OCTOBER 1981 COLLEGE OF BOCA RATON . VOLUME 10, NO. 1 .DOLPHIN COMES TO CBR Dr. Donald Ross, President of people and his involvement in second team All American Foot­ College of Boca Raton announ­ South Florida makes him the ball Conference honors from ced the appointment of Tim ideal candidate for the position. United Press International. In Foley, former Miami Dolphin I'm delighted to have him work­ Ma>: 1978 the Fellowship of player, as Assistant to the Pres­ ing with me to build one of the Christian Athletes named him ident. Foley will begin his new finest private colleges in Flor­ Pro-Athlete of the year. assignment on September 17th. ida." He is a singer, composer and He will assist the President in Thomas David Foley was guitarist· and has combined areas of financial development born in Evanston, Illinois and these talents with his profes­ and student life. raised in Wilmette, Illinois. He sional football career to work Dr. Ross said, "The phenom­ graduated from Purdue Univer­ with young people in influenc­ enal growth of the College and sity in 1970 with a B.A. in In­ ing their lives in Christian fel­ the Potomac School creates the dustrial Economics, receiving lowship. Tim Foley is Vice Pres­ need for me to be in 'two places the G .A. Ross award for out­ ident of the Miami-based at the same time'. I've been standing senior graduate. His Racquetball International Cor­ searching for someone who has scholastic excellence earned poration with facilities at Saba! a similar philosophy to mine him Academic All American at Chase and Coral Gables called and an understanding of the Purdue for two years. Sportrooms. With teammate needs of young people. That's Tim Foley is best known for Wayne Moore, he organized a important at a small private his accomplishments as a pro­ day camp at Boystown in 1978. College Begins Self-Study school. Tim Foley has a commit­ fessional athlete for the Miami Tim Foley and his wite, ment to working with young Dolphins. In 1977 he earned Connie, live in Miami Lakes a Self-Study report, in which we will ourselves measure our ~ Meet proJeC a WI mvo ve e en­ · report will require the coop­ tire campus and have a signif­ eration and participation of the the icant impact on all of our lives. entire college community - That project is the Self-Study, faculty, administration, trus­ a two.year, extensive assess­ tees, students and staff. It will President ment of the achievements, require an ongoing, organ­ challenges and plans of the Col­ ized, tw~year assessment of By SUE PEGLER lege of Boca Raton. every aspect of campus Jife. In order for our ne'Y students A Self-Study is the process by Already, nine pricipal com­ and even some of our returning · which colleges receive accredi­ mittees, each focuaing on a students to be better acquainted tation. The College of Boca Ra­ significant part of the college, with the president of the col­ ton has long been accredited have been formed and are lege, Dr. Donald Ross, I {since 1967), but it is currently meeting weekly to begin work thought it might be helpful if working towards a re-affirma­ on the Self-Study report. All PULSE interviewed him. When tion of accreditation, a periodic full time and many part time I asked to meet with him, he review of the college which all faculty, as well as a number was very enthusiastic and forth­ accredited institutions undergo. of students, are serving on coming with answers to my In the spring of 1983, a visiting these committees. Coordinating questions. team of evaluators from the the work of the nine C9D1Dlit­ Among the many questions I Southern Association of Col­ tees is the Steering Com­ asked Dr. Ross was one about leges and Schools, the accred­ mittee, composed of myself, unique qualities in the fresh­ iting institution, will visit the Mr. Gerald Craville, Vice Pres­ man class. He responded, campus to identify the ident of the college, and Mr. "They se_em to be very ·active strengths, weaknesses, prob­ Kenneth. Howie, dean of Stu­ and energetic. They have a cer­ lems and solutions of our col­ dents. tain spirit which is apparent lege. While all students may not throughout the entire college." Before that visit, the college yet be working directly on a I asked Dr. Ross, if he had itself will prepare a book­ one change he could make to­ length study of the institution, (Continued on page 2) morrow, what would it be? His answer was an extremely sin­ cere one. He said that he would try to have a closer rapport be­ DR. DONALD ROSS tween student, faculty, and staff. Spirit was another Glamour Search change; he'd like to see more of it this year. ly, socially and spiritually. He College of Boca ~aton stu­ concluded our interview by say­ dents are invited to part'icipate As some of our students may in GLAMOUR magazine's 1982 know, Dr. Ross was encouraged ing that his job was here on the campus and that he doesn't in­ Top Ten College Women Com­ to run for Congress, and, after a petition. Young women from great deal of thought, decided tend on leaving until his job is completed. colleges and universities not to. He said that he and his throughout the country will family had been with the college Dr. Ross is looking forward to compete in GLAMOUR's search for 10 years and that he had cer­ a very productive year and for ten outstanding students. A tain commitments and goals hopes the students don't con,. panel of GLAMOUR editors will here at the college which he in-. fuse the importance of study, select the winners on the basis tends to meet. Among them beach and partying. Although of their solid records of achieve­ were to make the College of he believes all three are all im­ ment in academic studieg and/ Boca Raton the "best" junior portant for student develop­ or in extracurricular activities college in the country. He plans ment, he doesn't think that stu­ on campus or in the community. to achieve his goal by improving dents should neglect study for the amount and quality of per­ Anyone who is interested in the other two. entering the search should con­ sonal attention and by concen­ Dr. Ross, president of our col­ trating on preparing students tact Wanda Bolton, GLAMOUR lege, is here for students, and Magazine, Conde Nast Build­ for life as a whole. He wants looks forward to getting to know ing, 350 Madison AveJ1ue, New CBR to be fulfilling educational- the present freshman class. ."York, N.Y:, 10017. Page2 October 1981 .......... .\ EarlJ Mistakes .. ' . 'AGAINST GUNS .. B7 SUE PEGLER · . : B)' MARK MARRIOTT · Tbe.sum:mer of 'in in Eng­ Remember the anticipation you felt the week before college Okay gun lovers, prepare for another one 'of ·your ch~hed land started on an ugly note; the started? For most of ua it was goiag to be sun, fun and. ~ of .. myths to~ destroyed. · nationts integrated townships 'parties. You probably couldn't wait tQ get away from ·lu;De, the · · Gun lovers come up With some prdty ab~ reasons protect­ and cities erupted in vicious ~ta. and the haasles that go with them. For me, (IIOjDg to col- ' ·mg their so-called right; I've heard that · ~ are neces~. for race riots which stunned the lege something dif{ereat. I had attended prep-ec:hool in Con- Wa.e h~ting. Well, &ince a considerable portion of accidental ho~ continent with itS appalling sav­ . ~t for the previoue four years, 80 going to Florida- was like. · are of hunting related nature, that argum~nt holds very little, if agery and bloodshed. The sea­ J:OIDing home. · · • "' 1 any, ~ater. People say they need guns fdr protection. Well,nowl son was to end, however, tri­ I really didn't even want to go to college, but because my'tam- . There's an argument! So that we may answer it, let us consider the umphantly and gloriously .as ily made me, here I was. It was my pre-planned hatrecUpr \be col- point of handguns. After all, that is what this argument is based on. Prince Charles and Lady lege that ruined my freshman year. · Oh sure, handguns are great for protection. But hey, why stop at Diana's wedding became his­ When I got here, I really didn't want to get involv~ with stu­ · ~ tiny little pistols? After all, these dimunitive firearms are only. tory and inst.illed pride and hap­ •4 dent fundions. Alii thought about was getting my woik done' and good for shooting popes, presidents, civil rights leaders, or rQCk piness in the millions of British ~tpectators around the world. going home on the weekends (I was happy, so I thought-.I had my musicians. Why don't we legalize the sale of maclline~8?. Per~ What happened on July 3rd, sc:bool and private life, tool ~y we could kill more innocent people with machin~ guns than Come November, my boyfriend left for the service and sudden­ · with a little pistol. Yes sir, if any burglar tried to enter my dwelling. the day rioting began,·was des­ tined to occur, for it had been ly going home wasn't any fun. I would just spray the room with bullets. That would certainly dis­ bubbling under the English But how could I stay here on the weekends? I didn't know any­ courage any unwanted intruders.
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