Index A Alpha hydroxyl peels, 253–255 ABCD syndrome, 11 Alpha keto peels, 254 Acanthosis nigricans, 4, 7, 21, 42, 43, 85 Alpha tocopherol, 267 Acidified amino acid peels, 257 Alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH), 242, 271 Acne, 3, 21, 198 Alpha-MSH, 170 Acne excoriee, 14 Altered skin pigmentation, 1 Acne vulgaris, 14 Amoeboid pattern, 88 Acquired brachial cutaneous dyschromatosis, 3 Amyloidosis, 6 Acquired dermal melanocytosis, 29 Amyloidosis cutis dyschromica (ACD), 14, 45 Acquired hyperpigmented dermatoses, 3 Amyloidosis dyschromia cutis, 6, 14 Acquired macular pigmentation of uncertain etiology Anaemia, 11, 13 (AMPUE), 193, 194 Anaerobic culture, 147 Acquired pigmentary skin disorders, 104 Angelman syndrome, 11 melasma, 96, 97 Angiokeratoma, 8 vitiligo, 96–98 Angora hair naevus, 5 Acral melanoma, 73, 76 Anti-inflammatory medications, 200 Acrochordons, 8 Antimalarials, 5 Acrogeria, 20 Anti-melanogenic agent, 175 Acromegaly, 6, 18 Antioxidants Acromelanosis progressiva, 16 AsA/vitamin C, 266, 267 Actinic keratosis, 63 oxidative effects, 266 Actinic keratosis–pigmented variant, 8 ROS, 266 Adapalene, 270 skin lightening effects, 266 Addison’s disease, 3, 6, 14, 18, 23 topical treatment agents, melasma, 176 Adjuvant therapies, 212 vitamin E, 267, 268 Adult onset Still’s disease, 22 Antiphospholipid syndrome, 6 Afamelanotide, 131 Apert syndrome, 12 AIDS, 6 Aphthous ulceration, 6 Albinism Arachidonic acid, 197 description, 107 Arbutin, 175, 203 non-syndromic (see Non-syndromic albinism) Arbutin (hydroquinone-O-β-d-glucopyranoside), 264 subtypes, 107 Argyria, 6, 34 syndromic (see Syndromic albinism) Arsenical keratoses, 8 Albinism, black lock, cell migration disorder of the Ascorbic acid (AsA) neurocytes of the gut and deafness (ABCD) application, 266 syndrome, 118, 119 clinical efficacy, 266, 267 Albinism-deafness syndrome, 11, 23 MAP, 266 Alcohol swabbing, 4 optimum percutaneous absorption, 266 Alexandrite picosecond laser, 198 oral dose, 266 Alezzandrini syndrome, 5, 13 tolerability and safety, 267 Alkaptonuria, 6, 20, 36 UV light, 266 Aloesin, 274 water-soluble vitamin, 266 Alopecia, 19 Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) Alopecia areata, 5 topical treatment agents, melasma, 176 © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 281 P. Kumarasinghe (ed.), Pigmentary Skin Disorders, Updates in Clinical Dermatology, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70419-7 282 Index Ashy dermatosis (AD), 3, 20 C clinical characteristics, 193, 194 Cachectic states, 18 description, 183 Cadherin 11 (CDH11), 173 and EDP, 185, 186 Café-au-lait macules (CALM), 16, 17 histological features, 184, 185 Calcium D-pantetheine-S-sulfonate, 273 lesions of lichen planus, 184 Camouflaging, in vitiligo, 130 pruritus/preceding papules and plaques, 184 Carbon babies, 31 transient non-elevated erythematous, 184 Carboxylated acidic amino acids, 257 Ataxia telangiectasia, 5, 12, 16, 23 Carcinoid syndrome, 3, 18, 20 Atopic dermatitis, 3, 14, 21, 198 Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome, 15, 16 Atopic dermatitis–‘dirty neck’, 4 Carney complex, 6, 15, 19 Atrophoderma, 46 Carotonaemia, 19 Atypia, mild, 101, 102 Carpel tunnel syndrome, 6 Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine Caucasian phenotype, 102 (ACRRM), 63 Cellular grafting, vitiligo Autocrine/paracrine modulator, 173 advantages, 142 Autoimmunity, in vitiligo, 126 cold trypsinization, 142 Autosomal dominant (with variable penetrance) DMEM F12 medium, 142 genodermatosis, 85 epidermal cells, separation, 141 Azathioprine, 132 initial steps, 141 Azelaic acid (AzA) melanocytes/epidermal sheets, culturing abnormal melanocytes, 265 process, 142–144 animal studies, 265 modifications, 142 antibacterial properties, 265 non-cultured melanocytes-keratinocyte clinical efficacy, 265, 266 transplantation, 142, 144 Pityrosporum ovale, 265 repigmentation, 142 tolerability and safety, 266 Centrofacial lentigines, 15 Cerebriform pattern, 63 Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS), 11, 15 B clinical features, 116 Bacteria, 6 definition, 116 Bacterial paronychia, 6 differential diagnosis, 116 Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome, 15, 19 intervention and treatment, 117 Basal cell carcinoma, 6, 63 prognosis, 117 Basal cell carcinoma-pigmented variant, 8 responsible genes and pathophysiology, 116 Basal cell layer, 184 Cheilitis, 6 Basement membrane, 172 Chemical leucoderma, 13 BCC, 65, 67 Chemical leukoderma, 13 Becker’s nevus, 22, 42 Chemical peels Benign lesions, 65, 66, 70, 71 acidified amino acid peels, 257 Benign pigmented naevi, 102 agents, 253, 254 Benzoyl peroxide, 149, 151 alpha hydroxyl peels, 253–255 Berloque dermatitis, 20, 22 alpha keto peels, 254 Beta-carotene, 1 application of chemical agent, 253 Beta hydroxy peels, 254, 255 beta hydroxy peels, 254, 255 Bier spots, 14, 160 contraindications, 258 Bilirubin, 1 dermatologists, 253 “Bird-headed” dwarfism, 5 disadvantages, 257 Black dermographism, 22 Fitzpatrick skin type IV, 253 Bloom syndrome, 16, 23 indications, 253, 254 Blood vessels, 171, 172 Jessner’s solution, 256, 257 Blue-green and blue-violet lesions, 217 melasma, 253, 257 Blue naevus, 7 Obagi blue peel, 257 Bluish-gray pigment deposits, 84 phenol, 253 Book syndrome, 5 phytic acid, 257 Botanicals, 204 PIH, 204 Bowenoid papulosis, 8 post peel instructions, 258 Bowen’s disease, 6 priming agents, 258 Bronze baby syndrome, 16 SM acid peels, 255 Burnt-out appearance, 184 stratum corneum, 253 Index 283 TCA, 255, 256 Cutaneous amyloidosis, 44 tretinoin, 257 Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), 90 Chemotherapeutics, 6 Cutaneous lupus, 3, 14, 21 CHF, 6 Cutaneous oedema, 11, 13 Chikungunya, 20 Cutaneous papular mucinosis, 161 Chloroma/cutaneous myeloid sarcoma, 8 Cutis tricolour, 23 Chromameter/colorimeter, 174 Cyclooxygenase, 197 Chromhidrosis, 2 Cytotoxic drugs, 6 Chromophores, 209 Chronic arsenic poisoning, 7, 24, 158 Chronic arsenic poisoning (Mee’s lines), 6 D Chronic liver disease, 3 Darier’s disease (DD), 49, 156 Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, 6 Darier’s sign, 4 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 6 Darier-White disease, 6, 14, 15 Chronic paronychia, 6 Darier-White disease-associated hypopigmented Chronic protein loss/deficiency (‘flag sign’), 5 macules, 7 Chronic radiation, 6 Darker skin types, 167 Chronic/recurrent inflammation, 198 Dark-skinned patients, 149 Chronic renal insufficiency, 3 Dendritic cells, 95 Chronic use of nail enamel, 6 Deoxyarbutin, 264 CIE colour space, 59 Depigmentation, 2 Cirrhosis, 6 Depigmented, 11, 13 Citric acid, 254 Depigmenting agents Classification, 8, 9 efficacy and long-term safety, 261 Clear-cell acanthoma, 65, 70 efficacy and safety, 274 Clear cell papulosis, 7, 48, 49, 157 epidermal desquamation and melanin, 270, 271 Clindamycin, 149, 151 inhibiting melanogenesis (see Inhibiting Clofazimine pigmentation, 33 melanogenesis) Cobblestone pattern, 95 melanogenesis, 261 Cobblestoning, 140 melanosome transfer, 269, 270 Cockayne syndrome A, 24 natural, 273, 274 CO2 laser, 198 steroids, 273 Cole disease, 12, 157 treatment of melasma, 261 Collagen vascular disease, 6 TXA, 271–273 Colloid milium, 7 tyrosinase inhibition (see Tyrosinase inhibitors) Colorimetry, 58 Dermal melanophages, 168 Comet-tail appearance, 88 Dermal melanosis, 184 Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CRP), 4, 87 Dermal melasma, 168 Congenital erythropoietic porphyria, 23 Dermatofibroma, 8 Congenital melanocytic naevus, 7 Dermatologists, 197, 253 Congenital melanotic macules of the tongue, 6 Dermatomyositis, 3, 7, 14, 18, 21, 22, 24 Connective tissue diseases, 198 Dermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis, 17 Connective tissue naevi, 7 Dermatopathology clues Conradi-Hunermann-Happle syndrome, 13, 17 histopathological findings Constitutive skin colour, 55 acantholysis, 49 Contact dermatitis, 198 acanthosis nigricans, 42, 43 Contact stomatitis – e.g. cinnamon, 6 amyloidosis cutis dyschromica, 45 Copper bromide laser treatment, 178 atrophoderma, 46 Copper deficiency, 5, 11, 13 Becker’s nevus, 42 Corynebacteria, 4 clear cell papulosis, 48, 49 Cosmetic camouflage, 201, 202 Darier’s disease, 49 Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR), 265 Dowling-Degos disease, 38, 39 Cosmetic procedures, 198 epidermodysplasia verruciformis, 46, 47 Cosmetic skin lightening products, 261 follicular infundibulum, tumour, 50 Costello syndrome, 15 hypopigmented mycosis fungoides, 45 Cowden syndrome, 19 indeterminate leprosy, 40 Crocodile skin-like pattern, 87 Leucoderma Syphiliticum, 48 Cross syndrome, 119 lichen planus pigmentosus, 37, 38 Cryotherapy, 156 lichen sclerosus, 45, 46 Cushing’s syndrome, 6, 18 macular amyloidosis, 44 284 Index Dermatopathology clues (cont.) Disarranged pattern, 95 morphoea, 46 Disorders of pigmentation, 79 neurofibromatosis, 47 Disrupted basement membrane, 172 Pityriasis alba, 41 Dithranol (topical), 5 plexiform neurofibroma, 48 Dowling-Degos disease (DDD), 2, 4, 6, 7, 19, 21, 24, 38, poikiloderma, 46 39, 85, 86, 160 reticulate acropigmentation, 39 Down syndrome, 5 sarcoidosis, 50 Drug-induced hyperpigmentation, 3 seborrheic keratosis, 43 neodymium yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser, 226 solar lentigo, 43 QSAL, 221 superficial mycoses, 47 QSRL urticaria pigmentosa, 49 minocycline, 218 melanocytes and melanin minocycline-induced hyperpigmentation, 218 acquired dermal melanocytosis, 29 treatment outcomes, 218, 219 carbon babies, 31 Drug-induced hypopigmentation, 13 dermal melanocytosis, 28 Drug-induced pigmentation, 33 halo nevi, 29 Drug reactions, 21 melanosome synthesis, 29 Drugs–especially chemotherapeutics, 6 Mongolian spot, 29 Dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria (DSH), 22, 161 nevus of Ota, 28 Dyschromatosis universalis
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