before with their dedicated work. Renewable energies – artificial intelligence to the fact that socially-relevant progress That is why I should like to ask you, – genome surgery: dig a little deeper, and in pure and applied research is increasin- our readers, to look beyond the well-trod- hiding behind catchphrases like these you gly the result of interactions between spe- den paths of dialogue between academia will find scientific discoveries and tech- cialist areas and fields of technology. One and society, and to join us in striking out nological innovations which have already example is to be found where digitalisati- in a new direction with a view to making started to rattle the foundations of our so- on meets the life sciences: we are able to early insights into the future lines along ciety. But if these developments are to help use genome surgery to alter the genetic in- which research and research applications shape our future, what objectives should formation of living creatures quickly and will develop in the future. This is the only they serve, and what methods should they efficiently. This is opening up completely way of ensuring that an academic hub employ? Before being able to discuss these new potential applications, including in such as the Leopoldina can successfully questions in an informed way and reach medicine, but an essential prerequisite is live up to its role in the highly integrated responsible conclusions, it is important the ability to make an automated analysis scientific community of the 21st century. to have a wide range of the latest research of complex volumes of data. Thus (bio) findings readily available at your finger- informatics has assumed a vital role in ad- tips. That is why we have every right to vancing our knowledge in the field of the expect science not only to make new dis- life sciences. coveries, but to pass on this knowledge in a way which we can understand, and to es- tablish reliable means by which the scien- Federal President tific world can enter into dialogue with the Frank-Walter Steinmeier public and politicians. on 10 Years National Academy Since being designated the National Academy of Sciences ten years ago, the „Reason and enlightenment are more im- Leopoldina has assumed a pivotal role in portant than ever in the search for answers the dialogue between academia and socie- to the great questions of the present and the ty. The Leopoldina tackles a wide range of future. We must turn to experts in the fields evidence-based issues which have serious of science and research for this. For over ten repercussions for society, and will con- years, the Leopoldina – the German Nati- tinue to do so – on a national and inter- onal Academy of Sciences – has been pro- national level and in close collaboration viding the political and social realms with with other academies and organisations. I expert advice on numerous issues that are would like to thank every scientist, whose of great importance for the future. I would dedicated voluntary work makes such ac- like to express my deepest gratitude to the tivities possible in the first place, as well Leopoldina members, as well as to all those as the partners and sponsors who promo- who have supported the Leopoldina in this te our dialogue with society. demanding work.“ Photo: In addition to expressing my gratitude, German Federal Government/Steffen Kugler ALL VOICES I have a request to make, which is related 03|2018 // LEOPOLDINA NEWS 3 Action to assist traumatised refugees Position paper by the Leopoldina and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences Refugees arriving in Germany have often issues and drawing up recommendations tunities for psychotherapists in the dia- experienced enormous levels of violence for politicians and society on how to pro- gnosis and treatment of trauma-related before and during their flight, and may vide more effective help to those affected disorders. have lived through life-and-death situa- in this way. Basically, it is a question of Overall, the care system in Germa- tions or witnessed traumatising incidents. tackling the mental suffering of refugees ny is only partly ready for the treatment The circumstances in which they find at an earlier stage and with more appro- which needs to be provided. We therefo- themselves and the difficulties they en- priate strategies. A series of measures was re propose that the current care model be counter once they reach their destination outlined. complemented: professional psychothe- can also cause psychological stress. Taken In order to identify more clearly who rapy should continue to be offered only together, these experiences can be so dif- is actually in need of help and what treat- by licensed psychotherapists or psychiat- ficult to cope with that a large number of ment might be required in individual ca- rists. Additional low-threshold assistance refugees suffer ill-health, both physical ses, the authors are calling for Directive could, however, be provided by specially and mental. The many refugees suffering 2013/33 of the European Union to be im- trained individuals: so-called peer ad- from serious psychological stress require plemented in full in Germany. This direc- visors. urgent help. Otherwise, this could lead tive requires people with a particular need These would normally be people fami- to serious negative consequences: for the for protection to be identified and given liar with both the language and cultural sufferers and their children themselves, the appropriate care. background of the affected party, but also and for society as a whole. Some of the refugees in question with life in Germany. They could support, Refugees suffering from psychological will require professional trauma thera- guide and advise refugees suffering from stress are often unable to cope with every- py adapted to their specific needs. But psychological stress as their ‘health pi- day life, enter into trusting social relation- for many others, more rapidly available, lots’, as well as liaising and interpreting ships, or learn a new language. However, low-threshold and easily accessible assis- for them, and explaining the German way these activities are crucial if they are to tance might make a crucial difference. In of life. Following additional training as integrate into society, work productively, particular, this includes the provision of trauma advisors, certain elements of their and lead a fulfilling life. psychosocial support, direct integration treatment could be delegated to them, so In April the Leopoldina published a into social networks, and making targeted that they could also support the recovery position paper on traumatised refugees efforts to alter their behaviour. of traumatised refugees. and the urgent need for assistance, with There is also a need for the develop- (hst, sw, kh) a view to drawing attention to the above ment and expansion of training oppor- Position paper considers artificial photosynthesis If one generates energy from wind methane, methanol or ammonia. power or solar cells, it can prove The stored energy could then be technically challenging to store the released again as it was needed. excess power during strong winds In this way, even more complex or sustained sunshine. Artificial substances – such as fossil fuels photosynthesis might be one way like coal, crude oil or natural gas of solving this problem. – could be substituted as energy In the middle of May, the Le- carrier. opoldina, acatech (the German The Academies regard artifi- National Academy of Science and cial photosynthesis as a suitable Engineering) and the Union of way – but by no means the only German Academies of Sciences one – of making energy and raw and Humanities presented a po- material systems more climate- sition paper on this very subject friendly. Pure research should be in Berlin. A recommendation was better coordinated and combined made to consider artificial photo- with industrial research. Methods synthesis in energy turnaround of artificial photosynthesis could scenarios to a greater extent in the be developed to the level of ma- future. The process enables solar jor technical applications, which energy to be stored in energy-rich would promise clear advantages Natural photosynthesis serves as a role model to store energy in chemical bonds such as hydrogen, over other alternatives. (ak) chemical compounds. Photo: Anthony Rossbach on Unsplash 03|2018 // LEOPOLDINA NEWS 4 Feeding the world: the threat caused by climate change Leopoldina lecture and a Class II Life Science Symposium cover a broad spectrum of disciplines On Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 May, the members of Class II met for their annual scientific symposium at the The new members of Class II Leopoldina in Halle (Saale). After certi- ficates had been presented to the 18 new members, Prof.
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