148 New Data on Minerals. М., 2008. Volume 43 THE ESSAYS ON FUNDAMENTAL AND GENETIC MINERALOGY: 3. MINERALS OF VARIABLE COMPOSITION WITH VARIABLE STRUCTURE AND PROBLEMS OF SPECIES FORMATION IN MINERALOGY. EUDIALYTE-EUCOLITES Boris Ye. Borutzky Institute of Ore Deposit, Geology, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, RAS, Moscow, [email protected] This paper is one of a series on genetic and fundamental mineralogy (Borutzky, 2005; 2006) where the problem of mineral species definition are discussed. In particular, the correlation of such fundamental terms in mineralogy as mineral – mineral species – mineral variety are considered, and compared to analogous nomenclature units in biology – another natural science. Also, the necessity for a genetic basis in mineral species definition is shown and the natural genetic taxonomy elaborated and applied to the feldspar group is demonstrated; this approach was used for the corresponding part in “Minerals” reference book (2003). The author insists that formalised structural and chemical criteria for mineral species recommended by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA) Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC) without consideration of genesis dis- credits mineralogical science, because the result in unwarranted “reproduction” of abstract species which do not correspond to real discrete mineral entities widespread in certain geological environments. The paper is devoted to the detailed consideration of so-called minerals of variable composition and variable structure defined by the author (Borutzky, 1997; 1999) using the example of eudialyte-eucolites, and also the scientific and opportunistic problems accompanying the study of these chemically and structurally unique minerals. 6 figures, 111 references. Keywords: minerals of variable composition and variable structure, eudialytes-eucolites, new mineral species, the new mineral species criteria. If mineralogy is to be considered as a geological Thus a genetic approach to the problem of min- science1, i.e. – a natural historical science , then the eral species definition differs fundamentally from the minerals (the main form of inorganic matter exis- commonly accepted formal criteria, which are rec- tence in nature) should be studied in accordance ommended and used in the practice of new species with their development history: as they were formed approval by the IMA CNMNC. This approach is during geological processes and their continued based on objective evidence of independent mineral existence until their destruction or replacement by phase formation during geological-geochemical other minerals. This study considers the complexity processes; on the analysis of stability fields, real of chemical composition, real variations and crystal boundary changes during changing physical-chemi- structure modifications which change during crystal- cal mineral-forming conditions, analysis of specific lization and post-crystallization transformations geological environments and their affect on modifi- according to the physicochemical parameters of the cation of chemical composition and mineral struc- mineral-forming and mineral-retentive environment. ture. The main criterion for mineral species differenti- These principles are appropriately the most ation is the existence of independent stability fields applicable for the thoroughly studied, both struc- for the individual minerals in their totality with no turally and physical-chemically, rock-forming mine - drastic phase transitions boundaries, dissolution rals, for example alkaline feldspars (Borutzky, 2006). fields and with their chemical and structural individ- It is easy to show that real triclinic albite and micro- uality preserved. The most significant evidence of cline co-existing at low temperatures, contain not these are: crystal structure type and the preservation more than 5 and 10% of K- and Na-component of the main chemical components ratio. This does not respectively (which fundamentally differs from the exclude gradual variations of chemical composition CNMNC IMA “50% rule”), as they are divided by the within the stability field which could be accompanied solvus field. Chemical compositions of the high-tem- by some structural effects caused by adjustment to perature analbite (anorthoclase) and sanidine these changes; however these are to be considered as respectively vary from Ab100 at 980°C to Ab80Or20 at less significant, which, if they do not exceed the lim- 650°C, and from Or0–100 at 980° to Or90–100 at 500°C, its of a mineral species, be described as mineral vari- divided into two stability fields – triclinic Na- and eties. The most and least significant evidence corre- monoclinic K-feldspar, high-temperature solvus field lation is overviewed earlier (Borutzky, Urusov, 2008). and sloping straight line of non-quenching inversion 1 – Not all the scientists accept this: some chemists consider mineralogy as a part of chemistry, and physicists – as a part of physics. Others believe that there is no such science and the only task for mineralogists is minerals detecting. Geochemistry, petrology and lithology determine their formation conditions, patterns/rules of mineral and their associations and distribution within geological formations. However it is well known from experience that it is difficult to do without a fundamental knowledge of mineral matter. Evidently this is the reason why the above mentioned scientists rarely use mineralogical indicators during analy- sis of rock-forming conditions at the certain geological regions. The Essays on Fundamental and Genetic Mineralogy: 3. Minerals of Variable Composition and with Variable Structure and Problems of Species Formation in Mineralogy. Eudialyte-Eucolites 149 – C2/m ––>C1 (which also differs from the “50% Address to the opponents rule”). Above 980° all the compounds from Ab100 to Or form continuous isomorphous series of mono- «Science is to be divided into natural (the humani- 100 ties), unnatural (pervected) and perverted». clinic alkaline feldspars (the single stability field) Leo Landau that according to Lazarenko’s (1963) concept allows consideration as a single mineral species (we shall Traditional understanding of mineralogy was name it K,Na-sanidine, as it is not to be divided into inculcated upon the author by his teachers – mineral- two species due to its continuity). It is essential that ogists-geologists. Opponents (Rastsvetaeva, 2006; these seven determined mineral species are not Rastsvetaeva, Chukanov, 2006), inspired by fantastic invented but are being formed in real geological con- progress in structural analysis methods during recent ditions. At present not a single researcher familiar years, attempt (and not unsuccessfully) to impose with modern achievements in the feldspar matter purely crystallochemical understanding of mineralogy studies will conform to the rules of the CNMNC, as including speciation problems. It is most unlikely they this would be equivalent l to Stone Age concepts. would change their minds – this is “desease” of our The situation is more complex with rare and as time; moreover they are guided by officially accepted usual poorly understood minerals. Genetic criteria in CNMNC recommendations. However there is no way this case are hidden in structural interrelations of keeping silent regarding some of their remarks – it between the supposed mineral species. As mineral appears that they are either ignorant about the funda- species are discrete mineral entities with equal fea- mental distinctions of the genetic approach and the tures, then single whole individual (grain, crystal) essence of criticism of already known mineral species cannot contain several mineral species. From our formal reproduction (“cloning”), or deliberately mis- point of view, attribution of different crystal zones or lead readers arrogating to us arguments that were sectors to different mineral species according to the never expressed. formally applied dominance rule i.e. “50% rule” Thus, Ramiza K. Rastsvetaeva (2006) in the fore- (which is used at crystallochemically unequal posi- word of another “mineralogical tale”, reprinted from tion in structure percentage) is nonsense. The wide “Nature” magazine, assumes that the main “(author’s) spread application of this rule without genesis con- argument against mineral species “clonong”... is an sideration clear the boundless opportunities for anxiety that their number will overly increase”. This unwarranted “reproduction” of mineral species at “forgery” leads away from the main point. The problem the expense of former chemical and structural vari- is not in quantity but in quality of mineral species. eties of well-known minerals. Amongst living organisms there are millions of biolog- Intrastructural component substitutions (ion ical species, but they are all genetically well founded exchange) observed in mineral individuals, typical on observations in nature. On the basis of secondary, for zeolite-like structures, can cause certain difficul- minor features without being genetic ones, one can be ties. There are no phase boundaries within the grain, faced by incidents as happened with the butterfly however component contents tend to change slight- Ornithoptera paradisea (fig. 1). Similar dimorphism in ly from periphery towards the centre and along biology is widely spread. Of course no one will attrib- cracks. Minerals with variable chemical composition ute cock or peacock to one species and hen and pea- and variable crystal structure
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