Léo Duguay still serving Behind the House makeover Don Boudria on the old restaurant A bow for Wally Firth Vim Kochhar, disability champion Association européenne des anciens parlementaires des pays membres du Anciens Membres du Congrès Association canadienne Conseil de l’Europe des États-Unis d’Amérique des ex-parlementaires European association of former Former Members of Congress of Canadian Association of members of parliament of the mem- the United States of America Former Parliamentarians ber states of the Council of Europe Appeal for Democracy Appel pour la Démocratie and Dialogue et la Dialogue We, the FMC, Former Members of Congress of the Nous, le FMC, les anciens membres du Congrès des États- United States of America, the European Association of Unis, l’Association européenne des anciens parlementaires des Former Members of Parliament of the Member States of pays membres du Conseil de l’Europe et du Parlement euro- the Council of Europe and the European Parliament and péen et l’Association canadienne des ex-parlementaires sommes the Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians profondément préoccupés par les récentes attaques contre la are deeply concerned about recent attacks on democracy démocratie en Amérique et par de dangereuses tendances en in America and dangerous tendencies in Europe. Europe. Conspiracy theories, unprecedented baiting against Les théories du complot, l’incitation sans précédent à con- the results of democratic elections, spread of fake news tester les résultats des élections démocratiques, la diffusion de despite clear evidence, the misuse of fears of an invisible fausses nouvelles malgré des preuves claires, l’abus des craintes pandemic and the culmination through a brutal and vio- d’une pandémie invisible et le point culminant d’une foule lent mob put the fragile democracy at risk. brutale et violente ont mis en danger la démocratie fragile. Our common democratic values are under threat. Nos valeurs démocratiques communes sont menacées. La Democracy is an ideal as well as a goal, based on fun- démocratie est à la fois un idéal et un objectif fondés sur des damental values shared by many open-minded peoples valeurs fondamentales partagées par bon nombre de peuples on the planet, regardless of cultural, political, social or ouverts d’esprit de la planète, indépendamment des différences economic differences. culturelles, politiques, sociales ou économiques. It is the prerequisite for rule of law, the respect of hu- C’est une condition préalable à l’état de droit, au respect des man rights and the protection of the weak ones in our droits de l’homme et à la protection des faibles dans nos socié- societies. It is the guarantor of inviolability of human tés. Il garantit l’inviolabilité de la dignité humaine, la liberté, dignity, freedom, gender equality, tolerance, freedom of l’égalité des sexes, la tolérance, la liberté religieuse, le respect des religious belief, respect for minorities, cultural diversity, minorités, la diversité culturelle et la paix. and peace. Nous, anciens législateurs des États-Unis, du Canada et We, former lawmakers from the USA, Canada and de l’Europe, formons une «Appel pour la démocratie et le dia- Europe are therefore forging an “Appeal for Democracy logue». and Dialogue”. La démocratie est notre plus grand atout. La démocratie Democracy is our highest value. Democracy is not the n’est pas la règle de la majorité sur la minorité; La vraie dé- rule of the majority over the minority; true democracy is mocratie est basée sur le dialogue. based on dialogue. Nous nous engageons à défendre la démocratie chaque fois We commit ourselves to defend democracy whenever et partout où elle est menacée et à travailler en étroite col- and wherever it is at risk and to closely cooperate for this laboration pour atteindre cet objectif. Nous invitons toutes les aim. We invite all associations of former parliamentar- associations d’anciens parlementaires à se joindre à l’Appel pour ians to join the Appeal for Democracy and Dialogue. la démocratie et le dialogue. The patrons of the Appeal will carefully watch the Ceux qui souscrivent à cet Appel suivront de près l’évolution global development of democracy. Our task is to raise de la démocratie à l’échelle mondiale. Notre travail consiste à our warning voice if we will see dialogue diminishing élever nos voix d’avertissement lorsque le dialogue faiblit et que and democracy at stake. la démocratie est en jeu. Paris, 29-01-2021 Washington, 05-02-2021 Ottawa, 05-02-2021 Rune Rydén Dr. Charles Boustany Dorothy Dobbie PRESIDENT FP-AP PRESIDENT FMC PRESIDENT CAFP/ACEP Page 2 Beyond the Hill • Summer 2021 Beyond the Hill • Summer 2021 Page 3 Beyond the Hill Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians Volume 17, Issue No. 1 Summer 2021 CONTENTS Appeal for democracy and dialogue....................2 The allure of the Parliamentary Restaurant .......23 By Wade Morris A word from your President ...............................4 By Dorothy Dobbie Learning from SARS .........................................24 By Matthieu Reekie What has the CAFP been up to? ........................6 By Gina Gill Hartmann Making a difference ..........................................26 By Matthieu Reekie Welcome to the Board! ......................................8 By Gina Gill Hartmann Celebrating gender parity in the Senate ...........27 By Matthieu Reekie Inspire youth to serve .........................................9 How it works ....................................................28 Why former parliamentarians are drawn to By Hon. John Reid community engagement after leaving the Hill ..........................................................10 Do you have a cool memory of your time By Wade Morris in office? .......................................................29 Remembrance Day 2020 .................................. 11 A bow for Wally Firth ........................................30 House of Commons renovation: By Katie DeRosa In with the old and in with the new .............12 2022 is the Year of the Garden .........................31 By Gina Gill Hartmann From the bookshelf: Truth be Told ....................32 It seems to me .................................................15 Reviewed by Wade Morris By Dorothy Dobbie Monuments recognizing former The Hon. Anthony Rota, honorary chair parliamentarians ...........................................33 of the CAFP ..................................................16 By Gina Gill Hartmann, Matthieu Reekie By Gina Gill Hartmann and Wade Morris Continuing service ............................................18 By Matthieu Reekie Political passages..............................................36 By Daniel Birru, Gina Hartmann, Wade Morris Léo Duguay shows different ways to provide and Matthieu Reekie public service................................................20 By Gina Gill Hartmann Geoff @ 30 ........................................................46 By Geoff Scott Like father like son: Involvement in politics from parent to child ......................................22 Passing the torch: Remembering Ian Waddell ...47 By Daniel Birru By Svend Robinson Page 2 Beyond the Hill • Summer 2021 Beyond the Hill • Summer 2021 Page 3 YOUR ORGANIZATION A word from your President Dorothy Dobbie. ife is certainly interesting these mocracy discussion panel, starring across the country. If you are in- days. We are learning to live vir- the Rt. Hon. Kim Campbell, Hon. terested in speaking virtually over Ltual lives whether we want to or Irwin Cotler and Lynn McDonald, Zoom, at a University, about the not, thanks to the year of COVID-19. who discussed Freedom of Expres- Canadian political and parliamen- People are adjusting gamely, even sion, its limits and opportunities. tary system, please send us an email your Association as we organized As a sign of the times and the new at: [email protected]. the first ever virtual Memorial Ser- technological world, two of our pan- We have made a few other changes vice and Annual General Meeting ellists were out of the country; Kim and modernizations to our opera- this past December. It went well as was in Italy and Irwin was in Israel, tion. Thanks to a suggestion from you will learn in one of the articles while Lynn and the rest of us partici- former president Léo Duguay, we inside. Due to this experience, it is pated across Canada. now have online banking through our plan to offer virtual participa- Although we had a live audience, RBC Express. This saves staff from tion in the future to those who can- the plan was to record the session having to chase members across the not make it to Ottawa. and offer it on our website, but the country to sign cheques. More than that, however, is that recording got stuck in the House Additionally, we have introduced we have begun using this tool to of Common’s system and we could automatic membership renewals and help our members adjust to digital not retrieve it. Luckily, clever Kim a choice of monthly payments for living. had recorded the audio and gener- your convenience. This will make Thanks to the energy of our late ously sent it on for our use. Thank it easier for those who are in transit Foundation president, Ian Waddell, you, Kim. You can listen to the dis- from Parliament to private life to get who suddenly and shockingly passed cussion on our Facebook page at: involved without the sticker shock away in March, we have been able https://www.facebook.com/exparl/. of dues all in one lump sum. Sev- to offer Zoom training to members It
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