J LIBRARY SERVICES BOARD 7 a B AJ-D'D H A L 0 K A M A W A T H A , G 0 L Q M B 0 , n v.i ' tOLBjp: THREE, NHMBER ONE, JANUARY - MARCH 1975 .I.1 . 1 ^ >,t .,■■ •• f- WHO*S WHO.in Library Service in Sri Lanka - 1975 ''List).-' 1, library Rewe ift;Crieff January - March 1975* *w-J J ^ ZL.' ■ a- j > 75 7 PHESCO DEPOSIT LIBEABY & nT' THE BOARD COLLECTION OF BOOKS ON LIBRARIAN SHIP • • .\ are available for reference at Board Headquarters * to registered readers* Monday - Friday i 9*00 a*m* - 4*00 p.m* For registration please-call at Board Headquarters ?2 Bauddhaloka Mawatha* Colombo - 4 * \ r WHO'S WHO IN LIBBABY SERVICE IN SRI LANKA " V Preliminary List - Please keep us informed of corrections* revisions* additions etc* needed to update this list* / BIRECTORY OF LIBRARIES IN SRI IANKA ✓ Preliminary edition ) __ _ Please co-operate with us to compile this Directory by completing and returning the forms you will receive* w«*«Hwfi*iiirss3SEKaSff , 2 0 JUJ.19S1 LANKA H?-"\ U&K-A** f WHO*S WHO IN LIBRARY SERVICE IN SRI LANKA f * (Preliminary List) 1. ABBAS, T. B. - G.C.E.(A,L), J.U.C.Dip.Lib. Librarian, Government English Teachers* College, Peradeniya. Tel. Kandy 8128. r % 2. ABEYKOON BANDA, H. M. - S.S.C.(English),S.S.C.(Sinhala), Certificate in Lib.Sc. & Doc. Univ. of Rajasthan, India, Librarian, Department of Health Services, D.5.S. Library, G.H., Colombo 8, Tel. 91111 Sxt. 326. 3 . ABEYSEKARA, S. S. M. - G.C.E.(A.L). Library Assistant Grade II, Passara Town Council Public Library, Passara. Tel. Passara 5^1* If. >ABEYSEKERA, A. M. D. W. P. - G.C.E.(A.L). Librarian Grade III, Niyitigala Village Council Public Library, Nivitigala. 5. ABEYSEKERA, W. K. M. - G.C.E.(O.L). Assistant Librarian, . Irrigation Department Library, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 7# Tel. 83301. , V ' > . , / 6. ABEYSINGHE, C. W. - B.A. Librarian, Nikaweratiya Village Council Public Library, Nikaweratiya. Tel. Nikaweratiya 801. ABEYSINGHE, S. R. - B.A.,S.L.L.A. 1st Exam. Cataloguing j Assistant, Central Library, Sri Rahula Maha Vidyalaya, Angoda. 8. ADIKARI, A. A. K. - B.A, Local Government Officer, Peliyagoda Urban Council Public Library, Peliyagoda. Tel. Wattala 319•, * ■ . , * 9* AHAMED, H*, S; - Q.C.E.(O.L).:Librariah Grade II, Palispattu East Village Council Public Library, Putuhapuwa, Kandy. t . • . • 10. AJEERADEENJ K. - G.C.E.(A.L.), Commercial Certificate Exam.,- Book Keepei. Library Assistant Grade'III, Hulativu Town Council Public Library^' Mulativu. j > • - , i ' , ■ ' , ' ' . 11. ALAHAKOON, A* If. W. - G.CcE.(O.L). Library Assistant .Public Library, Kandy. Tel,. 3716. .. 12. ALOYSIUS BQNJEAN, it. F. - J.S.C.(English)• Library Attendant, Kayts Town Council Public Library, Kayts. Tel. Kayts 516. { ' : . ' ■ • .. ■ ■ - . /13. ALUDENIYA, I. K. - S.S.C. (Prep.). Assistant Librarian-, Kekirawa David Appuhamy Memorial Library, Town Council, Kekirawa. Tel. Kekirawa 525* } 1^-* AMARASEKERA, K., p. T. - S.S.C. Library Assistant Grade II'* University of Sri Lanka Library, Peradeniya Campus, Peradeniya. Tel. Univ. 2*f0. - G.C.E.(O.L)• Library Assistant* University * of Sri Lanka Library, Colombo Campus, Colombo-3. Tel. 86^32. 16. AMARASJ.NA, S.'P. - G;,C.E. (O.L). Polgahawela Town Council Public Library, Polgahawela. Tel. Polgahawela 27^* i?. AMARASINGHE, D. N. B.A. Librarian, Divulapitiya Village Council Public* Library, Dunagaha. Tel. Dunagah|. 899* 2 18# AMARASINGHE, N# - B.A.Ho-ns. (Cey.)., Dip.Lib. (Lond# ) , A.L.A. •*' 1 Senior Lecturer .& Head of Department, Dept, of Library Science, University of Sri Lanka, Vidyalankarh Campus, Kelaniya. Tel. Kelaniya 397* • ' ^ '• '\ ■ * 19 . AMARATUNGE, S. Y. - J.S.C. Library Assistant, Municipal Council Public Library, Kandy. 20#. AMARAWEERA, J. A. - B.Sc. 2nd Class Upper(Cey.). Librarian & Publications Officer,. Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka Library, Dartonfield, Agalawatte. Tel. Agalawatte 26*. 2.1* ANANDA, Rev. P. - B.A. (Lucknow), Assistant Librarian, University of Sri Lanka Library, Vidyodaya C'ampus, Nugegoda. Tel. 073/2695.' ' 22* AP.HONSU, S. J. - 'S.S.C. Reading Room Supervisor, Negombo Municipal Council Public Library, Bandaranayake Square, Negombo# ' >■ r 23# ARIYADASA, H. £. - G'.C.E, (O.L) , S.L.L.A, 1st Exam. Librarian Grade II, Special Commissioners Office, Mawanella. Tel. Mawanella 537*r 2k* ARIYADASA, M. G. - J.S.C. Officer In-charge of the Library, Batapola Village Council Public Library, Batapola* ■; Tel. Batapola 06. 25« ARIYARATNE, H. G. D. - G.C.E.(O.L). Librarian., Nuwara Eliya ! Municipal Council Public Library, Victoria Park, Nuwara Eliya. Tel. Nuwara Eliya 251. 26. ARIYASENA, J. - G.C.E.(A.L). Librarian Grade III, Hasalaka , Village Council Public Library, Hasalaka. 27*. ARIYAWATHIE, G. D. - Vidyodaya Univ. Entrance, S.L.L.A. 1 st Exam. Library Assistant Erade III, University of Sri Lanka .Library, Vidyodaya Campus, Gangodawila, Nugegoda. Tel. 2695. 28* .ARTJMUGAM, ,K.- - S.S.C. Library Assistant., Manmunai. South East & Eruvil Village Council Public Library, Kaluthavalai, Kaluwanchikudi. Tel. Kaluwanchikudi. 802. 29* ATHAMLEBBE, M. I. ~ G.-C.E. (O.L) • Librarian, Samanthurai Town Council Public Library, Samanthurai. Tel. Samanthurai 20. 30# ATHUKORALA, S. - G.C.E.(O.L). Librarian, Golu'wamulla-Omatta ^illage Council Public Library, Ganegoda. Tel. Elpitiya 292. 31« BALASINGHA, 0. - G.A.Q.(Vidyalankara)• Library Assistant Grade III, Horombawa Village Council Public Library, Godawela'j Katupotha. Tel. Katupotha OL. 32. BALASUNDERAM, K. — B.Sc.(Poona). Librarian, Department of Buildings Library, P. 0. Box’ 50L,‘Colombo.’Tel. 2 113 1 . 33, BANDARANAYAKE, B. M. P. - G.C.E. (A.L.,), J.U.C.Dip.Lib. Library ' Assistant Grade III, University ,of Sri.,Lanka Library, Peradeniya Campus, Peradeniya. ? J 3 - 3*u BASKARAN, K* - S.S.C. Librarian,Kankasanthurai Urban Council. Public Library, Kankasanthurai* Telo Kankasanthurai 29* * 35. BASTIAMPILLAI, M, A. - G.C.E;. (O.L), S.JL.L.A. (Inter.). Library Assistant, The British Council Library, 15^* Galle Road, Colombo 3* Tel. 23331. ^ 36 . 1 BENTOTAGE, R, G.C.E. (O.L) ,• Library Assistant, Poddala Village Council Public Library, Poddala. 37. BRAHMAN^, C.- - G.C.E.(A.L). Officer In-charge of the*Library, Baddegama/Village Council Public Library, Baddegama. ~ . Tel. Baddegama 29. 38 . - ‘CANAGARATNA, M. A. 1. B.Sc.Hons.(Cey.). Probationary Assistant Librarian, University of Sri Lanka Library-, Peradeniya Campus, Peradeniya. , 39. CHANKRARATNE, K. M. - U.S.C. (Sinhala) (English) > Library Assistant,"Public Library, Kandy. Tel. '3718. - CHANDRASEELI, K, K. P. - -B.A.Hons. 1 st Class(Cey.,), S.L.L.A. 1st Exam. Cataloguing Assistant, Sri Lanka National s"t Commission for Unesco, Ministry of Education, Malay Street, Colombo 2 . Tel. 3322A. A1* CHANDRASENA, A; L. T, G. - B.A< (Cey.).. Librarian Grade III, Villachchiya Korale Village Council Public Library,' Nochchiyagama. Tel. ’Nochchiyagama 03. ■ ’ k 2 . COLONNE, - BoA.2nd Class(Cey, ) ,M.A. (History)Univ.of Texas. Deputy Librarian, The British Council. Library, 15^» Galle Road', ColOmbp 3. Tel. 23331. • - ; >•■■■■ . J:-. : • . 4 ■' • .. : -, ' \ COLONNE, S. V. - B.A.,SoL.L.A.' 1st Exam.' Assistant Librarian, Nt/ < British Council"Library. 15 A, Galle Road, Colombo,3* . Tel. 2333 f. ' ; t '■ * / ' - 1 OOORAY, M. P. S. ,/ G.C^E. (A^L), JoU.-C.Dip.Lib. Cataloguing . Assistant., Thakshila Madya Maha. Viiyalaya, Horana. ^5 DAHANAYAKE, N. ^ ' G.C.E. (A.L)Library Assistant,Grade III, University of Sri Lanka Library, Vidyalankara Campus, Kelartiya. Tql„ Kelaniya! 397® v' ’ ... A6. DANTANARAYANA, D. T. -G og oE.(0.L). Typist-Clerk, Rubber Research’ Institute of Sri Lanka Library’, Qartonfield, , lAgalawatte., Tel. ..galawatte■ . 'V y . " . V » ' « If 7* DAYAWATBIE, A, Pi - G.G .E.<O.L) Librarian Grade III, Tangalle Urban Council Public* Library, Indipokunagoda Road, - - Tangaii®-. -i.- “ \ '■ :■ ^ ' ■ ^ -Jr*- If8. DE CRUSE, A. Nc J. G.C.E.(A.L) Lond. -Library. Assistant Grade III, University of Sri Lanka Medical Library, Kynsey Road, Colombo -8* .Tel, 98?A1 A9, DE FONSBKA, 6 . T. J. ~ G.C.E. (0'i.L) Science English; G.C.E. (O.L) Arts Sinhaleses Librarian and Record Keeper, Department of the Registrar of Companies, Block No. *5 , Echlon Square, P.O. Box * 1302, Colombo 1. Tel. 31231* t - k - 50. ylfe SILVA, A. 6e H. - B.A. jS.L.L.Ar-Clnter.. Cataloguing Assistant/Librarian Grade I, The Circuit Library, Balika Vidyalaya, Panadura. ‘ -» r/# ■ • 51« BE SILVA, D* J. S. ■- •BaSc.(Hons.). Librarian, Tea Research . Institute of Sri Lanka, Talawakelle. .Tel. Taiayrakelle k k . DE SILVA, D. T. A. - B.A.(Lond.)jS.L.L.A. .1st Exam. Librarian, Aquinas College of Higher Studies, Maradaha Road, Colombo 8. Tel. 9^01^. 53J. DE SILVA, E. P. — G.C.E.(0.L) ,S.L.L.Ai (Inter.). Acting Special * ‘ Grade Library Assistant, Public Library, PanadUra;- '.■* 5 k . DE SILVA, G. W. K. - S.S.C. (Sinhala) , J.S.C.,(English). Librarian, Balapitiy.a Town Council Public Library*- Balapitiya- Tel. Balapltiya kkS. 5 5 . DE SILVA, M. D. - G.C.E. (A.L)'; Librarian, Kosgoda Village -Council Public Library, Ahungalle. 56. DE SILVA, M. D. - S.S.C., S.L.L.A. 1st Exam. Library- Assistant, Ceylon Steel Corporation, Athurugiriya. Tel. 29^7/8. ■ . » * . ' 4 ' $?• DE SILVA, M. E. S.. -B.A. Librarian Grade III* Mawathagama Village Council Public Library, Mawathagama* Tel. Mawathagama 808.. « *, . , • . .■ » % *• 58. DE SILVA, M. Y. - G.C.E.(O.L),. S.L.L.A. 1st Exam. Library ‘ ' Assistant,- The British Council Library, 1-5**» Gaile Road, "'s* Colombo 3* Tel. 23381. 59. DE SI^iVA, N-. A. T. - S.S.C. Library Assistant Grade I, Medical Library, Faculty of Medicine, University o f Sri Lanka,' Kynsey .Road, Colombo 8. Tel. 92068. ' ; f '■ * ^ . j,.-* ■ ■ -J ■ *' 1 60. DE SILVA', S. C. S* - G.C.E. (A.L)'* Library Assistant , Ceylon Institute of Scientific 8e Industrial Research, P.0* Box 787* - Colombo.
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