FACEBOOK @FLORIDACATHOLIC | Sept. 18-24, 2020 FLORIDACatholic VENICE DIOCESE celebrated in Sarasota BOB REDDY ur ady Oof the Florida Catholic staff L Diaz prayed for “protection and comfort,” during these turbulent times of pandemic and economic difficulties. SARASOTA | Nuestra Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre “It’s what my family used to pray for before they left Cuba (Our Lady of Charity of Copper) holds a special place in many years ago, and what we still all pray for. Our Lady is the heart of Isabel Diaz because she provides a connec- always there for us.” tion to her heritage as an American-born Cuban. Devotion to the Mary under the title of Our Lady of “This devotion goes back in my family many genera- Charity dates to 1612 when two indigenous laborers tions and the stories of the celebrations on this day al- and a slave boy were on a boat in a fierce storm when ways bring me great joy,” Diaz explained as she prayed they sought the protection of Mary. The storm suddenly following a Mass dedicated to Our Lady of Charity Sept. calmed and then in the distance they spotted a white 8, 2020, at St. Jude Parish. bundle floating on a piece of wood. It was a small statue St. Jude Pastor, Father Celestino Gutierrez, said the of Mary holding the infant Jesus on her left arm and a gold celebration of the patroness of Cuba was toned-down cross on her raised right hand. Inscribed on the wooden this year because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. However, board were the words, “Yo soy la Virgen de la Caridad” the faith of the people was not diminished. (“I am Our Lady of Charity”). Despite being found in the “On Sunday (Sept. 6, 2020), there was a Mass and re- water after a storm, the white material in which the statue ception, but it was more a sign of unity versus the large was clothed in remained completely dry. party it has been in the past,” Father Gutierrez said. Our Lady of Charity was declared patroness of Cuba A statue of Our Lady was placed on a table in front of by Pope Benedict XV in 1916. Pope Benedict XVI visited the altar for the Masses, flanked by the U.S. and Cuban Cuba in 2012, as the Church in the country celebrated the flags. The image of Our Lady of Charity depicts Mary 400th anniversary of the discovery of the statue of Our standing on the moon and surrounded by angels, while Lady of Charity. The Holy Father entrusted the future of At top left, St. Jude Parish Pastor, Father Celestino Gutierrez, holding the Child Jesus, who holds a globe in one hand Cuba to the Blessed Virgin. n celebrates Mass on the Feast of Our Lady of Cobre, Sept. 8, 2020 and raises the other hand in a gesture of blessing. Fol- in Sarasota. Above, stained glass window of Our Lady of Charity, lowing the Mass, many remained to pray, leave flowers, Information from Catholic News Service was used in Our Lady of Cobre, Patroness of Cuba at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish or to take photos of or with the statue. this report. in Venice. (PHOTOS BY BOB REDDY FC) Diocese Safe Environment program adjusts to changing times STAFF REPORT “Online training provides flex- requires that all employees and tion for all employees (clergy, reli- tection to ensure that the Diocese of ibility and a streamlined process those volunteers who work with gious and laity), those volunteers Venice is in compliance with cur- VENICE | With the onset of the which allows users to complete children and/or vulnerable and others regularly working with rent directives. global pandemic, the Diocese of the training and receive cer- adults be fingerprinted and minors, and parents, about the is- For further information about Venice Safe Environment training tification prior to starting trained in Safe Environ- sue of abuse of children, including the Diocesan Safe Environment has transitioned online as of Sept. their service within the ment. Retraining and re- the detection, prevention and re- Program, visit the www.diocese 1, 2020. Diocese,” Foti explained. certification is required porting of child abuse. In addition, ofvenice.org/safeenvironment. Donna Foti, Diocese of Venice The training modules every five years. the Safe Environment Program has Report any abuse against mi- Safe Environment manager, said are available in English and The Diocese of Venice a component which includes train- nors to the Florida Department of that the pandemic sped up a pro- Spanish and users are direct- is committed to providing a ing sessions for children and young Children and Families at 800-962- cess to transition from in-person ed by their Parish/School/en- comprehensive program in people in Catholic schools. 2873. To report abuse by Diocesan classes to online training. This tity to register in Virtus as part an effort to protect the most The Diocese annually under- personnel or volunteers also notify training program is for all active of their onboarding process. vulnerable from abuse. goes a comprehensive audit by the the Diocesan Victims Assistance employees and volunteers and cler- As part of the Safe Environment The mission of the Safe Environ- U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Coordinator, Susan Benton, at 941- gy through Virtus Online. Program, the Diocese of Venice ment Program is to provide educa- Secretariat of Child and Youth Pro- 416-6114. n A2 YOUR VENICE COMMUNITY Facebook @FloridaCatholic Sept. 18-24, 2020 40 Days for Life kicks off in Fort Myers, Sarasota STAFF REPORT FYI FORT MYERS | The fall cam- 40 Days for Life paign of 40 Days for Life begins Sept. 23-Nov. 1 Sept. 23, 2020, and runs until Sun- Sarasota campaign details day, Nov. 1, with local vigils taking When: 7 a.m.-7 p.m. daily FLORIDA place in Sarasota and Fort Myers. Where: 736 Central Ave. 40 Days for Life is an interna- Contact: Rich at 40DFLSarasota Catholic tionally coordinated 40-day cam- the fall — to coincide with October, 40 days ahead. The Fort Myers vigil @gmail.com DIOCESE OF VENICE paign that aims to end abortion Respect Life Month — and in the takes place 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday locally through prayer and fasting, spring during Lent. through Saturday. Vol. 81 community outreach, The success of 40 Days Paul Hillenbrand, co-coordina- Fort Myers campaign details and a peaceful all-day for Life has been seen tor of the Fort Myers campaign, said When: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday through Saturday 1000 Pinebrook Road vigil in front of abortion locally when women ap- the pandemic is not keeping abor- Where: 6418 Commerce Park Venice, FL 34285 businesses. For those proach vigil participants tion-minded woman away from 941-484-9543 • Fax 941-483-1121 not ready to be among and tell their story of how abortion facilities such as Planned Drive crowds due to the pan- their mind was changed Parenthood and that participation Contact: Paula and Rick at PUBLISHER demic, they are encour- by those present who in 40 Days for Life is as important [email protected] Bishop Frank Dewane aged to pray from home were there to pray for now as it has ever been. DIOCESAN EDITOR and fast for the end of their unborn child. More “I have to believe that in the hard Bob Reddy abortion. Others are wel- than 120 cases of lives process of making this decision they the nation and world. Some commit [email protected] come to come to the side- being saved have been are also looking for a sign that would to taking part for a few minutes, an 941-484-9543 walk and social distance Shawn Carney documented. encourage them in the right direc- hour, or all day as they stand in the to their level of comfort. It was recently an- tion,” Hillenbrand said. “We are that public right-of-way. Check with • SUBSCRIPTIONS, CIRCULATION: Diocese of Venice Respect Life nounced that Shawn Carney, sign. We are there to say we care. We your Parish to learn what hours Contact Tammy Osborne at 1-888-275-9953, Director Jeanne Berdeaux said hav- president of 40 Days for Life, will are there praying for you and your they have committed to 40 Days for or customerservice@theflorida ing prayerful witnesses in front of be in the Diocese of Venice to sup- baby and we are there to help.” Life, as many often commit to sev- catholic.org abortion facilities serves as a pow- port the kick-off of the campaign. In Sarasota, the vigil is 7 a.m.- eral days of prayer on the front lines. Notify us of address changes (temporary erful message of hope for those Carney will appear at 6:30 p.m., 7 p.m. daily outside the regional Those interested in taking part or permanent) as soon as possible. Please mothers who may think abortion Sept. 22, for the opening prayer headquarters of Planned Parent- in a local prayer vigil are encour- change your address online at Facebook @ is the only alternative they have for vigil on the sidewalk in front of the hood, 736 Central Ave. Carney will aged to sign up in advance at FloridaCatholic or call Tammy at 1-888-275- their unborn child. Planned Parenthood at 6418 Com- appear there at 11 a.m. on the first www.40daysforlife.com (search 9953. The Diocese of Venice has been merce Park Drive, Fort Myers. The day — Sept. 23. for Fort Myers or Sarasota).
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