II I Census of India, 1951 I I DISTRIct POPULATION STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH 40-LUC'KNOW DISTRICT " 315.42 :"LAHABAD: ; AND STATIONERY, UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA 1951 1953 LUC CPS FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March, 1952, to supply them for the purposes of elections· to local bodies population statistics with separation for scheduled castes (i) mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas, and (ii) village-wise for rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or urban tract and the request from the Uttar Pradesh Government came when the slip sorting had been finished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population by mohallas/wards and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately, however, a secondary census record, viz. the National Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre­ pared mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. The required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the N adona! Citizens' Register. This difference has been accen­ tuated by an order passed by me during the later count from the National Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District, Raidas and Bhagat as 'Chamars'. (ii) Count Bhangi, Khakrob, Sweepers, Harijan, Mehtar, Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikis), The fact) that some members of the scheduled castes had returned their caste by names which did not find place in the schedule a s notified under section 341. of the Constitution ofIndia, came to my notice during the course of the earlier sortin. but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried to rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the National Citizens) Register. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly set out in the tables that follow. 3. The figures of total population of mohallas/wards have been arrived at by actual counting from the National Citizens) Register, while the figures of total population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Summary of Urban Population the code number of each town has been given. The first element of the code gives the code number of the district, the second the code number of the tehsil (or towns of over one lakh population) and the third the code number of the town (other than a town of one lakh population). The key t6 the code numbers of tehsils will be .£bund in the Summary of Rural Population, ~ RAJESHW ARI PRASAD, LA.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent) Census Operations) July 23) 1952. U tta r '11iirJn 1, LIsT OF ERRATA TO DisTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS C>:F LUCKNOW DISTRICT A-Errata to column 1, Code no. and name of mohalla-(Urba'n) (a) Correction in existing names of mohallas ----------------------------------_.. ,,--_.--"'-----' --- Page no. For Read -----------------........ -~-~--~-------..... --_ .... --_... __ ._--_ 2 Charbagh-Alambagh (N.A. ) 2 3-Sukline Area 3-Siok:Line Area. 2 4--WaIib and Word Training Schol 4-Watch and Ward Training Sohool. 2 I I -Rag Shed Colony II-Running Shed Colony. 2 I 2-Rag Shed Colony 12--Running Shed Colony. 2 I 3-Rag Shed Colony 13-Running Shed Colony. 2 15-Grohna Road Colony 15-Graham Road Colony. 2 2 l-Karansi Area 2I-KanausiAcea. 4 Lucknow (M .B.) 4 141-Jagnliganj 141-Jangliganj. 5 234-Jhawai Tola 234-Thawai'rola. 7 337-Ma nsunragar 337-Mansoornagar. 7 357-Rokundipur 357-Ruknuddinpur. 7 393-Kasonpuria 39 3-Hasan Puria. 7 398-Takia Pir Ghaib 398-TAkia Pir Ghaib. 8 435-Razahganj 435-Rajjabganj. 10 Lucknow (Cantonment) 10 Military A,rea Ward 10 9-HadunLines 9-Hudson Lines. 10 II-Cambell Lines 22-CampbellLines. --~---------------------------.-."'----.-~-... -.. -- B-Errata to Po\>ulation figures (Urban) page Particulars For Read no. 6 7 6 7 --------~-------_---'--,----------.~--.----.---.---.. -.. - 17 70 --~------;-:----------~------------------... --------- O-Errata to colUmn 1, Code no. and name of villag;e (Rural) (a) Addtion of new villagl!s ~~~---------------------------------~----~~--- page nO. Partioulars Additions ~----------------~--- ------- ......... ~~-=--""'-'-"-'--'-~~~~~.~. 14 Under Pargana Mahona 209~Kishunpur. 14 Ditto 269~Narain La!. 14 Ditto 298~Qazihar. (II) Deletion of existing villages 15 !Jalete • 209~Kishunpurand the ontIies against it'. 15 Do. • 269-Na~ainLaland the entry againt it. 16 Do. 298 ~Qazihar and the entries against it '. (o) Correotion in eXisting code number Page nO. Read 12 136~GaurBhit .. 135-Gaur Bhit. 2 List of Errata to District Population Statistics of Lucknow District-(concld.} Cd) Corrections in existing names of villages page no. For Read 15 I 35-Saoai Usmaa 334-Sarai Usarna. 15 345-Shampur NazooI 345-Shahpur Nazool. 15 %O-Shabannagar Agarwana 360-Subhannagar Argawana. 15 33-Bahit 33--'-Bahir. 15 34-Bahrora 34-Bf!Igarha. 14 55-Bashedar Mau 55-Bhadesar Mau. 15 131-Gaunna Mozzamnagar 131-Gonda MoazzamnagaJ'. 15 268-Naibasti Ohanewa 2 68-Naibasti Dhanwa. 16 348-Shakharpur 348-Sh• ankarpur. 16 78-Daulatpur Husenabad 78-Dulahpur Husenabad. 17 170-Panchsora 170-panjsara. 17 I 77-Gasimpur Birooha I 77-QctsimpurBirooha. 17 I18-GaziKhera I 78-QaziKhera. 17 58-Dakhna Shikarpur 58-Dakhna Sheikpul'. 17 96-Harhapur posta 96-Hariharpur patisa. 17 144-Mang atiya 144-Mangtaiya. 17 I 63-Nadauli 163-Nandauli. Page nO. partioulars 2 3 4 5 7 11 pargana Mahona For 49,137 43,568 92,705 33,078 Read 49,305 43,744 93,()49 33,325 11 pargana Malihabad .. Par 60,150 54,228 114,378 46,424 Read 59,982 54,052 1[4,034 46,117 14 Pargana Mahona .. Par 92,705 33,078 59,627 Read 93,049 33,325 59,724 14 209-Ki shu npur .. llor Read 337 247 90 14 269-Narain Lal .. For Read' Unpopulated. 14 298-Qazihar For Read 7 7 15 Pargana Malihabad .. For 114.378 46,424 67,954 Read 114,034 46,177 67,857 17 230-Amethi Par Included in Town Area. Read Town Area. lU~!f~P!J' ~V"J.l{<lW ~u.JlllIl~ ~f Vf~{'Ji J?PPlf'~~knl Population -_.. _-----_ Scheduled Code no. and name of Town ¥ales Females Total l\fpsIims Castes Others 2 3 4 li 6 7 -38-1-166 KAKORI TOWN AREA .. 3,662 3,345 7,007 3,367 1,163 2,47,7 38-2-231 M!\LIHABAD T.OIWN AR~A 3,960 3,655 7,615 ,4,5129 732 2,354 38-3-2130 AMETHI TOWN AR'EA 3,086 2,734 5,820 2,871 1,307 1,642 38-3-231 GOSAINIGANJ TOWN AREA 1,704' 1,508 3,212 491 812 1,909 38-4-4 CHAR BAGH ALAMBAGH NOTIF:IED AREA 9,011 5,87-1 14,88.2 1;640 1,1424 11,818 38-4-1 LUCKNOW MUNICIPAL JJOARD .. 246,948 198,650 445,598 151,740 f 3,977 269,881 ~ "". ~ 38-4-3 LU,CKNOW CANTONMENT BpARp .2~,054 14,347 37,401 5,131 4,485 27,785 rotal f 91 ,425 230,110 52],535 169,769 33,900 31~,866 'Population according to Primary censl!-sIAbs~!l!!lt 290,993 229,531 520,524 Population of Muslim s according to Table D-II 1~,460 Population ot Scheduled Castes accordiJ]g.tp Table D-I~I 24,113 2 'DISTRICT 'LUCKNOW Populatibn of Towns by MohallasjWards Population Scheduled Oode no. and name of MohalIa Males Females Total Muslims Castes Othors 2 3 4 5 6 7 KAKORI (TO~N AREIA) A Qazi Gorhi Ward 1,049 932 1~981 929 375 677 B OhaudhariMohalla 933 875 1,808 1,013 419 376 C Ahata,Hazrat Saheb 955 880 1,835 858 246 731 D Katra Bazar Ward 725 658 1,383 567 123 693 -' Total 3,662 3,-845 7,0.07 3,367 1,t63 2,477 Population according to Primary Census Abstract 3,623 3,369 6,.992 MALIHABAD (TOWN AREA) A Kewalhar 1,489 1,429 2,918 1,722 379 817 B Qhaudhrruna •... .. 1, 112 1,025 2,137 1,255 228 654 0 Mirzaganj (West) .. 660 633 1,293 619 67 607 D Station Ward .. l 65 35 100 14 II 75 E Mirzaganj (East) 634 533 1,167 919 47 201 _L ..... __ '.'_' ,... ,-.-.. -.. ~'-----...------.--- ~~ ......-- ............... Total .• 3,960 3,655 l,€IS 4.5~~ -732 2,354 --- Population, according to Primary Census Abstract. • 3,958 3,646 7;604 AMETHI (TOWN AREA) BazlOrWard 935 822 1,757 1,075 254 428 Bara Darwaza Ward 617 586 1,203 649 171 383 Madarsl1 Ward 589 499 1,088 584 269 235 Shah2'Jadpur Wat~d 945 827 1,772 563 613 596 ----------- Total 3,086 2,734 5,820 2,871 1,307 1,642 Population aC Cording ,t 0 Primary Census Abstract 3,104 2,751 S,lMS GOSAINGANJ (TOWN AREA) KA Saran Kirana 259 216 475 I 201 273 KHA Ba,zar 840 771 1,611 310 101 1,200 G'A Sadarpur Kirana 605 521 1,126 180 510 436 Total 1,704 1,508 3,212 491 812 1,909 Population aecording to Primary Celnsu;s Abstract 1,704 1,508 3,212 CHARBAGH-ALAMBAGH (NOTI\FIED AREA) I Watch and Ward Colony 552 335 887 156 8 723 2 Station Charbagh Area 832 301 1,133 112 48 973 3 Sukline Area 379 244 623 67 17 539 4 Walib and Word Training School 578 269 847 37 7 803 Central Power and House Oolony 395 286 681 I 110 570 5 144 6 Monawar Bagh 642 430 1,072 119 809 7 Fateh Ali Oolony 657 385 1,042 193 292 557 Charbagh Oolony 130 99 229 29 21 179 8 773 125 9 Oharbagh Colony 464 309 92 556 10 Charbagh Colony 203 160 363 53 82 228 II Rag Shed Colony 588 430 1,018 145 38 835 12 Rag Shed Colony 694 460 1,154 252 57 845 13 Rag Shed Colony 449 279 728 200 78 450 14 Temple Area .
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