3 2 1 D MK0096 t.. ,.1.) ::l''l:1±j~ RAM NOTES: (c ... tlnued Ir~m .h., JIll ,. UNiT. AS SU P PLIEO, IN_ CLUDES" UCl MICR,O­ PROCESSOR, AND SOLDER JUMPERS AT 80TH POINTS MA ltltEO "~SOl". AND 1tA5 OM ITTED ,.,LL tOMPON_ tNT5 SHOWN WITHI N THE DOTTED BOX. IF' A UOG IS SU.8$TITl1TEO FOR THE c UOZ IT IS NECESSARY TO u.;STAt.1. ALI. COM PON_ £NTS SHOWN. AND TO BR.EAK BOTH SOLDER, IUUDGES NOTEO " 6'>02". 8. UNIT [S SUPPLIED WI TH: Y J."'p... d to eSF Z '."'p",.d to CS[) W '."'p«od 'oal ..... X Jump.tod tOes" R. 5, " no! T. ARt: USI:R S ELECTABl.E OllP SE LXCTS. (4K III..OCKS) .. KYBD ~ OS P AI\.£ INTER­ RUPT OUTPIITS F ROM PIA. POINTS LABELEO " 111,0". " "NMt" ARE INTERRIIPT NOf('" • INPUTS FROM MIC RO­ • , PROCESSOR. FOR NOR_ M AL OPERATION NO JUMPE RS A RE R£QIIJlU:O. K£YIIOA IU) SOCKE T, ( B.), '". PIN I S, 18 1T Sf, SHOU\"D 8t JUM PtRtD T O V oe t+ SV ), rOR NORMAL B O P ERATION W[TH SUP PLIED SOF TWARE. NOTE 12 II. PROMS ARE U6 ••. AND MAY liE ONE OF THE FOL.L.OWING TYPES, SIGNETICS USIl9. HARRIS HIOZ4. INTELIM"'I 1601. 12. VOLTAGES (+12. -HlON E Jx;E CONNECTOR ARt UNREGUI..ATto. F II..TERED 0. C • • AND SHOULD NOT lit USED WITHOUT ADDED REGULATION. I I. IF DIotA REQUIRED. IlREAK JUMPtR SHOWN. USt T4SU' AT POSITIONS II~ . 116 . 81. A:<D III. (AS SUPPLIEDl 0"yd8 "I" c- '80k"loo' ,"produc •• M. docum.n •• 0' O"Y ! 'kow" ,h.... on. nOr pH' 'kH.of. nor '0 make " • • 01 , reproduce .11 0 dr... _ o"y ,"form. """ ko r.'n conl.'"od U t 'ke r o of .••U~I for 10 . r 4 ""~' ..up. by"'''''''' 0- 8 by "oodo,. of Appl. .,u mO"' ... lIk. or lIeon .. by. In. "nd., .. ,It On licuu Appl. GOO'I'Ip""r Compony. t>mput... ~~ ."h, to 4 3 2 1 BOIlrd 01 Director. Carporate Donor. Contributing Members Dr. John William Poduska. Sr. SlJstaine, PC Magazine Patron- SSOO or more Chairman American Telephone & Telegraph' Peat. Marwick. Mitchell & Co. Anony:mou • . Ray Duncan, Tom Eggers. Stellar Computer. inc. Bank of America' Pell. Rudman. Inc. Alan E. Fri8bie. Tom and Rosemarie The Baston Globe" Pencept. Inc. Hall. Robert Kahn, Martin Kirkpatrick. Dt. Gwen Bell. ComputerLand' PoleN-Clancy. Inc. Andrew Lavien. Nicholas ond Noncy Founding President Control Data Corporation' Price WaterhOU88 Pellinella. Paul R. Pierce, Ann Roe-Huler. The Computer Museum Data General Corporation' Project Software & Development, Inc. Jonathan Rotenberg, Oliver and Kitty Digital Equipment Corporation' Shawmut Corporation SelfIidge. Bob Whelan. Leo R. Yochim uich Bloch Hewlett-Packard Standard Oil Corporation National Science Foundation Internationul BUBiness Machines, Inc." SYMEDCO Sponsor-$25/) Teradyne David Donoldson NEC Corporation- Isaac Auerbach. G. C. Beldon, Ir., Wang Laborutorie• . Ine.' Warner & Stackpole Ropes and Gray XRE Corporation Philip D. Brooke. Richard J. Clayton. Richard Corben. Howard E. Co., James John J. Evans Bene/uctor-SIO.GOO - Contributed to the Cupirul Campaign Manufacturers Hanover Trus\ B. Deaderick. 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Addison.Wesley Howard Cannon Dr. Koji Kobayashi Bltstream Phillips. J. Eric Poilaclr. Linda & David R. Steve Cheheyl Rodgers, Thomas S. Roy II. William M. NEG Corporat1on Boris Color Labs. Inc.' Robert C. and Eleanor W. Chinn Burroughs Corporatinn Steul. Charles A. StOll. lohn V. Terrey. Dr. Robert Lucky PatClarlr Michael and Beverly Tomas ic. G. Computer Soeiety of the IEEE Robert G. Clau.sen AT&T Bell Laooratories Coopers & Lybrand Michael Uhler. Allan L. Walloclr. William Congleton Andrew Wil80n. James L. McKenney Data Translation Alex d'Arbelalf DECUS' Harvard Business School Arnaud de Vitry Donor_ SIOO Dentsu !New Yorlr). Ine. David Donaldson Dr. Carver Mead Draper Laboratories' Douglas Drane Kenneth R. Adcoclr. Lawrence Adrian. California institute 01 Technology Gaston Snow & Ely Bartlett" Robert Everett Timoth:r Ander80n, Rolland Arndt. Dr. Robert M. Metcalfe General Computer Company Kenneth G. Fisher Richa r G . Bahr. MariO Borbacci. Ph.D., 3Com Corporation Gourmet Caterers, Inc. Jay W. Forrester SIeve F. Barneby. John C. Bartsow. Honeywell Information Systems William Foster James Bell. Alfred M. Bertocchl. Lois J. Dr. Arthur P. Molella Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Gardner Hendlie Bizak. Dr. John R. Blanken.hip. Richard The National Museum of Lotu. Development Corporation Winston R. Hindle. Jr. C. Bloom. Bontronlcs. Daniel S. Bricklin. Americon History. Major Computer. Ine. Peter Hir.hberg Fred and Nancy Brooks. D. F. Brown, Smithsonian Institution MASSCOMP Theodore G. and Ruth T. lohnson Gordon S. Brown. lohn and Ann Brown. McGraw-Hill. Inc. John Allen Jones Roger M. Buoy. James Burnett. W. Russell Noltsker The MITRE Corporation Mitcheil Kapor Corlson. Maria L. Carr, Charles and Symbollcs NEC Systems Laboratory. Inc. Allan Kent Virginia Ca.ale. George Chamberlain. Nicholas Pettinella Nolan. Norton &: Company, Inc.' Jack S. Kilby George Chompine. lames F. Cody. Intermetrtcs, Inc. Phoenix Software Associates Ltd. August Klein Michael Cronin. Daniel Crowley. Prime Computer Corporation Andrew C . Knowles III Curriculum Aasociates. David N. Cutler. Jonathan Rotenberg The Prudentlallnsurance Company David I. A. Koogler Niclr De Woll. Peter De Wall. Harvey The Boston Computer Society Regis McKenna. Inc.' Edward and Debbie Kramer Deile). Lucien and Catherine Dimino, Jean E. Sammet Ropes & Gray lohn W. and Edna W_ Lacey Ditargiani Family. Theodora Draj>OS. international Business Machines Software Re Bult. Corporation' Ralph and Linda Lln80lata J088ph J. Eachu•. Fred Ebeling, Dr. Stratus Computer. Inc.' John Norris Muguire Richard J. Ec-khouse and Dr . Ruth Edward A, Schwartz Sun Microsl.tems Richard D. Mallery Maulucci. William Ellintt. LUCian Digital Equipment Corporation Symbolics. nc. Thomas and Marian Marill Endicott. Geoffrey Feldman and Sharon Irwin J, Sitkin 3Com Corporation' Daniel D. McCracken Llpp. Larry Forte. Clark Frazier. Edward luis/If group James L. McKenney A. Feuatal, J. Thomas Franklin, Kevin Aetna Thoma. and Elizabeth McWilliam. and Judith Galvin. David Goodman, Dr. W.J. Spencer ConlriblJtor- SI.GOO Carver MeQd William Graustein, Stephen Gross. Xerox Corporation Access Technology Robert M. Metrolfe lerrier 11._ Haddad, Michael P. Halter. I. Adage. Inc. Ailen Michels Scott Hamilton, Franlr E. Heart. Daniel Dr. An Wang Robert M. Morrill and Nancy- Heff. Morgaret Herriclr. Wang Laboratories, Inc. Analog Devices. Inc. American Management Systems' David and Pat Nel ROn Thomas L. Hohmann. Nancy S. Horie. Arthur Andersen. Inc. RuaseU Noft slrer Charles A. Jortberg, Richard M. Koroff. Arthur D. Li ll ie. Inc. Robert Noyce Bryan S. Kocher, Josh and Mabel Kopp. Autographix Kenneth Olsen Neal KOJIs. Alan and ludlth Kotolr , Tru.tee. Automatix lohn L. Payne Stanley Kugell. Robert Laman. Curt Bank of Boston Edward G. Perlrin8 Laroclr. r.v; Lav;. Grace Leahy. Craig Charles Bachman. C. Gordan Bell. Bank o[ New England Ruaseil Planitzer Lee. John R. Levine. John V. Lery. Reed Harvey D. Crogan, Robert Everett. Baybanks John William Podu.ku Little, George Logemann. Carl D. C. Lester Hogan. Theodore G. Johnson. Bolt Beranelr & Newman Robert M. Price Lowenstein. John Lowry. Lube. Inc .. Andrew Knowles III. John Lacey. Boatan Safe Dep08it & Tru $t Company Fontaine K. Richardson Arthur Luehrmann, Andrew H. Mason. Patrick McGovern. George Mlchael. BU.inessLand Benjamin Robelen Robert O. Mason. Robert Mayer. Jr.. William Millard. Robert Noyce, Dougla. ROJIs Richard McCluskey, F. Warren Kenneth Olsen, Brian Randell. Citiearp (USA). Inc. Cullinane Foundotion Jean E. Sommet McFarlon. lim Mcintosh. William ond Kitty SelJridge. Michael Spock. Paul and Katherine Severino Vesta Mclean. Todd Medlock. Charles Erwin Tomash. Paul Tsongas Dane. Falb. Stone & Co. Deloitte Haslrins & Sel1. Hal Shear Minter. Allen Mou lton, Dr. J. Craig Maurice Wilkes Foley Haag & Eliot Alan F. Shugart Mudge. Carol E. Muratore. Dr. and Mrs. Ford Motor Company' Richard L. Sites 180ac R. Naasi. Lee Neal. Cynthia and Executive Committee General SY"tems Group. Inc: Ronald G. Smort Richard Nelson. Tim K. Nguyen. GenRad CharieR E. Sporck Bernard J. Nordmonn. H. Edward Nyce. David Donaldson. Chairmun. Dr . Gwen Goldman. Sachs Co. Ivan and Maria Suther lund Lawrence and Pauline Oliva. Dr. Robert Bell. Theodore Johnson. August Klein. Gould. Inc. Del Thorndike and Steve Teicher K. Otnes, John E. Parker, Kenneth D. Ralph Lin scdata. Prof. James McKenney Greyloclr Erwin Toma.h Potterson. Jame. and Beverly Philip. Nicholas Pettinella, John William GTE Data Services. Inc. lean De Val pine Juan Pinedu. Andrew Ple.cia, Jume. N. Poduska. Sr.Jonathan Rotenberg. Paul GTE Laborotories, Inc. Charles P. Waite Porler. David Potter. Robert C. Severino, Hal Shear, Ronald Smart, Houghton Mifllin Company" Stephen I. WatROn PrOba8CO. Audrey Reith. C. Mike Riggle. Oliver Strimpel Hyams Trust Harvey W. Wiggins. Jr_ David C. Roh. Michael Rooney. Daniel Index Technology Corporation William Wolf80n Rose. David Rose, Eugene Rudolphe. INNOVA Howord Salwen. Michael J. Somek. F. Intel Corporation Grant Saviers. Andrew Scott. Sebeil International Computer Ltd." Soltwale Systems.
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