Appendix A. List of Nuclear Projects in Spain since 1959 to Present © The Author(s) 2017 249 M.d.Mar Rubio-Varas, J. De la Torre (eds.), The Economic History of Nuclear Energy in Spain, Palgrave Studies in Economic History, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-59867-3 250 Application dates Name of Ownership Manufacturer Pre-­ Main creditor & Date Date nuclear power on & Reactor Capacity Utilities’ authorization authorization construction connection to plant application Type MWe application (government) date (1st credit) began grid Appendix A. List of Nuclear Projects in Spain since 1959 to Present José Cabrera 100% UEM W-PWR 153 1/2/62 27/3/63 Eximbank 1965 1968 (Zorita) 27/8/1964 Garoña 50% GE-BWR 460 1/11/59 9/8/63 Eximbank 1966 1971 Iberduero 29/6/1967 50% Viesgo Irta 100% W-PWR-3 L 500 1/7/65 11/11/66 – – – Hidrola Vandellós I 25% EDF EDF-GCR 480 2/10/64 21/4/67 France/EDF 1966 1972 23% FECSA 2/2/1967 23% HECSA 23% ENHER 6% FHS Almaraz I 33% W-PWR-3 L 930 1/11/70 29/10/71 Eximbank 1973 1982 Hidrola 27/1/1972 33% UEM 33% Sevillana Ascó I 100% W-PWR-3 L 930 15/6/70 21/4/72 Eximbank 1974 1985 FECSA 3/2/1972 Ascó II 40% FECSA W-PWR-3 L 930 15/6/70 21/4/72 Eximbank 1975 1986 40% ENHER 16/4/1973 15% HEC 5% FHS (continued) Application dates Appendix A. List of Nuclear Projects in Spain since 1959 to Present Name of Ownership Manufacturer Pre-­ Main creditor & Date Date nuclear power on & Reactor Capacity Utilities’ authorization authorization construction connection to plant application Type MWe application (government) date (1st credit) began grid Almaraz II 33% W-PWR-3 L 930 2/12/71 23/5/72 Eximbank 1974 1984 Hidrola 27/1/1972 33% UEM 33% Sevillana Lemóniz I 100% W-PWR-3 L (500) (4/1/1968) (12/2/1969) Eximbank 1973 S-1981/M-1983 Iberduero 930 9/12/1971 23/5/1972 20/1/1972 Lemóniz II 100% W-PWR-3 L (500) (4/1/1968) (12/2/1969) Eximbank 1973 S-1981/M-1983 Iberduero 930 9/12/1971 23/5/1972 20/1/1972 Cofrentes 100 % GE-BWR/6 975 1971 13/11/72 Eximbank 1975 1985 Hidrola 10/5/1973 Trillo I 60% UEM KWU-­ 1030 10/5/72 4/9/75 Kreditanstalt für 1980 M-1983 20% ERZ* PWR-­3 L Wiederaufbau 20% EIA* (KfW) 18/11/1975 Trillo II 60% UEM KWU-­ 1030 10/5/72 4/9/75 1975 1988 20% ERZ* PWR-­3 L 20% EIA* Sayago 100% W-PWR 1000 27/11/73 4/9/75 Eximbank 1975 A-1982 Iberduero 18/12/1975 Valdecaballeros 50% GE-BWR/6 1000 28/5/74 4/9/75 Eximbank 1975 M-1983 I Sevillana 15/9/1975 50% Hidrola ** 251 (continued) 252 Application dates Name of Ownership Manufacturer Pre-­ Main creditor & Date Date nuclear power on & Reactor Capacity Utilities’ authorization authorization construction connection to plant application Type MWe application (government) date (1st credit) began grid Appendix A. List of Nuclear Projects in Spain since 1959 to Present Valdecaballeros 50% GE-BWR/6 1000 28/5/74 4/9/75 Eximbank 1975 M-1983 II Sevillana 15/9/1975 50% Hidrola ** Vandellós II 54% ENHER W-PWR-3 L 930 2/5/74 27/2/76 Eximbank 1976 1988 28% HEC 6/7/1976 10% FHS 8% FECSA Vandellós III 100% W-PWR-3 L 930 2/5/74 27/2/76 Eximbank – A-1979 FECSA (PC 3845) 1976 Regodola 60% KWU-­ 900 10/11/73 2/8/76 1979 A-1982 (Xove) FENOSA PWR-­3 L 20% Viesgo 20% HIC Santillan 100% GE-BWR 930 9/4/73 Eximbank 1975 A-1978 Viesgo (Letter of intent) 1976 Punta Endata I 100% W-PWR 930 27/9/73 Eximbank 1975 A-1978 (Deba) Iberduero 18/12/1975 Punta Endata II 100% – 930 27/9/73 1975 A-1978 (Deba) Iberduero Tudela 100% – 1000 27/9/73 – A-1978 (Bergara) Iberduero Ea-Ispaster 100% – 1000 27/9/73 – A-1978 I(Orguella) Iberduero (continued) Application dates Appendix A. List of Nuclear Projects in Spain since 1959 to Present Name of Ownership Manufacturer Pre-­ Main creditor & Date Date nuclear power on & Reactor Capacity Utilities’ authorization authorization construction connection to plant application Type MWe application (government) date (1st credit) began grid Ea-Ispaster 100% – 1000 27/9/73 – A-1978 II(Orguella) Iberduero Tarifa II 100% W-PWR-3 L 1000 5/12/73 – A-1979 (Bolonia) Sevillana Tarifa I 100% W-PWR-3 L 1000 5/12/73 – A-1979 (Bolonia) Sevillana Asperillo I 100% – 1000 5/12/73 – A-1979 (Almonte) Sevillana Cabo Cope 100% GE-BRW 1000 20/12/73 1975 A-1979 (Aguilas) Hidrola Sástago I 25% ERZ – 1200 22/12/73 – A-1978 (Aragon) 25% EIA 25% FECSA 25% UEM La Zaida 25% ERZ – 1200 22/12/73 – A-1978 (Aragon) 25% EIA 25% FECSA 25% UEM Asperillo II 100% – 1000 4/1/74 – A-1979 (Almonte) Sevillana Escatrón I 37.5% W-PWR-3 L 930 7/3/74 Eximbank 1977 A-1982 ENDESA 8/4/1977 37.5% ENHER 25% ERZ 253 (continued) 254 Application dates Name of Ownership Manufacturer Pre-­ Main creditor & Date Date nuclear power on & Reactor Capacity Utilities’ authorization authorization construction connection to plant application Type MWe application (government) date (1st credit) began grid Appendix A. List of Nuclear Projects in Spain since 1959 to Present Escatrón II 50% EHNER W-PWR-3 L 930 7/3/74 Eximbank 1977 A-1982 50% (PC 3331) 1976 ENDESA L’Ametlla II 100% BRW 900 7/3/74 – A-1978 FECSA L’Ametlla I 100% BRW 900 2/5/74 – A-1978 FECSA El Páramo I 50% EHNER BRW 1000 25/3/75 – A-1978 (Leon) 50% ENDESA Chalamera 50% EHNER – 1000 26/3/75 (Bajo Cinca) 50% ENDESA In italics are dates that require further investigation Sources: Application and pre-authorization dates compiled from, BOE, Revista Energía Nuclear (No. 103, 1976, pp. 390–1), and Memorias Nuclenor. Financial data from Eximbank Archives and Chaps. 5, 6 and 7 in this volume. Notes: * Originally only UEM applied for the project of Trillo. EZR and EIA entering the project right before authorization (see Chap. 7) ** Originally UEM participated in Valdecaballeros I and II but renounced to concentrate on Trillo, leaving Sevillana and Hidrolla on their own Abbreviations: S: suspended; A: abandoned; M: moratorium; BWR: boiling water reactor; EDF: Electricite de France; EIA: Energía e Industria Aragonesas, S.A; ENDESA: Empresa Nacional de Electricidad; ENHER: Empresa Nacional Hidroelectrica del Ribargozana; ERZ: Electricas Reunidas de Zaragoza; Eximbank: Export Import Bank of the United States; FECSA: Fuerzas Electricas de Cataluña, S.A.; FENOSA: Fuerzas Electricas del Norte, S.A.; GCR: gas cooler reactor; GE: General Electric; Hidrola: Hidroelectrica Española; KWU: Kraftwerk Union AG; PWR: pressurised water reactor; UEM: Union Electrica Madrileña; W: Westinghouse Appendix B. Spanish Nuclear Industry (2011) Date Merge Classification Firms 1828 Engineering & Bureau Veritas Services 1883 1891 (1998) Engineering & ABB SA (ASEA & Brown Boveri) Services 1886 2007 Engineering & Westinghouse Electric Spain SAU Services 1892 2007 Engineering & GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Services International Ltd 1895 Engineering & Siemens SA Services 1901 1907, 1944, Electrical IBERDROLA SA 1992 Utilities 1912 1943, 1969, Electrical Gas Natural Fenosa SA 1992, 2009 Utilities 1920 Engineering & Konecranes Ausió SLU Services 1935 Engineering & Grupo Dominguis Services 1937 1996 Engineering & Applus SLU (Carlyle Group) Services (continued) © The Author(s) 2017 255 M.d.Mar Rubio-Varas, J. De la Torre (eds.), The Economic History of Nuclear Energy in Spain, Palgrave Studies in Economic History, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-59867-3 256 Appendix B. Spanish Nuclear Industry (2011) Date Merge Classification Firms 1941 Nuclear Instalaciones Inabensa SA Equipment 1944 Electrical ENDESA, SA Utilities 1944 Lobby UNESA, Asociación Española de la Industria Eléctrica 1956 Engineering & SENER SA Services 1956 Engineering & Tamoin Services 1957 Engineering & IDOM.Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Services Consultoría 1957 Engineering & TECNATOM SA Services 1957 Lobby SEOPAN Asociación de Empresas Constructoras y Concesionarias de Infraestructuras 1958 Engineering & Areva Services 1959 Engineering & Grupo COPISA Services 1959 Engineering & Técnicas Reunidas SA Services 1960 Engineering & Grupo Eulen Services 1962 Lobby Foro de la Industria Nuclear Española 1964 Lobby SERCOBE Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Bienes de Equipo 1968 NNP José Cabrera/Zorita (pre-dismantled) 1971 Engineering & Empresarios Agrupados (EA) AIE Services 1971 NPP Santa María de Garoña, Nuclenor SA 1972 NNP ENUSA Industrias Avanzadas SA 1973 Nuclear Equipos Nucleares SA (ENSA) Equipment 1976 Electrical HC ENERGÍA, GRUPO EDP Utilities 1976 Engineering & Virlab SA (Grupo Urbar Ingenieros SA) Services 1981 NPP Almaraz I and II 1982 Engineering & Global Energy Services Siemsa sa Services (continued) Appendix B. Spanish Nuclear Industry (2011) 257 Date Merge Classification Firms 1984 Engineering & PROINSA Cª Internacional de Services Protección, Ingeniería y Tecnología SAUGr Eulen 1984 NNP Ascó I and II 1985 NNP Cofrentes, Iberdrola SA 1988 NNP Trillo 1988 NNP Vandellós II 1989 Engineering & SOCOIN SA (gas Natural Fenosa) Services 1994 Engineering & Iberdrola Ingeniería y Construcción Services SAU 1995 Engineering & Grupo Automatismos, Montajes y Services Servicios SL (AMS) 1996 Engineering & Medidas Ambiantales SL Services (50%Nuclenor50%GrupoEulen) 1997 Engineering & COAPSA Control SL Services 1997 Lobby ANCI Asociación Nacional de Consultores Independientes 2000 Nuclear Ringo Válvulas SL Equipment 2002 Nuclear Vector & Wellheads Engineering SL Equipment Source: Foro de la Industria Nuclear Española, 2011. ICEX, Madrid. Editors’s elaboration Bibliography Archives and Libraries Archives d’Électricité de France [AEDEF] Archives du Ministère français des Affaires Étrangères [AMAE-F] Archives Nationales, France-Centre des Archives Contemporaines [ANCAC] Archives of Federal Reserve Bank of New York [AFRBNY] Archivo Alfonso Álvarez-Miranda [AAAM] Archivo Histórico de la Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales [ASEPI] Archivo Histórico del Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria [AHBVVA] Archivo Histórico del Banco de España [AHBE] Archivo Linz de la Transición Española [ALTE] Archivo Municipal de Trillo [AMT] Archivo Municipal de Vandellòs i l’L’Hospitalet de l’Infant [AMVHI] Berliner Stadtsbibliothek Biblioteca de la Universidad Pública de Navarra (Servicio Préstamo interbibliotecario) Biblioteca Nacional de España Bibliothèque Nationale de France Elmer Holmes Bobst Library New York University [BLNYU] Export-Import Bank Archives [EXIM] Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe [GLA] Historisches Konzernarchiv-KfW [HKKfW] © The Author(s) 2017 259 M.d.Mar Rubio-Varas, J.
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