Atomic SRS at 50 Cover 8/11/02 5:18 PM Page 1 at Fifty at Fifty Reed Swanson Gaither Joseph Henry srs 50 endflaps non hnj 9/29/02 7:09 PM Page 1 About the Book at Fifty Savannah River Site at 50 was written and produced as a component of the Savannah River Site History Project, a cooperative agreement between the Department of Energy and New South Associates, a professional cultural resources Through text and images, this volume presents a compre- consulting firm based in Stone Mountain, Georgia. This project hensive history of the Department of Energy’s Savannah documented the site’s architectural legacy, recovered River Site, one of the major research and production facilities important equipment and objects associated with the in in the United States’ nuclear complex. Savannah River Site’s operations, and along with researching and developing this history, produced other brochures and This history explores the events leading up to the decision to studies. create the plant, the developments in nuclear science and About the Authors world politics, the Manhattan Project, the Cold War, and the formation of the Atomic Energy Commission. Considered one of the major engineering and construction feats of its MARY BETH REED served as the Project Director and lead day, the creation of the Savannah River Site is an epic story author. A public historian with New South Associates, Ms. set in the Central Savannah River Area. The transformations Reed has researched Cold War related Department of that occurred are shown through 1950s photography, historic Defense sites throughout the US as well as in the Republic of maps, and documents, all which present a clear before and Panama. She developed the local historical themes, the construc- after picture of the era. The roles of Du Pont and local politicians tion era, heavy-water production, and environmental issues. are chronicled, along with the sacrifices made by those who were asked to leave their homes for reasons of national Historian MARK SWANSON, also with New South interest. Associates, has written extensively on Cold War topics and the history of technology. The book sections on reactor The heart of the book is a historical treatment of Savannah technology, the development of the AEC, the environment, River Site’s operations during its peak period of production, and the Westinghouse decade reflect his emphasis. 1953 to 1979. Developments in reactor technology and chemical separations, heavy-water production, waste manage- Historian STEVE GAITHER of Kestrel Vector has a strong ment, and the research goals of the Savannah River background in Cold War studies. The research on Du Pont, Laboratory are described in layman’s terms and are amply separations processes, and waste management were developed illustrated. This history profiles the individuals who brought by Mr. Gaither. the plant to maturity and explores the two themes that define the nuclear weapons workplace, safety and security. Project Manager, DR. J. W. JOSEPH is a native of Aiken and the son of Savannah River Site staff member, Walt Joseph. The environmental section opens with descriptions of land- He has been involved with numerous federal historic preservation mark studies completed during the 1950s that document the projects, and contributed to various sections of the book. site’s natural history and the enduring partnerships with the US Forest Service, University of Georgia, and the Academy WILLIAM HENRY, with FEMA and New South Associates, of Natural Sciences. The discussion includes the national rise has considerable experience in the documentation of historic of environmentalism in the 1970s and its impact on the site’s structures and lent his expertise to the building discussions. operation as well as the public perception regarding the site. TRACEY FEDOR, graphic artist at New South Associates, The end of the Cold War and the evolution of the plant into designed Savannah River Site at 50. She also designed the the Savannah River Site are the focus of the final section. DOE anniversary brochure, Patriots of the Atomic Age. Operated by the Westinghouse Savannah River Company and its partners, the mission of SRS broadened from BARBARA SMITH STRACK, of Aiken, edited this volume research and production to include environmental restoration and compiled the indices. and cleanup. Atomic SRS at 50 Cover 8/11/02 5:18 PM Page 1 at Fifty at Fifty Reed Swanson Gaither Joseph Henry srs 50 endflaps non hnj 9/29/02 7:09 PM Page 1 About the Book at Fifty Savannah River Site at 50 was written and produced as a component of the Savannah River Site History Project, a cooperative agreement between the Department of Energy and New South Associates, a professional cultural resources Through text and images, this volume presents a compre- consulting firm based in Stone Mountain, Georgia. This project hensive history of the Department of Energy’s Savannah documented the site’s architectural legacy, recovered River Site, one of the major research and production facilities important equipment and objects associated with the in in the United States’ nuclear complex. Savannah River Site’s operations, and along with researching and developing this history, produced other brochures and This history explores the events leading up to the decision to studies. create the plant, the developments in nuclear science and About the Authors world politics, the Manhattan Project, the Cold War, and the formation of the Atomic Energy Commission. Considered one of the major engineering and construction feats of its MARY BETH REED served as the Project Director and lead day, the creation of the Savannah River Site is an epic story author. A public historian with New South Associates, Ms. set in the Central Savannah River Area. The transformations Reed has researched Cold War related Department of that occurred are shown through 1950s photography, historic Defense sites throughout the US as well as in the Republic of maps, and documents, all which present a clear before and Panama. She developed the local historical themes, the construc- after picture of the era. The roles of Du Pont and local politicians tion era, heavy-water production, and environmental issues. are chronicled, along with the sacrifices made by those who were asked to leave their homes for reasons of national Historian MARK SWANSON, also with New South interest. Associates, has written extensively on Cold War topics and the history of technology. The book sections on reactor The heart of the book is a historical treatment of Savannah technology, the development of the AEC, the environment, River Site’s operations during its peak period of production, and the Westinghouse decade reflect his emphasis. 1953 to 1979. Developments in reactor technology and chemical separations, heavy-water production, waste manage- Historian STEVE GAITHER of Kestrel Vector has a strong ment, and the research goals of the Savannah River background in Cold War studies. The research on Du Pont, Laboratory are described in layman’s terms and are amply separations processes, and waste management were developed illustrated. This history profiles the individuals who brought by Mr. Gaither. the plant to maturity and explores the two themes that define the nuclear weapons workplace, safety and security. Project Manager, DR. J. W. JOSEPH is a native of Aiken and the son of Savannah River Site staff member, Walt Joseph. The environmental section opens with descriptions of land- He has been involved with numerous federal historic preservation mark studies completed during the 1950s that document the projects, and contributed to various sections of the book. site’s natural history and the enduring partnerships with the US Forest Service, University of Georgia, and the Academy WILLIAM HENRY, with FEMA and New South Associates, of Natural Sciences. The discussion includes the national rise has considerable experience in the documentation of historic of environmentalism in the 1970s and its impact on the site’s structures and lent his expertise to the building discussions. operation as well as the public perception regarding the site. TRACEY FEDOR, graphic artist at New South Associates, The end of the Cold War and the evolution of the plant into designed Savannah River Site at 50. She also designed the the Savannah River Site are the focus of the final section. DOE anniversary brochure, Patriots of the Atomic Age. Operated by the Westinghouse Savannah River Company and its partners, the mission of SRS broadened from BARBARA SMITH STRACK, of Aiken, edited this volume research and production to include environmental restoration and compiled the indices. and cleanup. Atomic SRS at 50 Cover 8/11/02 5:18 PM Page 1 at Fifty at Fifty Reed Swanson Gaither Joseph Henry.
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