Gilanis’ Index of © ELECTORAL RECORD 1970-2013 Volume 6 PAKISTAN NATIONAL ELECTION: 1997 An 10 Volume Study prepared by Gallup Election studies team head by Bilal Gilani, Executive Director, Gallup Pakistan Prepared on April 30, 2013 Disclaimer: Gallup Pakistan is not related to Gallup Inc. headquartered in Washington D.C. USA. We require that our surveys be credited fully as Gallup Pakistan (not Gallup or Gallup Poll). We disclaim any responsibility for surveys pertaining to Pakistani public opinion except those carried out by Gallup Pakistan, the Pakistani affiliate of Gallup International Association. For details on Gallup International Association see website: www.gallup- international.comand www.gallup.com.pk Gilani’s Index of Electoral Record: 1970-2013 (An 10 Volume Study) C o n t e n t s Volume 6 Index of Electoral Record: 1997 Page # Table 1: Code List 105 Table 2: Turn Out 106 Table 3: Party Position: All Pakistan 107 Table 4: Party Position: Province-wise 108 Table 5: Party Position: Division-wise 112 Table 6: Party Position: 11 Electoral Territory 121 Basic Code List 1997 2 Awami Ittehad 4 Awami Inqilabi Mahaz Pakistan 5 Awami National Party 8 Awami Qiadat Party 9 Awami Tehreek 16 Balochistan National Movement 17 Balochistan National Party 30 Haq Parast Group 33 Independent 39 Independent 46 Jamhoori Wattan Party 47 Jamiat Ulema e Islam (Sami ul Haq Group) 49 Jamot Qaumi Movement 54 Jamat e Islami Pakistan 55 Jamiat Ulema e Islam (Fazl ur Rahman Group) 56 Jinnah Muslim League 57 Jamiat Mashaikh Pakistan 59 Jamat Ulema e Islam 65 Jamiat e Ulema e Pakistan 69 Khaksaar Tehreek 70 Kakar Jamhoori Party Pakistan 78 Markazi Jamiat Ahle Hadis Pakistan 79 Muslim Ittehad Pakistan 82 Mazdoor Kissan Party (Kamil Bangash Group) 88 Muhajir Qaumi Movement (Haqiqi) 89 Muslim Welfare Movement 94 National Peoples Party (Workers Group) 95 National Peoples Party 106 Pakistan Muslim League (J) 107 Pakistan Aman Party 112 Pakistan Democratic Party 118 Pakistan Muslim League (Q) Malik Ahmad Shuja Group 120 Pakistan Muslim League (Functional) 121 Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) 123 Pakistan Pakhtoonkhawa Milli Awami Party 124 Pakistan Peoples Party 125 Pakistan Peoples Pary Shaheed Bhutto 132 Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf 139 Pakhtoon khawa Qumi Party 142 Pakistan Milli Ittehad 145 Pakistan Muslim League (J Chatta) 154 Pakistan Nijat Party 159 Pakistan Peoples Party ZA Bhutto 161 Pakistan Saraiki League 172 Sindh Ittehad 180 Saraiki national Party 183 Sunni Tehreek 187 Tehreek Istaqlal 190 Tehreek Islam Pakistan 193 United National Allience 195 Watan Party Source: Gilani’s Index of Electoral Record, based on Gallup Exit Poll data and ECP data, compiled by Gallup Election Studies Team, 2013 Turn Out Election 1997 Total Votes Regd. Voters Turn Out All Pakisatan 19,683,249 56,976,073 35 By Province Punjab 12,754,001 33,717,040 38 Sindh 3,773,659 11,956,872 32 KPK 2,459,995 8,252,699 30 Balochistan 695,594 3,049,462 23 By Electorial Territories (11) Southern Punjab 4,296,585 10,675,571 40 Central & Northern Punjab 5,471,035 16,074,267 34 Western Punjab 2,986,381 6,967,202 43 Interior Sindh 2,749,860 8,322,831 33 Karachi Region 1,023,799 3,634,041 28 Malakand Region 373,382 1,555,929 24 South KPK 1,019,204 3,046,092 33 Peshawar Valley 581,027 2,083,303 28 Hazara Region 486,382 1,567,375 31 Quetta Region 283,324 1,255,488 23 Kalat and Makran Region 412,270 1,793,974 23 By Division (27) Bahawalpur Division 1,138,034 3,011,902 38 Dera Ghazi Khan Division 1,065,486 2,550,769 42 Multan Division 2,093,065 5,112,900 41 Gujranwala Division 2,036,706 4,932,736 41 Lahore Division 1,983,047 7,794,311 25 Faisalabad Division 1,816,076 4,349,242 42 Sargodha Division 1,170,305 2,617,960 45 Rawalpindi Division 1,451,282 3,347,220 43 Hyderabad Division 895,587 2,737,519 33 Larkana Division 544,828 1,871,572 29 Mirpur Khas Division 438,217 1,281,319 34 Sukkur Division 871,228 2,432,421 36 Karachi Division 1,023,799 3,634,041 28 Bannu Division 152,377 458,460 33 DIKhan Division 174,762 446,445 39 Kohat Division 155,102 540,459 29 FATA Division 536,963 1,600,728 34 Hazara Divison 486,382 1,567,375 31 Malakand Division 373,382 1,555,929 24 Mardan Division 245,865 840,301 29 Peshawar Division 335,162 1,243,002 27 Kalat Division 179,831 751,120 24 Makran Division 73,245 243,554 30 Nasirabad 107,026 552,360 19 Sibi Divisions 52,168 246,940 21 Quetta Division 188,362 777,856 24 Zhob Division 94,962 477,632 20 Source: Gilani’s Index of Electoral Record, based on Gallup Exit Poll data and ECP data, compiled by Gallup Election Studies Team, 2013 All Pakistan Party Position 1997 Votes Votes % Seat N 121 Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) 8,817,926 46 136 124 Pakistan Peoples Party 4,182,681 22 18 39 Independent 2,739,342 14 21 30 Haq Parast Group/MQM 764,207 4 12 106 Pakistan Muslim League (J) 400,712 2 5 Awami National Party 382,932 2 10 125 Pakistan Peoples Pary Shaheed Bhutto 375,935 2 1 132 Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf 313,673 2 55 Jamiat Ulema e Islam (Fazl ur Rahman Group) 310,139 2 2 145 Pakistan Muslim League (J Chatta) 223,574 1 17 Balochistan National Party 124,754 1 3 95 National Peoples Party 85,121 0.44 1 16 Balochistan National Movement 72,354 0.38 46 Jamhoori Wattan Party 66,128 0.34 2 123 Pakistan Pakhtoonkhawa Milli Awami Party 58,552 0.30 79 Muslim Ittehad Pakistan 49,601 0.26 47 Jamiat Ulema e Islam (Sami ul Haq Group) 48,838 0.25 112 Pakistan Democratic Party 47,153 0.25 118 Pakistan Muslim League (Q) Malik Ahmad Shuja 37,723 0.20 Group 107 Pakistan Aman Party 31,615 0.16 193 United National Allience 22,919 0.12 88 Muhajir Qaumi Movement (Haqiqi) 20,279 0.11 59 Jamat Ulema e Islam 17,544 0.09 159 Pakistan Peoples Party ZA Bhutto 9,459 0.05 8 Awami Qiadat Party 6,355 0.03 49 Jamot Qaumi Movement 6,098 0.03 69 Khaksaar Tehreek 4,438 0.02 180 Saraiki national Party 3,646 0.02 70 Kakar Jamhoori Party Pakistan 3,407 0.02 195 Watan Party 2,441 0.01 190 Tehreek Islam Pakistan 1,660 0.01 187 Tehreek Istaqlal 1,524 0.01 142 Pakistan Milli Ittehad 1,038 0.01 54 Jamat e Islami Pakistan 1,006 0.01 94 National Peoples Party (Workers Group) 729 0.00 172 Sindh Ittehad 671 0.00 56 Jinnah Muslim League 669 0.00 120 Pakistan Muslim League (Functional) 634 0.00 4 Awami Inqilabi Mahaz Pakistan 462 0.00 161 Pakistan Saraiki League 420 0.00 65 Jamiat e Ulema e Pakistan 358 0.00 89 Muslim Welfare Movement 293 0.00 9 Awami Tehreek 273 0.00 78 Markazi Jamiat Ahle Hadis Pakistan 236 0.00 33 Independent 223 0.00 139 Pakhtoon khawa Qumi Party 191 0.00 2 Awami Ittehad 179 0.00 183 Sunni Tehreek 173 0.00 57 Jamiat Mashaikh Pakistan 154 0.00 82 Mazdoor Kissan Party (Kamil Bangash Group) 94 0.00 154 Pakistan Nijat Party 41 0.00 Total 19,240,574 100 206 Source: Gilani’s Index of Electoral Record, based on Gallup Exit Poll data and ECP data, compiled by Gallup Election Studies Team, 2013 Province Wise Result 1997 Punjab Votes Votes % Seat N 121 Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) 7,370,351 59 109 124 Pakistan Peoples Party 2,755,268 22 39 Independent 1,355,989 11 6 106 Pakistan Muslim League (J) 334,497 3 132 Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf 217,169 2 145 Pakistan Muslim League (J Chatta) 206,531 2 79 Muslim Ittehad Pakistan 49,601 0.40 112 Pakistan Democratic Party 46,661 0.37 118 Pakistan Muslim League (Q) Malik Ahmad 37,618 0.30 Shuja Group 47 Jamiat Ulema e Islam (Sami ul Haq Group) 23,413 0.19 125 Pakistan Peoples Pary Shaheed Bhutto 15,673 0.13 30 Haq Parast Group 11,806 0.09 159 Pakistan Peoples Party ZA Bhutto 8,740 0.07 95 National Peoples Party 8,333 0.07 180 Saraiki national Party 3,552 0.03 8 Awami Qiadat Party 3,067 0.02 69 Khaksaar Tehreek 2,361 0.02 195 Watan Party 1,868 0.01 187 Tehreek Istaqlal 1,524 0.01 55 Jamiat Ulema e Islam (Fazl ur Rahman Group) 1,387 0.01 5 Awami National Party 821 0.01 56 Jinnah Muslim League 669 0.01 4 Awami Inqilabi Mahaz Pakistan 462 0.00 161 Pakistan Saraiki League 420 0.00 59 Jamat Ulema e Islam 398 0.00 172 Sindh Ittehad 388 0.00 65 Jamiat e Ulema e Pakistan 329 0.00 78 Markazi Jamiat Ahle Hadis Pakistan 236 0.00 2 Awami Ittehad 179 0.00 57 Jamiat Mashaikh Pakistan 154 0.00 107 Pakistan Aman Party 38 0.00 Total 12,459,503 100 115 Source: Gilani’s Index of Electoral Record, based on Gallup Exit Poll data and ECP data, compiled by Gallup Election Studies Team, 2013 Province Wise Result 1997 Sindh Votes Votes % Seat N 124 Pakistan Peoples Party 1,185,506 32 18 30 Haq Parast Group 748,821 20 12 121 Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) 694,007 19 9 39 Independent 507,718 14 5 125 Pakistan Peoples Pary Shaheed Bhutto 332,470 9 1 95 National Peoples Party 76,788 2 1 55 Jamiat Ulema e Islam (Fazl ur Rahman Group) 56,144 2 193 United National Allience 22,919 1 132 Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf 22,731 1 88 Muhajir Qaumi Movement (Haqiqi) 20,279 1 145 Pakistan Muslim League (J Chatta) 17,043 0.46 106 Pakistan Muslim League (J) 6,356 0.17 5 Awami National Party 5,284 0.14 69 Khaksaar Tehreek 2,077 0.06 142 Pakistan Milli Ittehad 1,038 0.03 123 Pakistan Pakhtoonkhawa Milli Awami Party 808 0.02 159 Pakistan Peoples Party ZA Bhutto 719 0.02 120 Pakistan Muslim League (Functional) 634 0.02 195 Watan Party 573 0.02 112 Pakistan Democratic Party 492 0.01 46 Jamhoori Wattan Party 363 0.01 89 Muslim Welfare Movement 293 0.01 172 Sindh Ittehad 283 0.01 9 Awami Tehreek 273 0.01 139 Pakhtoon khawa Qumi Party 191 0.01 183 Sunni Tehreek 173 0.00 180 Saraiki national Party 94 0.00 82 Mazdoor Kissan Party (Kamil Bangash Group) 94 0.00 94 National Peoples Party (Workers Group) 84 0.00 154 Pakistan Nijat Party 41 0.00 65 Jamiat e Ulema e Pakistan 29 0.00 Total 3,704,325 100 46 Source: Gilani’s
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