How to Use RSS to Know More and Do Less What Is RSS? http://www.mls.lib.il.us/ RSS is : really hard to describe a form of XML S RS stands for Rich Site Summary RDF Site Summary Jenny Levine Really Simple Syndication Metropolitan Library System is best understood when you actually use it! The Shifted Librarian [email protected] AIM: cybrarygal June 13, 2006 June 13, 2006 What Is RSS? RSS File Sits on Server Next to Web Page RSS is : really hard to describe a form of XML stands for Rich Site Summary RDF Site Summary Really Simple Syndication is best understood when you actually use it! June 13, 2006 TITLE TITLE PERMALINK CONTENT CONTENT AUTHOR TIME AUTHOR TIME PERMALINK 1 Some Facts about RSS RSS is really for machines to read, not humans. The RSS file updates itself automatically. Humans RSS tastes great! No, RSS is less filling! (Seven different Website ways, plus Atom -- http://www.atomenabled.org/). You can tell there is an RSS “feed” if you see: RSS feed Machines “Syndicate this site” June 13, 2006 Website Humans RSS feed Machines Websites 2 3 That’s Great, but Now What? Great! What’s an Aggregator? You need an aggregator! A piece of software Desktop (on your computer) or http://allrss.com/rssreaders.html Web-based (on a server somewhere) 1. Subscribe to sites by adding their RSS “feeds” to your aggregator 2. The aggregator scans your subscriptions for new content at specified intervals (usually every hour) 3. Content from those sites is then syndicated into one place Saves time and clicks It’s like creating your own newspaper! June 13, 2006 June 13, 2006 Keeping Current without an Aggregator Keeping Current with an Aggregator Local National Local Fav Local National Local Fav NYT Gov’t LISNews NYT Gov’t LISNews Paper Paper Blog Paper Paper Blog News News Aggregator – 1 Click Second Local Second Local School BBC Travel Fav School BBC Travel Fav Fav Library Fav Library News News Deals Mag News News Deals Mag Blog News Blog News June 13, 2006 June 13, 2006 So, Where Do I Start? 1. Let someone else be your aggregator •Blawg–http://blawg.org/ • Museum Blogs – http://museumblogs.org/ June 13, 2006 4 So, Where Do I Start? 2. Bloglines – http://www.bloglines.com/ Free! Server-based, so can access it from anywhere June 13, 2006 5-Step Program to Addiction 1. Go to Bloglines – http://www.bloglines.com/ 2. Create an account 3. Find a site you want to read regularly and look for an RSS feed for it (can also search for it within BL) 4. Copy the URL of the feed and paste it into your Bloglines account or click on “Subscribe” 5. Visit Bloglines regularly to see what new content has arrived! Subscribe to email lists in Bloglines! – http://www.blogdriverswaltz.com/archive/000668.html June 13, 2006 5 6 Bloglines Tutorials A Few Good Aggregators BlogBridge (free) – http://www.blogbridge.com/ Bloglines for Librarians in Three (and a half) Easy Steps -- Bloglet (free, RSS via email) – http://www.bloglet.com/ http://joy.mollprojects.com/myprojects/rss/quickrss.html FeedDemon ($29.95) – http://www.feeddemon.com/ LawLibTech: RSS Tutorial Using Bloglines - iPod Agent ($15) -- http://www.lawlibtech.com/archives/000129.html http://www.ipodsoft.com/index.php?/software/ipodagent NetNewsWire ($39.95, Mac) – http://ranchero.com/netnewswire/ WisBlawg -- NewsGator ($29 for Outlook plugin, $5.95/month-$19.95/month for online http://wisblawg.blogspot.com/2004/09/tutorial-on-reading- services) – http://www.newsgator.com/ blogs-with.html Pluck (free, integrates in Internet Explorer) - http://www.pluck.com/ QuickNews ($14.95, for Palm) - http://www.standalone.com/palmos/quick_news/ Rojo (free, web-based) – http://www.rojo.com/ Sage (free FireFox extension) -- http://sage.mozdev.org/ June 13, 2006 June 13, 2006 A Few Good Aggregators Feedster Tricks Find more at http://allrss.com/rssreaders.html Feedster – http://www.feedster.com/ Aggregator reviews at RSS search engine, so great for finding current results or http://www.stepno.com/pcworld/5rssreviews042804. links from the blogosphere html Lets you subscribe to keyword searches The State of Online Feed Readers -- FeedFinder http://www.techcrunch.com/2006/03/30/the-state-of-online- Gives you code to add a Feedster search box to your site if feed-readers/ it is indexed myFeedster online aggregator Lets you create an RSS feed for your site Creates “ego” feeds for you June 13, 2006 June 13, 2006 7 COPY URL PubSub Tricks PubSub – http://www.pubsub.com/ Lets you subscribe to keyword searches (can’t directly search the database) Edgar Filings -- http://www.pubsub.com/edgar.php (filings by company, subject, or form type) PubSub Government -- http://www.pubsub.com/features/government/ Community Lists -- http://www.pubsub.com/lists/ Create an “ego” feed for you or your organization Get feeds for some sites that don’t offer them! HT Use PubSub -- http://www.bryght.com/node/146 June 13, 2006 8 9 Customizing Feeds by Keyword Your Library Needs to Provide an RSS Feed! Read Mr. Customization, Steven Cohen (LibraryStuff.net): Amazon So you can slice and dice your content in multiple places! http://www.onfocus.com/bookwatch/AmazonRSS.asp So your audience can subscribe to your feeds! http://www.unto.net/aws/ So your staff can subscribe to your feeds! FindArticles.com -- http://www.findarticles.com/ Google News -- http://news.google.com/intl/en_us/news_feed_terms.html Fastest way is to start a blog ! Indeed (jobs) – http://www.indeed.com/ Fastest way is to start a blog ! Moreover -- http://p.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?k=librarian&o=rss Yahoo Finance Company News -- http://biz.yahoo.com/rss.html Yahoo News Search – http://news.yahoo.com/ June 13, 2006 June 13, 2006 Blogs + RSS Gets You: What Else Can Libraries Do with RSS? Better Google Bloglines ¾ Display other feeds on your own site Feedster PubSub BlogPulse Technorati August 9, 2005 May 15, 2006 10 11 How to Display Feeds on Your Site Rely on someone else for Javascript code Feed2JS -- http://jade.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/feed/ (can also put on your server) Feedroll (Javascript) -- http://www.feedroll.com/ RSS Digest (Javascript or HTML) -- http://www.bigbold.com/rssdigest/ Parse RSS on your own server Blogfeed -- http://www.kalsey.com/tools/blogfeed/default.htm LastRSS.php -- http://lastrss.webdot.cz/ Magpie -- http://magpierss.sf.net/ RSS Feed Magic -- http://dev.izibox.isa-geek.org/RSSFeedMagic/ Feed on Feeds -- http://feedonfeeds.com/ RSSMix – http://www.rssmix.com/ (combines multiple feeds into one) June 13, 2006 What Else Can Libraries Do with RSS? ¾ Display other feeds on your own site ¾ Provide feeds out of your existing resources May 15, 2006 12 Before You Syndicate, Consider… Does the site have a syndication policy? Does your site have a syndication policy? Examples at http://www.blogwithoutalibrary.net/?p=95 June 13, 2006 13 14 15 Coming Soon! 16 Library Page Example – ProQuest article citations integrated with Course Page Example – ProQuest article citations integrated with your website your website Faculty Page Example – ProQuest article citations integrated with your website 17 What Else Can Libraries Do with RSS? ¾ Display other feeds on your own site ¾ Provide feeds out of your existing resources ¾ Aggregate information sources for your patrons May 15, 2006 18 19 20 21 What Else Can Libraries Do with RSS? It Works! “In terms of WebCT, the presentation I did was in the ¾ Display other feeds on your own site Spring term. It was an experiment and was largely successful. In the fall term, I will be working with our ¾ Provide feeds out of your existing resources Systems and IRT department to figure out how to proceed ¾ Aggregate information sources for your patrons further. Students in the WebCT course like it very much. The key thing now is to convince our faculty and students ¾ Teach information literacy! of its benefits (RSS, blogs, linking through WebCT), etc. My consultations with students most of the times result in students creating Bloglines account and adding feeds.” - Jay Bhatt, Drexel University May 15, 2006 22 What Else Can Libraries Do with RSS? ¾ Display other feeds on your own site ¾ Provide feeds out of your existing resources ¾ Aggregate information sources for your patrons ¾ Teach information literacy! ¾ Let patrons slice and dice our content! May 15, 2006 23 What Else Can Libraries Do with RSS? ¾ Display other feeds on your own site ¾ Provide feeds out of your existing resources ¾ Aggregate information sources for your patrons ¾ Teach information literacy! ¾ Let patrons slice and dice our content! ¾ AND…. May 15, 2006 24 Libraries “Getting Out There” via RSS June 13, 2006 Additional Resources All About RSS -- http://www.faganfinder.com/search/rss.shtml Lockergnome’s RSS Resource Site -- http://rss.lockergnome.com/ News that Comes to You -- http://www.ojr.org/ojr/lasica/1043362624.php Rich Site Services: Web Feeds for Extended Information and Library Services -- http://www.llrx.com/features/richsite.htm RSS for Non-Techie Librarians -- http://www.llrx.com/features/rssforlibrarians.htm RSS Toolkit -- http://www.accessola.com/olita/site/showPage.cgi?page=toolkit/rss/ RSS4LIB – http://blogs.fletcher.tufts.edu/rss4lib/ Utah’s RSS Workshop -- http://rssgov.com/rssworkshop.html June 13, 2006 25 Library Community & Vendors Start to “Get” It Factiva -- http://fce.factiva.com/rss/marketing.htm ScienceDirect Connect -- http://www.info.sciencedirect.com/sd_updates/sd_connect/index.shtml#rss OCLC Feeds -- http://www.oclc.org/rss/ Westlaw Intraclips via RSS -- http://www.lawlibtech.com/archives/000140.html American Libraries -- http://www.ala.org/cfapps/xml/alonline.xml
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