The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies Villa I Tatti Via di Vincigliata 26, 50135 Florence, Italy Volume 20 —,m— E-mail: vitatti@tin.itAutumn 2000 Telephone: +39-055-603-251 / Fax: +39-055-603-383 s we begin another academic year Mann, ed.), the completion of that Ahere at I Tatti, I have two exciting Letter From Florence manuscript has been unexpectedly and announcements to make concerning P unavoidably delayed, and it will now new ventures which I’m sure will be of not appear until the following year. the greatest interest to all Fellows, Those volumes scheduled to appear in whether current or past. Both the spring of 2001 are are unprecedented undertakings Boccaccio’s Famous Women for us, and both have required a (Virginia Brown, ed. considerable expenditure of [VIT’76]), the first volume of time and effort. Yet I’m per- Ficino’s Platonic Theology suaded that each will have a sig- (Michael Allen & James nificant, long-term usefulness, Hankins, eds.), and volume not only for our Fellows but for one of Bruni’s Florentine Renaissance scholarship gener- History (James Hankins, ed.). ally. Other volumes to follow soon The first is the I Tatti thereafter include Landino’s Renaissance Library, a publica- Camaldulensian Disputations tion venture scheduled to be (Jill Kraye, ed.), Raphael launched this coming spring Brandolini’s Republics and under the editorship of Kingdoms Compared (Shayne Professor James Hankins Mitchell, ed.), Poggio’s Letters (VIT’89,’93). Let me quote (Martin Davies, ed.), a collec- from his prospectus, which admirably As everyone teaching the tion of humanist educational treatises defines our aims: "The purpose of the Renaissance knows, a large number of edited by Craig Kallendorf, Cardano’s I Tatti Renaissance Library (ITRL) is to major works written in Latin or Greek Autobiography (Thomas Cerbu [VIT’96] make available to a broad readership the are hard to come by. Often the original & Anthony Grafton, eds.), Pontano’s major literary, philosophical, and schol- texts exist only in costly scholarly edi- Dialogues (Julia Gaisser, ed.), Cyriac of arly monuments of the Italian tions, and they, moreover, are usually Ancona’s later writings edited by Renaissance in an attractive and inex- out of print; hence, whether because of Edward Bodnar, Biondo’s Rome pensive format. Modeled on the Loeb expense or unavailability, these texts Restored (Nicholas Horsfall & Marc Classical Library, the ITRL will provide cannot readily be assigned. Those Laureys, eds.), Poliziano’s Sylvae reliable Latin or Greek texts together English translations that do exist are (Wendell Clausen [VIT’89] & Charles with accurate, readable English transla- often faulty and rarely are printed Fantazzi, eds.), Valla’s Dialogues (Letizia tions on the facing page… As in the alongside the original versions. Our Panizza, ed.), and the works of Pico case of the Loeb series, each text will be goal is to provide relatively inexpensive, della Mirandola edited by Michael Allen provided with a short introduction, a accurate editions and translations of and Brian Copenhaver. Our hope is to note on the text, a short bibliography, works central to Renaissance studies, so publish at least three volumes a year. an index of names, and a minimal that they can be assigned in courses at The Harvard University Press, scholarly apparatus. The audience several levels, thus assisting teaching as which is also responsible for the Loeb envisaged for the series includes under- well as scholarship. Library, has agreed to be our publisher, graduates, graduate students, profes- Although the initial volume of the and we’re singularly fortunate in having sional scholars across a wide variety of I Tatti Renaissance Library was to have Jim Hankins, a beloved disciple of Paul been Petrarch’s Secretum (Nicholas disciplines, and interested amateurs…." Continued on page 3 Cambridge Office: Villa I Tatti, Harvard University, 124 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA 02138-5762 Telephone: 617 495-8042 / Fax: 617 495-8041 Web:http://www.vit.firenze.it I Tatti Community 1999-2000 Fellows Alessandra Malquori, Francesco De Dombrowski Fellow, Scuola Normale Superiore, Lawrin D. Armstrong, Lila Wallace - Reader's Pisa, Art History. "Iconografia e fortuna delle Digest Fellow, Simon Fraser University, History. Vitae Patrum nella Firenze del Quattrocento." "A Humanist Lawyer in Early Renaissance Florence: Lorenzo d'Antonio Ridolfi." Maureen Miller, Robert Lehman Fellow, George Mason University, History. "The Renaissance David P. Bénéteau, Francesco De Dombrowski Renovation of Episcopal Palaces (c.1470- Fellow, Seton Hall University, Literature. "Lapo c.1590)." Corsini's Roman History." Stephen Milner, Hanna Kiel Fellow, University Luca Boschetto, Robert Lehman Fellow, Scuola of Bristol, Literature. "Pistoia's Artistic Normale Superiore, Pisa, History. "La corte della Patrimony 1450-1500." Mercanzia e la società fiorentina del Quattrocento." Mikolaj Olszewski, Andrew W. Mellon Research Fellow (2nd sem), Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Thomas Brothers, Florence J. Gould Fellow, Literature. "Metatheology of Late Medieval Duke University, Musicology. "Music during Italian Thinkers." 2 the Lifetime of Josquin Desprez." f Béla Zsolt Szakacs, Andrew W. Mellon Research Stephen J. Campbell, Francesco De Dombrowski Fellow (2nd sem), Pázmány Péter Katolikus Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, Art History. Egyetem, Art History. "Renaissance Drawings "Mantegna, Titian, and the Este: Courtly Space on Santo Stefano Rotondo: an Interaction." and the Invention of Mythological Painting." Marco Villoresi, Hanna Kiel Fellow, Università Deborah Loeb Brice Fellow Claudio Giunta. Christopher S. Celenza, Andrew W. Mellon di Firenze, Literature. "Letteratura, devozione e Fellow, Michigan State University, History. "The immagini sacre in Toscana al tempo di Lorenzo il Fiore, Art History. "Edition and Database of the Pre-Socratic Heritage and the Search for Ancient Magnifico." Documentation of the Florentine Opera del Wisdom in Early Modern Europe." Duomo during the Cupola Period." Georgia M. Clarke, Deborah Loeb Brice Fellow, Guest Scholar Julian Kliemann, Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max- Courtauld Institute of Art, Art History. Didier Boisseul (1st sem), Université d’Avignon, Planck-Institut and University of Heidelberg, Art "Architecture and Urban Planning in 15th-cen- History. "Les visites princières thermales au XV History. "Temi imperiali nell'iconografia papale tury Bologna." siecle: aspects économiques, politiques, diploma- del Cinquecento." Claudio Giunta, Deborah Loeb Brice Fellow, tiques." Arnaldo Morelli, Conservatorio ‘O. Respighi,’ Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Literature. "La Latina, and Università della Calabria, Cosenza, poesia volgare in Toscana nel primo Visiting Professors Musicology. "L'organo in Italia nel Quattrocento." William E. Hood, Jr., Robert Lehman Visiting Rinascimento: funzione, prassi, repertorio." Pavel Kalina, Andrew W. Mellon Research Fellow Professor, Oberlin College, Art History. "The Michael Rocke, Villa I Tatti, History. "Edition (1st sem), Fakulta Architektury Cvut, Art History. History of the Male Nude in Renaissance Art." and Translation of Italian Texts Related to "The Crucifixes of Giovanni Pisano and the Claude V. Palisca (2nd sem), Yale University Homoeroticism (14th-17th centuries)." Central Italian Group of Crucifixi dolorosi." (Emeritus), Musicology. "The Galilei Family of Massimiliano Rossi, Università di Lecce, Art Stanko Kokole, Rush H. Kress Fellow, The Musicians: Vincenzo, Galileo, Michelangelo, History. "Le genealogie ‘fantastiche’ dei Medici: Johns Hopkins University, Art History. "The Vincenzo di Michelangelo, Vincenzo di Galileo, politica letteraria e figurativa granducale tra History of the Formae Deorum Gentilium from Virginia, Alberto di Michelangelo, and Alberto di Cinque e Seicento." Petrarch to Lomazzo." Alberto." Silvana Seidel-Menchi, Università di Trento, Isabella Lazzarini, CRIA Fellow, Università di History. "1. Storia interna della Congregazione Pisa, History. "L'informazione politico-diplomat- Research Associates dell’Indice. 2. I processi matrimoniali degli ica nell'età della pace di Lodi. Raccolta, archivi ecclesiastici italiani." selezione, trasmissione." Fabio Bisogni, Università di Siena, Art History. 1) "The Diocese of Novara." 2) "The Marco Spallanzani, Università di Firenze, Restoration and Iconography of Leonardo’s Last History. "Hispano-Moresque Pottery in Supper." 3) "An exhibition on the Compagnia Renaissance Florence." Leicali in Siena." Lina Bolzoni, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Literature. "Prediche in volgare e uso delle immagini dalle origini al Savonarola." Eve Borsook, Villa I Tatti, Art History. "Medieval Mosaic Technology" and "Exhibition of Devotional Objects in Straw." Salvatore I. Camporeale, The Johns Hopkins University, History. "Per un studio sul Dialogo De libero arbitrio di Lorenzo Valla." Gino Corti (Emeritus), Villa I Tatti, Paleography and History. "Lorenzo de’ Medici, collezionista di antichità." Laura Corti, Istituto Universitario di Architettura, Venezia, Art History. "Una mostra sull’ Ordine di Malta, Venezia." Allen Grieco, Villa I Tatti, History. "A Social Research Associate Salvatore Camporeale and Cultural History of Alimentary Habits in Renaissance Italy." and Mellon Fellow Chris Celenza Margaret Haines, Opera di Santa Maria del Robert Lehman Fellow Maureen Miller. Villa I Tatti Letter from Florence logue. Like all electronic tools, it is ties to the international community of Continued from page
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