GET THE SESCOM SOLUTION! FEATURES: Boxes • FOUR MODELS AVAILABLE IN HALF AND ""DEL DESCRIPTION PRICE, FULL RACK WIDTHS WIlHxO IN. • CLEAR, BLACK AND GOLD ANODIZED RS8-3 7.5X1.65x3 25.00 FINISHES RSIH; 7.5 1 1.65x5 3125 • CONSTRUCTED OF 1.0' SQUARE RSS-7 7.511.65)(7 38.00 ALUMINUM TUBING RSII-II 7.511.65 x9 45.00 RS8-11 7.511.65x11 51.50 Table Top Racks 7.511.65x13 5825 RS8-13 ""DEL DESCRIPTlON PRICE WxHxD IN. , FEATURES: RSR.. '1.5"5.2"125 60.00 RSIH 11.SX18.h11.25 65.00 • II RACK SIZE FOR COMPACT DESIGN RSR-l0 11.5>22.6' 1125 70.00 • CAN BE USED ON TABLE OR IN RACK RSR-12 11.5x26.4 1 11.25 75.00 • ~ULL LINE OF MOUNTING ACCESSORIES RSA4-1. 21.0x15.2x11.25 70.00 RSR-a-1. 21.0 X'6.8 x1125 75.00 • CLEAR FINISH STANDARD, FOR BLACK RSR-lll-I' 21.0x22.6x 11.25 60.00 OR GOLD ADD $5.00 PER BOX RSR·12·1' 21.0'26.4"'25 85.00 RACKEM 'N' STACKEMTM SERIES Dual Slope Rack Chassis Cabinets MODEL ~~~R~~~ PR~CE ~ OESCRIPT~ PRICE ""DEL lRUS 19x5x1.75 34.00 WxDIH , lRU7 1Bx]x 1.75 38.50 DS-I 4x6x4 40.00 lAUlO 19, 10, 1.75 38.75 05-2 616x4 43.00 *1RU12 19x 12,1.75 42.75 Ds-3 &x6x" 48.00 *IRUl5 19x 15,1.75 45.75 DS4 10,6,4 49.00 *1RU17 19x 17, 1.75 48.75 DW 12x6x4 52.00 2RU5 19x5,3.5 36.50 RACK CHASSIS DS4 18x6x4 55.00 2RU7 '9x713.5 38.75 PANELs ARE .063" ALUMINUM; STANDARD FRONT AND REAR PANELS DS-7 .. x 8x6 50.00 2RU10 19110x3.5 41.25 ARE CLEAR ANODIZED, BLACK OR GOLD PANELs ALSO AVAILABLE FOR D5-t 6 x8 xe 5<.00 *2RUI2 19112x3.5 4525 ADDITIONAL $5.00 D5-t 818 )(6 58.00 *2RU15 19"5'3.5 4825 Heavy Duty DS-IO 10)(816 62.00 *2RU17 19x17x3.5 5125 DS-ll 12x8x6 66.00 SRU5 19'5,525 46.00 R.-ck Chassis Metal DS-12 18x8 ..6 70.00 aRU7 19'7,525 48.50 ""DEL D£.SCflIPTION PRICE SRUlO 19,'0,525 51.00 WxDxH in , Cabinets *SRUI2 19x 12,525 5<.00 3RU7 HD 19'7x5.25 120.75 MODEL DeSCRIPTION PRICE WxDxH in , *3RUl5 19"5,525 57.00 3RU10HD 19"0 '5.25 127.00 lie-I A .. x3 x2 12.00 60.00 3RUI4HD 19"4, 5.25 140.75 *SRUl7 '9,'7,525 1IC-2A 6xh 2 14.00 4RU7 HD 19x7x7.0 127.00 IIC-3A 8x 3x 2 16.00 4RU10 HD 19x 10 x7.0 135.50 IIe-1A .. x 5x 3 .14.00 4RU14 HD 191 '4 x7.0 140.75 II~A 6 x5 x3 16.00 SRU7 HD 19x718.75 132.25 IIe-41A 8x 5 x3 18.00 SRUIO HD 19X10x8.15 138.75 1IC-7A 4 xt x4 16.00 5RUIUD 19'14,9.75 150.25 1Ie-u 6 x7 x4 18.00 MC-9A 8x7 x4 20.00 UETAL CABINET PANELS ARE .063" ALUMINUM; STANDARD FRONT AND REAR PANELs ARE CLEAR r::JDD~ ANODIZED, BLACK OR GOLD PANELS I3()X-IT... rlD r6l AVAILABLE FOR ADDITIONAL SS.OO HEAVY DUTY RACK CHASSIS PANELS ARE .oeo· ALUMINUM AND ARE FIELD REMOVABLE; ~ STANDARD FRONT & REAR PANELS ARE CLEAR ANODIZED, ''''TfMLJ Dtj 19J Quantity Discount BU\CK PANELS AVAILABLE FOR ADDITIONAL $15.00 A NEW MODULAR SYSTEM FOR FAST AND I(per order, non-assortable' EASY CONSTRUCTION WITH NO TOOLS 10-99 10% • ASSEMBLES WITH ONLY A PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER 100- UP 20% • OVER 180 PREPUNCHED FRONT AND REAR PANELS TO MIX AND MATCH IN CLEAR, BLACK & GOLD ALUMINUM • FULL RANGE OF BOXES AVAILABLE IN FULL & HALF CALL TODAY! RACK WIDTHS; RACK MOUNT OR TABLE TOP STYLES • ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (VU METERS, SWITCHES, POTS, CONNECTORS, ETC.) ALSO AVAILABLE .rt&.Ee~ RF Shielded Steel Boxes MODEL l~~~I~-:1 PRICE, 58·1 2.1x1.9x1.0 4.50 Sll-2 3.3x 1.9x 1.0 6.00 SB-3 4.2 x 1.9 x 1.0 9.00 SHR-2 sB-4 6.3 x 1.R x 1.0 10.50 3.3x2.7x1.1 9.50 $300.00 PERFECT FOR RF AND CLOCK TYPE S8-5 4.8x2.7x1.1 11.50 SHIPPED WITHIN 48 STATES CIRCUITS AND ALLOW THE ELIMINATION OF SIH SII-7 6..4x2.7x1.1 13.20 SPILLOVER OF UNWANTED SIGNALS. THE SII-8 2.6 x 2.7 x .63 7.00 BOXES COME WITH DIVIDERS AND THE LIDS SII-9 3.2 x 2.7 x .63 8.25 • 8" CUTIING CAPACITY CAN BE SOLDERED TO THE CASE. 1000 58·10 4.8x2.7x.63 9.00 • SMALL SIZE: 10.8" X 5.5" X 22.7" pF/50VDC FEED THRU CAPACITORS ARE 58·11 6.3)(2.7x.63 10.75 • CUTS PCB MATERIAL & PLASTICS UP TO AVAILABLE AS SOLDER OR SCREW·IN FTs-l 1000 pF/SOVOC sct.DER TYPE .85 .080" & ALUMINUM TO .063' TYPES. FTSl-l 1000 .F/5OVOC SCREW·IN TYPE 3.50 SESCOM, INC, ORDER TODAY! ORDERS (800) 634-3457 2100 WARD DRIVE FAX ORDERS (800) 551-2749 PREPAID ORDERS ARE OFFICE (702) 565-3400. FAX (702) 565-4828 HENDERSON,NV SHIPPED SURFACE AT NO CHARGE TECH LINE (702) 565-3993 M-Th 8 am to 4 pm (PST) II[ 89015·4249 USA (U.S. 48 STATES,MEXICOAND CANADA) SESCOM, INC. is not responsible"" inodvertent typographicalemn Pricesal>liipocficetions are subject to change wiIhouI nolice The Williamson Amplifier A Collection of Articles, reprinted from" Wireless World," on "Design for a High-quality Amplifier" By D. T. N. WILLIAMSON (formerly of the M.O. Valve Company, now with Ferranti Research Laboratories) Published for Winless I'Qrld • LONDON: ILIFFE & SONS, LTD. THIRD EDITION THIRD PRINTING 1994 Copyright ©1990 by Audio Amateur Publications, Inc. Distribution Agents: Old Colony Sound Lab Post Office Box 243 Peterborough, New Hampshire 03458-0243 USA Library of Congress Card Catalog Number: 90-083998 ISBN: 0-9624191-8-4 No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precau­ tioh has been taken in the preparation of this document, the author assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use ofthe Information contained herein. The Williamson Amplifier CONTENTS Page Introduction 6 Basic Requirements: 7 Alternative Specifications (April 1947) Details of Chosen Circuit and Its Performance 11 (May 1947) NEW VERSION Design Data: 14 Modifications: Further Notes (August 1949) Design of Tone Controls and Auxiliary Gramophone Circuits 20 (October and November 1949) Designfor a Radio Feeder Unit 30 (December 1949) Replies to Queries Raised by Constructors 33 (January 1950) Modificationsfor High-impedance Pickups and Long-playing Records 34 (May 1952) 5 Introduction Introduced by Wireless World in 1947 as merely one of a series of amplifier designs, the "Williamson" has for several years been widely accepted as the standard of design and performance wherever amplifiers and sound reproduction are discussed. Descriptions of it have been published in all the principal countries of the world, and so there are reasonable grounds for assuming that its widespread reputation is based solely on its qualities. This booklet includes all the articles written by D. T. N. Williamson on the amplifier. Both the 1947 and 1949 versions are reprinted, as the alternative output transformer ratios cover a wide range of require­ ments. Modifications and additions include pre-amplifier circuits and an r.f. unit, with recently published information on adaptation to high­ impedance pickups and correction for 33t r.p.m. records. We would stress the importance, if the full potentialities of the amplifier are to be realized, of following the author's recommendations in detail. Even in the U.S.A., where several modified versions have been described, many users adhere to the designer's exact specification with the original valve types. It is not the circuit alone, but the properties of the valves and such components as the output transformer, together with the welding of theory and practice into a rational layout, which produce the results. Editor, Wireless World. 6 The Williamson Amplifier Basic Design Requirements: A lternative Specifications E CE NT improvements in the operation of the loudspeaker. spectrum (but especially, at the field of commercial sound This in turn reconverts the elec­ low-frequency end) be substan­ R recording have made prac­ trical waveform into a corres­ tially less than that at medium ticable the reproduction of a ponding sound pressure waveform, frequencies, filters must be wider range of frequencies than which in an ideal system would arranged to reduce the level of hitherto. The useful range of be a replica of the original. these frequencies before they reach shellac pressings has been ex­ The performance of an amplifier the amplifier as otherwise severe tended from the limited 50-8,000 intended to reproduce a given intermodulation will occur. This cis which, with certain notable waveform is usually stated in is especially noticeable during the exceptions, has been standard terms of its ability to reproduce reproduction of an organ on from 1930 until the present, to a accurately the frequency com­ incorrectly designed equipment range of some 20-15,000 cis. This ponents of a mythical Fourier where pedal notes of the order of increase in the frequency range analysis of the waveform.
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