598 kARNAt blST iUc T GAZE TTE ER TABLE Cases -= tried by ~ Kind of ca ses 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 Civil Appeals 275 312 222 151 77 Civil Suits 3,595 2,718 1,965 2,126 2,059 Small Cause Court Cases 30 35 24 27 578 Execution regular 2,276 1,835 1,533 1,613 1,524 Execution Small Cause 9 8 9 9 7 Pauper Applications 17 12 10 8 14 Succession Certificates 62 63 48 62 47 Rent cases 408 422 391 321 412 Panchayat Revision 63 80 45 70 25 Panchayat Miscellaneous 79 72 56 125 95 Land Acquisition cases 18 8 23 6 21 Compensation Work sman Act 13 13 10 16 14 Payment of Wages Act 11 13 9 4 23 Hindu Marriage Act 45 29 28 31 36 Tribunal 30 14 7 12 16 Minimum Wages Act 5 4 4 27 APP EN DIX 599 XXXVII Civi l Courts ~'-":':::" "" Y" "'Cr:TrT 19 64 1965 1966 196 7 19 68 19 69 Up to June 1970 148 109 340 7 10 29 4 2,606 1,794 3,5 81 3,23 2 4, 339 5,79 7 4,34 2 774 793 846 3 3 15 3 1,378 873 2,452 1,645 1,863 1,7 35 1,074 8 5 2 9 17 7 50 44 57 49 50 57 13 312 218 424 287 402 297 107 55 60 27 10 25 29 3 102 11 0 85 40 45 40 7 19 20 13 14 15 18 3 25 18 15 28 25 30 39 43 22 10 14 12 10 20 16 18 600 KAR NAL DI ST RI CT GAZeTTEER TABLE Income and Expenditure ::awa uua•••m .•. •• • 1964-65 196 5-66 Munici pal Comm itt oe Income Expenditure Incom e Expenditure (Rs .) (R s.) (Rs.) (Rs.) Kamal 10,42,594 9,82,125 10,13,787 11,77,620 Panipa t 9, 17,003 9,15,791 9,61,65 4 8,87, 845 Kai th al 6,78,213 6,67,767 8,17,963 7,80,105 Th ane sa r 2,41,278 2,05, 22 7 2,71 ,088 3,77, 513 Sh ahabad (Shah bad ) 2,14,852 2,17 ,358 2,07 ,43 0 2,25, 268 Ladwa 1,57,499 1, 25,79 0 1,32,204 1,51 ,131 Radau r 69,472 60,717 70, 440 64,079 Pundri 16,992 19,388 16, 387 14 ,398 Gharaunda 1,27,451 1, 20,555 1,34,096 1,35,953 Pehowa 1,39,658 1,08 ,754 1,44,0 37 1,36,218 Nil u Khe ri (Nil o Kheri) 64,479 96,163 1, 06,949 1,1 1,765 APPBNDIX 60 1 XXXVIII of Municipa 'l Committees 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 19 69-70 Income Expendi- Income Expendi- Income Expendi· Income Expendi- ture ture ture tur e (Rs .) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs .) (R s.) (Rs. ) 12,07 ,829 11,46,403 15,66,712 12,91,120 18,98 ,324 22,05,451 21 ,86,546 21,22 ,156 11,31,374 11,15,558 13,96,617 13,39,783 13,82,650 14 ,87 ,403 15,5 7,933 16,29,11 0 7,54 ,125 7,48,638 8,88,874 9,55,160 10,42,599 10,10, 62 4 19,33 ,776 19,2 7,834 2,93,529 2,85,888 3,61,557 3,33,650 6,50,145 5,09 ,070 6, 70, 123 9,09, 736 2,26 ,888 2,34,770 2,58,516 2,54,260 3,29,889 3,19 ,569 4, 29, 147 4,3 1,3 96 1,48 ,827 1,73,463 1,72,941 1,71,147 2,25,960 2,26 ,687 4,50, 061 4,5 2, 648 66, 141 67,777 70 ,177 69,843 1,24 ,030 93 ,783 1,15,7 76 1,23,051 16 ,450 16,604 15,262 17,104 23,306 20 ,762 37,566 26,756 1,2 4,66 3 1,27,050 1,59,909 1,58,190 1,45 ,504 1,42 ,714 2,77 ,1 91 2,1 7,::8 1 1,33 ,032 1,30,829 1,70,667 1,72,308 3,16 ,690 2,98 ,670 3,40,7 13 3,2J ,783 1,08,919 93,762 94,942 1,02 ,978 1,01,755 1,01,303 1,55 ,36 9 1,56 ,28 6 602 KA RNAL DI ST RICT GAZE TT EE R TAB LE Judicia l work done Particulars 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61 A.-Civil and Revenue Cases (i) Cases pending at the beginning 624 617 555 516 478 of the year (ii) Cases instituted 1,725 1,536 1,207 1,043 1,024 (iii) Cases received by transfer 45 39 74 43 37 (iv) Cases transferred from 41 75 48 77 58 panchayats and cases returned for presentation to courts and panclzayats (v) Cases decided 1,736 1,562 1,271 1,047 828 (a) Dismissed 353 319 261 232 150 (b) Compounded 812 668 546 414 380 (c) Decreed 571 575 464 401 298 (vi) Cases pending at the end of 617 555 516 478 653 the year B.-Criminal Cases (i) Cases pending at the beginning 398 396 375 342 221 of the year (ii) Cases instituted 1,089 806 703 479 563 (Hi) Cases received by transfer 117 114 113 53 35 (iv) Cases transferred from pan- 63 59 68 60 62 chayats and returned for presentation to courts and panchayats (v) Cases decided 1,145 882 781 593 433 (a) Dismissed 226 262 215 193 125 (b) Compounded 679 529 490 345 291 (c) Convicted 296 91 76 51 16 (vi) Cases pending at the end of the 396 375 347 221 324 year APPENDIX 603 XXX IX by Pancha yats 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 19 65- 66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-6 9 663 781 662 667 550 497 697 363 1,877 1,488 872 1,145 1,117 379 728 366 39 33 81 51 58 14 93 6 53 78 49 142 23 22 24 2 1,685 1,561 887 1,169 1,071 416 890 76 405 353 276 230 226 94 276 120 819 690 381 586 496 186 420 174 46 1 518 230 353 34 9 136 184 93 781 662 667 550 630 450 58 0 387 328 467 389 333 263 223 24 7 181 1,146 872 542 607 409 161 166 127 75 127 65 97 75 84 65 8 47 67 35 55 24 17 16 6 990 1,00 7 621 694 410 202 247 168 244 332 2,529 238 107 71 83 53 662 599 317 412 261 112 143 94 72 76 45 44 67 31 23 13 467 389 333 263 305 345 197 164 (Sourc e: Dis trict De vel opmen t and Panchayat Officer, Kamal) 1. Public Health and Sanitation (i ) Wells co ns tructed 109 64 28 41 64 (ii ) Bu ild ing s for hospitals and 3 1 3 2 dispensaries (iii) Buildings for veterinary dis- 1 1 3 pen sar ies and first-aid centres (iv) Ma te rn ity centres opened 4 2. Wa ste land opened (acres) 2,021 933 410 410 3. Land cleared from harmful 1,06,507 35,643 25,846 1,02,225 96 ,688 weeds (acres) ----- --- XL Pan chayat s 96 117 127 137 57 18 16 18 3 4 6 6 8 3 4 3 1 3 - 95,886 4,70 ,490 5,12,317 6,03 ;480 1,59,172 2,27 ,180 1,02,515 1,05 ,2 51 (Sourc6 : District Development and Panchayat Officer, Kamal ) APPENDiX 606 TABLE XLI Blocks and the Dumber of Panchayats and their Panches Serial Name of Block Number Total number Number of Number number of of members Harijan of women Panchayats panches panches 1. Kamal 82 526 87 82 2. Nilu Kheri (Nilo Kheri) 86 565 88 86 3. Nisang 53 353 63 53 4. Gharaunda 52 359 62 52 5. Samalkha 27 197 39 27 6. Panipat 77 53 2 81 77 7. Madlauda 44 315 65 44 8. Thanesar 74 478 118 74 9. Shahabad(Shahbad) 89 550 132 89 10 . Ladwa 112 896 122 11. Kaithal 61 424 61 61 12 . Gula (Guhla) 77 406 79 13. Rajaund 36 267 61 14. Asandh 46 333 46 46 15 . Pundri 52 365 65 52 608 KA RNAL DISTRICT GAZETTEER TA BLE Ta bsi lwlse Number of Highe r Secondary Schools High Schools Tah sil Urb an Rural Urb an Rural Boy s Gir ls Bo ys Girls Boy s Girls Boys Girls 1965-66 Kam al 7 2 17 6 7 Panipat 4 2 5 3 4 Tha nesar 3 4 6 Kaithal 4 2 2 6 2 7 Total: 18 4 6 32 12 24 2 1966-6 7 Kam al 7 2 17 7 16 Pani pa t 4 2 5 4 14 2 Th anes ar 3 4 8 Kai tha l 4 2 2 6 2 10 Total : 18 4 6 32 14 48 3 196 7-6 !l Ka mal 6 1 2 17 7 16 Panipat 5 1 2 5 4 14 2 Than es ar 3 4 1 8 Kaithal 4 2 2 6 2 10 1 Total: 18 4 6 32 14 48 3 1968 -69 Kamal 6 1 2 17 6 17 Panipat 4 1 2 5 3 16 2 Than esar 3 4 1 11 1 Ka itha l 4 2 2 6 2 18 2 Tot al: 17 4 6 32 12 62 5 19 69-70 Kam al 6 2 17 6 21 Pa ni pat 4 2 5 3 17 2 Th anesar 3 4 1 18 I Kaith al 4 2 6 2 21 2 Total : 17 4 5 32 12 77 5 APP END IX 609 XLII School s Middl e School s Pr imary Schoo ls Junior Bas ic Sc hools Urb an Ru ral Urban Rural Rura l Boys Girls Bo ys Girls Boys Gi rls Bo ys Girls Boy s Girls 1 32 6 16 22 1 51 18 3 9 137 20 26 4 13 166 34 29 4 12 201 48 10 5 17 50 725 153 1 32 6 16 207 54 18 3 9 125 19 26 4 13 150 37 29 4 12 174 43 105 17 50 656 15 3 1 32 4 16 208 48 1 16 3 9 12 2 22 22 2 13 12 7 33 31 6 12 18 8 44 2 101 15 50 64 5 147 31 4 16 20 1 45 17 3 9 131 22 22 3 13 124 33 1 35 6 12 177 42 2 10 5 16 50 63 3 142 1 31 4 16 201 45 1 17 3 9 131 22 22 3 13 124 33 36 6 12 173 42 2 10 6 16 50 629 142 Courses conducted at the National Dairy Research In stitute, Karnal and -Southern - Re gional Station, Bangal ore Name of the course Dur ation Cen tr e Spe ci alizati on I.
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