MAY 15, 1981 75 CENTS VOLUME 45/NUMBER 18 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY /PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Biggest antiwar march s1nce• Vietnam -PAGE 5 WASHINGTON, May 3: Giant march on Pentagon demands end to a·rms for El Salvador junta and protests Reagan's budget cuts. Outrage over murder of Bobby Sands. See pages 2, 3. In Our Opinion VOLUME 45/NUMBER 18 MAY 15, 1981 CLOSING NEWS DATE-MAY 6 The British rulers-who present themselves But Thatcher's position is growing weaker. as paragons of morality for the Irish-have More and more people are seeing through her violated every moral precept in the hundreds "terrorism" scam. In a recent poll taken by the of years they have occupied Ireland. Their British weekly Guardian, 58 percent favored crimes have included the murders of hundreds British withdrawal from Ireland. of thousands and the theft of land from the Now is the time for thousands here in the Why Thatcher killed survivors, who were left to starve. United States to protest in the streets against Today British army murder squads are still Thatcher's policy. Now is the time for unions, Bobby Sands assassinating opponents of British rule. civil rights organizations, and others to add "I was only a working-class boy from a When it became impossible to maintain a their voices to the millions who insist that the nationalist ghetto, but it is repression that colonial grip on all of Ireland, the British demands of the nationalist prisoners m creates the revolutionary spirit of freedom. rulers artificially divided it in 1921. That Thatcher's jails be granted now! "I shall not settle until I achieve the libera­ imposed division is the root of today's vio­ tion of my country, until Ireland becomes a lence. sovereign independent socialist republic." To maintain their position in Northern These were the words of Bobby Sands, a Ireland, the British colonial rulers imposed member of the Irish Republican Army. He is systematic discrimination against Catholics. the latest in a long line of martyrs to the cause Sands was sentenced to fourteen years in of Irish freedom. He died at twenty-seven in prison, not for any "terrorist" act, but for possession of firearms. This right is denied to No aid to Pol Pot! the sixty-sixth day of a hunger strike demand­ The State Department told the media May 2 Catholics in Northern Ireland. But right-wing ing basic human rights for Irish political that it plans to step up U.S. support to forces Protestants who support British rule are armed prisoners. fighting the Heng Samrin government in to the teeth by the government through outfits The government of Prime Minister Margaret Kampuchea. The targets are the peoples of like the Eoyal Ulster Constabulary and the Thatcher deliberately killed Bobby Sands. Indochina, and above all the Vietnamese revo­ That government's cruelty has sparked a Ulster Defence Regiment. Together with the lution. growing storm of protest in Ireland and British army, they terrorize the working-class The army of ousted dictator Pol Pot, concen­ around the world. Catholic ghettos. trated in Thailand near the Kampuchean Many other nationalist prisoners are now on But when Catholics possess arms, that's border, makes up the great majority of the hunger strikes demanding their . rights. One, "terrorism." counterrevolutionary forces. This army was "Crime is crime"? What hypocrisy! Francis Hughes, is reported near death. responsible for the deaths of literally millions Thatcher killed Bobby Sands rather than Discrimination and oppression propped up of people during Pol Pot's reign. Washington grant such elementary demands as the right of by British bayonets have made thousands of hopes to forge a frpnt based on the Pol Pot nationalist political prisoners to wear their young Irish workers like Bobby Sands willing ·army, with Prince Norodom Sihanouk provid­ own clothing, receive weekly visits and letters, to fight fora free, united Ireland by any means ing a "liberal" cover. and associate with each other. necessary-including the ·sacrifice of their The prospective "front" is being described as Thatcher killed Bobby Sands rather than lives. nationalist. But Pol Pot's terrorist army-and The people of the Catholic ghettos know that end the reign of torture, forced confessions, anyone who allies with it-is hated by the "terrorist" and "common criminal" are tags kangaroo courts, and inhuman prison condi­ Kampuchean people. They, along with the tions that is British "justice" in Ireland. (The that colonial rulers hav~ always applied to Vietnamese, will fight to prevent its return. systematic use of torture by British forces in those who resist domination. Washington is trying to rekindle the smol­ Ireland was documented by the European The Margaret Thatchers of two hundred dering embers of war in Indochina. This policy Human Rights Commission in 1976.) years ago called George Washington a "com­ is a continuation by other means of the getwci­ . Above all, Thatcher killed Bobby Sands to mon criminal." dal war the American government waged arrogantly assert the British rulers' determina­ Not too long ago, Thatcher denounced Ro­ against the peoples of Indochina. tion to hold Northern Ireland as a colony. bert Mugabe as a terrorist when he headed the Unlike Reagan, American working people Thatcher tries to put a high moral tone on struggle against white minority rule in Zim­ share the hatred that the Kampuchean people her cruelty by portraying the nationalist pri­ babwe. Now he is the president of an inde­ feel for the likes of Pol Pot and his army of soners as "common criminals" and "terror­ pendent, Black-governed country. mass murderers. And as the facts become ists." "Crime is crime," she declared. The working people of the Catholic ghettos known, they will recognize the Reagan-Pol Pot But who made the laws Bobby Sands was answered Thatcher's propaganda by electing alliance as part of Washington's drive toward accused of violating? Who decides who is a Sands to represent them in Parliament. They new Vietnams. criminal in Northern Ireland? Who set up the know from bitter experience that it is Thatcher All support to the Pol Pot army and other courts that condemned Sands and the prison and the billionaries she represents who are the counterrevolutionary gangs in Indochina must that held him? real criminals and terrorists. cease. Washington should recognize the Peo­ Not the people · of Ireland, but the British Unlike millions of Americans, the Reagan ple's Republic of Kampuchea and the Socialist rulers. administration is standing behind Thatcher's Republic of Vietnam; end the economic block­ Even the reactionary New York Post con­ inhuman policy. He would like to follow her ade of these countries; and give massive ceded the point in a May 6 editorial: "That · example by portraying striking miners, Blacks amounts of food and other aid to help the Northern Ireland ·is now a colony is beyond who protest racist murders, and opponents of peoples of Indochina overcome the damage argument. That is exactly how Britain treats budget cuts as "terrorists," "subversives," and done by Washington 's war and subsequent and rules it, albeit prolonging the agony." "common criminals." policies. Militant Highlights This Week The Militant Editors: CINDY JAQUITH ANDY ROSE Business Manager: NANCY ROSENSTOCK Editorial Staff: Nan Bailey, Nelson Blackstock, 4 Notre Dame protest set Poland: CP members seek 'renewal' Steve Bride, Fred Feldman, Nelson Gonzalez, Wil· 6 INS official testifies liam Gottlieb, Sue Hagen, Suzanne Haig, Diane Jacobs, Margaret Jayko, Malik Miah, Harry Ring. 7 Miner attends trial Vivian Sahner, Priscilla Schenk, Stu Singer. 8 Sales drive launched Published weekly except two weeks in Au­ 9 Political Rights Defense Fund gust, the last week of December, and the first 11 Andrew Pulley testifies week of January by the Militant (ISSN 0026- 3885), 14 Charles Lane, New York, N.Y. 16 Rail workers speak out 10014. Telephone: Editorial Office, (212) 19 Miners get union support Steel union candidates 243-6392; Business Office, (212) 929-3486. speak out Correspondence concerning subscrip­ 29 Steelworkers march against nukes tions or changes of address should be addressed to The Militant Business Of. 4 Solidarity with Central America · fice, 14 Charles Lane, New York, N.Y. and Caribbean 10014. 10 DaybyDay Second-class postage paid at New York, 20-23 World News and Analysis N.Y. Subscriptions: U.S. $24.00 a year, out­ 30 The Great Society side U.S. $30.00. By first-class mail: U.S., Union Talk An interview with a factory worker and Communist Party Canada, and Mexico: $60.00. Write for air­ What's Going On leader who is helping to lead the fight for democratic mail rates to all other countries. 31 LeNers rights and against privilege and corruption in Poland's Signed articles by contributors do not necessarily If You Like This Paper . represent the Militant's views. These are expressed governing party. Page 21. in editorials. 2 THE MILITANT MAY 15, 1981 Bobby Sands death sparks world protest By Suzanne Haig · · · ·. · representatives, which includes British Bobby Sands died May 5 in H-Block Labor Party leader Barbara Castle, at Maze Prison in the sixty-sixth day of condemned Thatcher for failing to take his hunger strike. He was twenty-seven. "positive action" to end Sands's hunger Sands was demanding the rights strike. associated with political prisoner sta­ The Soviet news agency Tass con­ tus for Irish nationalists held in British demned the British government for jails. But the Conservative government refusing to grant Sands's demands of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher "despite large-scale protests by world remained ruthless and implacable, dis­ public opinion." missing Sands as a criminal and even presenting his death as proof of her In the face of growing isolation, firmness.
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