PAGE A AGAINST WHITE CHAUVINISM: TOWARD PROLETARIAN INTERNATIONALISM international unity, the working class attempting to dominate the Black and There has been a flowering of revolution• is an international force. Communists Brown liberation movements. ary Ideas and actions among White people always seek the highest possible unity They weaken the revolutionary move• in the US. We are influenced by the mater• with their comrades in other nations. ment with their analysis concerning ter• ial conditions of imperialist crisis, and The main fdrm of class struggle ritory. Some decide T»hat is the territory Inspired by the example and theory of our today Is the struggle against imperi• of the Black nation and confine the mov- heroic comrades in the many oppressed alist domination and exploitation. Na• ment to that territory, then expel that nations battling to smash imperialism tional liberation movements have arisen same movement from the international wor• and to build socialism. throughout the world. Within the boun- king class. Some deny the need for ter• More and more White workers recogi.ize dries of the imperialist nations the ritory. Some say that there is no terri• the failure of capitalist trade-unionism colonized peoples living under national tory and thgrefore no nation. and see "eome kind o£ socialism" as the oppression have begun to move as nations Are they afraid to recognise that answer to their growing problems. The to defeat imperialism. they have little to say about territory? women's movement, gathering strength in National liberation movements are Has seif-deternination become a secondary the working oiaas, le raising questions led by the vanguard of the proletariat priority? If a people decides to gQl2e which strike at the very heart of the of that nation. This has meant that re• territory it will. Native Americans did capitalist system. Sections of White latively autonomous Leninist parties, not ask permission of White organizations workers, especially veterans, and stu• based upon an independent development, before seising Wounded Knee. dents have proven willing to fight in are leading those battles. However, the solidarity with oppressed nations outside nature of the communist movement demands of the US, that those parties be one day united in At the same time a fascist-racist mo- an international organizatlon-a new Com• blllzation of White workers is going on. munist International. Around busing, law-and-order, etc, the The conditions within the US demand ruling class is attempting to mobill2e international organization. The imperial• white workers into a fascist base. An ist unity of different nations, oppressor incredible number of "pig shows" are and oppressed, in the US is ba^ed on mat• being pushed on television. The ranks erial conditions which also demand and o£ the KKK and the Nazi Party are sudden• promote the socialist unity of the work• ly gwelllng, our people are being thrown ing class. So here in the heart of the into conflict with the oppressed nations. empire* we must step beyond the organiza• White revolutionary leadership must emerge tional disunity which pervades the in• to take on this new naziism. ternational communint movement. We must Always and everywhere, more and more form an international communist party as the crisis deepens, we come up against based on the alliance of the oppressed the crying need for a Marxist-Leninist nations and the working class of the op• Party, Without a party we are weak and pressor nation. disunited, and the working class lacks Two factors will determine the suc• its own leadership— with a party we can cess or failure of this enterprise. The Steer our movement and propel it forward. first is the independant development of DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE WHITE MOVEMENT the Black and Brown forces prior to the It is critical that we see that one formation of the international party. key area for struggle and development to• The decision of the vanguard of an op• day is within the White revolutionary pressed nation to ally wholeheartedly movement, with the vanguard of the oppressor na• COMMUNIST LEAGUE "It (materialist dialectics) holds tion cannot be made by a White organize The Communist League (now "Communist that external causes are the con• ation which decides to start recruiting Labor Party") is particularly guilty of ditions of change and internal individual Third World cadre. Only a trying to isolate and contain the Black causes are the basis of change,and period of independant development can liberation movement:"The Watts uprising that external causes become opera• insure that the unity will not be im• objectively linked the struggle of the tive through internal causes. In a perialist unity and prevent the sabo• Anglo-American workers to the national suitable temperature an egg changes tage of the national movement. liberation movement in the Negro Nation." Into a chicken, but no temperature It is possible that this "indepen• (NEGRO NATIONAL COLONIAL QUESTION, pg38) can change a stone into a chicken." dent development" will Include the form• According to CLP the Watts uprising was —Mao Tse Tung, On The Correct Han• ation of one or more autonomous nation• an uprising of Anglo-American workers a dling of Contradictions Among the alist parties. This is a decision to be People and not a part of the Black liberation made by the vanguard of the oppressed movement because it did not take place So too under suitable conditions nationalities. If such a party is formed in the Black Belt. the White vanguard can lead the White it should be seen as a transitory phen• CLP goes on to call for the sepera- masses into international revolutionary omenon. tion of the Black Belt—on behalf of the alliances for the smashing of imperial• We believe that it is disasterous White workers outside the south I When ism and the construction of socialism. to cloud over the international relations are the "Negroes" in the Black Belt to within the US into some vague "multi- be consulted? After the secession takes nationality." The internationalization of society in general, caused by the in• place—then they can decide if they want ternational nature of advanced capitalism, to secede or not. The weakness of the CLP does not reduce the need for national in• line would be easily exposed in the mass tegrity and self-determination. On the movement if the CLP were engaged in the contrary, it promotes it as a precondi• mass movement. tion for unity. White communists occupy REVOLUTIONARY UNION essentially the same relationship to com• On the other hand, the Revolutionary munists of the Black nation as we do to Union attempts to equate the struggle the communists of Vietnam--except that for national liberation to a fight for thrown together we have the opportunity bourgedis civil rights as they attempt to forge an international communist party. to convince us that all nationalism is bourgeois. The second factor is the battle a- gainst White charavlnlsm in the revolu• At a CASA (Center for Autonomous tionary movement. Social Action) demonstration against the US border patrol in which CASA had skill• fully unfolded proletarian international• AGAINST WHITE CHAUVINISM (IN DEFENSE ism on the basis of an affirmation of OF PROLETARIAN INTERNATIONALISM) But under no conditions can White nat• revolutionary nationalism, White RU cad• The White revolutionary movement ional chauvinists do anything of the sort. res showed up. They tried to shout down, recognizes its interest in providing NATIONS AND PARTY BUILDING "El Pueblo Unldo Jemas Sera Vencido!" assistance to national movements to• As members of the mightiest nation xjlth "Workers United Can Never Be De• day. With our support, the Vietnamese in the history of civilization, we oc• feat edT^ were able to move mountains. cupy a particular historical position. While CASA put forward "one people, But Significant organizations are We must understand the implications of without borders 1", referring to the en• now leading the White revolutionary that position, antj with that understand• tire Latino people, RU passed out a leaf• movement down the path of failure in ing our work among our people as well as let, "one_class, without borders!" our relationships to the oppressed na• this area. Their lines attack the rights The RU has done in its mind what the tions and colonized peoples can be based. of oppressed nations within the US and imperialists in all their power can not place the White revolutionary movement The world is an international com• do in the real world. The RU has elimin• in an imperialist position. munity. Nations are not isolated from ated national movements. one another, but are united in struggle These organizations must be seen for liberation or controlled by the for what they are—bourgeois forces cau• bonds of imperialism. Reflecting this ght up in the relations of Imperialism, Conft rvue on raQc B PAGE B In no way should a correct under• AGAINST CHAUVINISM CONT standing of armed struggle divert us from our task of party building. A pe• TORCES OF IMPERIALISM IN THE REVOLUTION• ople's army can only be crystalized up• ARY MOVEMENT on the formation of a party, because the These organizations struggle to co- party is the core and leadership of the opt revolutionary leadership in national army, movements by seeing national and prole• THE WEATHER UNDERGROUND tarian liberation m contradiction and We declare our total solidarity with subordinating the former to the latter. the action against Anaconda taken on Sep• They struggle to drain the national move• tember 11J lQ7Aj the anniversary of the ment of revolutionary content hy reducing, bloody CIA coup in Chile. We call on our tte demands ta "Agalnet discrimination, sisters and brothers to read "PRAIRIE for domoeratis rishte," right in line PEOPLE'S ARMY FIRE", carry on dlscuaaiona and atruggle with the NAACP and CPUSA.
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