(1616, John Selden), 24 Adams, H Omas, 3

(1616, John Selden), 24 Adams, H Omas, 3

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15885-6 — Romanticism, Self-Canonization, and the Business of Poetry Michael Gamer Index More Information 290 Index Abergavenny, Lady, 70 authorship “ Ad V. CL. Ben. Ionsonivm, Carmen and autonomy, 11 , 159 , 161 , 167 , Protrepticon ” (1616, John 176 , 178 Selden), 24 and book history, 7 – 8 , 11 Adams, h omas, 3 and class, 17 , 159 , 161 , 176 “ h e Adieu and Recall to Love” (1787, and gender, 34 , 77 , 107 , 108 Robert Merry), 94 , 100 as institutional entity, 5 , 6 , 8 , 9 , 104 , Adney, h omas, 99 108 , 110 , 159 , 177 , 180 , 187 Adonais (1821, Percy Shelley), 199 , and the market, 29 , 36 , 55 213 , 215 – 219 , 221 , 225 , 226 , and the nation, 160 , 164 , 179 – 183 263n. 11 , 263n. 3 and portraiture, 22 , 27 , 116 Advertisement to Lyrical Ballads as public self, 8 , 27 , 70 , 104 , 107 , (1798, Samuel Coleridge and 130 , 159 , 178 , 180 , 184 , 187 William Wordsworth), 130 , and Romanticism, 10 – 11 , 19 , 36 , 138 235n. 22 Alastor (1816, Percy Shelley), Autobiography (1850, Leigh Hunt), 208 175 , 228 “Autumn: A Dirge” (1824, Percy Alborn, Timothy, 168 Shelley), 229 Ali eri, Count Vittorio, 98 Anderson, John M., 247n. 18 Baillie, Joanna, 46 Anderson, Robert, 16 – 18 , 32 , 35 Barbauld, Anna, 2 Andrews, Miles Peter, 94 , 99 Barchas, Janine, 239n. 34 “Anecdote for Fathers” (1798, William Barchus, James E., 198 Wordsworth), 130 Barker, Mary, 168 , 177 , 179 Annual Anthology (1799, 1800, ed. Barker, Nicolas, 3 Southey), 174 , 186 Bates, Brian R., 120 anthology, the, 2 , 16 , 34 , 36 , 45 , Baudrillard, Jean, 3 113 , 186 h e Baviad (1791, William Gif ord), Anti- Jacobin Review , 138 13 , 91 , 92 , 94 , 102 – 105 , 107 , Appadurai, Arjun, 4 108 , 109 – 112 , 116 – 118 , Arch, J. & A., 122 253n. 20 Arnold, Matthew, 198 Beachy Head, and Other Poems (1807, Augustan Review, 182 Charlotte Smith), 54 – 57 290 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15885-6 — Romanticism, Self-Canonization, and the Business of Poetry Michael Gamer Index More Information 291 Index 291 Beaumont, Francis, 20 British Poets and Poetical Translations Beaumont, George, 49 (1822, Whitmore), 33 Becket, h omas, 31 h e British h eatre (1776– 8, ed. Bedford, Grosvenor, 163 , 195 Bell), 32 Bell, John, 13 , 32 , 111 – 114 , 252n. Broadhead, Alex, 251n. 6 14 , 255n. 48 Bromwich, David, 153 Editions Bronfen, Elisabeth, 211 Bell’s Classical Arrangement of “ h e Brothers” (1800, William Fugitive Poetry (1789– 97), Wordsworth), 144 – 147 , 34 , 116 , 256n. 58 148 – 150 , 151 , 152 h e British Album (1790), 92 , Brown, Bill, 4 113 , 116 – 118 Brydges, Samuel Egerton, 59 h e British h eatre (1776– 78), 113 Buccleuch, Duke of, 160 Poets of Great Britain Complete Bugg, John, 147 from Chaucer to Churchill Burke, Tim, 259n. 29 (1777– 82), 13 , 32 , 34 , 45 , Burney, Charles, 132 113 , 241n. 52 Burney, Fanny, 77 Shakespeare (1774), 32 , 113 Burns, Robert, 32 , 43 , 77 , 79 and literary marketing, 158 Butler, James, 258n. 18 and the newspaper, 99 , 111 Butler, Martin, 24 Benedict, Barbara, 16 Byron, Lord, 2 , 32 , 48 , 57 , 80 , 106 , Benjamin, Walter, 233 107 , 175 – 176 , 178 , 185 , 188 , Bennett, Andrew, 9 , 215 189 , 193 , 216 , 220 Beppo (1818, Lord Byron), 225 and the death of Percy Shelley, 206 , Berkeley, George Monck, 99 207 , 208 Betjeman, John, 185 and the Della Cruscan coterie, 102 , Bion, 218 105 , 111 Blackstone, William, 124 and h e Liberal , 197 , 204 – 205 Blackwood, William, 203 Works Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine , 177 , Beppo (1818), 225 202 , 203 , 204 Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage Bloom, Harold, 263n. 3 (1812– 18), 48 , 226 Bloomi eld, Robert, 57 h e Corsair (1814), 48 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 48 , 164 Don Juan (1818– 24), 80 , 83 , Bonnell, h omas, 16 , 113 , 241n. 51 , 160 , 225 , 226 255n. 48 English Bards and Scotch h e Book of the Church (1824, Robert Reviewers (1809), 106 , 107 Southey), 185 “Epigrams on Lord Castlereagh” Bourdieu, Pierre, 235n. 16 (1822), 204 Braudy, Leo, 9 h e Giaour (1813), 48 , 226 h e British Album (1790, ed. Bell), 13 , Manfred (1816), 226 92 , 113 , 116 – 118 “ h e Vision of Judgment” British Critic , 107 , 138 (1821), 185 British Poets (1773– 4, ed. Creech), 31 h e Byrth, Lyf, and Actes of Kyng Arthur British Poets (1794–, ed. Cooke), 34 (1817, Robert Southey), 185 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15885-6 — Romanticism, Self-Canonization, and the Business of Poetry Michael Gamer Index More Information 292 292 Index Cadell and Davies, 54 – 57 collected work, the Cadell, h omas Sr., 73 , 81 , 83 and the author’s body, 28 , 43 , 47 Canning, George, 105 and the author’s life, 46 , 191 canons and canonization, 2 , 16 – 17 , as estate, 43 , 215 18 , 20 , 22 , 30 , 34 , 36 , as literary last will and testament, 37 , 48 – 49 , 93 , 114 , 116 , 28 , 191 , 192 , 201 118 , 218 and the market, 29 , 36 , 55 Carmen Nuptiale (1816, Robert as monument or shrine, 20 , 21 , 22 , Southey), 189 28 , 29 , 41 Carmen Triumphale (1814, Robert relation to publishers’ canon, 41 Southey), 163 – 166 , 189 , 195 collections and collecting, 3 – 4 , 17 , Carmina Aulica (1814, Robert 18 , 19 , 26 , 39 , 45 , 46 , 47 , Southey), 164 , 195 60 , 95 , 113 , 115 , 119 , 201 , Carretta, Vincent, 240n. 35 208 , 215 Cave, Jane, 77 , 79 Collins, William, 70 Cavendish, Lady Georgiana, 81 Colman, George, 75 h e Cenci (1819, Percy Shelley), 202 Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Chalmers, Alexander, 17 Britain (1792– 5, ed. Anderson), “Chanson” (1784, Charlotte 1 7 , 3 2 Smith), 59 Condell, Henry, 20 Chapman, George, 18 copyright Charles I, 161 and authorship, 10 , 11 , 235n. 22 Chartier, Roger, 11 and canon- formation, 19 , 30 Chatterton, h omas, 186 Copyright Act (1814), 44 – 45 , Chaucer, Geof rey, 17 , 20 46 , 170 Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (1812– 18, Copyright Act (1842), 44 Lord Byron), 48 , 226 Donaldson v. Becket (1774), 30 – 32 , Christabel (1816, Samuel Coleridge), 44 , 113 , 124 , 235n. 22 136 , 226 and gender, 54 – 57 Churchill, Charles, 186 and literary mourning, 213 Cibber, Colley, 164 , 185 and literary value, 43 , 179 Clark, William, 203 and the market, 1 , 5 , 9 , 10 , 11 Clarke, Stanier, 173 and publishers’ canons, 19 , 30 Clif ord, James L., 98 and reprinting, 30 , 34 Clymer, Lorna, 210 and Scotland, 19 , 30 , 31 , 124 Cobbett, William, 105 Statute of Anne (1710), 19 , 30 , 31 , Coleridge, Samuel, 16 , 32 , 34 , 38 , 44 , 46 , 170 122 , 137 , 142 , 170 , 172 , corpus, literary 174 , 175 and the author’s body, 5 , 15 , 21 , and poetic fame, 29 – 30 28 , 29 , 39 , 41 , 44 , 111 , 171 , Works 176 , 191 , 201 , 213 , 220 Christabel (1816), 136 , 226 and the author’s life, 12 , 29 , 39 , 41 , Kubla Khan (1816), 226 46 , 47 , 184 , 185 , 189 , 191 , “Rime of the Ancyent Marinere” 192 , 193 (1798), 132 – 137 and the career, 8 , 24 , 28 , 38 , 52 , Coleridge, Sara Fricker, 162 53 , 55 , 175 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15885-6 — Romanticism, Self-Canonization, and the Business of Poetry Michael Gamer Index More Information 293 Index 293 and copyright, 54 – 57 , 213 and the newspaper, 99 – 102 , 110 , as curatorial object, 10 , 19 , 185 111 , 117 as estate, 41 , 43 , 154 , 178 politics of, 95 , 103 , 104 as investment portfolio, 158 , 170 , and the salon, 93 , 96 , 101 , 104 171 , 176 , 184 Descriptive Sketches (1793, William as monument or shrine, 114 , Wordsworth), 38 157 , 191 Deutch, Helen, 208 as representative of the nation, 47 , “ h e Devil’s Walk” (Robert 51 , 53 Southey), 192 h e Corsair (1814, Lord Byron), 48 Devonshire, Georgiana Duchess Cottle, Joseph, 42 , 122 – 125 , 132 , of, 81 137 , 193 Dictionary of National Biography, Cowley, Hannah, 105 , 110 91 , 102 “I hate thy tardy Elegiac lay” Dilly, Charles, 58 (1787), 101 “Dirge for the Year” (1824, Percy “To Del Crusca: h e Pen” (1787), Shelley), 229 94 , 100 Dodsley, James, 58 Cowper, William, 43 Don Juan (1818– 24, Lord Byron), 80 , Cox, Jef rey, 198 , 216 83 , 160 , 225 , 226 Creech, William, 31 Donaldson, Alexander, 31 Critical Review, 182 Drayton, Michael, 20 Croker, John Wilson, 163 , “ h e Dream” (1785, Bertie 167 , 206 Greatheed), 97 Cultural Capital (1993, John Dryden, John, 76 , 161 , 164 , 185 Guillory), 18 Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste, 48 Curran, Stuart, 64 , 121 , 198 , 216 D u f , David, 147 Curse of Kehama (1810, Robert Dumas, Alexandre, 248n. 24 Southey), 174 Dyer, Gary, 253n. 24 h e Cyclops (Euripides, 1824, trans. Shelley), 230 Eagleton, Terry, 235n. 22 Eclectic Review , 165 , 166 , 167 , 182 D’Elci, Angelo, 93 Edgeworth, Maria, 75 Daniel, Samuel, 20 Edinburgh Annual Register , 173 , Dante Alighieri, 96 , 216 177 , 178 Darnton, Robert, 3 Edinburgh Review , 40 , 165 , 166 , 182 Davenant, h omas, 41 Egremont, Earl of, 70 Deazley, Ronan, 243 , 243n. 71 Eilenberg, Susan, 153 “Dedication” (1785, William Parsons), Elegiac Sonnets (1784– 97, Charlotte 94 , 95 Smith), 13 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 , Della Cruscan coterie 6 0 – 7 2 , 7 9 – 9 0 and contemporary reception, 98 , “Ellen Irwin” (1800, William 102 , 252n. 13 Wordsworth), 146 and gender, 99 , 103 , 108 , 109 h e Emigrants (1792, Charlotte and improvisation, 96 , 101 Smith), 55 and masquerade, 96 , 99 , 103 , 104 , Emmeline (1788, Charlotte Smith), 107 , 108 , 111 13 , 82 , 86 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15885-6 — Romanticism, Self-Canonization, and the Business of Poetry Michael Gamer Index More Information 294 294 Index English Bards and Scotch Reviewers Fortnum, Sophia, 105 (1809, Lord Byron), 106 , 107 Foucault, Michel, 10 , 47 English Eclogues (1799, Robert Foulis, Robert and Andrew, 31 Southey), 175 Fox, Charles James, 138 , 152 English Short Title Catalogue, 77 Foxon, David, 240n.

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