<iongrcssional 1Rccord United States PROCEEDINGS AND DE~ATES OF THE 82dCONGRESS, FIRST SESSION of America visit Japan and other parts of the Orient report, referred to the Committee on SENATE representing the following committees: Armed Services: The Committee on Interstate and For­ TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1951 eign Vommerce, the Committee on the To the Congress of the United States: Judiciary, and the Committee on Armed I transmit herewith, for the informa­ <Legislative day of Monday, March 26, Services. tion of the Congress, the One Hundred­ 1951) The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ First Annual Report of the Board of Di­ jection, leave is granted. rectors of the Panama Railroad Com­ The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, pany for the fiscal year ended June 30, on the expiration of the recess. TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE BUSINESS 195(). The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, I ask HARRY S. TRUMAN. Harris, D. D., offered the following unan1 .ncus consent that Senators who THE WHITE HOUSE, March 27, 1951. prayer: • may so desire may be permitted to pre­ · Our Father God, fountain of all life, sent routine matters for the RECORD. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. source of all blessing, Thou who art be­ without debate. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the h.ind the shadows and in the shadows The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ Senate the following letters, which were and whose heart of love pulses beyond jection, it is so ordered. referred as indicated: the stars: At this noontide altar of a Mr. WHERRY. Mr. President, several LOANS TO FARMms AND STOCKMEN WHO SUF­ nation's faith we seek Thy guidance and Senators who would like to present rou­ FER LOSSES FROM PRODUCTION DISASTEaS a sense of Thy nearness. Facing the tine matters and insertions for the REC­ A letter from the Secretary of Agriculture, cares of today and the lmrdens of to­ ORD are not present at this time. I won­ transmit t ing a draft of proposed legislation morrow we are bewildered by the per­ der if the request would cover any period to amend the act of April 6, 1949, so as to fur­ plexity and the confusion of the world. of today. ther define the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture to make loans to farmers and In such an hour, when appalling The VICE PRESIDENT. Of course, st ockmen who suffer losses from production hnman needs make this a time for great­ after this so-called morning hour expires disasters, and for other purposes (with an ness, save us from the devices and the it requires unanimous consent during the accompanying paper); to the Committee on duplicity of cowardly compromise, as en­ remainder of the day to present matters Agriculture and Forestry. trenched evil lies in wait to silence our of that kind, when a Senator has been REPORT OF SECRETARY OF DEFENSE consciences. Deliver us from the soph­ re~ognized to speak. istries of the cynical and the inclinations Mr. WHERRY. Very well. I under­ A letter from the Secretary of Defense, transmitt ing, pursuant to law, his semi­ of our own hearts to self-deceit. Grant stand that if Senators who are not pres­ annual report, including the semiannual re­ that our hearts may be shrines of prayer, ent now may wish to present matters for ports of the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, our homes nurseries of virtue, our per­ the RECORD later in the day, that can be and Air Force, July 1 to December 31, 19W sonalities centers of contagious good will, do:ie by unanimous consent. (wit h an accompanying report); to the Com­ and our Nation an inspiring bulwark for Mr. STENNIS. It will be so under­ mittee on Armed Services. the oppressed and a flaming beacon of stood. LAws ENACTED BY MUNICIPAL COUNCILS OF ST. hope whose beams shall battle the dark­ ENROLLED JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED THOMAS AND ST. JOHN AND ST. CROIX, ness in all the world. We ask it in the VmGIN ISLANDS - dear Redeemer's name. Amen. DURING RECESS The VICE' PRESIDENT announced A letter from the Acting Secretary of the THE JOURNAL Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, that, pursuant to the order of the Senate copies of laws enacted by the Municipal On request of Mr. STENNIS, and by of the 22d instant, he signed on March Council of St. Thomas and St. John, and the unanimous consent, the reading of the 24, 1951, the . enrolled joint resolution Municipal Council of St. Croix, Virgin Islands Journal of the proceedings of Thurs­ <H. J. rl.es. 207) making additional ap­ (with accompanying papers); to the Com­ day, March 22, and Monday, March 26, propriations for the District of Colum­ mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs. 1951, was dispensed with. · bia·for the fiscal year 1951, and for other AMENDMENT OF LAWS RELATING To SUBMIS• purposes, which had previously been SI ON OF POSTMASTERS' ACCOUNTS UNDER MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ OATH APPROVAL OF JOINT RESOLUTIO~ signed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. A letter from the Acting Postmaster Gen­ Messages in writing from the President eral, transmitting a draft of proposed legis­ of the United States were communicated BOARD OF VISITORS TO UNITED STATES lation to amend certain laws relating to the MILITARY ACADEMY submission of postmasters' account s under to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his oath, and for other purposes (with an accom­ secretaries, and he announced that on The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair panying paper); to the Committee on Post March 19, 1951, the President had ap­ appoints the Senator from Virginia [Mr. Office and Civil Service. proved and signed the joint resolution BYRD] a member of the Board of Visitors REPORT ON DISPOSAL OF ExcESs PERSONAL <S. J. Res. ·39) to continue for a tempo­ to the United States Military Academy, - PROPERTY IN AREAS OUTSIDE THE UNITED rary period the provisions of the Housing vice former Senator Virgil Chapman, STATES AND TERRITORIES BY DEPARTMENT OF and Rent Act of 1947, as amended. deceased. Am FORCE LEAVE OF ABSENCE REPORT . OF BOARD OF DffiECTORS OF A letter from the Assistant Secretary of the PANAMA RAILROAD COMPANY-MES­ Air Force, transmitting, pursuant to law, a Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, I ask report covering the disposal of Air Force ex­ unanimous consent that the Senator SAGE FROM THE PRE'SIDE'NT cess personal property located in areas out­ froill Washington [Mr. MAGNUSON] be ex-. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the side the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands cused from attending sessions of. the Sen­ Senate the following message from the for the calendar year 1950 (with an accom­ ate for the next 30 days on official busi­ President of the United States, which panying rtlport); to the Committee on Ex­ ness. The Senator from Washington will was read, and, with the accompanying penditures in the Executive Departments. XCVII-1£3 2899 2900 CONGRESSION.AL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 27 AUDIT REPORT ON INLAND WATERWAYS fense policy or to make available Federal resolution to the President, to the President CORPORATION funds to pay the proposed Federal civil of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of A letter from the Comptroller General of defense costs as allocated and recommended Representatives of the Congress of 'the the United States, transmitting, pursuant by the National Security Resources Board: United States, to the chairmen of- appropri­ to law, an audit report of Inland Water­ Now, therefore, be it ate congressional committees, and to each ways Corporation, for the fiscal year ended "Resolved by the Senate and the Assembly Senator and Representative from California June 30, 1950 (with an accompanying re­ of the State of California (jointly), That the in the Congres.s of the United States." port); to the Committee on Expenditures Congress of the United States be memorial­ A resolution of the Senate of the Legis­ in the Executive Departments. ized to appropriate immediately such funds as may be necessary to pay the Federal costs lature of the State of California; to the REPORT OF BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA of completing the civil defense portion of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service: A letter from the Chief Scout Executive, national security program; and be it further "Senate Resolution 96 Boy Scouts of America, New York, N. Y., "Resolved, That the Members of Congress "Resolution relating to the memorializing of transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of from California be urged to use all means the Congress of the United States to reject the Boy Scouts of America for the year 1950 within their power to accomplish the pur- · H. R. 2982; relative to second-class mailin~ (with an accompanying report); to the Com­ pose of this resolution for the immediate matter mittee on Labor and Public Welfare. guidance of the Legislature of the State of California in meeting its civil defense re­ "Whereas the second-class department of ACQUISITION OF SITE FOR CIVIL DEFENSE sponsibilities; and be it further the United States Post Office was established TECHNICAL TRAINING SCHOOL, MONTGOMERY "Resolved, That the secretary of the senate more than a century ago for the purpose of COUNTY, MD. is directed to transmit copies of this resolu­ providing a means of conveying news and 'A letter from the Administrator, Federal tion to the President and Vice President of intelligence concerning its government to Civil Defense Administration, Washington, the United States, to the Speaker of the the electorate in the most economical man­ D. C., transmitting a draft of proposed legis­ House of Representatives, and to each Sen­ ner; and lation to authorize the Administrator of the ator and Representative from California in "Whereas in H.
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