--------¥...----... ..................L Y. .V'I\ CSUDIES IN FAMILY PI.ANNING1 LEARNING ABOUT RURAL WOMEN Sondra Zeidenstein ,uest editor A Special Issue LEARNING ABOUT RURAL WOMEN Sondra Zeidenstein guest editor Studies in Family Planning Editorial Committee Editorial Staff George F.lBiow:n, Chairmnan Vakt-d'i sladt, ,",1,1n g tLditou Judith Bruce RobertI I1 h,I z'ks tI I ditor EthilI'.Churchill Renet, honthl-..I induction Design Marguri Mcv / Sul,11 A. Rthbbns A Publication of S. BLruce Scheartr The lPopu lti(iouncilH Irving Sivin One} I lammnarskjold Paza Btoverly W\inikoff New ",.i.,N.Y. 10017 Leaming about Rural Women This special issie of Stuoh's in Fimnihr llan nin' , is one of a series of issues dedicated to a single2 subject Oar program. ()ur intention is to pr-,wide an examina­ tion in depth of selected key topics br'vond the rangtOf a single artiCle. This special issue focis,',, oin wVa\'s in which the rolk's aid status of Iurl womn,- in different societies am he betterl understood, There is a vital neCCd to understand rual \vomln, not as a Se of statistic,, -Iulas individuals nerforllling crucial roles in societv ank the it rteplavi ng fundam1entalh iinprtant parts in the de\elOplllenl pro'ess. A varietv of wavs to learn abo tit rl aI women ae11adescribed. Sole ap­ proaches adopt standard sociologi,:al and demographic nethodologies, while others employ anthropological technic'ies. All attempt to ,egin from th- Point of view Of the individual womaion, toiunderstand how she s(Xs herself in the soci ­ ety arotind her and how she adapts to clhlngt>, brought about by d1 ve'lopmlent efforts and other social forces. For those concerned with improving tamily plannin programs, this spe­ cial issLC is intended to,provide a fresh viewpoin1--Lperspective on the re­ pl'oductive and child- rearing fulnction a's viewecd bv individual WOeLnl, in the contcxt of their daily lives. A brtoadening Of on11rUnderstanding of ,'llirrl\Vomenl, and particuliarlv a deejpCning of our appreciation of the w\aysy-, wolneln perceiv\e their rols, can significan tl' help to illlplotV' plogrlm des"ign and management of famiy plllni ng and other developnen t efforts. Indeed, the_'material in this special issie is intentionally wvide-ranging, directed to other sectors Of the devel­ opment field in acdition to family planning. Most deveh piment actions havt a direct or indirect impact on rural womn. We 111t1_Isunderstl-nd rural wonen better, in order to plan suLccessful. policies and pr.I'rmLIMS and to avoid unin­ tended negative effects. The methods described in this special issue will, I hope, aid in deepening Our Understanding. GEORGE F. BROWN Director, International Prograns Vice President, The Populatit'n Council ©-)The Population Council, Inc. 1L)79 Contents 309 Introduction Sondra Zeidenstein Part 11 Approaches to Learning: A Sharing ... ___ .. __ ___ __of Experience Part I Lookinq at 361 Intvoductien Rural Women Judith Bruce 315 Women, Docto-,,, <ind amily tlcalth Care: Group 1:Methodological Issues Some Ies1,ons, from 'ural Java 364 Sttidvin1 Rnril \\OMCI, in West Java V'allcrie. J.!luil Pudl iwati Sa.j1ud, I ling I,.tlastuti, 326 Ru ra! WOII n's Credit Sstems: Svarifah Snurka ti.' ini \\igna, A Nigerian l\,impl e Krisnaat ,i Li rvan, ta, Kamene 0kL:kMo, and Bleni,n Wil.Vhite' 332 Marked Ire ferC inc ftor Feale tet(_riliZation 370 Measlring IVWwr en ',\,'ork in a Semnlirurl ., ttter Stlen and Class PO-,ition LCla (nlti CarmC11 Diana DeCre and Magddenai) Le61n de Leal 337 WomUll in the lIonsehCld Economy: Managing M~iltiple Roles 374 Collecting Data ()n \oimen's Employment Achola lPala Oke'vo in r;Ulal Java Nancv I.ee Pltso 344 Vomen's Reality: Critical Issues for Program DLesigi Taherunnessa AbdnlIah Group II: Time Use and Project Planning and Sondia Zeidensten 379 Collection and t\nalvsis of Data on Rural 353 From Research to Policy: Rural Women in India Womlen's Time Use Vina Mazumdar Brenda Gael McSweeney 383 Rum,i Vomu', Iiw Vs Group IV: What Rural Women Know \'i'i<l <Ii , .\(~hui405 Circunw'tirnh l .\wI-bjljtv to ri 1 ,11iLl-,1 Group III: l sutimimorn fo: Learning 406 11(w\ 1ri \0 i,1t NII!,1i \\K1,v, t w:V 385 NIPvtij I,t \i n . K i, mic Rtuleu l\l r'lh . Iii li l',!i;IJi ,111dl ( ' l'lil"i'm,ll' k"'\!1\,) (-,tlJrt1l1Nl.tmi , %.,l t 1,1l.tur .-\tldr , ,l4.2i 408 r ciiImill :1\' iL i( i,ti\ it u:l t 3 9 0 , J.r[.., ii, tii ,,V .,lilk i' I 1 1 H 4i ' i . i tI(iab A l riu11,1kii,'r,I an t iln ,I\ N,e.tii fii. ' i ld i,Wtri-cA I Hrlitt 393 , ala [,a 0kcri 42I1Atb ot till A1trIs Group %V:The V"o~ic.e R~urall 3 9 8 ."r'oje, of Womenl1 t-( )rict'n o'lR't C<,/11i[11 A (,c'1" 16 , 4 lI-n/i]<Of1d ICil1,1]c.\,ii Ucll,1! 1.,Al)r ,r Ofl W (I\Cllt'" K IW %)'\1('th ( 111tllt \1t'I'ilkt L' 'I~i Ol( Lillltl/~r 401 kcs- arch [Prihwitit,,: W\ -n-icilill ,'\f'ca Acho],i lPalh t)kc\,() 421 About the Authors Introduction S0ndra, ZOCiIdt~nLcin t Ini thi,, spi,' ii i.s-t'it 5,1mm:tl. #in lt.~ l li)/ 'iini,\,, wi' aelti sl lsitt .i1< il i/ril pi,ltietilil ,ant piiit's­ snt'i'st, t liv kii',\ IL, )', abut rii ril \'iiliiltli1 i'-, t'st'ii- i1/'> li\'t'- ttt al.ii;. alrtisa,, tll~c t i ln, traldh, and ta i~dl t i ,l] tl <l1 i,t'l traptll, kit, tp ) It Parti\ptp llii111 l , <it).il~lnt~tll i ls iltctiprlSli nil. int lit*l t1i '~l~i nIall , iilia,.l2I prt,,iu, t ' tkLI <i'.[il'hi " t ti a, t ii~ktriisliCi :l)i, tl[) ii, '­ t Id d al t i i t\ I I' , a(1 a Ini hki'% I k ti.i\,1 itt t t lt ll pkrI' id h' l',<Iii I'<,>t\ !'I"Id-,, i ll i I l t'l I I i l ' tl ,c I I II']I III III\\ il t l <II Iill I ,t ii 4 t i~ I t l li l' , fd1IarIIlt'n . th .l r,,,p il iIit \ ii t ig out ,tl-.ounti' Lit r iLill t tI i tai ii 11 6 1e1ninV , , tnrt it I pec i,IIt t I I r1 1 '1s tor il i i ' tihilittIr an1th ii i tt11'11tI llh ilt ioi I f sou rI tii ,d thatori I t'I li tks o ti hlt,tIt I'I ItIIilit I II t i t's Ithru h - I hIiti'h pIIItIIt ionIt i - ' ftlI tfam itl I s \ lhgi,i tl - ii(iIiti'rtllt t r ' i s on (lll t '., t ItL t'fiir t ti ii 'l Iit' Idrii ti tl'r ­ \ilr, a lh tiii nil ir'stiii'-,ihilii'stha ha',, K pitaitii for tiiis'iih ti iil t iii priipfi.i n di t1, i~<i 0t'ti1u1 tlieii r ili 1 I l,irki. "I t'I tI.Iii,L kllIt I I IhtthIl ,I. III( I l'In l l'11II'~tl "dI trt' I\, iIIIt tIdIik1 1it'll, i cl)ttittrtt ild ' ,flIVnII l is LVitoh . tLat i t ItI 1It t it i ir . ,tin,.I heIuitrt'ass Irk1\i ,' i liit' int lthat iy a mitlin thr'ir in1- i ) tI,V iV , n ary-1.,1 V 'i I IIt't11I<I s '1f\I-, u aliI)L 'II tt IuIIIt ,, and,t II 1 )IIth11, I - I \t1-1-\li1p t inI'tII It, )r.rt (il' Il klltt'Cl hoillIL\I i lI II\tl(t 1 IlItIII )t tlkirI It'lltt riplitr t Il io..i l or'l itivIh i hmt\'-r l' 11­ rmtltildlc u <ofif tli ir' ilifft'1 lnc'rit'ntt'l ,it'tt',fit ir t vheint' iant1ht'.r al' n''tlt'l-tn utItItlit's ii,< toha Wtiit'lI i It hlli,t l It r iii , tindt'l 1.tiutlit'sidfI ii i R'ticf 'IRCS tat-. inaV -i11itIlt II ''ttiit hIl lilt' I I lt eatring it i'tilh rIr \\t'IourIt'il Ith'gr', t the ltitle, andIgc hoillkii. Isw I( t li tt II\'lnl 1.1ilI)11(Ilig1111tiltl{ ii Itii01 (I 1 '1, 'i1l i' lh.(et1.iki' w di'kiI,I4I t ,'\ I iII M tit It' 't 1'/ItInIa('11 ( IcuiiI'lt\ t' III.\i , IIiht l (II' II,t i1' It'i ~t't'1 is(Itn , if is iyt'II\ toc~ hiirn'nt' thactu i osti 'si<lthtpi<vih\ it As )iskwlth'pu cis With tl tti!lliil, i\ t5 ftli, ,lt1 ­ tust fllildV L '~o ,it nIi ki,n klI Il k,nI t nt (uk IV in+kiIII )iV(a i\ 1) r lj fn'tA n <tr PI.(I\) ILutV l l tt,l MI-n [tl l' il tlgr, it l I tItht' I t u iisi',itltlt 0 hIir li(ranl AICt't', fI kli it (itilhil iftsi) thI l' irgtr t' c­ ( anuc t In',nI I ItI g t e inMI't t1ir ' ionll ttt wate, C t ,I l nr'd\it1 1,,tl iip, I tt, ttt' Wh,I! 0l,,iii ' 'nI ( I a v' rvf,t , ftt'I I ,ullhI ' tiI I I1,viiu 11l1 h cc Iln1r) , il ' , k i llIt ip~ll ,t \V[t('tiI ,I L IM lt)'l'1 lt1t1tPk",c, , It anii,(-,I Iht , , i kII1h ' <lti< t'h~i and 1 T.l ' r r)i rt' I't'p~lit"I'lt iit Ihlt iit'iI t toi't", h h tit'lO llilalil 1(t'r"at' L.
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