American Journal of Life Science Researches Original Article Oct2016, Volume 4, Issue 4 The Study of Some Heavy Metals (Lead, Nickel, Zinc, Copper and Iron) in Muscle Tissue of Blue Swim- ming Crab Portunus pelagicus in Some Areas of the Hormozgan Province, Iran Naser Koosej 1,*, Hojatollah Jafariyan 2, Abdolvahed Rahmani 2, Abdolrahman Patimar 2, Hosna Gholipoor 3 1 PhD Student, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Gonbad-e Qabus, Gonbad-e Qabus, Iran 2 Associate Professor, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Gonbad-e Qabus, Gonbad-e Qabus, Iran 3 Assistant Professor, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Gonbad-e Qabus, Gonbad-e Qabus, Iran * Corresponding author: Naser Koosej, PhD Student, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Gonbad-e Qabus, Gonbad-e Qa- DOI: 10.21859/ajlsr-040406 bus, Iran. E-mail: [email protected] Submited: 06.18.2016 Abstract Accepted: 08.03.2016 After absorption of heavy metals in the tissues of aquatic organisms in aqueous solution accumulate and enter the human body through the food chain and proportional to the Keywords: concentration of toxic metals absorbed, clinical effects observed. The objective of this Metals, Heavy study was to evaluate and compare the concentration of heavy metals, lead, nickel, iron Food Chain and copper in muscle tissue of blue swimming crab Portunus plagicus in three regions Health (Qeshm, Khamir port and Laft port) was conducted in the Hormozgan Province. Sampling was conducted in summer 2015 and winter 2016. After the captured biometric © 2016. American Journal of Life sample 180, were isolated muscle tissue. The preparation and analysis of samples was Science Researches. performed according to standard methods MOOPAM. The results show that the studied concentration in muscle tissue of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) at sample locations statistically significant difference shows. Also studied in terms of concentration in the muscle tissue of blue swimming crab in the study area between summer and winter statistically significant difference was observed (P < 0.05). As both in summer and winter concentrations of lead, nickel, iron and copper in muscle tissue of blue swimming crab in Qeshm is greater than the other two regions. Meanwhile, the results of the study compared concentration in muscle tissue showed blue swimming crab with international standards. The studied concentration in muscle tissue of blue swimming crab in Qeshm, Khamir port and Laft port international standards is less than the limit. Which indicates that the health of aquatic ecosystems contamination is not a problem. INTRODUCTION Persian Gulf as a semi-closed marine environment in addi- concentrated as potential marine pollution and at the same tion to the usual pollution in other rivers, due to extensive time accumulate in aquatic and body tissue and concen- exploitation of huge oil reserves on the continental shelf trated and fish consumption may be toxic to humans and and transfers it has caused a lot of oil and oil tankers, to the severe adverse effects such as disorders of the nervous sys- load imposed on each square kilometer of surface waters is tem, renal, genetic mutations, and so on to be created, It greater than the global average so enjoyed about half of the is of utmost importance. Among the heavy metals Pb, Ni, crude oil and oil products exported by ships from the Gulf Fe, Zn and Cu indices, oil pollution and pollution from in- passes and the pollution from the transportation of oil in dustrial activities in the marine ecosystem, the capacity of the Persian Gulf about 86% of oil pollution in the Gulf is ecosystems to accept the changes in the environment and estimated. As compared to about 2 times that of pollution although, by its nature has the ability to cope with change of marine transportation worldwide [1]. Among the pol- but today it is clear that destruction has been the speed of lutants, non-degradable pollutants (persistent pollutants) natural regeneration. And the process for irreversible envi- such as heavy metals in sediments and mud and sludge ronmental degradation is growing, so measures to protect American Journal of Life Science Researches the environment should ponder [2]. In addition, today one measure the amount of pollution can be traced to the blue of the major concerns in the discharge of heavy metals into swimming crab Portunus plagicus. the marine environment are all over the world. And is well established that heavy metals cause toxicity and accumu- METHODS lation of ecological significance are many, these elements have devastating effects on the marine ecosystem and spe- Heavy metals are hazardous pollutants that waste and sew- cies diversity [3]. Lead one of four metals that have the age into the sea. Aquaculture can act as a measure of pol- most damaging effects on human health. Bio-synthesis of lution in aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, measurement and hemoglobin disorders and anemia, high blood pressure, evaluation of a number of toxic elements and heavy metals kidney damage, miscarriage and preterm birth, nervous sys- (lead, nickel, iron, zinc and copper) in the muscle tissue of tem disorders, brain damage, infertility in men, decreased blue swimming crab Portunus pelagicus stations (Qeshm, learning ability and behavioral disorders and hyperactivity Khamir port and Laft port) in the Persian Gulf was the basis in children from the negative effects of increasing the con- for this study. After determining the three stations, in ev- centration of lead in body [4]. Nickel toxicity varies widely ery season of every station, 30 type of blue swimming crabs and is affected by salinity and the presence of other ions is were sampled, so that were collected randomly in every placed. Industrial and commercial use of nickel-containing season of collect 90 type and total two season 180 sample. stainless steel, plating, painting and ceramics are. Nickel After the biometrics, autopsy was performed and was iso- also from anthropogenic sources enter the water system. lated muscle tissue.so that for dry crap muscle tissues put in Small amounts of nickel in people who are allergic to this the freeze dryer (VaCo5 model) at 40° C for 8 to 10 hours. heavy metal can cause severe inflammation of the skin [4]. so after running out the time and ensure complete dry of Zinc is one of the natural elements in building the body’s muscle tissue, the samples are removed balloons and in the cells and many enzymes and hormones involved. The met- petri dishes were placed numbered (Moopam, 1999).In al body with many vital macromolecules are irreversibly order to digest the samples were ground with a porcelain linked and threatened to disrupt the biological activity of mortar laboratory. the First, was measured (0.5 gr) amount cells. Zinc also causes gastrointestinal disturbances such as of dried samples tissue by” Sartorius scales”-made in Ger- nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, fever, headache and neuro- many- with accuracy equivalent 0.001grams.The sample is logical disorders and respiratory diseases are also on the poured shed into a microwave vial (ETHOS1, model) and human body in high concentrations in the prostate, bone, after the addition of 7 ml of concentrated nitric acid 65% muscle and liver accumulates [5]. Copper natural entrance (after the using porcelain mortar any time, washed with ni- to the marine environment caused by the erosion of the tric acid 5% and was completely rinse with distilled water) cliffs is mine, is estimated at around 325000 tonnes per so 1 ml hydrogen peroxide (30%), closed the door’s vials year. High levels of sewage into the sea. Copper dissolved and those are placed in a special chamber, next transferred in seawater, mainly in the form of water with low salinity to the microwave (Moopam, 1999) and according to the CaCo3 and is also seen as CuOH +. In addition, the com- order digest the sample. After digestion and cooling time, plex organic molecules are formed. Copper metal originat- the samples were removed from the device and were pure ing from various industries and by phytoplankton enters through Whitman filter paper number 42. The content of the food chain [6]. Iron is an important component of he- the filter was washed with distilled water. So samples liquid moglobin and transfer of blood and oxygen in the human ready discharged into the beakers and were dried in the lab- body. If you do not hit the iron with body tissues or stay oratory’s temperature. After dried, samples mixed through in them, causing conjunctivitis, inflammation problems distilled water and samples deliver to the volume 50 with in the choroid and retina. Normally, the body needs iron pure distilled water.So sample kept in polyethylene contain- to 4 to 5 grams distributed in various tissues. The body’s ers and stored at 4 °C (to avoid any reduction in the vol- ability to excrete iron is not greater than 2 mg per day and ume). Obviously storage time should not be long and after hence excessive intake of iron accumulation in the target digestion of the samples, they injected the atomic absorp- organ and primarily eat more than 30 milligrams per kilo- tion and their actual chemical concentrations were calculat- gram of iron can lead to toxicity and more than 250 to 300 ed. The chemical digestion is based on accepted MOOPAM mg kg leads to death [6]. Today, aquaculture as one of the (Moopam, 1999). Data analysis was performed using SPSS most useful animal protein has been proposed for provid- 19 software and analysis of means to help T- test were com- ing food needs and protect the human health around the pared with the presence or absence of a significant differ- world.
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