WWW.INDYCC.EDU - 620.331.4100 INDEPENDENCE COMMUNITY COLLEGE GENERAL INFORMATION Mascot - Pirates Colors - Navy Blue and Vegas Gold President - Dr. Dan Barwick Athletic Director/VP Student Affairs - Tammie Geldenhuys Assistant Athletic Director - Tony Turner Location - Independence, KS Founded - 1925 Enrollment (Average Yearly) - 1,6000 Mailing Address - 1057 W. College Ave. #BEAPIRATE Location - Independence, KS Founded - 1925 Enrollment (Average Yearly) - 1,600 Mailing Address - 1057 W. College Ave. Mascot - Pirates Colors - Navy Blue and Vegas Gold WWW.INDYCC.EDU 620.331.4100www.facebook.com/independenceICC @independenceCC @ICCpirates Independence Community College is accredited by the Higher Learningarning Commission INDEPENDENCE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 2QEHKDOIRIWKH&ROOHJH,ZHOFRPH\RXWRRQHRIWKHÀQHVWLQVWLWXWLRQVRILWVNLQGZHDUHSK\VLFDOO\ small yet nationally recognized, we offer an excellent education at a truly affordable cost, and our faculty and staff offer personalized attention that is second to none. Lives are changed by what KDSSHQVKHUHLQFOXGLQJ\RXUV,FDPHWRWKLVFROOHJHEHFDXVHLWLVXQLTXHWXFNHGLQWRDVFHQLF FRUQHURIUXUDO.DQVDVWKHFROOHJHKDVUHDOSHUVRQDOLW\ZLWKDULFKKLVWRU\RIRXWVWDQGLQJÀQHDUWV and sports achievement, in a historic community that is friendly and vibrant. If you are looking for an outstanding education at an institution that will prepare you for the workforce and to be a lifelong learner, you’ve found it at Independence Community College. Each year, we prepare students for a new career, for further education, or for the pursuit of a rediscovered passion. While here, our VWXGHQWVÀQGWKDWOHDUQLQJDQGGHYHORSPHQWDUHQ·WOLPLWHGWRMXVWWKHFODVVURRP2XUVWXGHQWVDUH GRHUVQRWE\VWDQGHUVPDQ\HQMR\SDUWLFLSDWLRQLQRXUVWXGHQWFOXEVVSRUWVDQGORFDOHYHQWV:H offer both residential and non-residential options for our students, but in both cases, I hope you’ll consider our close-knit campus your home away from home. While you’re here, I hope you’ll ask questions, get to know your professors, and above all, learn to love learning. I want to hear about your adventures here. Feel free to send me an e-mail at [email protected]. Like all of us at the college, I’m here to make you a success. We’re glad you’re here! Dan Barwick Daniel Barwick, President Tammie Geldenhuys Vice President Student Affairs, Athletics and Admissions Tammie is in her ninth year as athletic director and 10th year overall at Independence Community College. Prior to moving into the athletic director position in a full-time capacity, she spent the 2008 season as the head volleyball coach, leading the Lady Pirates to an 18-18 season. This is Geldenhuys’ second stint at ICC as she also spent two years as head volleyball and women’s basketball coach from 'XULQJWKDWWLPHVKHOHGWKHYROOH\EDOOWHDPWRDPDUNDQGWZRFRQIHUHQFHUXQQHUXSÀQLVKHV7KHEDVNHWEDOOVTXDGDOVR ÀQLVKHGDQXQGHIHDWHGFRQIHUHQFHFKDPSLRQVKLSZKLOHSRVWLQJDRYHUDOOUHFRUGDQGIRXUWKSODFHÀQLVKDWWKHQDWLRQDOWRXUQDPHQW She was named the NJCAA Region VI Junior College Coach of the Year in 1993. Overall, Geldenhuys has spent 15 years as a coach at various levels, including earlier stints in high school at Labette County, Neodesha, Wichita Southeast and Wichita Collegiate. She also VSHQWWZRVHDVRQVDVÁRRUFRDFKDQGUHFUXLWHUDWKHUDOPDPDWHU.DQVDV6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\'XULQJKHUSOD\LQJFDUHHUDW.6WDWHVKH VHWWHDPDQGVFKRROUHFRUGVDQGZDVD:DGH7URSK\ÀQDOLVWLQDQG,Q0DUFKKHU1R.DQVDV6WDWHMHUVH\ZDV UHWLUHGDQGKRLVWHGLQWKHUDIWHUVRI%UDPODJH&ROLVHXP(DUOLHUVKHZDVDOVRKRQRUHGDVDPHPEHURIWKHÀUVW+DOORI)DPH FODVVDW7UXPDQ+LJK6FKRROLQ,QGHSHQGHQFH0R*HOGHQKX\VUHVLGHVLQ,QGHSHQGHQFHZLWKKXVEDQG*HUKDUGDQGFKLOGUHQ0HOLVVD Chase, Junior and Dani. Tony Turner Assistant Athletic Director Tony Turner is in his 10th year as assistant athletic director at Independence Community College. He also heads into his fourth season as ICC men’s basketball coach after spending the previous several seasons in the women’s program as head coach. During his time with the Lady Pirates, Turner compiled a record of 143-51 and now has the most wins as a coach in ICC women’s basketball history, including the Jayhawk Conference-Eastern Division Coach of the Year award after posting a 30-3 mark and earning a share of the conference title in his second season. Prior to his arrival in Independence, Turner spent one season as the head coach at Allen County Community College. Overall, Turner has a record of 183-75 as a coach at the collegiate level. Turner’s coaching career began at the high school level, where he spent time as the assistant boys basketball coach at Shawnee Heights in Topeka. He later moved to Highland Park High School, where he became the women’s assistant before moving up to the head coaching position. A graduate of Independence High School, Turner was a standout point guard at ICC, where he held the single-season assists record (244) record for nearly 20 years. Turner and his wife, Molly, have two daughters, D’Ambra and Jasmyn, and a son, Tate. 2016-2017 PIRATES #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 SHAWNTEZSCROGGINS DAJONSTRETTER TATETURNER TYRONERILEY VICTONIOPRATT 6-0- 175- SO 6-4- 190- SO 6-2- 180- SO 6-5- 205- SO 6-9- 205- FR TOPEKA, KS NIAGARA FALLS, NY INDEPENDENCE, KS EAST ST LOUIS, IL CAMDEN, NJ #5 #12 #13 #22 #23 TYRONELEWIS JALENPEDSCLEAUX MICHAELCARSON MICHAELKELLY KENDYLGARD 6-0- 180- FR 6-5- 225- SO 6-6- 1215- SO 6-3- 190- FR 6-5- 185- SO TOPEKA, KS DONALDSONVILLE, LA KANSAS CITY, KS BALTIMORE, MD WINFIELD, KS #24 #25 #33 DOMINIQUEMILLER JAELINGRANT DEANTHONYMCCALLUM 6-2- 175- FR 6-8- 190- FR 6-3- 180- FR LEAVENWORTH, KS BOWIE, MD CINCINNATI, OH 2016-2017 SCHEDULE DATE OPPONENT LOCATION TIME WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2 LABETTE ICC FIELD HOUSE 8 P.M. MONDAY, NOV. 7 OKLAHOMA WESLEYAN JV ICC FIELD HOUSE 8 P.M. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9 CENTRAL METHODIST JV ICC FIELD HOUSE 8 P.M. *SATURDAY, NOV. 12 PRATT ICC FIELD HOUSE 3 P.M. *WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16 COFFEYVILLE COFFEYVILLE, KAN. 8 P.M. *SATURDAY, NOV. 19 NEOSHO COUNTY ICC FIELD HOUSE 6 P.M. *TUESDAY, NOV. 22 COLBY COLBY, KAN. 8 P.M. *SATURDAY, NOV. 26 GARDEN CITY GARDEN CITY, KAN. 8 P.M. *WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30 BUTLER CC FIELD HOUSE 8 P.M. 6$785'$<'(& %$5721 *5($7%(1'.$1 30 *WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7 COWLEY ICC FIELD HOUSE 8 P.M. *SATURDAY, DEC. 10 ALLEN IOLA, KAN. 4 P.M. *WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4 SEWARD COUNTY ICC FIELD HOUSE 8 P.M. *SATURDAY, JAN. 7 DODGE CITY ICC FIELD HOUSE 6 P.M. :('1(6'$<-$1+87&+,1621+87&+,1621.$130 *SATURDAY, JAN. 14 CLOUD COUNTY ICC FIELD HOUSE 6 P.M. *WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18 PRATT PRATT, KAN. 8 P.M. *SATURDAY, JAN. 21 COFFEYVILLE ICC FIELD HOUSE 6 P.M. :('1(6'$<-$1 1(26+2&2817< &+$187(.$1 30 *SATURDAY, JAN. 28 COLBY ICC FIELD HOUSE 6 P.M. *WEDNESDAY, FEB. 1 GARDEN CITY ICC FIELD HOUSE 8 P.M. 6$785'$<)(% %87/(5 (/'25$'2.$1 30 *WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8 BARTON ICC FIELD HOUSE 8 P.M. *SATURDAY, FEB. 11 COWLEY ARKANSAS CITY, KAN. 4 P.M. *WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15 ALLEN ICC FIELD HOUSE 8 P.M. *SATURDAY, FEB. 18 SEWARD COUNTY LIBERAL, KAN. 8 P.M. *WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22 DODGE CITY DODGE CITY, KAN. 8 P.M. *SATURDAY, FEB. 25 HUTCHINSON ICC FIELD HOUSE 6 P.M. *MONDAY, FEB. 27 CLOUD COUNTY CONCORDIA, KAN. 8 P.M. COACHING STAFF HOW DO YOU SEE THE CONFERENCE RACE THIS YEAR? WHAT ARE THE STRENGTHS OF YOUR TEAM? It’s tough. I feel sorry for the incoming freshmen. They don’t have a ,QMXQLRUFROOHJHZLWKVRPXFKWXUQRYHU\RX·UHMXVWWU\LQJWRPROGD month or month and a half to get ready for this conference. These EXQFKRIQHZJX\VLQWRZKDWZHZDQW:HVSHQWWKHPDMRULW\RIWKH IUHVKPHQDUHJRLQJWRKDYHWROHDUQRQWKHÁ\WRXQGHUVWDQGZKDWWKLV preseason getting the guys to understand what we expect and getting conference is all about. I’ve been around Pirate basketball for a long, long rid of a lot of the egos. We have a lot more athleticism and speed. We time. I don’t think this conference has ever been as tough as it is now. also have a little more wisdom. The difference from last year to this I’m not saying there haven’t been better teams and players, but when you \HDULVWKHEDVNHWEDOO,47KH\FDQZRUNRQWKHÁ\DQGFDQJRPDNHD have to play 26 conference games, it’s an absolute grind. play when things break down. Tony Turner begins his fourth season as head men’s basketball coach TONYTURNER DW,QGHSHQGHQFH&RPPXQLW\&ROOHJH,QKLVÀUVWVHDVRQZLWKWKH3LUDWHV HEAD COACH Turner directed the squad to a 21-11 overall record and 11-1 mark in WKH-D\KDZN&RQIHUHQFH(DVWHUQ'LYLVLRQWRHDUQLWVÀUVWFRQIHUHQFH championship since 2000. Through three seasons, Turner has compiled a record of 43-48 with the Pirates. Turner, who also serves as the assistant athletic director at ICC, moved over to the men’s program after spending the previous seven season as the head coach in the Lady Pirate basketball program. During his time with the ICC women, Turner compiled a record of 143-51 and now has the most wins as a coach in Lady Pirate basketball history, including the Jayhawk Conference-Eastern Division Coach of the Year award after posting a 30-3 mark and earning a share of the conference title in his second season. Prior to his arrival in Independence, Turner spent one season as the head coach at Allen County Community College. Overall, Turner has a record of 183-75 as a coach at the collegiate level. Turner’s coaching career began at the high school level, where he spent time as the assistant boys basketball coach at Shawnee Heights in Topeka. He later moved to Highland Park High School, where he became the women’s assistant before moving up to the head coaching position. 0LNH&\SULHQVWDUWVKLVÀUVWVHDVRQDVDQDVVLVWDQWPHQ·VEDVNHWEDOOFRDFKDW,QGHSHQGHQFH Community College. Cyprien began his collegiate coaching career in 2010 at Rogers State (Okla.) University, where he helped the Hillcats to a 22-12 record, a No. 25 national ranking and a berth in the NAIA Division I Men’s %DVNHWEDOO1DWLRQDO&KDPSLRQVKLS568FORVHGRXWWKHUHJXODUVHDVRQZLQQLQJRIWKHLUÀQDOJDPHV including wins over No. 10 Oklahoma Baptist and No. 12 Southern Nazarene, while also advancing to the QDWLRQDOTXDUWHUÀQDOV+HEHJDQKLVRYHUDOOFRDFKLQJFDUHHULQ/RXLVLDQDDVKHVSHQWRQHVHDVRQZLWK the Hammond-based Shockas Boys and the Jefferson Playground All-Stars of the AAU. 3ULRUWRMRLQLQJWKH,&&VWDII&\SULHQVSHQWWKUHH\HDUVDVDQDVVLVWDQWDW6RXWKHDVWHUQ8QLYHUVLW\ an NCAA Division I member. He was also a three-year letterwinner for the Lions, highlighted by a pair of Southland Conference championships.
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