Ⅱ Outline of the National Institutes for Cultural Heritage The Independent Administrative Institution (IAI), National Institutes for Cultural Heritage, was formed in April 2007 through the merging of the IAI National Museums (Tokyo National Museum, Kyoto National Museum, Nara National Museum, and Kyushu National Museum) and the IAI National Research Institutes for Cultural Properties (Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties and Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties), all of which share the same mission: the conservation and utilization of cultural properties. With the addition of the International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region, which was established in October 2011, the National Institutes for Cultural Heritage now comprise a total of seven separate institutions. Japan’s cultural properties are the precious assets of the Japanese people. In order to preserve and utilize these properties more effectively and efficiently under unified management, each ofthe seven existing institutions plays the following roles: Tokyo National Museum Kyoto National Museum Nara National Museum As Japan’s foremost museum in the The Kyoto National Museum collects, Nara National Museum collects, pre- humanities field, Tokyo National Mu- preserves, manages, and exhibits serves, manages, and displays cultural seum collects, preserves, manages, cultural properties, while also properties, while also conducting re- and displays cultural properties from conducting research and providing search and providing educational pro- across Japan and other Asian regions, educational programs. The focus is gramming. The focus is Buddhist art while also conducting research and pro- on works from the Heian period to and the cultural properties of Nara. viding educational programs. the Edo period. a time when Kyoto was the capital of Japan. Kyushu National Museum Tokyo National Research Institute Nara National Institute for Kyushu National Museum collects, for Cultural Properties Cultural Properties preserves, manages, and displays cul- Tokyo National Research Institute In order to preserve and utilize cultural tural properties, while also conducting for Cultural Properties conducts properties, the Insititute conducts research and providing educational pro- research on Japanese cultural prop- coordinated and comprehensive surveys grams. The focus is on cultural assets erties, utilizing a variety of methods. across a variety of fields (including related to Japan’s cultural exchanges In addition to publicizing and utilizing archeology, history, architecture, gardens, with other Asian regions. and conservation) at various sites, including the results of this research, as a na- the Nara Palace and Asuka/Fujiwara sites, tional center for international coop- the great temples of Nara, and other eration, the institute also facilitates ancient shrines and temples. At the same global research into the protection time, the Institute cooperates and advises of cultural heritage. on the conservation and utilization of both domestic and overseas cultural properties. International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region This institution promotes research that contributes to safeguarding intan- gible cultural heritage (ICH) in the Asia- Pacific region, and also collects and disseminates information relating to international trends in the safeguard- ing of ICH. Access JR Uguisudani Station ←To Ikebukuro 卍 Kaneiji TOKYO NATIONAL MUSEUM Station temple Shinobugaoka Ueno junior Tokyo National Research Junior High School High School Institute for Cultural Properties TOKYO NATIONAL International Library of West MUSEUM children’s Literature Gate 13-9 Ueno Park, Kuroda Memorial Hall Main Gate Taito-ku, Tokyo, 110-8712 The University National Museum Art Museum-Tokyo Tokyo Metropolitan of Nature and Phone: +81-3-3822-1111 University of the Arts Art Museum Science Ueno park National Museum of Western Art https://www.tnm.jp/ Park Exit Ueno Zoo Station To Tokyo Station Tokyo Metropolitan JR Ueno Festival Hall ↑ ●Train 10minutewalkfromtheParkExitofJRUenoStationorfrom Visitor Information theSouthExitofJRUguisudaniStation.15minutewalkfrom Hours:9:30–17:00 UenoStationorNezuStation(TokyoMetro),orfromKeisei ※Openuntil21:00onFridays,Saturdays UenoStation(KeiseiElectricRailwayKeiseiLine). ※Lastentryis30minutesbeforeclosing Closed:Mondays(ifMondayisanationalholiday,theMuseumwillbeopenonMon- Admission:Adults:1,000yen dayandclosedonTuesday).TheMuseumwillalsobeclosedonDecember Universitystudents:500yen 14,duringtheyear-endandNewyearholiday(December26-January1), ※Anadditionalchargeisrequiredforspecialexhibitions andonJanuary4.However,theMuseumwillbeopenonAugust10,Janu- ※ A n y personwithdisabilitiesandoneaccompanyingcaregiverare ary3andMarch28 admittedfree ※Pleasenotethatopeningdaysandhoursaresubjecttochange ※Personsover70orunder18areadmittedfreetoregularexhibi- tions ※AdmissiontoregularexhibitionsisfreeonInternationalMuseum Day(May18orthefollowingdayifMay18fallsonaMonday), RespectfortheAgedDay(thethirdMondayofSeptember),and CultureDay(November3). Outline of the National Institutes for Cultural Heritage, 2021 3 Access Kennin-ji KYOTO NATIONAL MUSEUM Temple Kawabata Horikawa Street Karasuma Street Street Kawaramachi Street Street Gojo Street Street Yamatooji Higashioji Hokoku 527 Chaya-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto Shrine Subway Karasuma Line Keihan Higashi Hongan-ji Railway Kyoto National Temple 605-0931 Japan Shichijo Kamo River Street Museum Chishaku-in Phone: +81-75-541-1151 Station Temple Shichijo Sanjusangendo (Main switchboard) Temple JR Kyoto Station JR Tokaido Line https://www.kyohaku.go.jp/ Kintetsu JR Nara Line Shinkansen Line Kyoto Line Transportation: ●Bus Visitor Information AtKyotoStation,takeCityBusfrombusplatformD1or Hours: 9:30–17:00 D2.GetoffattheHakubutsukanSanjusangendo-maebus ※MuseumhoursmaychangeduringSpecialExhibitionperiods,etc. stopinfrontoftheMuseum. ※Lastentryis30minutesbeforeclosing ●Train Closed:Mondays(IfMondayisanationalholiday,theMuseumwillbeopenonMondayand KintetsuRailway:GetoffatTanbabashiStationandtransfer closedonTuesday)andduringtheyear-endandNewYearholiday(December totheKeihanRailway.FromKeihanTanbabashiStationtake 27–January1) aDemachi-yanagi-boundtraintoShichijoStation.Walkeast- ※TheCollectionGalleriesmaybeclosedduringSpecialExhibitionsorwhileSpecial wardalongShichijo(Nanajo)Streetforabout7minutesto Exhibitionsarebeinginstalledordeinstalled. theMuseum. ※Additionally,theMuseummaybeclosedtemporarily. KeihanRailway:GetoffatShichijoStation.Walkeastward Admission:Adults:700yen alongShichijo(Nanajo)Streetforabout7minutestothe Universitystudents:350yen Museum. ※A separate admission charge applies during periods when only Special HankyuRailway:GetoffatKyotoKawaramachiStation.Walk Exhibitions,theCollectionGalleries,andtheMuseumGardensareopento eastwardoverthebridgetotheKeihanRailwayGionShijo visitors. Station.TakeanOsaka-boundKeihantraintoShichijoSta- ※ A n y personwithdisabilitiesandoneaccompanyingcaregiverareadmittedfree tion.WalkeastwardalongShichijo(Nanajo)Streetforabout ※Personsover70orunder18areadmittedfreetotheCollectionGalleries 7minutestotheMuseum. ※Pleasenotethatopeningdaysandhoursaresubjecttochange Parking:Themuseumhaslimitedparkingatanhourlyrate. Pleaseusepublictransportationwheneverpossible. Access Todaiji N Temple NARA NATIONAL MUSEUM WE Himuro Jinja 卍 Nara Shrine S Prefectural Office Kintetsu underpass Nara Station Noborioji Street Kohfukuji 50 Noborioji-cho, Nara City Temple 卍 Kasuga Taisha Shrine Nara Prefecture 630-8213 Sanjo Street Nara National Museum Phone: +81-742-22-7771 JR NaraStation (Main switchboard) https://www.narahaku.go.jp/ 卍 Gangoji Temple ●Train KintetsuLine:15minutesfromKintetsuNaraStation. ●Bus TaketheNaraCityLoopLinefromJRorKintetsuNaraSta- Visitor Information tiontotheHimuroJinja/KokuritsuHakubutsukanbusstop. Hours:9:30–17:00 ※OnFridaysandSaturdays(excludingtheyear-endandNewYearholi- Admission:Adults:700yen dayperiod).PermanentCollectionexhibitionsandfeatureexhibitions Universitystudents:350yen areopenuntil20:00 ※Anadditionalchargeisrequiredforspecialexhibitions ※Openinghoursare occasionallyextendedduringspecialseasonal ※Anypersonwithdisabilitiesandoneaccompanyingcaregiver eventsintheNaraarea areadmittedfree ※Openinghoursforspecialexhibitionsandjointexhibitionsvaryby ※Persons over 70 or under 18 are admitted free to the exhibition PermanentCollectionexhibitions ※Lastentryis30minutesbeforeclosing ※Free admission to the Permanent Collection exhibitions on Closed:Mondays(ifMondayisanationalholiday,themuseumwillbeopenon International Museum Day (May 18, or the following day if Monday and closed on Tuesday) and during the year-end and New May18fallsonaMonday),KansaiCultureDay,thedayof Yearholiday(December28–January1) theOwatari-ShikiprocessionintheOn-MatsuriFestival,and ※TheMuseummayalsobeclosedonotherdaysduetospecialcir- onSetsubun(February3) cumstances ※Pleasenotethatopeningdaysandhoursaresubjecttochange 4 Outline of the National Institutes for Cultural Heritage, 2021 KYUSHU NATIONAL MUSEUM Access 4-7-2, Ishizaka, Dazaifu City, Fukuoka 35 Prefecture, 818-0118 Phone: +81-92-918-2807 Dazaifu Tenmangu (Main switchboard) Shrine www.kyuhaku.jp Kyushu Nishitetsu National Dazaifu Station Komyozenji¯ ¯ Museum Visitor Information Temple Hours:9:30–17:00 76 Chikushino-Dazaifu Line ※Openuntil20:00onFridaysandSaturdays Nishitetsu Dazaifu Line ※Lastentryis30minutesbeforeclosing ●Train Closed:Mondays(ifMondayisanational holiday, theMuseumwillbeopenonMondayand
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