University of New Orleans ScholarWorks@UNO Wavelength Midlo Center for New Orleans Studies 2-1982 Wavelength (February 1982) Connie Atkinson University of New Orleans Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.uno.edu/wavelength Recommended Citation Wavelength (February 1982) 16 https://scholarworks.uno.edu/wavelength/16 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Midlo Center for New Orleans Studies at ScholarWorks@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Wavelength by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. N E W 0 R ANS MUSIC MAGAZINE ' . ·, , o 0 . ' oo. 0 0 • o'' • 0 • .... ·.·.· 0 ~~ ·~· : ~~~~~~~~~~0~. -~1 ~6 ~~ ~FE~B~R~~~- ~~·· ·~· ,~~~- ~~~~~~~~d~~6p~~~~~- ·:.· : ~~ ~ :: : ·. ~~~~~~~ ;~~ ~ - II The Altennan Audio Ninth Anniversary Sale. The Altermaa Audio Altemative. It meaas people who kaow hi-fi. All the equipmellt oa sale was a great buy at its regular price. All People who kaow video, aad cu explaia the techaical jargoa ill easy iacludes Altermaa Audio's famous exteaded, double.-leagth warrallty to uaderstaad plaia Eaglish. program. It iacludes phoao cartridges, tape decks, tuntables, It meaas hoaest recommeadatioas aad double.-leagth wanuties. receivers, aad speakers. There are evell specials Oil a few Soay It meaas ao false hype about sales that ead oae week, oaly to Trillitroll Color TVs - iacludiag Altermaa Audio's exteaded 2-year restart the aext labor warraaty. It meaas whea Altermaa Audio has a sale, it really is a sale. So before you buy a hi-fi system for your home, a stereo for your Ill February is Altermaa Audio's auiversary, Altermall Audio's car*, a persoaal portable stereo, or aay video equipmeat, make sure llillth. To celebrate, Altermaa Audio is haviag their lliath alllliversary you souad out Altermall Audio, especially duriag Altermall Audio's sale, aad Altermaa Audio's oae aad oaly_sale this year. aiath alllliversary sale. • car stereos only in Metairie 7323 Freret Street Uptown near Broadway 866-3579 10-7 Mon-Thurs, 10-6 Fri & Sat ISSUE NO 16 • FEBRUARY 1982 "I'm not sure, but I'm almost positive, that all music came from New Orleans. , Ernie K-Doe, 1979 Features Marching Bands ............. 14 IT Is RARE for a restaurant to become a success within a year of Jonkonnu ................ .. 16 its opening, but Vera Cruz Mexican Restaurant has become such a A/Johnson ............ .. ... 19 place. The secret of its success lies in many factors, not the least of Mardi Gras Indians ............ 21 which is its ability to consistently turn out the finest Mexican cuisine in Chiefs .. ... ...... .......... 27 the city. Indeed New Orleans was lacking in truly authentic Mexican 1981 inBlackand White ........ 28 cuisine until this place opened. The owner, drawing on his Mexican A I Scramuzza ... ... .. .. .. .. 35 background and his professional Latin kitchen staff, has amazed his Leslie Smith .................. 3 7 competitors by offering an ever-growing and improving selection of Blue Vipers ... ......... ..... 39 dishes at reasonable prices. WyntonMarsalis .. .. ... ..... 41 This fact has not escaped the attention of the city's smart set who flock to the restaurant seven days a week. Their loyalty has made the Columns Vera Cruz one of the brightest night spots in the Quarter today. Con­ February .... ... ... .. ....... 5 noisseurs of the good life find both good food and good friends combin­ Listings ............. .. ....... 7 ed in an old world atmosphere. Cajun ..................... .. 43 Vera Cruz's real forte is its large menu. The food here is delightfully Country ... .. ................ 45 fresh and prepared in a home-cooked fashion. There is no doubt that Jazz ..................... ... 47 Rock .......... ... .. .. .. .... 49 care is given each dish before the diner receives jt. Unpopular Music ............. 51 From the luscious Tacos al Carbon, a generous dish made from Reviews ..... ............... 53 charbroiled rib eyes, to the Botana Mexicana, an artistic blend of steak Classifieds ............ .. .. 61 and chicken with delicious vegetables, there's attention to detail in Last Page . ................... 62 every dish. In addition to the regular menu offerings there are a number of specials periodically introduced to the great pleasure of the regulars whose interest never seems to wane. These dishes draw from seasonal­ ly available food and really show off the restaurant's Latin genius. U n­ doubtedly they offer local diners a unique opportunity to experience creative Latin dishes, a situation that has become all too rare for any cuisine. All these factors- the genius of the food, the French Quarter sur­ roundings and the cosmopolitan clientele- have combined to make the corner of Gov. Nicholls and Decatur the location of an extraor­ dinary restaurant. If you are not already familiar with the Vera Cruz -you should be. Cover illustration by Skip Bolen. ,......,, Patrick llmy, fAIItor, Connie Atkinlon. ~te £411or, 11m Lymu. A,__. !Woo, Steve Gifford, Elleft Johnson. Art DINcter, Skip Bolen. eo.-.-. A-, Kathleen Perry, Rick SpaiD, Mike Stull. DloatMdooo, Oene S<:aramuzzo, Star Irvine. Co• NEw HouRs: ......... Stew Alleman, Carloo BoU, BID CatalaneUo, Tanya Coyle, Jolul Daplu, Zeke Flshbead, Steve Orava, Jerry Karp, Brad Palmer, Kalamu ya Salaam. Shepard Samuels, Oene S<:aramuzzo, Open 7 days a week Hammoad Scolt, Almott Slim, Rhoda Spedale, Keith TwitcheU, Nancy Weldon, Stuan Wood. Monday thru Thursday 5-11 p.m. W......,tlt II published monthly in New Orleans. Telephone (504) Open for Lunch Friday, Saturday, and Sunday lm-2342. MaU subacriptlons, addreu chanaa to w.,.,mon,tlt, Box 15667, New Orleans. La. 70175. Subacriptlon rate, SIO per year. Friday-Saturday, noon-11 p .m . Foreian, SU per year. The entire contents of Wawkn111t are copyripted • 1912 Wawkn1th. Sunday, noon-9 p.m. a.ct laues are available by writina to Back luua, P. 0. Box 15667, New Orleans, La. 70175. Because of a limited supply, back iuucs are available for S4 each. Pl.... aUow a few weeks for proc:eosina and delivery of onlen. New Subocriben: Pleue aUow up to four weeks for receipt of flnt laue due to our smaU. non-computerized subscription department. 1141 DECATUR Forcip cuotomen must pay only by I.M.O. or check drawn on a U.S. bank. Because or exorbitant bank proceuina charJCI, we cannot ac· c:cpt checks in Canadian doUan or other forcian currency, or checks (Corner of Gov. Nicholls) drawD 011 a rorcian bank. Subocriben must notify uslnunedlatciy or any chanacs or adclras. If 523-9377 DOtillcatloa Is not received, mapzincs sent to incorrect old addreucs will 1101 be~ - U. S. customers, pl.... include your zip code. WAVELENGTH/FEBRUARY 1982 3 SHE'S NOT A BLACK ACT. I IIIII II ALBUM ON SALE SHE'S NOT A WHITE ACT. fiiJ IIHIA UNDER LADDERS NOW FOR $5.99 SHE'S NOT A JAZZ ACT. LP/TAPE SHE'S NOT A DANCE ACT. SHE IS A CLASS ACT. ALBUM AFTER ALBUM, SHE IS THE BEST REVIEWED ACT IN THE WORLD TODAY. MAGAZINES FROM ROLUNG STONE TO PEOPLE LOVE HER MUSIC. YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE HEARD HER MUSIC BECAUSE RADIO DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH HER. SHE DOES NOT FIT INTO SOME PRECONCEIVED FORMAT. IT'S A SHAME THAT JOAN IS TOO TALENTED TO "FIT." WE THINK SHE WILL "FIT" YOUR TASTE. SO IF YOU BUY HER NEW ALBUM, "WALK UNDER LAD­ DERS," WE WILL GIVE YOU A FREE "BEST OF E.P." FEATURING SOME OF HER BEST SONGS AND REVIEWS.* IT'S TIME TO FREE JOAN ARMATRADING. * (WHILE SUPPLY LASTS) SEE. .. ----~--------~~==~~~~O~ARMAr~ Fndaf.~NCERr DING LIVF Tulane C. b. 5 at~ c; 8111Pus CA/ister A . Udifor;um RECORDS & TAPES 5500 MAGAZINE 128 W. CHIMES 1037 BROADWAY 895-8713 389-0812 866-6065 FEBRUARY Dreamland Benefit For Premieres Safe Energy A movie filmed entirely on loca­ On February 28, the Sunday tion in New Orleans called after Mardi Gras, Third Eye Pro­ Dreamland will be distributed ductions is presenting a benefit around the country, and shown concert and ftlm presentation for locally at the Prytania Theater this the Citizens for Safe Energy and month. the Media for Peace. Hosting the Advertised as "a movie you can benefit will be Tipitina's. In an in­ dance to," the film is also being teresting blend of entertainment touted as the first feature-length and education, the show will in­ film based on "the new sound of clude music, ftlm, and lecture. gospel rock, " and was made by There are three films planned. Inter-American Productions, a Diablo Is On Shaky Ground is New York independent. an inspiring documentary of the The movie is the true story of people of California's successful Joanne Crayton, better known to blockade of the Diablo Canyon the New Orleans music communi­ nuclear power plant, built on the ty as Lady B.J. The story line San Andreas fault. This was the follows her career from the church largest act of civil disobedience in out into nightclubs. U.S. history. The Last Epidemic is At the "start of the movie, a stunning factual description by a Joanne is the star of the Gospel number of noted physicians of the Soul Children, and has the power medical consequences of nuclear to send her congregation into war. Noted Australian physician/ ecstacy. But she wants something scientist Helen Caldicott's The more, a career where she can sing Medical Consequences of Nuclear everything that she feels inside Power forges the link between her-blues, jazz, disco, gospel dependence on nuclear energy and rock. the increasing production of Dreamland is a story told in nuclear weapons. music, the story of a singer and a Several guest speakers will give woman. It has been compared to brief talks on the subject of nuclear Cabaret and Lady Sings the Blues. and alternative energy. Among Among the talents contributing those organizations which will be to this ftlm are Oz Scott, director represented are Citizens for Safe of Ntozake Shange's Broadway Golden Moments In New Orleans Energy, the Physicians for Social hit Colored Girls; Nancy Baker, Rock 'N' Roll VI Responsibility, Media for Peace, editor of the Academy Award­ and the Social Concerns Commit­ winning Harlan County USA; September 1955-Little Richard arrives in New Orleans, after working at tee of the Unitarian Church.
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