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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19226-2 - Federalism in Greek Antiquity Hans Beck and Peter Funke Index More information Index Abai (oracle of Apollo), 206, 208, 209, agora, 203, 213, 219, 253, 290, 424 212, 213 agoranomoi, 106, 335 Abantes, 160 Agyllaioi, 54 Achaemenids, 404, 425, 442, 443, 444, 448, Aiakos, 204 450, 473 Aianteia (Lokris), 180 Achaia (region), 40, 41, 118–131, 492 Aianteion, 180 Achaia (Roman province), 156, 178 Aias, 180, 181, 190 Achaian League, 14, 74, 118–131, 158, 178, 286, 293, Aigialeia, 41 294, 391, 406, 473, 475, 478, 499, 507, 508, Aigina, 52, 126, 204, 439, 490 509, 516, 520 Aigion, 42, 119, 121, 124, 392, 399 administration, 125–128 Aigition, 88 assemblies, 125 Aigosthena, 156, 479 capital, 124 Aineia, 352 citizenship, 122 Aiolians (ethnos), 24, 40, 47, 119, 370, 371, 437 coinage, 124, 489 Aitolia (region), 17, 21, 86, 90, 100, 108 conflict resolution, 130, 479, 481, 482 Aitolian League, 86–117, 156, 195, 228, 315, 369 council, 127 alliances, 156 cults, 399 assembly, 110, 116 institutions, 123–125 boula, 111, 116 justice, 128–131 citizenship, 101, 102 sanctuaries, 42, 212 conflict resolution, 478, 482 taxation, 497 districts, 95 Achaian War, 176 early development, 86–117 Achaians (ethnos), 31, 33, 38, 40, 41, 118–131, expansion, 115 390, 399 festivals, 109 Achaios, 40 institutions, 108–114, 116, 117 Acheloos, 83 legal framework, 101–108 Acheloos River, 66, 76, 83, 90 meetings, 109 Achilles, 248, 249, 302, 435 officials, 106, 111 Acilius Glabrio, Manius, 499 policy, 90 Aegean, 358–376 proxenia, 104 Aegean Federalism, 358–376 sanctuaries, 108 Aemilius Paulus, Lucius, 316 synedrion, 111, 112, 114, 116 Aeropos, 323 taxes, 112 Aetna, 61 tribes, 94 African Union, 477 voting, 111 Agamemnon, 41, 119, 182, 434 Aitolians (ethnos), 17, 21, 27, 77, 86–117, Agathostratos, 363 227, 482 agema, 330 development, 89 Agesilaos, 74, 81, 260 genealogy, 92 agōnothetai, 192, 193 mythology, 86, 90 590 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19226-2 - Federalism in Greek Antiquity Hans Beck and Peter Funke Index More information Index 591 regional control, 86 Antigonos I Monophthalmos, 360, 458–461 sanctuaries, 108 Antigonos III Doson, 77, 334, 453, 461–464 tribes, 87, 88, 89, 93, 94, 99, 100 Antikyra, 210, 226 Aitolos, 91, 92 Antiochos III, 172, 405 Akalissos, 404, 414 Antiochos IV, 481 Akanthia, 350 Antissa, 372 Akarnania (region), 18, 66–85, 95 Apama, 431 Akarnanian League, 66–85 apella, 331 army, 73 Aperlai, 414 capital, 82 aphedriateuontes, 153 coinage, 70, 83, 84 apoikiai, apoikoi, 70, 91, 518 constitution, 79 apoklētoi, 112, 113, 114, finances, 83 Apollo fragmentation, 76 in Kyrene, 424 institutions, 73, 79, 82 in Thessaly, 245 member privileges, 75 Apollo Elaphebolos, 43 officials, 80, 81 Apollo Ptoios, 133, 136 sanctuaries, 73, 82 Apollonia, 345, 350, 354, 422, 480 Akarnanians (ethnos), 27, 66–85 Aratos of Sikyon, 480, 510 Akarnan, 66, 70 Araxa, 404, 405, 406 Akraiphnion, 136 arbitration, 471–486 Akroria, Akrorians, 269, 270, 282 archēgetēs, 210 Akyphas-Pindos, 229 Archidamian War, 346, 348 Aleuadai, 207 archiereus, 413, 415 Aleuas the Red, 235, 236 archiphylax, 416 Alexander, 96, 151, 306, 384 archostatai, 409 Alexander I of Makedon, 53 Archytas of Taras, 396 Alexander I of Molossia, 304, 396 Arendt, Hannah, 523 Alexander II of Molossia, 76, 313 Aretino, Leonardo Bruni, 513 Alion, 282 Argaios, 324 Alipheira, 276 Argos, 38, 73, 322 Alkaios, 371 Argos Amphilochikon, 70 Alpheios River, 92, 269 Aristagoras of Miletus, 56 Alyzeia, 68, 71, 74 Aristeus, 345 Amathos, 326 Aristotle, 4, 21, 78, 185, 192, 217, 233, 235, 278, 302, Ambrakia, Ambrakiotes, 70, 72, 309 342, 356, 443, 503, 504, 512, 550, 554 American Revolution, 6, 521, 523 Politeia of the Akarnanians, 78 Amphidolia, 272 Politeia of the Thessalians, 235 Amphiktyon, 91, 180 Politeiai of ethnē, 5 amphiktyony, 439, See also Delphic Arkadia (region), 18, 37, 250–268 Amphiktyony Arkadian League, 15, 17, 250–268, 283, 291, 506 in Lesbos, 371 fragmentation, 267 in Molossia, 300 institutions, 259, 261, 262 Amphipolis, 333, 337, 338, 344, 352, 354, 492 membership, 260, 261 Amphissa, 182, 195 military, 253, 262, 264 Amphitryon, 205 officials, 255, 262, 263 Amyntas III, 349 sanctuaries, 40, 265 Anaitoi, 274, 279, 280, 437 subethnic federations, 256 Anaktorion, 70, 71, 72, 74, 76 synoikisms, 257 Anaphe, 381 tribes, 256 Angeira, 415 Arkadians (ethnos), 250–268, 273 anoikismos, 344, 345, 347, 348, 350, 351 dialect, 45 Anthedon, 132 tribes, 256 Antigoneia (Aegean), 361 Arkadikon. See Arkadian League Antigonids, 458–461, 482, 494 Arkesilaos II, 423 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19226-2 - Federalism in Greek Antiquity Hans Beck and Peter Funke Index More information 592 Index Arkesilaos III, 425 Oinophyta, 140, 214 Arne, 40, 134 Plataia, 71 Artabazos, 343 Sagra, 389 Artemidoros, 408 Tamynai, 167 Artemis, 476 Tanagra, 214 Artemis Amarysia, 161, 172 Tegea, 252 Artemis Elaphebolos, 43, 208, 213 Thermopylai, 139 Artemis Limnatis, 290 Thermypolyai II, 173 Asine, 293 Battos I, 422, 424, 425 Asios of Samos, 39 Battos III, 423 Asklepios, 213, 290, 328, 335 Battos IV, 425 Epidauros, 52 Berenike II, 432 Kos, 170 Boak, Arthur, 471 Astakos, 68, 71, 72 boiotarchs (college), 17, 37, 138, 142, 147, 148, 153 asylia, 103, 115, 288, 308, 364, 380, 381, 382, 383, Boiotia (region), 9, 30, 34, 44, 132–157, 202, 206 474, 489 Boiotian League, 20, 132–157, 168, 268, 291, 504 Athena Ilias, 180, 185, 190 alliances, 155 Athena Itonia, 31, 44, 133, 135, 141, 155, 239, 245 citizenship, 150 Athena Kranaia, 208 coinage, 138, 489 Athena Kyparissia, 290 council, 143 Athena Pronaia, 439 cults, 152 Athenian Tribute Lists, 343, 366 districts, 141, 142, 154, 217 Athens festivals, 149, 152 external relations, 140, 161, 163, 166, 167, 214, fortifications, 149 232, 243, 304, 344, 347, 348, 352, 368, institutions, 141–145, 148 442–445 military, 149, 156 synoikism, 11, 60 officials, 154 Attalids, 171 origins, 137 Attica, 11, 31, 44, 132, 160, 203, 209, resources, 499 525, 588 sanctuaries, 44, 135, 136 Augustus, 78, 318 taxation, 498 Aulis, 132 voting, 15, 126, 154 Australia, 488 Boiotians (ethnos), 33, 37, 43, 58, 132–157, 215, 492 Autamalax, 428 dialect, 45 autonomia, 3, 21, 146, 258, 455, 462, 466, 468, tribes, 135 485, 528 Boiotos, 39, 40, 44, 135 axiomachoi, 183 boularchoi, 111, 116 Aziris, 422 boulē Azoros, 334, 479 in Achaia, 127 in Aitolia, 111, 112, 116 Bangladesh, 35 in Akarnania, 82 Barke, 422, 425, 426 in Arkadia, 263 Barth, Fredrick, 32 in Boiotia, 148 Basileia (Lebadeia), 149 in Euboia, 173 Battle in Keos, 370 Actium, 78, 407 in Kyrene, 429 Chaironeia, 75, 150, 159, 445, 458 in Lykia, 409 Crocus Field, 217 in Olynthos, 356 Dipaia, 252 on Lesbos, 373 Ipsos, 461 bouleutērion Keressos, 136 in Ambrakia, 309 Koroneia, 141 in Elis, 281 Leukon, 423 in Lykia, 412 Leuktra, 148, 155, 282 in Phokis, 212 Mantineia, 257 Bouneima, 298 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19226-2 - Federalism in Greek Antiquity Hans Beck and Peter Funke Index More information Index 593 Brasidas, 347, 348 and ethnicity, 48 Brundisium, 298 collaborative, 12, 47, 229, 372, Bruttium, 387 426, 432 Bundesstaat, 7, 13 Euboia, 490 Bury, J.B., 6 in Achaia, 124 Busolt, Georg, 6 in Akarnania, 85 Byzantion, 446 in Arkadia, 251 in Boiotia, 138 Caecilius Metellus, Quintus, 501 in Chalkidike, 346 Caesar, 242, 407 in Elis, 281 Canada, 1, 488 in Epeiros, 311 Carthage, 513 in Euboia, 162, 167, 490 Casaubonus, Isaac, 514 in Italy, 390 Catalog of Ships. See Homer in Kyrene, 426, 431 Catalog of Women, 40, 49, 63, 323 in Lykia, 408, 490 Central Place Theory, 203 in Makedonia, 337 Chaironeia, 133, 140, 201 in Messenia, 294 Chaladrioi, 275, 279, 280 in Molossia, 312 Chaleion, 186–188, 193, 194 in Oitaia, 226 Chalkidian League, 341–357 in Phokis, 210 coinage, 490 in Thessaly, 239, 244 development, 349, 351 Italiote League, 395 dissolution, 357 on Keos, 367–369, 490 economy, 492 on Lesbos, 371 epigraphy, 354 coloniae, 518 military, 351 colonization, 387, 404, 439 officials, 355, 356 Achaians, 390 structure, 350, 356 and Hellenicity, 50 taxation, 495 in Akarnania, 71 territory, 349, 352, 354 in Chalkidike, 341 Chalkidians (ethnos), 341–357 in Italy, 386 Chalkidike (region), 12, 341–357, 491 in Kyrene, 421 Chalkis, 86, 160, 171, 177, 338, 341 in Lokris, 186, 187 Chaonians, 297, 302, 305 in Lykia, 404 Chios, 56, 446 Rhodes, 404 chōra, 66, 72, 136, 145, 151, 243, 246, 247, 333, 371, Common Peace. See koine eirēnē 421, 422, 423, 429 conflict resolution, 471–486 chōros, 367, 368 Achaian League, 481 Chorsiai, 132, 499 and federalism, 477 Chremonides (decree), 379 described, 472 Chrysoloras, Manuel, 513 in Aitolian League, 478 citizenship in Cretan League, 479 and colonization, 189 mediator, 472 and federalism, 12 peaceful, 472 double, 6, 7, 10, 18, 19, 101, 103, 420 territorial, 476 in Achaia, 122 Corinth, 70, 130, 478 in Euboia, 169 Corinthian League. See League of Corinth in Keos, 367 Corinthians, 69, 70, 72 in Kyrene, 428 Cretan League, 377–385. See also Oreioi in Lokris, 189 arbitration, 479 in Makedonia, 328 diagramma, 383 Roman, 416 diplomacy, 379, 380, 381, 382 Claudius, 178, 380, 415, 563 institutions, 383 Claudius Ptolemaios, 246 reduction, 381 coinage, 48, 489, sanctuaries, 384 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19226-2 - Federalism in Greek Antiquity Hans Beck and Peter Funke Index More information

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