2|19 Shi$ing powers The new world (dis)order WELCOME TO Digital Media Region NRW funding & financing service & information events & trade fairs Kaistraße 14, 40221 Düsseldorf ǁǁǁ͘ĮůŵƐƟŌƵŶŐ͘ĚĞͮǁǁǁ͘ŵĞĚŝĞŶ͘Ŷƌǁ͘ĚĞ DĞĚŝĞŶ͘EZtĮůŵĞĚŝĞŶƌǁരͮരDĞĚŝĞŶEZt Editorial ©DW/M. Müller “Our history will be what we make it.” forging their positions with or without the to inform objectively and even to admonish. This quote by the great American journalist ballot box. Controlling access to information Sometimes this involves a very real personal Edward R. Murrow is a reminder to all jour- has become a tool of power. Freedom of ex- risk. Journalists are being intimidated, impris- nalists to avoid “escapism and insulation pression is on the decline. oned and even murdered for doing their job. from the realities of the world in which we This should be a call to journalists to Collectively, we have to hold those in live,” as Murrow went on to say. What history do more than simply recount what they power accountable and make the concerns of will have to say about how we did our jobs observe. Those in power who are restricting those heard, who without us would not have remains to be seen, yet it will be determined WKHIUHHࢊRZRILQIRUPDWLRQDUHDWWKHVDPH a voice. by the actions we take today. time, broadcasting their own message, be Once again, we are at a crossroads in it by monopolizing the airwaves of state- Cordially yours, world history and journalism has to meet its controlled media systems or by spreading challenge. While Germany is celebrating 30 disinformation on social media. Peter Limbourg \HDUVRILWVSHRSOHOLYLQJXQLࢉHGDVRQHDQG DW is at the forefront of enabling jour- Director General we are gratefully remembering the founding nalists around the world to do their jobs by fathers of a post-war Germany which has supporting freedom of speech and by be- twitter.com/DW_Limbourg seen 70 years of peace and prosperity in a ing an advocate for those colleagues who Controlling access to information has become a tool of power. democracy guarded by a strong basic law, are working in precarious conditions. DW this is no reason to be complacent. Akademie is a leading partner in establishing At this year’s Global Media Forum we are viable media systems which give editorial JRLQJWRGLVFXVVWKHHࢆHFWVRIVKLIWLQJSRZ - independence the necessary foundation of ers around the world. Populists from all ends ࢉQDQFLDOLQGHSHQGHQFH of the spectrum are threatening the integri- More than ever it is up to us journalists to ǁǁǁ͘ĮůŵƐƟŌƵŶŐ͘ĚĞͮǁǁǁ͘ŵĞĚŝĞŶ͘Ŷƌǁ͘ĚĞ ty of Europe. Autocrats around the world are put things into context, to uncover the truth, DĞĚŝĞŶ͘EZtĮůŵĞĚŝĞŶƌǁരͮരDĞĚŝĞŶEZt Deutsche Welle 3 ENCOUNTERS The right <t for the team: Doaa Soliman ©DW/P. Böll Since March, Doaa Soliman (32) has been the head a grant from the German Academic Exchange Ser- of DW’s Arabic editorial team, which is responsible vice (DAAD) for her Master’s studies. She had already IRURQOLQHFRQWHQW6KHȆVMXVWWKHULJKWࢉWIRUWKHFXO - learned a lot about media usage in her home country turally diverse team in Bonn as it aims to produce while working with the BBC. She joined the German more web videos and enhance the division’s social foreign broadcaster in 2017 and was based in Berlin media presence with the goal of reaching an even until March this year. larger audience. “In particular, we want to tell more “Thanks to its reliable reporting, DW enjoys a exclusive stories from the region and in doing so, set high reputation in the Arab countries,” she said. As the tone,” Soliman said. a journalist, she particularly appreciates the free- Born in Egypt, Doaa Soliman studied journalism GRPWKDW':RࢆHUVKHUȉ7KLVHQDEOHVPHWRGHYHORS in Cairo and wrote for The Egyptian Gazette, the old- ideas and tell stories that I would otherwise not be est English-language newspaper in the Middle East. able to tell.” ,QVKHFDPHWR*HUPDQ\IRUWKHࢉUVWWLPHRQ 4 Weltzeit 2 | 2019 Contents ENCOUNTERS 19 %RULV*HRUJLHYVNL North Macedonia: What’s in a compromise? 6 ':RࢇFHLQ/DJRV An African changing of the guard 21 ,QJR0DQQWHXIHO Kremlin media in European democracies: 6 )RUHLJQ3UHVV*URXS A multitude of lies and absurd news Alexandra for President 22 *XHVWFRPPHQWDU\3URIHVVRU'HWOHY 7 1HZKRVWV *DQWHQDQG5HLQKDUG6FK¦IHUV Euromaxx meets Bollywood World health — a postulate for German policy 7 6KDNLOD(EUDKLPNKDLO 24 15:6WDWH3UHPLHU$UPLQ/DVFKHW Facing the Dragon The best possible framework conditions 8 7 3HOLQQNHU 26 *XHVWFRPPHQWDU\+HOJH0DWWKLHVHQ Facing prison Local journalism — The necessary distance to everyday proximity DW FREEDOM OF SPEECH AWARD 28 6HUWDQ6DQGHUVRQ 8 $QDEHO+HUQ£QGH] South Africa: Where power corrupts and ‘On behalf of all the brave journalists’ corruption empowers 9 3RUWUDLW MEDIA DEVELOPMENT Shining light in the darkness 30 0DNLQJPRYLHVLQ$IULFD 10 *XHVWFRPPHQWDU\ $PEDVVDGRU3HWHU7HPSHO PARTNERSHIPS Partnering for multilateralism 32 &KDQQHOODXQFKLQ,VWDQEXO 11 )UHHGRPRIVSHHFKLQ0H[LFR 16 +90 — Connect to an independent agenda FEATURE ARTICLES 32 (QWHU)RU\RXQJ(XURSHDQV 12 6KLIWLQJSRZHUV 33 6WDPPWLVFK DW Global Media Forum 2019 The quirks of German politics and society 13 &KULVWLDQ)7ULSSH PERSPECTIVES The new world (dis)order 34 3KRWRSURMHFW(YHU\GD\$IULFD 14 /RD\0XGKRRQ Interview with Austin Merrill The price of inaction in the Middle East AROUND THE WORLD 16 ,QWHUYLHZ$URRQ3XULH ‘Fake news is a scourge’ 38 1HZVKRZVȂQHZKRVWV The growing need for a broader worldview 18 *XHVWFRPPHQWDU\&DQ'¾QGDU 30 ‘Did I upset you, boss?’ Deutsche Welle 5 ENCOUNTERS An African changing of the guard ©DW 7KH':RࢇFHLQ/DJRV1LJHULDKDVDQHZIDFHDV )DQQ\)DFVDU has recently taken up the role as West Africa correspondent. She has taken the baton from $GULDQ.ULHVFK who has PRYHGRQIURP1LJHULDWRVHWXSD':RࢇFHLQ&DSH7RZQ6RXWK$IULFD Fascar has traveled across Europe as a moved from Nigeria to Cape Town in order news reporter for DW’s English-language WRHVWDEOLVKDQRࢇFHLQ6RXWK$IULFD+HLV TV channel and has reported from India, well-prepared for the role as he already Russia, Turkey and the U.S.. Her toughest as- spent several months in the city while study- signment so far was Saudi Arabia, she said. ing for his Master’s degree. The 31-year-old For Facsar, life is lived on the move. Born served as West Africa correspondent for DW in Hungary, she grew up in Germany and did IRUࢉYH\HDUVDQGVHWXSWKH':RࢇFHLQ/D - YROXQWHHUZRUNLQWKH86ȉ,҆YHDOZD\VEHHQ gos together with his colleague Jan-Philipp able to live elsewhere and my job is connect- Scholz. ed to my willingness to do so,” she said. For Kriesch, the move to Cape Town is With the addition of News Africa and “the right sign at the right time. This year, Business Africa to DW’s TV programming there will be important elections in several in February, the broadcaster has been de- countries in southern Africa.” Kriesch can voting even more attention and airtime to build on his experience covering the turbu- the continent. As a result, reporting from lent elections in Nigeria in February. $IULFD҆V PRVW SRSXORXV FRXQWU\ 1LJHULD LV gaining in importance and presence. dw.com/africa The same is true for DW’s presence even further south. Adrian Kriesch recently ©DW Fanny Facsar (r.), new in Lagos, and Adrian Kriesch (l.), who has moved on to Cape Town Alexandra for President $OH[DQGUDYRQ1DKPHQ KHDGRIWKH':RࢇFHLQ:DVKLQJWRQ'&KDVEHHQQDPHGWKH new president of the White House Foreign Press Group. The group, part of the White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA), is committed to the rights of foreign correspondents. ©DW/P. Franqui In recent years, members of the group spondents’ Association with the Freedom of have secured a permanent place in the White Speech Award. +RXVHEULHࢉQJURRP7KH\DOVRKDYHDFFHVV Forty-seven-year-old von Nahmen has to the president’s strictly regulated press been reporting for DW from the White House EULHࢉQJVLQWKH2YDO2ࢇFHDQGRWKHUSDUWV since early 2017. She accompanied President of the West Wing. Nevertheless, access to 7UXPSRQKLVࢉUVWWULSVDEURDGWRWKH0LGGOH LQIRUPDWLRQ KDV EHHQ PDGH PRUH GLࢇFXOW East and Europe and at his summit meetings for them than for their U.S. counterparts. with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un. Since Changing that is one of von Nahmen’s goals. late 2017, she has been a full member of the Alexandra von Nahmen joined DW in As president of the group, she serves as the WHCA and a regularly appointed pool re- ࢉUVWLQ%HUOLQDQGODWHUDVVWXGLRKHDG contact person for the president’s press SRUWHU7KHUHSRUWVIURPWKH2YDO2ࢇFHDUH LQ 0RVFRZ $IWHU ࢉYH \HDUV VKH UHWXUQHG team and the WHCA board of directors. In made available to all colleagues of the White to Berlin, where she hosted, among other 2017, DW presented the White House Corre- House Press Corps. things, the TV format Interview . 6 Weltzeit 2 | 2019 Euromaxx meets Bollywood (XURPD[[ , DW’s weekly broadcast focus- appearances and dedication to social caus- ing on culture and lifestyle topics, got a new es. Born and raised in Germany, she now di- look in February as German TV host &ROOLHQ vides her time between India and Germany. 8OPHQ)HUQDQGHV and German-Indian “As a new host I would love to be a cultural actress (YHO\Q6KDUPD joined the team of ambassador and promote European culture photos: © DW presenters. for an Asian audience,” Sharma said. “I like to consider myself a global citizen. I grew up in Collien Ulmen-Fernandes has many Germany and my mother made certain that years of experience on-camera and worked I learn about both European and Indian cul- for many of Germany’s biggest broadcast- tures and I have had their values deeply in- Collien Ulmen-Fernandes ers. “Euromaxx is a great program with ex- culcated in me. I love to continuously explore citing and surprising topics from Europe for the nuances of these cultures.” Fluent in eight the whole world,” says the 37-year-old Ger- languages, Sharma will also host the Euro- man with Indian and Hungarian roots who maxx broadcasts in English and German.
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