1 Uncorrected – Not for Publication LSS-D-I LOK SABHA DEBATES (Part I -- Proceedings with Questions and Answers) The House met at Eleven of the Clock. Wednesday, May 11, 2016/ Vaisakha 21, 1938 (Saka) 2 LOK SABHA DEBATES PART I – QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Wednesday, May 11, 2016/Vaisakha 21, 1938 (Saka) CONTENTS PAGES WELCOME TO PARLIAMENTARY DELEGATION 1 FROM BELARUS ORAL ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONS 1A-32 (S.Q. 241 TO 245) WRITTEN ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONS 33-47 (S.Q. 246 TO 260) WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS 48-277 (U.S.Q. 2761 TO 2990) For Proceedings other than Questions and Answers, please see Part II. 3 Uncorrected – Not for Publication LSS-D-I LOK SABHA DEBATES (Part II - Proceedings other than Questions and Answers) Wednesday, May, 11, 2016/ Vaisakha 21, 1938 (Saka) (Please see the Supplement also) 4 LOK SABHA DEBATES PART II –PROCEEDINGS OTHER THAN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Wednesday, May 11, 2016/ Vaisakha 21, 1938 (Saka) CONTENTS PAGES RULING RE: NOTICES OF ADJOURNMENT MOTION 278 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 279-84 COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES 285 15th Report RAILWAY CONVENTION COMMITTEE 285 3rd Report COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEMBERS’ BILLS 285 AND RESOLUTIONS 22nd Report STANDING COMMITTEE ON RAILWAYS 286 Statement STATEMENT CORRECTING ANSWER GIVEN TO 286 UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 1016 DATED 29.04.2016 RE: MEDICAL SEATS - LAID Shri Shripad Yesso Naik STATEMENT RE: STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF 287 RECOMMENDATIONS IN 191ST AND 194TH REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEE ON HOME AFFAIRS – LAID Dr. Jitendra Singh STATEMENT RE: STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION 288 OF RECOMMENDATIONS IN 273RD REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS– LAID Shri Y.S. Chowdary 5 BILL INTRODUCED 289 Enforcement of Security Interest and Recovery of Debts Laws and Miscellaneous Provisions (Amendment) Bill MOTION RE: REFERENCE OF ENFORCEMENT OF 290-93 SECURITY INTEREST AND RECOVERY OF DEBTS LAWS AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (AMENDMENT) BILL TO JOINT COMMITTEE SPECIAL MENTIONS 294-334 MATTER UNDER RULE 377 - LAID 335-56 Shri Janardan Singh Sigriwal 335-36 Shri Kirti Azad 337 Shri Sukhbir Singh Jaunpuria 338 Shri Raosaheb Patil Danve 339 Shri Gaurav Gogoi 340-41 Shri Vishnu Dayal Ram 342 Shri Mukesh Rajput 343 Shri S.P. Muddahanume Gowda 344 Shri Nagendra Kumar Pradhan 345 Shri Prataprao Jadhav 346 Shri Jayadev Galla 347-48 Shri Shailesh Kumar 349 Shri Raju Shetti 350-51 Shri Sharad Tripathi 351 Shri Kamakhya Prasad Tasa 352 Shri Sushil Kumar Singh 353 Shri Om Birla 354 Shri Laxmi Narayan Yadav 355 Shri Nana Patole 356 6 DISCUSSION RE: SITUATION ARISING OUT OF 357-405 DROUGHT AND DRINKING WATER CRISES IN MANY STATES AND NEED TO CONSIDER INTER-LINKING OF RIVERS AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION TO MITIGATE THE CRISES – Contd. Shri R. Dhruvanarayana 358-62 *Shri Shrirang Appa Barne 363-63C *Shri J.S. Bhabhor 364-64A *Shri Jayadev Galla 365-65A *Shri A.T. Nana Patil 366-66D *Dr. Kulamani Samal 367-67C *Shri Prasanna Kumar Patasani 368-68D *Shri Gutha Sukender Reddy 369-69A *Shri Harishchandra alias Harish Divedi 370-70D Shri N. Kristappa 371-74 *Shrimati Riti Pathak 375-75B *Shri Om Birla 376-76C *Shri P.C. Goddigoudar 377-77A *Shri Prabhubhai Nagarbhai Vasava 378 *Shrimati Anju Bala 379-81 *Shrimati Meenakshi Lekhi 382-82B *Shri S.P. Muddahanume Gowda 383-83B *Shri D.K. Suresh 384-84B *Shri George Baker 385 *Shri Kapil Moreshwar Patil 386-86C *Dr. Yashwant Singh 387-88 *Shri Thota Narasimham 389-89C *Laid on the Table 7 *Shri Rodmal Nagar 390-90B *Shri Rabindra Kumar Jena 391-91E *Shri Dushyant Singh 392-92D *Shri Birender Kumar Chaudhary 393-93A *Shri Rakesh Singh 394-94C Shri Virendra Singh 395-98 … 399 Shri Dushyant Chautala 400-02 Shri Kaushalendra Kumar 403-05 MESSAGE FROM RAJYA SABHA 406 AND BILL AS PASSED BY RAJYA SABHA – LAID DISCUSSION RE: SITUATION ARISING OUT OF 407-83 DROUGHT AND DRINKING WATER CRISES IN MANY STATES AND NEED TO CONSIDER INTER-LINKING OF RIVERS AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION TO MITIGATE THE CRISES - Contd. Shri Rajesh Ranjan 407-08 Shri Janardan Singh Sigriwal 409-10 Dr. Mamtaz Sanghamita 411-12 #Shri Prataprao Jadhav 413 Shri Sunil Kumar Singh 414-17 Shri Tamradhwaj Sahu 418-20 *Dr. Kirit P. Solanki 421-22 *Laid on the Table #For English translation of the speech made by the Hon’ble Member, Shri Prataprao Jadhav in Marathi, please see the Supplement. (PP 413A- 413D) Shri Dharambir 423-24 8 *Shri B.N. Chandrappa 425-25C *Shrimati Butta Renuka 426-26B Shrimati Savitri Thakur 427-28 Shrimati Kavita Kalvakuntla 429- 32 Shri Devendra Singh Bhole 433-36 *Shri Tathagata Satpathy 437-37A *Shri Devji M. Patel 438-38A *Dr. Thokchom Meinya 439 *Shri Balbhadra Majhi 440-40B Shrimati Rekha Verma 441-42 $Shri Badruddin Ajmal 443-44C *Shri Ramcharan Bohra 445-45D Shrimati Krishna Raj 446-47 *Shri Sankar Prasad Datta 448-49 *Shri Chandra Prakash Joshi 450-50D Shri S.S. Ahluwalia 451-53 @Shri Raju Shetti 454 *Shri Rameshwar Teli 455 %Ms. Rakshatai Khadse 456 Shri Harish Meena 457-58 Sadhavi Savitri Bai Phoole 459 *Laid on the Table $For Persian Script of Hon’ble Member, Shri Badruddin Ajmal, please see the Supplement. (PP 444A- 444C) @For English translation of the speech made by the Hon’ble Member, Shri Raju Shetti in Marathi, please see the Supplement. (PP 454A- 454D) %For English translation of the speech made by the Hon’ble Member, Shrimati Rakshatai Khadse in Marathi, please see the Supplement. (PP 456A- 456D) *Shri Karadi Sanganna Amarappa 460-60A 9 Shri Y.V. Subba Reddy 461-64 Shri Bhairon Prasad Mishra 465-67 *Shri B. Vinod Kumar 468-68B Shri Ravindra Kumar Pandey 469-70 *Shri Rahul Kaswan 471-71D Shri Janardan Mishra 472-74 Shri Prem Das Rai 475-76 Shri Sunil Baliram Gaikwad 477-79 Shrimati Rama Devi 480-82 @@Shri Dilipkumar Mansukhlal Gandhi 483 xxxxx *Laid on the Table @@For English translation of the speech made by the Hon’ble Member, Shri Dilipkumar Mansukhlal Gandhi in Marathi, please see the Supplement. (PP 483A- 483D) 10 LOK SABHA DEBATES PART II –PROCEEDINGS OTHER THAN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Wednesday, May 11, 2016/ Vaisakha 21, 1938 (Saka) S U P P L E M E N T C ON T E N T S P A G E S XXX XXX XXX XXX xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxx DISCUSSION RE: SITUATION ARISING OUT OF ???-490 DROUGHT AND DRINKING WATER CRISES IN MANY STATES AND NEED TO CONSIDER INTER-LINKING OF RIVERS AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION TO MITIGATE THE CRISES - Contd. Shri Prataprao Jadhav 413A-13D xxxx xxxx xxx xxx Shri Badruddin Ajmal 444A-44C xxxx xxxx xxx xxx Shri Raju Shetti 454A-54D xxxx xxxx xxx xxx Ms. Rakshatai Khadse 456A-56D Shri Dilipkumar Mansukhlal Gandhi 483A-83D … 484 Shri C.R. Chaudhary 484A-86 *Shri Hemant Tukaram Godse 487-87B *Dr. Satya Pal Singh 488-88A 11 *Laid on the Table Dr. Virendra Kumar 489-90 DR. RAJENDRA PRASAD CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL 491-93 UNIVERSITY BILL Motion for Consideration 491 Shri Radha Mohan Singh 491-92 Motion for Consideration - Adopted 492 Consideration of Clauses 492 Motion to Pass 493 DISCUSSION RE: SITUATION ARISING OUT OF 494-549 DROUGHT AND DRINKING WATER CRISES IN MANY STATES AND NEED TO CONSIDER INTER-LINKING OF RIVERS AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION TO MITIGATE THE CRISES - (Contd. – Concluded) Shri Kantilal Bhuria 495-96 *Shrimati Poonamben Maadam 497-97B *Shri Ajay Mishra Teni 498-99 *Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey 500-500B *Shri Jugal Kishore Sharma 501 *Shri Sharad Tripathi 502 *Shrimati Neelam Sonker 503 *Shri Ajay Tamta 504-04C *Kunwar Pushpendra Singh Chandel 505-11 *Dr. Tapas Mandal 512-12D *Shri P.P. Chaudhary 513-13F *Shri Gopal Shetty 514-15 *Shrimati Pratima Mondal 516-17 *Laid on the Table 12 *Shri Md. Badaruddoza Khan 518-19 *Shri Bodh Singh Bhagat 520-20A *Dr. Ratna De (Nag) 521-25 *Shri Daddan Mishra 526-26E Prof. Sanwar Lal Jat 527-31 Shri Radha Mohan Singh 532-49 MESSAGE FROM RAJYA SABHA 550-51 VALEDICTORY REFERENCE 552-56 xxxx 13 (a1/1100/rsg-nk) 1101 hours (Hon. Speaker in the Chair) WELCOME TO PARLIAMENTARY DELEGATION FROM BELARUS HON. SPEAKER: Hon. Members, at the outset, I have to make an announcement. On my own behalf and on behalf of the hon. Members of the House, I have great pleasure in welcoming His Excellency Mr. Mikhail Myasnikovich, Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus and members of the Parliamentary delegation from Belarus who are on a visit to India as our honoured guests. They arrived in India on Tuesday, the 10th May, 2016 and are now seated in the Special Box. Besides Delhi, they will also visit Nagpur. We wish them a happy and fruitful stay in our country. India enjoys very good relations with Belarus. Through them, we convey our greetings and best wishes to the Parliament, the Government and the friendly people of Belarus. ------ 14 (|ɶxÉ 241) gÉÉÒ ®ÉàÉ BÉÖEàÉÉ® ¶ÉàÉÉÇ (ºÉÉÒiÉÉàÉfÃÉÒ): àÉÉxÉxÉÉÒªÉ +ÉvªÉFÉ àÉcÉänªÉ, +ÉàÉäÉÊ®BÉEÉ uÉ®É ´ÉÉÒVÉÉ ¶ÉÖãBÉE ¤ÉfÃÉBÉE® £ÉÉ®iÉÉÒªÉ BÉEÆ{ÉÉÊxɪÉÉå ºÉä vÉxÉ AäÆ~xÉÉ ABÉE ¤ÉcÉxÉÉ cè ´ÉɺiÉ´É àÉå +ÉàÉäÉÊ®BÉEÉÒ £ÉÉ®iÉ BÉEÉÒ +ÉlÉÇBªÉ´ÉºlÉÉ {É® MÉc®ÉÒ SÉÉä] BÉE® ®cÉ cè* +ÉÉn®hÉÉÒªÉ ÉÊ´ÉkÉ àÉÆjÉÉÒ VÉä]ãÉÉÒ VÉÉÒ BÉEÉ ¤ÉªÉÉxÉ 15 +É|ÉèãÉ, 2016 BÉEÉä ÉʤÉVÉxÉäºÉ º]ébbÇ àÉå U{ÉÉ cè “US visa fee hike discriminatory, targeted at Indian IT companies” £ÉÉ®iÉ´ÉÉÇ +ÉÉVÉ VÉÉÒbÉÒ{ÉÉÒ àÉå ´ÉßÉÊr BÉEä ÉÊãÉA ºÉä´ÉÉ FÉäjÉ {É® ºÉ´ÉÉÇÉÊvÉBÉE ÉÊxÉ£ÉÇ® cè, ºÉä´ÉÉ FÉäjÉ àÉå +ÉÉ<Ç]ÉÒ =tÉÉäMÉ BÉEÉÒ ÉʴɶÉäÉ £ÉÚÉÊàÉBÉEÉ cè* àÉé +ÉÉ{ÉBÉEä àÉÉvªÉàÉ ºÉä àÉÉxÉxÉÉÒªÉ àÉÆjÉÉÒ VÉÉÒ ºÉä VÉÉxÉxÉÉ SÉciÉÉ cÚÆ ÉÊBÉE BÉDªÉÉ +ÉàÉäÉÊ®BÉEÉ BÉEä <ºÉ BÉEnàÉ ºÉä £ÉÉ®iÉÉÒªÉ BÉEà{ªÉÚ] <ÆVÉÉÒÉÊxɪɮ +ÉlÉ´ÉÉ +ÉÉ<Ç]ÉÒ =tÉÉäMÉ BÉEä BÉÖE¶ÉãÉ ãÉÉäMÉÉå BÉEä ®ÉäVÉMÉÉ® BÉEä +ɴɺɮ {É® cÉäxÉä ´ÉÉãÉä +ɺɮ BÉEÉ +ÉÉBÉEãÉxÉ ÉÊBÉEªÉÉ cè* ªÉÉÊn cÉÆ iÉÉä +ÉÉBÉEãÉxÉ BÉDªÉÉ cè* ...(BªÉ´ÉvÉÉxÉ) SHRI SUDIP BANDYOPADHYAY (KOLKATA UTTAR): Madam, we have given notice for Adjournment Motion.
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