Vol. LVII, No. 14 April 17, 2015 28 Nisan 5775 Rabbi Waxman’s Memory Is Being Honored At Special Program On Weekend of May 8-9 AJC’s Rabbi Noam Marans To Address Congregation In memory of Rabbi Mordecai Wax- man, who served as the spiritual leader of Temple Israel for 55 years, a weekend of dis- cussions will feature a topic of great impor- tance to him: improved dialogue between world Jewry and the Catholic church. Rabbi Noam E. Marans, who over- sees national interfaith outreach, dialogue and advocacy for the American Jewish Committee, will be the Waxman Memorial Program speaker at a Friday evening din- ner as well as a Shabbat Talk following ser- vices on May 8 and 9. Eight previous Waxman Memorial Programs hosted dignitaries including His Eminence William Cardinal Keeler, Rabbi Harold Kushner, Jewish Theological Seminary Chancellor Arnold Eisen, National Council of Synagogues Director Rabbi Gilbert Rosenthal, and Rabbi David Ackerman, among others. Rabbi Waxman was instrumental in improving relations with Catholics, meeting on a number of oc- casions with Pope John Paul II. Following a meeting with the Pope in Representing American Jewry, Temple Israel’s Rabbi Mordecai Waxman met with Pope John 1987 at Castel Gondolfo, the Pope’s summer Paul II in 1997. Their meeting led to better relations between the Catholic Church and Jews. residence, Rabbi Waxman delivered an ad- Religions of the Second Vatican Council.” Waxman’s memory in this historic year dress to the Pope on behalf of the American The declaration gave a new protocol for how between Catholics and Jews by having Jewish community at an historic meeting Catholics should view Jews, and by extension Rabbi Marans speak at Temple Israel,” said in Miami. In 1998, he was given the highest changed the nature of the relationship be- Marc Katz, chair of the Waxman Memorial honor presented by the Catholic Church to tween members of the two religious commu- Committee. He urged the congregation to non-Church clergy, naming him a Knight nities. The core of the Nostra Aetate was a con- attend this important program. Commander of Saint George the Great. demnation of anti-Semitism and a rejection of In his multifaith work, Rabbi Marans Rabbi Waxman was the fourth Jew and the the charge of deicide—that Jews were forever develops and strengthens relationships ÀUVWUDEELWREHKRQRUHGE\WKH&KXUFK responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. It with a wide variety of religious groups to Rabbi Waxman played an impor- ZDVDUHYLVLRQRIWKHWZRPLOOHQQLXPRIÀFLDO enhance mutual understanding, freedom of tant role in the Catholic Church issuing a Christian teaching on Jews. The church for- religious expression and support for Israel. Nostra Aetate (Latin for “In Our Time”) dur- mally condemned “hatred, persecutions, and He is the husband of Temple Israel Director ing a Vatican Council held 50 years ago. displays of anti-Semitism directed against of Congregational Schools Rabbi Amy Roth. The Council issued a “Declaration on the Jews at any time and by anyone.” Rabbi Marans will speak following a Relation of the Church With Non-Christian ´,WLVPRVWÀWWLQJWKDWZHKRQRU5DEEL ——Continued on page 7 A VOICE GUEST COLUMN A VOICE GUEST COLUMN 6KDEEDW.ROHLQX0D\ TI Bond-ing By Lori Oppenheimer, Rebecca Sassouni and Neda Sedgh By Veronica Lurvey EDITOR’S NOTE: Scores of Temple Israel members are preparing for Shabbat Koleinu— EDITOR’S NOTE: TI Bonds, one of Temple the all congregant led weekend of services—and more parts are still available. And, if you ,VUDHO·V QHZ DIÀQLW\ JURXSV LV GHVLJQHG don’t take on a role, you are invited to attend services and support the participants in this just for parents of school-aged children. Guest Column by some of the members of the group’s Steering Committee. Veronica Lurvey, a member of the group’s Steering Committee, invites you to join Shabbat Koleinu, Shabbat of Our Voices, Shabbat Kol Ishah, of Women’s Voices, fol- them. will take place on Friday evening, May 1 lowed by Shabbat Hagever, Shabbat of Men’s through Saturday, May 2. Taught by Cantor Voices, and concludes with Shabbat Koleinu Are you a Temple Israel parent with Raphael Frieder over a period of months, close in the third year. Each of these Shabbatot rep- children in nursery school through high to 50 congregants are preparing to lead all of resented a wonderful learning opportunity school? If so, then you are already a mem- and community-building experience for the ber of TI Bonds, whether you realized it …close to participants, and met with great acclaim by RUQRW7,%RQGVLVD7HPSOH,VUDHODIÀQLW\ the entire congregation. This year’s Shabbat group that was formed just for you. 50 congregants are Koleinu promises to be no exception. TI Bonds organizes social and educa- Congregants of multiple generations tional events for parents with children in preparing to lead all will lead all 6KDEEDWW·ÀORW, as well as Torah nursery school through high school. These and Haftarah readings. The congregation RIWKH6KDEEDW6HUYLFHV will also be treated to D’vrei Torah, given by Koleinu participants. The celebration TI Bonds is a the Shabbat Services. They are hopeful that of Shabbat Koleinu will include a commu- hundreds more from the congregation will at- nity Shabbat dinner in the Grand Ballroom 7HPSOH,VUDHODIÀQLW\ tend Services in support of the endeavor. following the services on Friday night. This will be the second Shabbat Koleinu Catered by Lederman Caterers, the dinner group that was formed and the sixth laity-led Shabbat at Temple will also feature our own Rabbi Seth Adel- Israel. The alternating cycle began with ——Continued on page 4 MXVWIRU\RX events, which are typically free, deliver a FROM THE RABBI combination of fun, quality time with other Temple Israel parents, as well as education- al experiences. We welcome you to join us! As parents ourselves, the TI Bonds Steering 0DNLQJ)DPLO\+LVWRU\ Committee knows that the school years are very busy times. This is why we schedule quality By Rabbi Howard Stecker events several times a year at various times of the week, to make it easier for parents to attend. Watching one of her granddaughters ourselves leading a seder even though, for TI Bonds social events are wonder- display a lack of sensitivity toward another years, we were accustomed to having it led ful, casual opportunities to meet and have granddaughter, the so-called “Dowager by someone else. We may discover that we fun with other Temple Israel parents. Countess” chose not to keep quiet. “A lack are watching others introduce a boyfriend Attendees, both fathers and mothers, have of compassion can be as vulgar as an excess or girlfriend to the family and we may re- remarked how nice it is to have time set of tears,” she told the empathy-challenged aside to spend with other Temple Israel young woman. What is the parents. Often, we see friends or acquain- Downton Abbey, the British series tances around the synagogue, whether dur- about an aristocratic family and the men intergenerational ing drop-off or pick-up, or on Shabbat, but and women who serve them, features many do not get the opportunity to say more than memorable characters but none, to my elevator speech a few words. Yet, there is so much to share! mind, more compelling than the venerable TI Bonds social events may be hosted at matriarch of the family, played by Dame that expresses our Temple Israel, which is super convenient, or Maggie Smith. at the homes of congregants, which adds to On the last day of Passover, I invoked IDPLO\·VFRUHYDOXHV" the fun. Our most recent social events have the Dowager Countess as a character who included a wonderful musical evening called keeps the history and legacy of her family call when we were the ones bringing some- the “TI Bonds Beit Café,” which was held last alive. Through her words and actions, she one new to the table. December at the beautiful home of a Temple FODULÀHVWKHHVVHQWLDOYDOXHVRIWKHIDPLO\ Against the backdrop of life’s inevi- Israel family. New and old friends mingled over For Jews, Passover provides an annual table changes, showcased on Passover but delicious desserts (some homemade), wine and lens through which we note the passage of present all year long, we are likely to sense coffee. Guests were treated to informal musi- time and the unfolding of the generations. our own role in conveying our family his- cal entertainment by our clergy as well as oth- From one year to the next, we note who tory and articulating our family’s legacy. er parents. There was also a rousing and fun is gone and who is newly arrived as roles We may not be as pithy as the Dowager sing-along. From “Piano Man” to “Jerusalem VKLIW JUDGXDOO\ RU VXGGHQO\:H PD\ ÀQG ——Continued on page 5 ——Continued on page 7 ——2—— IN MEMORIAM UPCOMING EVENTS AT TEMPLE ISRAEL Temple Israel extends condolences April 18 “Niggun Circle” led by Cantor Frieder following Kiddush to the family of: 19 Singles Connection 11:00 A.M. Planning Breakfast Meeting DORA LEAR 19 Annual Journal Dinner Dance 5:00 P.M. esteemed member of Temple Israel Honoring Susan Wagner and Alan Klinger 20 Sisterhood Board Meeting 10:00 A.M. May her memory be for a blessing. 21 Sisterhood Lunch and Read Club Noon 21 Waxman Youth House Yom HaShoah Ceremony 6:00 P.M. 22 Yom Hazikaron MAZAL TOV TO . 23 Yom Ha’Atzmaut 6WHSKDQLH DQG 5XVVHOO %DLO\Q on the 23 Men’s Club Meeting 7:00 P.M. birth of their son, Oliver Scott Bailyn. 24 Beth HaGan Tot Shabbat Experience 5:00 P.M.
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