SECTION 2 DECEMBER 30,196, PRICE $1 25 iIIbpa HECORELENT Vvi WHO IN THE WORLD OF ' oit . - -r: ;:1-4-.1.4V.ii2g.;:t.r.;7-7,;.'..017,:i-Oi-,`ifEY:'7.`i..ei-S. 1 ffr : N'. .... '4 t o , 7 Zt. 1.Z44:')4 e: : A.': .-, .!,........;, ...,7, ,......-,.:, .,...:.4.,..4,rt,:,..,......;.. tt- . 4.0 .. *.limeNnek. N Xe-e,y_412etnii,,--,,,,-4z4.4,4-ix.:A.:.,4A,-*,,, -..:,:m, 44...1.777M"Y.70E"M. -...,,.- ......." - OW/ O./ RAVI SHAN/fail -RECORD ARTIST OF THE YEAR )- 1 L THE. RUF1I'L. NI.EV BIOS. CO.ii.TOU IS DY:tE THE ELG11..S T-IE VEL1.1ELETTES & THE !S BREIOA HOLLOM CHUCK JACKSON RECORD CORPORATION r-Te, sc..4 -ALS( SMOKEY JR. WALKEI ROBINSON ALL STARS II & THE B LLY ECKSTINE MIRACLES filcNAIR THE CHRIS CLARK 1 THE SPINNERS I THE MONITORS THE MESSENGERS GLADYS KNIGHT & THE PIPS BOBBY TAYLOR VANCOUVEI MARTHf REEVE: & THE V ANDELLAJ Tifrhtowa ,7..ct(touyl MOTOWN RECORD CORP. JOBEIE MUSIC CO., INC. STEIN & VAN STOCK INTERNATIONAL TALENT MANAGEMENT, INC. Management: SAL BONAFEDE ASHER DANN ELEKTRA RECORDS 6721Sunset Bl+d , Los Angeles,California 6 Who's Who in the World of Music Billboard 1968is ED AMES ea& _..."47 - 4:1VmftammilltipMEMP .411E. inem: - "NW.. 4.1"4111111smwomIll ...1111111nt,-.1111," 141"52E110--- LPM 3913 (M) LSP 3913 (S WHO WILL ANSWER? ALBUM TO BE RELEASED SHORTLY PERSONAL MGT. BURKE WEEMS / RISEI 1000HECORIRENERION WHO'S WHO IN THE WORLD OF MUSIC CONTENTS EDITORIAL OFFICE: 165 W. 46thSt., New York, N.Y. 10036. Area Code 212, PL 7-2800 Cable: BILLBOARD NEWYORK ARTIST OF THE YEAR 10 TOP ARTISTS -1967 14 Publisher: HAL B. COOK Editor in Chief: LEE ZHITO Top Singles Artists 14 Top Album Artists 16 Top Male Artists 18 INTERNATIONAL TALENT EDITION STAFF Top Female Artists 18 Top Groups 22 Editor: AARON STERNFIELD Top Instrumental Artists 22 Art Director: VIRGIL ARNETT Top New Single: Artists 24 Top Country Singles Artists 24 Associate Editor: LIZ INGLESON Top R&B Singles Artists 26 Associate Art Director: WILMA WILSON Top Easy Listening Artists 26 Top Country Album Artists 29 Top R&B Album Artists 29 Top Classical Artists 30 U. S. BRANCH OFFICES Top Jazz Artists 30 CHICAGO, Ili. 60601, 188 W. Randolph NASHVILLE,Tenn.37203,110 21stAve., Hot 100 Publishers 32 Area Code 312, CE6-9818 Room 710. Area Code 615, 244-1836 Hot 100 Producers 34 LOS ANGELES,Calif.90069, 9000Sunset WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005, 733 15thSt., Top International Artists by Country 36 Blvd.Area Code 213, 273-1555 N.W.Woodward Bldg., Room533. Area Code 202, 393-2580 TALENT NEWSMAKERS OF 1967 INTERNATIONAL OFFICES EUROPEAN DIRECTOR: Andre de Vekey, 7 Welbeck St., London W.1, Phone: 486-5971 Cable: Billboard London U. S. POPULAR RECORDING ARTISTS . 58 EUROPEAN EDITOR: Mike Hennessey, 16 bis Rue Fontaine,Paris 9 me, France. Phone: 526.80.19 UNITED KINGDOM:GraemeAndrews, 7WelbeckSt.,LondorW.I. Phone: 486-5971 U. S. CLASSICAL RECORDING ARTISTS . 79 Cable: Billboard London CANADA: Kit Morgan, 22 Tichester Rd., Apt.107, Toronto 10 ITALY: Germano Ruscitto, Via Padova 154, Milano,Italy.Phone: 282-23-80 U. S. PERSONAL MANAGERS 84 FRANCE: Mike Hennessey, 16 bis Rue Fontaine, Paris 9 me, France. Phone: 526.80,19 JAPAN: Kanji Suzuki/Japan, Trade Service, Ltd., 2-1-408, 3 Chome Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo U. S. BOOKING AGENTS 89 MEXICO: Kevin Kelleghan, Varsovia 54, Mexico City, Mexico. Phone: 125002 Subscription rates payable in advance. One year, $20 inU.S. A (except Alaska, Hawaii and PuertoRico) and Canada, or $45 by airmail.Ratesinother foreigncountries onrequest. U. S. RECORD COMPANIES 92 Subscribers when requesting change of address shouldgiveoldaswell as new address. Published weekly.Second-class postage paidat New York, N.Y., and atadditional mailing offices.Copyright 1967 by BillboardPublications,Inc.The company alsopublishesRecord INTERNATIONAL TALENT DIRECTORY 96 Retailer,Vend, Amusement Business,HighFidelity,AmericanArtist,ModernPhotography, Merchandising Week.Postmaster,please sendForm 3579 toBillboardPublications,Inc., 2160 PattersonSt., Cincinnati, Ohio 45214. MPA Vol. 79 No. 52 ABP Cover Phcto: Grant Photographers 0061Imo Billboard 1968 International Record & Talent Showcase 9 ARTlinitYEAR The Indian influence is firmly established in the popular Each year the editors of Billboard honor an artist who in music of today. their opinion has made the most significant contribution to Shankar's talents are as complex as hismusic. He popular music. The decision is not based on chart perform- is equally at home in the world of the hippie as he is ance or record sales. It is based on much more lasting values. in the world of the classicist. In India, he was a classical soloist, musical director of the All India Radio, founder of the National Orchestra, writer of ballet music, and THEGREAT STRENGTH of today's popular music composer of theme music for films. His film scores have isitsdiversity. Not too long ago, contemporary music won him awards in the Cannes, Venice and Berlin film reflected primarily a Western middle-class culture, with festivals. its roots reaching deeply into the classical European tra- On the pop scene, Shankaristhe personal mentor dition. The latter part of the century has seen the enrich- of George Harrison of the Beatles, who studied the sitar ment of popular music through the introduction of the with Shankar in eight weeks of intensive training. It was rhythm and blues, country, folk and jazz themes. It has these eight weeks that changed the complexion of popular also seen the internationalization of contemporary music. music. marked by an exchange of artists, songs and ideas. In the Due to the influence of Shankar, the music of the main,it has been a phenomenon of the Western world. East is no longer strange to the occidental ears. Shankar But the parochial occidental cast of popular music is holds a visiting professorship atthe City University of changing. And the man who is makingitchangeisa New York, and will appear in concert about 200 times diminutive. 47 -year -old Indian sitar player named Ravi during his American visit. Shankar. At this writingitis early to access thefull impact Shankar's World Pacific albums do not rise to the top of Ravi Shankar on the world of music. But, at the very of the charts. But their influence on contemporary music least, Shankar has demonstrated that popular music be- far transcends their commercial appeal. longs to no one society or culture, and that itis not the His list of musical followers includes the Beatles, the exclusive province of a trans -Atlantic society. And that RollingStones andthePaulButterfieldBluesBand. is no mean achievement. 10 Who's Who in the World of Music Billboard AMERICA'S NUMBER ONE CONCERT ATTRACTS), . E STRAIGHT YEARS ON THE CHARTS PERSONAL REPRESENTATION AGENCY REPRESENTATION PUBLIC RELATIONS ALAN C. BERNARD PERENCHIO ARTISTS LTD. SHELDON A. SALTMAN COLUMBIA RECORDS It] Billboard 1968 Inernational Record 8 Talent Showcase 11 ZanOpipers Ph ACROSS TIEninon in PULLMAN , DICKINSON ST. PEWR KErstr, l ...* MISSOULA: ,_..-,14°-'.... ...b. .0 GRAND FORKS, BOISE'..i I, --f " . '' 1 YAKIMA FARGO v, COEUR 11) f VI NOT , y .,, 4. , ten- i /,. ..,-,' CALDWELL ' %-. , i - 1. 41C4IX* PIW - LE:GOD Asp.AID tt ' ILINCOLN ONAHA441., . , f4 PCIRTLW,, :PP CHADRON KEARNEY CEDAR FAkk.S b. i , . b ,, E CITY e-tl,y . / DE;WIOINES-l ' ot 4,CASIzaltritil drtle ' ' ' . "*/(0iAN. ' i LAVIKICE/ - if ' ' b.' . 4 EMPORIRie; Ali 1 . r GREELEY j I ';'f ,' s- 04' I 1 HAWAII . /' ..' , ) /7 7 0 0 . CCURADO SPPJ - I ir ,,,,..,z./...._., at . /- A- it WO / I, FORT 40- '"'., ./j,.. ' !./ ,eff ;!; .'' Ai .. SAN FRANCISCC BERKELEY .. r - , , NORMAN i' .ori r 1 C " , .. ( , P ARCATA Ait,, Oklii0MA ter( j ' RENO; . i' - c:r.. 41. i Al' A FORT SILL .. f 7 41t c - " r 1, i / . I,0*.'d 0LAS VEGAS WIC,'.:!`": -.f IL SANTA BP1BARA;.' I . ...irk : 4, - ' '- PCPTALIS LOS IINGELES ,,,i./ " ,i,' 3%1 BERNARDINO_ , - ewe $,-- ,..- - AN DIEGO er FL;C:STAFF /' ,tthPE . mob. ----- am. gmffor mei lollif. Lao guu MANKATO I I , _,;, i 44, MI % . 141.401A: C.,144.ELANO, 4 $ 30STON DET30IT , -4/ ST 'PAU' r k'.. .f' :..2,4 fri ST ALIIS j 1.' cot.ume, , II j V I...Af;4:INN CINNATI ' ( * CHICAGO "14 FOpcST HILLS .1' 4 ,,,, 41 e . ,..4 ,,i An_ * NEW YORK CITY . 4, k. INDIANAPOtIS l'ut a LIBERTY ' NORMAL- PITIBIURGH . 44.ELMHURV ' 0 i ' 'IR PH ..ADE_PHIA ' _. MARWILLE pli 4 9 PEORIA :.-0 a 44risf il . ST. 'LOUIS 44 44 i4, . I 1' Si. JOStPt ?4. ... .* 1.t1. 4*. I I : 4.' a WASHINGT(1 Pita? ! f P , We .; irl, 'At ' ill4,,,,a N.,. :'. f . xkilp 1 Of r i 7 lif.rs if 4 g I ' r a af'd 1 111 ! 4$011.U4ABIA1 4.1 , / 400, rill dr..1 : ,, . 4 , 0 0 . AI::'' Jf * I. % ''.., f V: rim If' SAN JOAN MANAGEMENT: SP 4117 CLANTANAMIRA 1 LAWRENCE H. DEUTSCH SP 4125 TI -E SANDPIPERS 967 N. LA CIENECA BLVD. SP 4135 MISTY POSES LOS JNCELES. CALIF. 90069 clt:r4 THREE PIPER PRODUCTIONS TOP U. S. ARTISTS OF 1967 Rankings of top artists in the various categories listed below ore based on chart action for the first 10 months of the year. These rankings do not necessarily reflect total sales of their product during the period covered.They do indicatetheirrelativestrength during the 43 -week period.The compilations in several categories were stopped when they ceased to provide meaningful information. Thus, only nine female artists were listed, because only nine had chart records during the period.Soundtrack and original cast albums do not appear on the album chart. IOPSINGLESARTISTS POS. ARTIST Label (No. of Records on Hot 100) POS. ARTIST Label (No. of Records on Hot 100) 1. MONKEES-Colgems (6) 26.
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